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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. The forum is mostly just support by the community of users to fellow users, and no replies typically means nobody that saw the posts had a good answer for you. Personally I've never used the 9p kvm share method to access server resources in a VM, as I find it slower and more difficult to manage than accessing the shares using SMB, just like you would with a physical machine elsewhere on the network. All the SMB traffic stays internal to the box, so it's much faster than a physical machine on the LAN. 9p may be better performing now, but I'd never know it since SMB still works well for me. As for copying the XML, I've found that generating a fresh XML and making the needed changes like pointing to a specific vdisk works much better. If you wish to speak directly to someone who received your payment, the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page is the best way to do that. I'll ping @jonp as well, he is an employee of Limetech, and has a lot of experience with virtual machines.
  2. That implies one of your plugins is causing an issue.
  3. The my servers backup is current only, which isn't a real backup IMHO, but versioning is hard when there are real issues with restoring old backups coming with a risk of losing data. I recommend not relying on the my servers backup for anything but commissioning a new USB stick on a perfectly running server. Manual backups are still needed for situations where previous versions would be beneficial. I don't have any insight into your actual current issue though. How does it act in safe mode? I recommend disabling array auto start, disable VM and docker services, then start enabling things one at a time assessing stability at each step. I suspect the same event that caused the OOM is trying to continue, like a large processing job in a container or something.
  4. Any errors are bad. To complicate matters, memtest only captures obvious memory errors, so having a clean memtest doesn't mean memory is good, but having errors is always bad.
  5. Dollars to donuts the files are protected by DRM encryption.
  6. Sounds like the key has already been transferred to a new stick. You will need to talk to support at Limetech to get things straightened out. @SpencerJ
  7. If the case has a reset button, use that as the power button and leave the reset position empty on the motherboard.
  8. Since the author hasn't visited the forum since posting this listing, I'm guessing it's not. Plus, sounds like the OP won't ship, regardless.
  9. Before you commit to transferring a license to a new stick, I'd verify the stick runs correctly by using a test installation with a trial license on the stick with the new hardware.
  10. Add pool on main menu with array stopped.
  11. What happens if you type \\tower in the top line of the window where it currently says Network?
  12. See binhex's vpn FAQ Q24 https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md reference VPN_INPUT_PORTS
  13. Did you add the port into the access list as well as adding a mapping?
  14. If the printer has an option for FTP, that could be an option as well.
  15. I STRONGLY suggest setting up a second MariaDb instance specifically for Ombi, rather than adding the database to your already running instance. The benefits completely outweigh the negatives. Benefits Separate appdata folder, separate configurations. Can blow away and redo without effecting other instances. Docker containers share layers internally, so additional instances takes up zero extra room in the docker.img file, and only a couple KB extra in the appdata folder Negatives Figuring out how to install a completely separate instance, new version of CA makes it easy. Keeping track of a different set of ports
  16. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/116276-how-to-opt-out-of-the-new-user-profile-component-upc-in-610-and-all-following-releases/?do=findComment&comment=1056940 Statement clarifying that exact point, from Limetech.
  17. What happens when you click the button at bottom of the screen, third button from the left, F4 Bearbeiten
  18. You can move from share to share by turning on disk shares, and doing the move on that specific disk. User shares are just root folders on the disks. Just be sure you don't copy or move between user and disk shares, at least without understanding the possible implication that you could lose data.
  19. Depends. Ideally you want a full shutdown before the UPS batteries are 50%, deep discharges tend to kill battery longevity, and if you start back up thinking the outage is over and the power goes right back out you want a good margin. Typically recharge times are 10X runtime, so if you ran on batteries for 10 minutes it may be 2 hours or more before the batteries are fully topped off again.
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