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[Support] ich777 - Jellyfin AMD/Intel/Nvidia [DEPRECATED]

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5 minutes ago, Waddoo said:

See my docker command from my previous post, shows all the parameters on startup. 

Have you already tried it with a completely different file? Something with the file seems a bit off why is the resolution 1908x796? Shouldn't it be something like 1920x796? Also the codec is h.265 but it's actually not a 4K file.


I've took a closer look at the log and both log outputs from what I see is a 1080p file with HEVC or am I wrong?



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15 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Have you already tried it with a completely different file? Something with the file seems a bit off why is the resolution 1908x796? Shouldn't it be something like 1920x796? Also the codec is h.265 but it's actually not a 4K file.


I've took a closer look at the log and both log outputs from what I see is a 1080p file with HEVC or am I wrong?



To your second point, you are correct. I see a 1080 hevc file on Jellyfin. I tried a 1080p h.264 which played immediately via direct play. Then I stepped it down to 480p to force a transcode. Logs below. 


{"Protocol":0,"Id":"b7240195c4ee3bf634dfa0fd9a9b26a2","Path":"/movies/Madagascar 3 Europe\u0027s Most Wanted (2012)/Madagascar 3 Europe\u0027s Most Wanted 2012.mp4","EncoderPath":null,"EncoderProtocol":null,"Type":0,"Container":"mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2","Size":1500115072,"Name":"Madagascar 3 Europe\u0027s Most Wanted 2012","IsRemote":false,"ETag":"a229bcd9db619f222c07d8d042d7666c","RunTimeTicks":56042668032,"ReadAtNativeFramerate":false,"IgnoreDts":false,"IgnoreIndex":false,"GenPtsInput":false,"SupportsTranscoding":true,"SupportsDirectStream":true,"SupportsDirectPlay":true,"IsInfiniteStream":false,"RequiresOpening":false,"OpenToken":null,"RequiresClosing":false,"LiveStreamId":null,"BufferMs":null,"RequiresLooping":false,"SupportsProbing":true,"VideoType":0,"IsoType":null,"Video3DFormat":null,"MediaStreams":[{"Codec":"h264","CodecTag":"avc1","Language":"und","ColorRange":null,"ColorSpace":null,"ColorTransfer":null,"ColorPrimaries":null,"Comment":null,"TimeBase":"1/96000","CodecTimeBase":"1001/48000","Title":null,"VideoRange":"SDR","localizedUndefined":null,"localizedDefault":null,"localizedForced":null,"DisplayTitle":"1080p H264 SDR","NalLengthSize":"0","IsInterlaced":false,"IsAVC":false,"ChannelLayout":null,"BitRate":2041604,"BitDepth":8,"RefFrames":1,"PacketLength":null,"Channels":null,"SampleRate":null,"IsDefault":true,"IsForced":false,"Height":1080,"Width":1920,"AverageFrameRate":23.976025,"RealFrameRate":23.976025,"Profile":"High","Type":1,"AspectRatio":"16:9","Index":0,"Score":null,"IsExternal":false,"DeliveryMethod":null,"DeliveryUrl":null,"IsExternalUrl":null,"IsTextSubtitleStream":false,"SupportsExternalStream":false,"Path":null,"PixelFormat":"yuv420p","Level":40,"IsAnamorphic":null},{"Codec":"aac","CodecTag":"mp4a","Language":"eng","ColorRange":null,"ColorSpace":null,"ColorTransfer":null,"ColorPrimaries":null,"Comment":null,"TimeBase":"1/48000","CodecTimeBase":"1/48000","Title":null,"VideoRange":null,"localizedUndefined":null,"localizedDefault":null,"localizedForced":null,"DisplayTitle":"Eng - AAC - Stereo - Default","NalLengthSize":null,"IsInterlaced":false,"IsAVC":null,"ChannelLayout":"stereo","BitRate":95777,"BitDepth":null,"RefFrames":null,"PacketLength":null,"Channels":2,"SampleRate":48000,"IsDefault":true,"IsForced":false,"Height":null,"Width":null,"AverageFrameRate":null,"RealFrameRate":null,"Profile":"LC","Type":0,"AspectRatio":null,"Index":1,"Score":null,"IsExternal":false,"DeliveryMethod":null,"DeliveryUrl":null,"IsExternalUrl":null,"IsTextSubtitleStream":false,"SupportsExternalStream":false,"Path":null,"PixelFormat":null,"Level":0,"IsAnamorphic":null},{"Codec":"srt","CodecTag":null,"Language":null,"ColorRange":null,"ColorSpace":null,"ColorTransfer":null,"ColorPrimaries":null,"Comment":null,"TimeBase":null,"CodecTimeBase":null,"Title":null,"VideoRange":null,"localizedUndefined":"Undefined","localizedDefault":"Default","localizedForced":"Forced","DisplayTitle":"Undefined","NalLengthSize":null,"IsInterlaced":false,"IsAVC":null,"ChannelLayout":null,"BitRate":null,"BitDepth":null,"RefFrames":null,"PacketLength":null,"Channels":null,"SampleRate":null,"IsDefault":false,"IsForced":false,"Height":null,"Width":null,"AverageFrameRate":null,"RealFrameRate":null,"Profile":null,"Type":2,"AspectRatio":null,"Index":2,"Score":null,"IsExternal":true,"DeliveryMethod":null,"DeliveryUrl":null,"IsExternalUrl":null,"IsTextSubtitleStream":true,"SupportsExternalStream":true,"Path":"/movies/Madagascar 3 Europe\u0027s Most Wanted (2012)/Madagascar 3 Europe\u0027s Most Wanted 2012.srt","PixelFormat":null,"Level":null,"IsAnamorphic":null}],"MediaAttachments":[],"Formats":[],"Bitrate":2141389,"Timestamp":null,"RequiredHttpHeaders":{},"TranscodingUrl":null,"TranscodingSubProtocol":null,"TranscodingContainer":null,"AnalyzeDurationMs":null,"DefaultAudioStreamIndex":null,"DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex":null}

