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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. If you are ok with the files on the source drive temporarily disappearing completely from user shares until they land on their destination, you can globally exclude the source disk from user shares. That will eliminate the source drive as a destination for any user share writes. That setting was introduced pretty much for exactly what you are doing, and makes it safe to copy from the globally excluded disk to a user share. It's the only way to safely mix disk shares and user shares. Settings, Global Share Settings.
  2. Or, reprogram the new router to use the same IP and DHCP range as the old one.
  3. It's "normal" but obviously undesirable behaviour. Until something changes in the way Unraid handles USB devices that are attached to the host, I recommend finding a way to pass through an entire USB controller to the VM. If your motherboard doesn't have multiple discreet controllers that can be individually passed to a VM, you would need to add a PCIe USB card. This video is somewhat outdated, but the basics are sound.
  4. //Tower/share /home/username/local/mountpoint cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,_netdev,username=valid,password=secure,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 Works for me, obviously the local mountpoint has to exist before mounting, and the user and password must have write on unraid. Don't remember the why's and whatevers of the options at the moment, and other options may be needed depending on circumstances. I format the spacing the way I do to keep all my monospaced entries vertically aligned in my fstab
  5. Does it work if you do a fresh trial USB as a test?
  6. That's typically a power / motherboard / PCIe card issue. It may not be solvable without major part replacement, so my advice is generally just to live with it until you are ready for a major upgrade.
  7. FTFY. Electrical tape has no place inside card slots, it's too thick and the adhesive is nasty to remove after it's been aged and heat cycled.
  8. Try clicking on the vnc control bar in the center left and full screen the session.
  9. I had the issue on one of my 6.8.3 servers, but a remove and reinstall solved it. My other 6.8.3 did NOT have the issue. The server with the issue had the plugin installed for some time, but I never actually interacted with it at all, just updated it. The server without the issue had a folder with several items configured. Just some data points for you.
  10. I was replying to TexasUnraid, as F3 is a TEXT viewer, not a picture viewer.
  11. With the target file highlighted, you should be able to hit either the F3 to view or F4 to edit, or click the corresponding buttons at the bottom of the Krusader UI.
  12. Are you setting the password in the GUI under settings, users?
  13. But does the cache pool mount properly, or does it still show unmountable?
  14. Min free space determines the threshold to write new files. If the space is below that, it will give out of space error. The min free is to ensure that files already on the volume have room to expand.
  15. Stop whatever process has the files open, run mover, restart what you stopped.
  16. Prefer allows files that are written to the user share to go to the array if the specified cache pool is below minimum space. IF the files on the array aren't open AND there is space, the mover will put them back on the cache pool. So, if a file is written to the array and it is open while the mover runs, it will stay on the array even if there is now enough space.
  17. Try unassigning both cache drives, start the array, stop the array, reassign both drives, start the array.
  18. Put the spectrum router in bridge mode, and use your own router.
  19. No. Each pool will still use the same strategy of individual file systems, no striping between pools. You could, however, utilize the multiple pools feature to have a BTRFS RAID level on a pool that would be striped inside of that specific pool. So you could have a SSD pool, and a HDD pool. The Unraid traditional parity array(s) would operate pretty much as they always have.
  20. Yep. Whatever you fill in to the container path will show the contents of /mnt/disks/Movies when you are inside plex.
  21. Container path is what you reference inside the application to see the files located in the host path.
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