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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. We just want the ability to control WHICH resources are used by the server, and having the OS tied directly to unraid backend is totally different than setting up a container or a VM with internet access. Requiring a trial version to access the unraid infrastructure is understandable and necessary, but being able to totally remove that phone home once a license is purchased is also needed.
  2. As a follow up for future discussion, would it be possible to have a web form accessible with the forum login that would allow access to the automatic key replacement process, that way we could still get the 24/7 instant key replacement once a year while keeping the server itself off the internet? @limetech, I know this would create another support issue, in that if someone puts in a valid GUID but can't manage to get that new key working properly it would force the issue to email, but it would be nice to have another way to get an instant key replacement.
  3. Will you continue to service license key replacements by email if needed? Since a server running a full (not trial) license doesn't need internet and can be fully air gapped, it would be nice to have the assurance that when a USB stick fails we can still email support with the current GUID and desired new GUID and get our license reissued to the new stick without the server ever having an internet connection on the server itself. I'm perfectly willing to give up the automatic instant key replacement function in exchange for an old fashioned email chain that could take a couple days if the server doesn't have to have an internet connection.
  4. I use the URBackup container to back up my desktops and VM's. Works great. In my opinion it's much better to use a client app inside the VM that can work with the OS and deal with locked files and shadow copies or whatever the VM OS is using in a predictable manner while the OS is running than to try to back up the vdisk file and deal with shutting down the VM or dealing with a backup taken while the vdisk is live and in flux.
  5. Tools, new config, rebuild parity. Be very careful when assigning drives to the parity slots as they will be completely overwritten.
  6. Some of the SAS expansion cards have PCIe slots but don't actively use them for anything except power, which can be supplied with molex PSU connections. Intel RES2SV240 is one. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61699-can-i-use-the-intel-res2sv240-alone/?do=findComment&comment=605121
  7. There is nothing in the agreement preventing the resale of the license, but the original purchaser is the only one recorded with limetech. The OP asked about changing the name on the license. Is there a legal requirement in Europe that the vendor change their records to subsequent owners?
  8. To change disk numbers in the Unraid array layout, you must use the new config function and build parity2 fresh. To physically move drives between controllers requires no changes in the Unraid software, and the drives will stay in the same disk slots in the Unraid array layout. They will not change places in Unraid. Physical location and disk number assignment are two totally separate concepts in Unraid, they do not interact. At all.
  9. Prior versions used it for the mover function, but now it's kept as a handy way to differentiate between files in a share that exist on the parity array or in a pool. It was scheduled to be removed, but too many people still find it useful.
  10. Get a long SMART test to complete then post the diagnostics.
  11. Midnight Commander (mc at the console prompt) The cleanup appdata issue is being looked into if you want to wait.
  12. Sounds like it doesn't actually utilize ECC. Honestly, I've not had any experience with ECC and AMD, and since the memory controller for all the modern platforms I'm aware of is in the CPU, I think you need to focus on the processor ECC implementation first, then make sure the board you pair it with has the event logging and wiring to support it. I remember reading somewhere that even though some AMD chips will allow ECC to be used they don't actually do the ECC functionality. It's tried and true tech on the Intel side, using workstation or server grade motherboards with Xeon chips, and a few rare exceptions for some i3 CPUS for some reason. I'm not aware of any desktop chipset boards with ECC.
  13. RAM errors can do very random stuff, best case is unexplained crashes, worst case is persistent silent data corruption. All your data passes through RAM at some point. With typical ECC, single bit errors are caught and corrected with a notation in the motherboard's hardware log, multi bit uncorrectable errors should trigger a complete lock so no further damage to your data can happen. Memory issues are usually rare, but not rare enough to be ignorable.
  14. Physically rearranging disks doesn't require any configuration changes or rebuilding of parity. Unraid tracks disks by serial number, it doesn't care which cable they connect to. Rearranging logical slots in the management GUI is what you are referencing in the reorder disks thread. Totally different and unrelated concepts in Unraid.
  15. I prefer zero errors as opposed to very very few. Whether the extra cost is worth it is an exercise for the reader.
  16. I don't use plex so I may have my wires crossed, but I don't think the plex version necessarily aligns with the container version 1 to 1. For the container version you need to use valid tags from the container repo.
  17. No. It's the safety system to keep you from leaking sensitive info. No VPN, no app. It's in the container docs, and mentioned countless times in this thread.
  18. Likely a read failure that was successfully rewritten when it was detected. Diagnostics should show what happened. If you reboot the error will reset, as well as losing any evidence of what happened if you don't download diagnostics before rebooting.
  19. Until you change the hardware path and figure out which part is responsible for the drive dropping it's not productive to keep doing the same thing over and over.
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