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Everything posted by trurl

  1. It is better to start your own support thread. Even when your issue seems similar, the details will often be different, and bad things can result when advice intended for one user is accidentally used by another user. So it is best to let the original poster have this thread and others only reply in support of that user. This particular thread isn't really active anymore by the original poster, but the confusion that might result is just one reason "thread-hijacking" is not really approved of in forums generally. Besides, this thread has already been marked as solved, so you might not get as much attention as you would on your own thread.
  2. Does that user share include all disks?
  3. trurl

    Docker FAQ

    I have cleaned up this thread and pinned the Docker FAQ feedback thread. As noted in the quoted text from the first post in this FAQ thread, please post any questions to that other thread.
  4. Post your diagnostics so we can see how Unraid "sees" them.
  5. Then what do you mean by this? How is your laptop accessing the shares? Were the drives not spinning before you booted your laptop?
  6. Windows File Explorer gets additional file information, such as icons, that can't be cached by cache-dirs.
  7. I don't know if Plex Windows library is compatible with Plex Linux library or not. Have you researched this in the Plex forums? Unless all the paths are exactly the same it won't work of course, and possibly not even then. Might be simply the problem with the way Windows specifies paths with \ whereas Linux specifies paths with /. If the library (plex database) has Windows paths stored then probably some other method will be required if it is even possible at all.
  8. And is that where you are putting the plex data from your Windows install?
  9. Are you sure that isn't a typo also? The "disks/" shouldn't be part of the path. Take another look at your /config mapping.
  10. Are you sure about that path? Or did you make a typo? It has a double // in it for one thing. Also, it doesn't match the /config mapping in your docker run command.
  11. Is this an external USB drive? Sometimes they will put themselves to sleep due to inactivity.
  12. Is this the exact Unraid path you used? Post your docker run command as seen here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  13. In order for any command to work inside a container, you must be at a command line inside the container. Installing TWC in Unraid won't help with getting it installed to the linux running inside the transmission container. See here: You might have better luck with Combustion, since it has more ways to do the installation. Note that even if you get either of these to work it won't survive an update or reinstall of the container. I just use the Transmission Remote GUI application.
  14. The additional logs didn't really clear anything up, for me at least. Perhaps we are just misinterpreting the message and it is really just a full cache that is the root of your problems. But why are you moving your appdata from cache to the array? Most people want it to remain on cache, but if you want it on the array despite the performance hit your dockers would take, then why not simply create it on the array to begin with? Either cache-prefer or cache-only, or if you really don't want it to stay on cache, then cache-no, would make more sense than cache-yes for appdata. And mover probably can't move open files, so if you have your dockers running when mover is trying to move appdata then things aren't going to work anyway. If you don't want to start over with your Backup share, then maybe you could stop your dockers until you get your cache straightened out, then start over with your dockers. And cache-prefer is probably what you should want for appdata and the other system shares. Your cache is probably large enough for typical use, you just overfilled it for this initial use.
  15. If you want to keep your configuration when you create a new flash, you should copy the whole /config folder from the old flash. It has your disk assignments, share settings, docker templates, plugins, ... And be sure to backup your flash when you make any changes to your configuration, especially when you do anything to change disk assignments. You can always download a zipped copy of flash from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup.
  16. The templates are on the flash drive. How did you lose them?
  17. You have set all of your shares to cache-yes, including some that are typically and by default set to cache-prefer. I am guessing you have done this in a random attempt to fix the full cache disk. Not sure what the actual problem is though. Maybe your only array disk was made read-only at some point due to corruption. Your diagnostics seem to be missing the logs from when the problem started. Are there any syslog files in /var/log? If this is your initial data load it might be simpler to start over and not cache anything until you get all the initial data loaded. Then you can take your time and try to understand some of the nuances of cache.
  18. Cache would be full and couldn't continue to be filled up until mover moves things to the array since writes to the array are slower than writes to cache. When cache is full it can't go any faster than writing to the array. What would actually happen depends on your Minimum Free setting for cache (in Global Share Settings). If it is set larger than the largest file you will write then it will overflow to the array. If not then there is some chance that a large file will fail when cache runs out of space. And of course, writing the overflow to the array will be impacted by the writes mover is trying to do at the same time, so everything is going to be even slower. I really think you are expecting impossible things. Do you know about such things as seek times, for example?
  19. If mover is running more frequently it's going to impact performance since it has to write the parity array. A better approach would be to reevaluate how and why you cache. Sometimes it's better to just write directly to the array, possibly with Turbo Write.
  20. Glad to hear it, but my username isn't Constructor any more than your username is Newbie.
  21. Why not install Deluge directly in Windows?
  22. You delete and recreate the image on the Settings - Docker page after you disable it.
  23. You were close, but you should have left them to Prefer. Probably you never tried shutting down Docker and VM SERVICES before running mover, and mover couldn't move some files because they were open. Go to Settings - Docker and disable the Docker Service, Same for the VM service. Set the shares you want moved to cache to cache-prefer. Go to Main - Array Operations and Move Now. When mover completes you can easily check which disks each User Share is using by using the Compute functionality on the Shares page. Then you can enable docker and VM services again. Of course, if you wind up filling the cache drive then mover won't be able to move everything. You should set Minimum Free for cache in Global Share Settings to prevent filling up cache and possibly causing other problems. It should be set to larger than the largest file you expect. Same for Minimum Free for each User Share. Mover never moves cache-no or cache-only shares. It move cache-yes from cache to array and cache-prefer from array to cache. Here is a more detailed explanation (from the FAQ) of the nuances of the cache settings: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?page=2#comment-537383
  24. Go to Settings - Docker and disable the Docker Service. Then it will let you delete the docker image and recreate it. Then go to Apps - Previous Apps and it will let you install any and all of your previous dockers with their previous settings, exactly as they were before so there is no need to set them up again. They should just pick up where they were. This is caused by having a container application writing to a path that is not mapped. Common mistakes are not using the same upper/lower case, or using a path that doesn't start with /
  25. Moving the parity disk to parity2 isn't the solution to whatever problem you were having but since you didn't let us help you with it at the time just leave it for now. Assuming you have configured your dockers with appdata in the normal way then your plex data, etc. will still be there. The only thing that should be in docker image is the container applications themselves. Their working storage should be in appdata and any other data they read/write should be in Unraid storage according to whatever volume mappings you have defined in each container.
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