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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Allowing access to array members (cache included) while the array is stopped is probably not going to happen, for various reasons Tom has stated before. However... I see no real reason that we couldn't allow VM's that aren't on the array to operate. It's not like you couldn't set up a VM configuration where all the required elements were on a non array device, but it wouldn't be able to easily share those elements with the VM's currently configured. You would need a separate XML storage location, and an iso location for install media. Maybe a GUI section for array limited VM's, and another for VM's on unassigned devices? As soon as limetech actually takes control of UD instead of relying on dlandon to maintain it, I see no reason why we can't have 2 VM types. However, as long as limetech doesn't actively manage unassigned devices, it's probably not going to happen unless someone writes a plugin.
  2. It doesn't. Unraid uses the drives as presented. Write cache is inherently risky, you need a UPS in place to mitigate the risk, so some enterprise drives ship with the setting off the lower the risk, it's up to you to enable write caching and ensure your infrastructure won't lose those writes.
  3. One page back. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/41044-recycle-bin-vfs-recycle-for-64-and-later-versions/?do=findComment&comment=732080 Or, on the VERY FIRST POST in the thread, 4th paragraph down.
  4. Why did you post this in 2 different threads? Crossposting like that is incredibly unproductive, on 2 points. 1. The two threads you posted in are for 2 DIFFERENT implementations. They are supported by different people. You need to only post in the actual area that applies. 2. Responses to you in the different areas aren't guaranteed to be read by others trying to help. It's incredibly frustrating to spend a significant period of time analyzing and composing a response, only to realize that someone else went through the exact same procedure in the other thread. Please remove whichever post is in the thread that is wrong.
  5. Depends on the tablet. The UI is simply a web page, so if you can configure your tablet to use a barcode enabled keyboard app, then it works fine. A barcode scanning app isn't enough, it must be able to send input to the web page.
  6. I have seen issues where it wasn't possible to completely disable the network filters in an AV product. Sometimes you have to completely uninstall it to make sure it can't interfere. If that works, then you can investigate how to add the necessary whitelist entries.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning Your router needs to be able to redirect the requests properly. Google your router model along with hairpinning / reflection / loopback
  8. This is probably an attempt to fix this Dunno how that's going to be solved. Either some people have fonts that are tiny, or others have huge fonts.
  9. This. When you specify a version manually, that's what you get as long as it's still available on the server.
  10. Why bother? Follow these instructions, then you can be assured the folder exists, no need to go through the trouble of creating a transcode folder inside of /tmp.
  11. Sounds more like a mapping issue. Post your docker mappings, and your storage paths in the deluge config.
  12. Change domains to cache only or cache no, depending on whether you want new files created in the domain share to be on the cache or the array. I have this exact configuration, where some of the domain contents live on the array, some on cache. Fix common problems will complain, but that's ok if you do it on purpose and know what you did, you can just ignore the complaint.
  13. Yes it's possible. You will have to ensure 80 and 443 aren't in use on the IP you are using for this docker.
  14. That's perfectly normal. You must either run the command in the docker to force a nextcloud database update so the new files are indexed every time you manually add files, or you can utilize the external storages plugin and map locations that you want to use that way. Either option has been discussed before in this thread.
  15. Linked in the very first post of this thread. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/48383-support-linuxserverio-nextcloud/?page=8#comment-493083
  16. https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-660-rc2-available-r145/?do=findComment&comment=1052
  17. Did you look at the first post of this thread? The link is right there. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/48383-support-linuxserverio-nextcloud/?do=findComment&comment=493083
  18. If the proper options are in place, it will work, however, it's not recommended by calibre's author. Changes made by one client may not get seen by the other client until the database is reloaded, so strange things are possible. The way I handle it is to manually ensure only one client at a time is actually running, it only takes a second or two to shut down the docker when I want to load the desktop client. See here for one discussion. https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=295590 It's been discussed many times on the calibre forums.
  19. How is it physically connected to the drive? Just because the cable has the correct connectors doesn't mean it's the proper cable. Describe in detail (model numbers or physical descriptions) the cables and / or enclosures, hot swap bays, whatever.
  20. The good thing to come out of all this is that you know how to set up scripts, and what they can and can't do on startup. It's pretty simple really, a script can be just a list of commands you could type at the command line, but don't particularly want to type over and over again manually. You can start dockers, VM's, do pretty much anything with a script.
  21. Cool, hopefully it stays working. That's some weird juju though, maybe do a checkdisk on the USB stick.
  22. Weird. So if you type just the portion inside the double quotes, what happens? /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs/script
  23. What happens if you enter just the second line of the short script at the console command prompt? echo "/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs/script" | at now Does it fire the StartVMs script file?
  24. Servers and all their critical interfaces should have Static IP's defined in addition to the DHCP reservation set for them.
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