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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. It would probably be a good idea to set up a backup contingency, if your router has a VPN server set that up as a backup, or maybe another machine on the same lan with teamviewer.
  2. You can do that with the stock apcupsd in unraid.
  3. Single rail is more forgiving, it allows installation without planning as far as power budget goes. If the supply can make enough power, and the wires are thick enough to deliver it without loss, you are good. Multi rail demands more thought and engineering knowledge. You have to make sure that each rail is matched to the loads that you need it to run, and many times the stock configuration of a multi rail power supply doesn't allow enough amps to reach the SATA power connectors. That means either sourcing different cables for a modular supply, or building them yourself if the manufacturer doesn't provide that configuration, or cutting and splicing a non-modular power supply. Reconfiguring a multi rail supply is WAY above many people's pay grade, so the standard answer for people wanting to run large numbers of hard drives on consumer grade power supplies is to go single rail.
  4. Huh? Lots of people use alpine, it's a distro with a specific target audience.
  5. Nothing special, I just passed http://unraidip:9283 to grocy.mycustomdomain.com. No rewrite rules or anything.
  6. Since you are using deluge-vpn, there is no need for a second privoxy on your system. Just point all your http proxy settings through the existing deluge-vpn privoxy. If you are talking about sending the actual download traffic through the VPN, that's a different thing altogether. If you are using SSL connections to your usenet servers, there is really no need for a VPN for usenet.
  7. Since the dev posted here literally a few posts above yours less than 7 HOURS before your comment, what do you think?
  8. This docker is great, I spent some time today setting up my household inventory, forwarded it through LE, went shopping and had the live shopping list on wife and my phones. Freakin' awesome! The documentation for the app is a little sparse, anybody figured out a way to quickly dump the complete inventory dataset to a csv or similar? I'd love to keep a backup in plain text now that I've spent a bunch of time setting it up.
  9. https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/helpdesk/kb/articles/how-many-devices-can-i-use-simultaneously-while-connected-to-the-vpn-service
  10. Yes, it can. If you copy over the UUID from the activated VM to the new one, it may help. I don't know how many changes it takes before MS gets cranky, but the less you change between the VM's the better. As he said, keep RAM, core assignments, passthroughs, etc as consistent as possible.
  11. If everything is operating as it should, shut down is fine. However, if you have an open file or terminal logged in to an array disk, or some other service is misbehaving, then stopping the array will hang waiting for the offending process to allow the disks to be gracefully unmounted. Shut down will time out and forcefully disconnect any running processes after a waiting period. This is good if you need the array to shut down now, it's bad if you forgot about an open file or something. I prefer to stop the array first, so I can verify everything closed properly before I shut down. If you don't have the luxury to wait, just use shutdown to be sure it will complete.
  12. No clue on if it actually works, but it would be easy enough to try. The target machine would just need to have the Minio docker installed, and either a static IP or some flavour of dynamic dns to allow your machine to find it. No need to have a vpn or run a VM. You will need to set up a forwarding rule in the remote router to allow the single outside port to go through to the minio port on the remote server.
  13. That's exactly what I was suggesting earlier in this thread.
  14. General question for this container. Will you be posting a notify in this thread or in the 1st post signifying which actual version number will be installed with the specific tags, or is that going to be on us to go research it? For example, right now LTS is 5.6.40, which is running nicely for my needs right now. When that tag migrates, will we be alerted somewhere in this thread?
  15. Did you try this tutorial? The main sentence I found interesting was: "A direct OVA template import into KVM is not supported," which means that there probably isn't going to be a feature added in unraid. https://blogs.oracle.com/oda/kvm-import-an-ova-template It's based on using virt-manager, which is not natively included with unraid, so you would have to make the changes to the VM in unraid based on what they tell you to change. That was a link I got from 10 seconds of using google to search ova to kvm. Try that and see if you get more knowledge.
  16. Set network connection in windows to metered. It stops SOME of the bad behaviour.
  17. Do you have a static IP where you can set reverse dns ptr records? Without that you won't be able to send to very many addresses. Most of the major providers will automatically filter you out as spam. Most people don't have the ability to set ptr records for their home IP, so it's not very popular for home machines. Typically only useful on VPS or shared server space in a facility.
  18. For those of us with multiple servers, I guess just vote the largest one? My test server could be close to the smallest active, it's 1TB. Doesn't even make the poll.
  19. It IS the same folder. User shares are a combined view of all the root folders in all the disks. /mnt/user/appdata shows the contents of /mnt/disk1/appdata , /mnt/disk2/appdata , etc. That way you can have a user share that spans multiple physical disks. I recommend ignoring /mnt/diskX and /mnt/cache locations until you get a little more experience, only work with /mnt/user.
  20. How would that information get back to the mothership? I don't particularly want to send that info.
  21. I'm not sure I'm ok with a central database of currently installed apps globally across the CA universe. That would imply information not currently available to be uploaded from my machine to some server somewhere, and I don't necessarily want all the info tabulated and available for analysis. The download count is already readily available, the missing piece is currently running and uninstalled count. Possibly valuable information, but I prefer not to provide it voluntarily. If I download a container, and delete it later, that's my business.
  22. That's what I use, not exactly like you outline, but pretty close. The title of the thread is about using Minio, and since you only want one function that might be what you want. Personally I already had nextcloud running, so connecting duplicati to it was a no brainer, for many reasons.
  23. I don't use that extractor plugin, but if you wish the files to be available globally, the path must be part of the /data tree. That's the path you mapped to /mnt/user/downloads, anything else will be invisible to other containers, or you, unless you shell into the deluge container.
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