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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. This, theoretically. I've seen instances where that didn't work well, but it should, so try it. Just make sure the only drives listed for formatting are the ones you expect to format, as it's an all or nothing operation. Any disks listed as unmountable will be formatted.
  2. It doesn't work like that. I don't know of any way to specify redundancy and still use the wasted capacity using BTRFS. BTRFS either treats each member as part of a redundant set (RAID1), or as an individual volume adding up all members with no redundancy or striping (Single), or a striped set with no redundancy (RAID0). https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Using_Btrfs_with_Multiple_Devices
  3. How would any user except root run screen?
  4. Hopefully without pouring water over your circuits. I've expressed my opinion on water cooling unattended machines elsewhere on this forum, so I won't rain on this parade. Awesome build, I hope it gives years of trouble free performance. 🙂
  5. Collabora as a separate container works great inside nextcloud using the app store connector.
  6. Not sure what it is you are wanting, but as long as the UPS properly signals immediately when power is lost, that's all that's needed. Set unraid to shut down after 2 or 3 minutes of outage and you will be fine. A UPS like that isn't meant to keep services running through an outage, it's to allow a safe and proper shutdown.
  7. Where in the filesystem does the state get saved? Is that configurable? Or am I misunderstanding something basic?
  8. Mover can't move open files, so if the docker and vm service are enabled, files will be left on the cache. You need to make sure not just that the containers are stopped, but the entire docker service is disabled so the mover can complete properly.
  9. I've read elsewhere on the forum that the newer kernel is less tolerant of BTRFS corruption, so possibly the best way forward would be to temporarily roll back the OS using the Tools, Update OS, Unraid previous, Restore function. If that gets your cache mounted, you should immediately do a backup in preparation for restoring it after a clean format of the cache drive.
  10. Do you have any diagnostics or screenshots from before when things were running properly?
  11. Tools, diagnostics, download zip file and attach it to your NEXT post in this thread.
  12. What data are you expecting to see? From that screenshot it appears that your drives are basically empty. Do you have ports forwarded on your router to your Unraid machine?
  13. Are you sure your cache drive isn't actually the drive listed as Dev 1 in UD?
  14. Root is only allowed to access the GUI management and SSH, it's not allowed share access. Regular users are NOT allowed GUI and SSH, ONLY shares. Have you been through Spaceinvader One's youtube tutorials for Unraid?
  15. Data drive order doesn't matter for parity slot 1, but it does for parity slot 2. As long as your drives are all healthy, the best way is to use the typical instructions to find out which drives are data and which are parity, then assign all the drives to their appropriate slots and build parity fresh on the two parity drives. If you suspect you have a failed data drive, you need to approach this totally differently.
  16. I'm not sure you quite get it yet, so I'll expand a little. To access private shares or get write access to secure shares on the Unraid server, you must specify a username and password defined as an Unraid user with privileges to those shares. The credentials you use to gain access to your VM or any computer on the network have no bearing on what credentials are valid to access Unraid shares. Now, if you are using a Windows computer or VM, windows "helpfully" attempts to use your windows login credentials to authenticate user access on a network share. That may or may not work out how you had planned, and causes many people to have issues. Linux doesn't typically make that assumption and asks you for credentials specific to the server you are trying to access. So, you can either create a user in unraid with the username and password you want, or assuming the "artist" user already defined has permissions to the shares you want to access, you can enter artist as the user and specify the password you assigned in unraid.
  17. https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/unifi-controller/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated Look at the top right of each entry to find the correct syntax for using that specific version.
  18. What do you mean by that? Many (most?) people using this container are using tags to specify the version they want, currently I'm still using linuxserver/unifi-controller:5.14.23-ls76
  19. Is that user set up as an unraid user with that password?
  20. For real, at least for a sample size of 2 posts so far.
  21. Previous Apps section of Community Applications shows all templates saved to flash, which should be a complete list of what you ever had installed unless you delete them. Custom docker networks need to be manually recreated before you reinstall the containers using the Previous Apps section.
  22. Since you don't have a parity disk defined, I'd set a new config and assign one new 8TB as disk 1, remove the empty disk, and set the disks you want to keep sequentially after, followed by the disks you want to remove. Then rearrange the data either manually with rsync, mc, or you could use unbalance. Once the data is where you want it, set another new config and assign only the disks you are keeping.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZDfnUn74N0WeAPvMqTOrtA Browse around Ed's videos.
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