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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. A whole house generator really isn’t a replacement for a UPS. Looks to me like this event probably could have been avoided.
  2. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-545988
  3. I like the LSIO docker. Support is pretty good. I imagine the same is true for binhex though. To switch dockers, make a note of all port mappings on your current docker, install the new docker using the same mappings and be sure to point appdata to your previous appdata folder. This should prevent the need to rebuild the data. Several people have switched from LT to LSIO recently. You can scroll through the last couple of pages here if you want more info.
  4. If you search CA you should find glass ISC DHCP server. Never used it so cant make any recommendations, but it’s there if you want to try it.
  5. Thanks. After my previous post I was doing a little reading about .bash_profile vs .bashrc. Just want to confirm that the aliases need to be added to .bash_profile to work in the built in terminal window?
  6. I added the aliases to .bash_profile- # console coloring for kool kids PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ ' # if this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*) PS1="\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1" ;; *) ;; esac # impersonate a user alias user="su -ls /bin/bash" alias v="ls -lA" # advanced copy aliases alias cp="gcp -g" alias mv="gmv -g" alias n="sudo -u nobody" alias ncp="sudo -u nobody gcp -g" alias nmv="sudo -u nobody gmv -g" How do I get them to survive a reboot?
  7. You had one path set to /mnt/user/Downloads/ and one set to /mnt/user/Downloads/completed/. All the paths need to be an exact match as described in the link that @trurl posted.
  8. Count me an "any others". root@Brunnhilde:~# lshw -quiet -short -c storage H/W path Device Class Description ========================================================= /0/100/1.1/0 scsi1 storage SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon] /0/100/1c.4/0 storage ASM1062 Serial ATA Controller /0/100/1f.2 storage 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family 6-port SATA Controller 1 [AHCI mode] /0/1 scsi0 storage /0/2 scsi2 storage /0/3 scsi3 storage /0/4 scsi4 storage /0/5 scsi5 storage /0/6 scsi7 storage /0/7 scsi8 storage root@Brunnhilde:~#
  9. Might want to open a thread in general support. That isn’t proper.
  10. Just started running the long test. I notice the block option isn’t working for me. I’m still receiving parity check alerts. Not sure where the Tunables tester logs are located?
  11. Post screenshots of share settings and user settings. Don’t forget to redact user/password fields. Also, apps in many dockers will have their own permissions set within their respective appdata folders. Are their only certain docker appdata folders that you can’t write to or is it a general problem?
  12. I think SMB1 has been deprecated. Should be using 2 or 3 depending on what your connection supports.
  13. Not all unRAID users also use Macs. It just enables vfs fruit for those who need it (Mac users).
  14. Did you enable enhanced macOS interoperability in Settings>SMB?
  15. My smart didn’t show any problems either. That appears to be the most likely reason for the drive disabling its write caching though. You could try contacting WD tech support if you want. They told me they don’t support OEM drives and referred me to the retailer that I purchased the drive from (you might have better luck). The retailer just sent me an RMA so no telling what the actual reason was for the drive disabling the write caching.
  16. I had this problem recently. From what I read this often occurs when all spare sectors on the drive have been used to replace bad sectors. The only solution I found for mine was to replace the drive which was still under warranty. You can also just ignore the warning from FCP and leave write caching off.
  17. At one time LimeTech was offering a payed support package. They no longer have any info regarding that on their website, so it may have been discontinued. You should contact them about this. https://unraid.net/contact
  18. You can just get a cheap external spinner for the cloned drive.
  19. Apple doesn’t make previous versions available to everyone. You might want to keep the installer app after you install the os. I also like to maintain a clone of the startup drive just in case it fails. Carbon Copy Cloner is very handy for this. Not free though.
  20. I’ve never used the LT docker but from posts I’ve seen LT doesn’t update as often so probably different versions of Plex. Not absolutely sure, but the LT version may not support Plexpass as well.
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