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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Or, leave the samples folder completely alone, copy the ones you need to the folder below, rename, edit them there, and keep all your active .conf files in the ../letsencrypt/nginx folder. Much less to sort through, and when you need a new conf sample you know exactly where to look. Having multiple subfolders to sort through for your conf files may make sense on a huge multi site install, but I'm fine with keeping them all together.
  2. Trust me, I notice. No point in bringing it up though, it'll happen when it happens.
  3. You can still access it using a new flash with a trial install, it's just kind of a pain compared to a local backup. I'm pretty sure I laid out a backup and recovery scheme already somewhere to automatically accomplish a way to do that, but here goes. 1. Assume every unraid install has a disk1 with at least 16GB free 2. After every successful boot, back up the flash drive to the root of disk1, compressed tar. Keep at least 2 copies, user configurable and dated. 3. New trial installs automatically attempt to read only mount all attached disks and look for valid tar backups. If found ask permission to recover using the backup of choice. Automatically change array auto start to false. Various warnings and such about restoring backups after hardware changes, etc. CA backup could easily be configured to do the backup part, the automatic recovery is a little harder. @Squid, how hard is it to install plugins on a trial install? I've never tried, can you install CA and other plugins without an array defined?
  4. USB audio could possibly work as well, but may require USB controller passthough with the same sort of concerns as motherboard audio. Bottom line here is that hardware passthrough is not a given, it depends on the specific combination of hardware and firmware updates to work at all. It's best to obtain some combination that has worked for others, and then copy their software configuration.
  5. Samba is easier for me to manage across multiple platforms. NFS is probably better for a pure linux environment, but I have to support SMB for some windows clients, so it's more convenient to only keep up with one scheme.
  6. Since you quoted me from 3 years ago, but your quote doesn't relate to your question, I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. You can connect to unraid exactly the same way whether it's a VM or a bare metal PC. Nothing to do with xml. I haven't recently tried 9p (which does use xml) but my thoughts on the subject still stand. Easier and faster to just use samba (cifs).
  7. Maybe diff -s reference.script current.script where reference.script is the current known version saved with your plugin?
  8. Makes sense. Replacing the stock script is really no issue if version control is well implemented. Just make sure your script will only overwrite the stock script if there are no changes. Worst thing that will happen if they update the stock script is that your changes won't be made until you change your code to check for the new version. The history on your settings page will always be your code.
  9. Shot in the dark, but what happens if you start that VM first thing after a cold power cycle? As in disable any auto starting services, shut down the machine, remove power, power back up, start the problem VM before running anything else?
  10. Any reason given? Is there a chance of an amended request being accepted? Without more info, this rejection seems extremely short sighted.
  11. Google unraid plex docker differences site:forums.unraid.net
  12. right click the main rar file, browse archive, copy wanted files to destination in other pane.
  13. settings, configure krusader, general, delete mode, delete files.
  14. Quick note, Jon Panozzo is indeed @jonp, a paid employee. Squid (Andrew) is not. Also, the applications running inside dockers are almost exclusively NOT authored by anyone that posts here or is employed by limetech, only the wrapper that allows easy integration and basic install instruction is actually maintained by guys (and girls) that post here. Plugins like this one that we are polluting the support thread for ARE generally authored and supported by members.
  15. I believe this is an issue outside of @limetech's control.
  16. Not that it this is the proper solution, but if you enable NFS it enables the dashboard as well. To summarize, NFS or SMB (workgroup) must be enabled for the desktop to populate properly.
  17. Depends. I definitely wouldn't rely on it to keep data safe, but as a scratch drive, or backup of a backup, something like that, would be ok. It has NO place in the array, as you found out.
  18. Works fine here, 2 systems upgraded with no such issues.
  19. Back when I was running 4.7, I had more than 2 years uptime on one of my main servers. Nowadays I struggle to get more than 3 months before some security upgrade makes it a necessity, or at least highly advisable.
  20. Are you using a version of unraid that supports pausing the parity check?
  21. The equipment section can host pdf files. If you want a recipe to cross reference with the stock that you entered, you will need to enter and link those stock items manually. I suppose you could just copy and paste the recipe if you don't care about items being checked and pulled out inventory.
  22. Try the different VNC video options available.
  23. Restart in safe mode and see if that makes any difference.
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