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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Why not split one of the tach signals to satisfy the icy box controller?
  2. I suspect that is what you will find. Whenever the driver pulls the fan ground low to spin up the fan, it looks for a certain minumum frequency on the tach lead. At least that's how I would design it. Why not repurpose the stock fan lead to drive one of your auxiliary fans in another location in the case? Or are all of your fan locations spoken for with other controllers?
  3. With some clients mc is mouse aware. You can actually click on the text menus and buttons. It's a strange experience the first time you realize a command line text based interface reacts to mouse clicks.
  4. "F" keys can be strange depending on what you are using to access the terminal. Putty should make things work more intuitively until you start getting familiar with different situations.
  5. Or how often people don't read the FAQ's before posting.
  6. In order to correctly set the time zone automatically, microsoft has to know where you are, to a rather fine degree of accuracy. Some see that as a privacy issue.
  7. Not by default. And even if you set it as the NTP server for your laptop, it won't change the laptop's time zone. NTP is only concerned with keeping the minutes and seconds accurate, it won't change the hours based on where in the world you are. You need to right click on the clock and adjust date and time, and correct your time zone.
  8. Are you sure it's only detecting power draw and not RPM pulses? For power draw only I'd use the highest value resistor that satisfies the detector circuit. No point in producing more heat than necessary.
  9. What path are you telling it to download to, and what is the corresponding host path mapped in the container config?
  10. No. None of the normal instructions or tutorials will work with CGNAT. If you search the forums I seem to remember a few people working around it, but I don't remember the details. It's not particularly simple, I remember that much.
  11. Free up space on the destination? You gave us absolutely nothing to determine why you are getting the message, so I can't really be more helpful. Tools, diagnostics, attach the zip file to your next post in this thread, also the full source and destination folder paths.
  12. Honestly I always make sure w10 CAN'T connect to the network until after I'm done setting things up. That way you can use a local account if you wish, and don't have to deal with updates until you are ready.
  13. That must not happen. Set up an appropriately sized UPS. Tools, diagnostics, download the zip file and attach it to your NEXT post in this thread.
  14. Hopefully less crashing on some unknown combination of software and hardware.
  15. How valuable is the data, and how many copies of any particular piece of data will there be anywhere you can access?
  16. The drives you get back when you RMA a drive are almost never new, they are other people's returns that have passed diagnostics. That means you could be inheriting someone else's hard to troubleshoot problem drive. Whenever possible, return for refund and purchase new, even if you have to pay a penalty. Now, all that said, it's quite possible there is nothing wrong with the drive, it could be the power or SATA cable, or controller causing issues.
  17. What model? Most motherboards have native chipset controllers for most of the ports, but may use marvell controllers for additional ports. Marvell controllers don't seem to work well with many recent versions of linux, so if you can utilize the native controllers and leave the marvell ports disconnected things may work much better.
  18. Probably not going to be relevant, I'd expect the amount of changes needed to accomplish will significantly change anything I'm seeing right now. Given the ongoing development pace, I'll wait to see if the new improvements change things for me, rather than muddy the waters with a report for code that probably won't even exist soon.
  19. I see. I searched, but haven't found a containerized version of Compass yet. I wonder if it even exists. The robo3t allows me to explore and edit, so I'm good there for now I guess.
  20. The flash drive contained the templates with any customizations. So, you will need to redownload each container, modify any settings you changed from defaults, and make sure they are pointing to the correct folder in appdata.
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