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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Not sure if this is normal or not. Bottom left rebuild stats don't match tile.
  2. Also, the container is looking for /data, and you put in /downloads as the deluge location, so everything is going to be inside the docker image instead of /mnt/user/downloads/
  3. Wrong thread, but I haven't seen the correct thread get created yet, so this will do. AFAIK, yes this is just the VPN/privoxy piece without the download client, be it nzb or torrent. I don't think torrent clients can be tunnelled through a http proxy, which is what privoxy is. What you can do, is install this as your privoxy gateway, so you can stop your vpn enabled downloader without disturbing the proxy. However, this means that your vpn account will have another constant connection. I don't know the limits on the various VPN providers.
  4. Do you have a windscribe static IP? https://windscribe.com/features/port-forwarding
  5. Sometimes windows gets stuck thinking nothing has changed. Try making a small change in disk management to force windows to reread the partition table. Something like add a 1GB extended partition or something.
  6. Unplug everything from the motherboard except for power button, power cables, cpu, cpu heatsink and fan, and memory. When I say everything but, I mean it. Does it stay running? If not, check for stray standoffs grounding out pins under the board. If it does, plug in one thing at a time and test between each iteration.
  7. That video is some months old. That's why I pointed you to the post I did, it has a link to the list of supported endpoints. If you would have read the link, it would have saved you some time. I'm not sure what you mean by proxy config within deluge. Once you can see the webGUI with the vpn enabled set to yes, you are good to go.
  8. Review the list of PIA endpoints that support port forwarding. netherlands isn't on the list.
  9. Nobody said it was fast, just that it worked. Be sure to keep the drive well ventilated. Personally I shuck and preclear, but then again, I generally can shuck without damaging the enclosure or leaving any signs of entry. Use soft pry tools, not metal.
  10. The post you replied to is extremely out of date, and doesn't reflect what is currently available. What have you tried?
  11. Feel free to download and use the latest version, as that would probably be the best choice for you. It will require making a USB stick specifically for its use. The version included with unraid is the latest version that limetech can include in the distribution. I can't remember the details, but I believe it's both licensing and technical details that preclude updating the one on the unraid USB.
  12. I'm confused by this statement. It works just fine for me to do this exact task. Why do you not want to use this docker?
  13. Why? There are many reasons NOT to, and none that I can think of in favour. 1. Moving data around is inherently risky. User error because you are doing things you don't normally do, and aren't familiar with. 2. Drive speed drops as you fill the disk. Adding new files to mostly empty disks is faster than half full disks. 3. Older files typically tend to not be accessed as much. Keeping all the old files together enables you to keep more of your array spun down, while the new files get written to fewer drives.
  14. Compare with your backups and restore if necessary.
  15. Try typing it out instead. copy paste has been known to insert some invisible weird characters. Alternatively, copy paste into an intermediary text editor, one that doesn't honour formatting and html, text only.
  16. Yeah, that's not the change you need to make. I took a look at eero, and apparently you are not alone in your issues. I don't see any way to do that in your router, it's going to have to be changed in your local machines hosts file. As to why it worked before and now it doesn't, I suspect the eero did an update and broke nat reflection. Some routers have the feature without it being configurable.
  17. Override the DNS entry on your local machines to point the domain to the correct IP. I find it difficult to believe that your router won't let you set a custom DNS entry, but if not, then you can set it in the hosts file on the local machine.
  18. Typically that is a function of your router. Google nat loopback, hairpinning, or reflection combined with your router model.
  19. Second post in this thread. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/44109-support-binhex-delugevpn/?do=findComment&comment=433617
  20. Anecdotally, I've very seldom seen a drive fail while running, mostly they fail to come up after a power event. Always spinning means less temperature swing, so less opportunity for failure there. However, I personally don't see a need to keep a drive spun up if it's only going to be used once a week, so there's that. I'd say for purposes of longevity, maybe 24 hours spin down delay would be more appropriate, but that's wild supposition based on nothing but gut instinct.
  21. $5 will give you a month to test out everything. Just be sure to cancel if it doesn't work out for you. I personally have had a lifetime emby premiere that a paid for up front for about three years now, worth every penny in my opinion. It's been almost totally maintenance free for that whole period, it just works. i have typically 1 local and 4 remote clients connected every night.
  22. Remember that a docker is a sort of mini virtual machine, much of the updates are to keep the base OS inside the container up to date.
  23. No, I don't believe the whole flash drive could (or should) be encrypted. However, we can certainly discuss protecting the sensitive data you speak of. Can you provide a list of what files you feel should be protected on the flash? Depending on what it is, and when it needs to be available, maybe it could be moved to an encrypted volume. That volume could possibly live on the flash drive as an encrypted archive or image file.
  24. It should correctly backup the DISK properly and safely, but the running OS will not be given the chance to commit any pending changes. Picture this scenario. You have a document open for editing in the VM. The OS has the file open for writing, but keeps your edits in RAM for speed. The VM is backed up, your open file is backed up in the open pending state. You use this backup to restore, and your document is corrupted because it is restored as being open but no application is going to close it properly. Now, what happens if that same thing happens to critical system files? It may work well 95% of the time, but backing up a running OS without the OS itself being informed or involved in the backup is not safe. If the OS is aware and can prepare properly, it will work fine. Do you have a list of supported OS versions?
  25. Krusader is running as a docker, which means it's a special kind of virtual machine. It only has access to paths that are mapped to it, all the other paths you are seeing are inside the docker's operating system. Examine the configuration for the docker, click edit on any path variables, and pay particular attention to the host and container paths. Whatever is populated in the container side is where you can find in Krusader whatever is mapped to the host side of that mapping.
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