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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Not sure what you are asking exactly, for that purpose a COW filesystem works as any other, once a file is modified any user will only see the new version of that file, only if you have snaphosts (or reflinks) you can access previous versions.
  2. Yes, until there are less than 2TB free, then it will start filling the other disks.
  3. Rebuilding a disk won't fix filesystem corruption, you need to run xfs_repair without -n.
  4. Changed Status to Open Changed Priority to Other
  5. This looks more like a general support issue and should be posted on the general support forum, and also please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  6. This looks more like a general support issue and should be posted on the general support forum, and also please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  7. That's far from normal, you should get 40/50MB/s with default writing mode and line speed with turbo write, post the diagnostics, might provide some clues.
  8. I wouldn't say it happens more with SSDs, just that read/write errors with SSDs are most likely a connection problem, with HDDs sometimes there are actual bad sectors.
  9. If you want to run a parity check run with no correct, but it will take a wile because of disk3, and it can even get disabled, I would probably wait until disk3 is replaced. You could also unassign disk3 and work with the emulated disk for now, with dual parity it still protects you if another disk fails before disk3 gets replaced.
  10. Correct, it will work with any currently available capacity and for any larger disk coming in the few next years, at least.
  11. Yes, will likely need crossflashing to LSI IT mode, unless it comes pre-flashed. It doesn't say anywhere if it's forward breakout or reverse breakout, they look the same and only forward breakout will work in this case. Yes, with the right cable.
  12. Write errors to an SSD usually means it dropped offline, but without the syslog can never say for sure. Scrub only checks the data, it doesn't check files system consistency, you can leave it as is for now and see if it doesn't happen again, just make sure backups are current. You can also run btrfs check --readonly, but if errors are detected best to format instead of trying to fix them, btrfs fsck is still very fragile, and can even make things worse when trying to fix a corrupt file system.
  13. Should be fine, a few sync errors are normal after an unclean shutdown, other than that every time there should be 0 errors, see how it goes for the next checks.
  14. Cache file system is corrupt, best way forward is to backup, re-format, restore data.
  15. You have the mover logging enable, and that's spamming the log, might be a good idea to disable it unless you need that enable.
  16. That's normal for high-water. https://wiki.unraid.net/Un-Official_UnRAID_Manual#High_Water
  17. Syslog rotated so we can't see the beginning, but those are likely remnants of previously used UD devices, reboot will clear the errors.
  18. Still using my first two Unraid flash drives which just turned 12 yeas old.
  19. You can then update to v6.8 final, just don't update to v6.9-rc until that issue is fixed.
  20. Don't understand German but 1st one looks correct based on the pics.
  21. Try redoing the flash drive first, it it keeps happening you likely need a new one.
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