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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. I have a suggestion about the new dashboard. I would love to be able to rearrange the tiles, and turn them on or off completely.
  2. Privoxy is a separate piece, you only need it enabled in one or the other, not both. VPN should be enabled in both. Privoxy is used to route http requests through the existing VPN tunnel, by specifying the IP and port in the http proxy settings of whatever browser or search agent you wish to send through the VPN tunnel.
  3. Don't be sorry, he deserves to get as good as he gives. Some people have no sense of humour, I find this kind of banter hilarious.
  4. It doesn't default to read / write because it's another layer of protection for your files. If the container is only allowed to read your files, it can't delete or overwrite them. Normally the only time you want the backup application to be able to write and delete is when you are recovering files. At all other times you only want it to read and backup what it reads.
  5. bit rot on committed media is a different (almost non-existent) issue.
  6. I have no idea how to respond to this. I'm truly mystified. I can't even.
  7. If you are indeed connected through VPN, your router ports have nothing to do with your connection.
  8. The method you are using is very long and has some risky aspects if you happen to mistype a command. I strongly recommend doing it the "easy" way and rebuild parity with a new config. That way you can simply remove the drives as is, and if you find out that you accidentally left some data on them, it's easy enough to mount them with the Unassigned Devices plugin and copy the data back to the array. Any time you do major reconfigurations to the server you are taking on risk. Do you have backups of any data you can't afford to lose? Are all your drives healthy?
  9. Possibly. Easy enough to check. BTW, special characters add very little to password security. Total length is MUCH more important. In general, if you substitute 2 random alphabet letters for each special character you had before you will be gaining a significant amount of brute force resistance.
  10. Yes, but hiding the actual container mapping totally seems wrong to me. I know WHY the decision was made to hide it, but it seems like hiding it is causing at least as many issues as it solved. Maybe displaying it but still not allowing the edit without a button push? It's not like there is a lack of real estate on that screen. Maybe display like this: Unraid Host /mnt/user/appdata/whatever = /preconfigured inside docker container for path and port entries. The description would still show below the text to the right side of the = and only the unraid host entry could be changed without pressing edit. Basically I'm just wanting more description around those fields and exposing the container side for inspection but not for direct editing for path and port entries.
  11. This situation has brought to light something that I think needs to be fixed. @bonienl, can you please take a look at the last several posts? Something needs to be changed to clarify the situation, but I'm not sure how to best approach it.
  12. That's strange. Can you click the EDIT button on that path and screenshot what shows up?
  13. The docker config page. You told it to map /mnt/user/Downloads on the host to /downloads on the container.
  14. True. What I posted would work, but it's not what he intended to do. @BennyD, what strike posted goes in the first and second blank.
  15. Where it says "Download to:" needs to be set to /downloads if you docker run command is current.
  16. I hope you have good backups elsewhere of data that you keep on your server. Overclocking is risky, as you've found. What seems stable because the server doesn't outright crash doesn't mean everything is working accurately. Overclocked server is a combination asking for trouble.
  17. Definitely. If you can document the process needed to get the database manager usable in a docker image that runs on any linux, but unraid specifically, that would be great.
  18. If the ATT modem is forwarding WAN port 80 to LAN 180, and the google wifi is connected to the ATT LAN, then you need to tell the google wifi to forward port 180 to your unraid docker IP, not 80. The info has to make it all the way through and back. Internet port 80 <-> 80WAN ATT moves it to 180LAN <-> 180WAN Google Wifi 180LAN <-> 180 Docker LE 80 to application. Same thing with 443. The next device in the chain has to be listening to the correct port, you told google wifi to listen to 80, and the ATT to talk to 180.
  19. If that UPS is using SLA batteries, you are seriously killing the available life of the batteries by waiting that long. Ideally the server should be shut down completely before you get to 50% capacity. The purpose of a consumer type UPS is to allow for a clean shutdown with enough time to finish critical tasks. If you need extended runtime, you need a different solution.
  20. I think the correct way of handling your exact case is to merge the two scripts, so you can be positive that the first action is complete before starting the second action. Ideally you could issue the restart command, then do a conditional loop checking to verify it's running again before moving on. I don't really know how for sure how cron tasks are handled, I think they are all queued up at the same time and attempt to run in parallel.
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