/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i file:"/movies/Madagascar 3 Europe's Most Wanted (2012)/Madagascar 3 Europe's Most Wanted 2012.mp4" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_nvenc -preset default -b:v 1404223 -maxrate 1404223 -bufsize 2808446 -profile:v:0 high -g:v:0 72 -keyint_min:v:0 72 -sc_threshold:v:0 0 -vf "scale_cuda=w=720:h=404:format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 copy -strict -2 -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -max_muxing_queue_size 2048 -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/config/transcodes/f78199c876ce294d22bb49441e70d6e4%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/config/transcodes/f78199c876ce294d22bb49441e70d6e4.m3u8"

ffmpeg version 4.3.1-Jellyfin Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 10 (Debian 10.2.1-6)
  configuration: --prefix=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg --target-os=linux --extra-version=Jellyfin --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-shared --disable-libxcb --disable-sdl2 --disable-xlib --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-static --enable-libfontconfig --enable-fontconfig --enable-gmp --enable-gnutls --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libdrm --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libdav1d --enable-libwebp --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libzvbi --enable-libzimg --arch=amd64 --enable-opencl --enable-vaapi --enable-amf --enable-libmfx --enable-vdpau --enable-cuda --enable-cuda-llvm --enable-cuvid --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --enable-ffnvcodec
  libavutil      56. 51.100 / 56. 51.100
  libavcodec     58. 91.100 / 58. 91.100
  libavformat    58. 45.100 / 58. 45.100
  libavdevice    58. 10.100 / 58. 10.100
  libavfilter     7. 85.100 /  7. 85.100
  libswscale      5.  7.100 /  5.  7.100
  libswresample   3.  7.100 /  3.  7.100
  libpostproc    55.  7.100 / 55.  7.100
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'file:/movies/Madagascar 3 Europe's Most Wanted (2012)/Madagascar 3 Europe's Most Wanted 2012.mp4':
    major_brand     : isom
    minor_version   : 1
    compatible_brands: isomavc1
    creation_time   : 2012-10-05T06:13:29.000000Z
  Duration: 01:33:24.27, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 2141 kb/s
    Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 2041 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 96k tbn, 47.95 tbc (default)
      creation_time   : 2012-10-05T06:13:29.000000Z
    Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 95 kb/s (default)
      creation_time   : 2012-10-05T06:27:46.000000Z
      handler_name    : GPAC ISO Audio Handler
[AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55afd095ba80] cu->cuInit(0) failed -> CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: unknown error
Device creation failed: -1313558101.
[h264 @ 0x55afd095e680] No device available for decoder: device type cuda needed for codec h264.
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (h264_nvenc))
  Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (copy)
Device setup failed for decoder on input stream #0:0 : Unknown error occurred


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23 minutes ago, Waddoo said:

To your second point, you are correct. I see a 1080 hevc file on Jellyfin. I tried a 1080p h.264 which played immediately via direct play. Then I stepped it down to 480p to force a transcode. Logs below. 

Which server are you running the card in or at least on which hardware? Can you post your Diagnostics here please (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drag the zip in the textbox here).


Was the card working before? Have you already rebooted your server after installing the Nvidia Driver?

You can at least try the official Jellyfin container.


I simply can't reproduce this error on my DevServer (running unRAID 6.9.1 with the latest Nvidia-Drivers and a EVGA GTX 1060 3GB).

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33 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Which server are you running the card in or at least on which hardware? Can you post your Diagnostics here please (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drag the zip in the textbox here).


Was the card working before? Have you already rebooted your server after installing the Nvidia Driver?

You can at least try the official Jellyfin container.


I simply can't reproduce this error on my DevServer (running unRAID 6.9.1 with the latest Nvidia-Drivers and a EVGA GTX 1060 3GB).

The diagnostics should be attached. 

The card was working for hardware decoding previously, and the nvidia driver tool shows it. I can give the server another reboot no issue and report back. 

I have actually tried both Linuxserver and yours. Both give the same issue with your build actually showing it attempting to transcode in the activity panel, while linuxservers does not show me even playing the video.


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10 hours ago, ich777 said:

Which server are you running the card in or at least on which hardware? Can you post your Diagnostics here please (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drag the zip in the textbox here).


Was the card working before? Have you already rebooted your server after installing the Nvidia Driver?

You can at least try the official Jellyfin container.


I simply can't reproduce this error on my DevServer (running unRAID 6.9.1 with the latest Nvidia-Drivers and a EVGA GTX 1060 3GB).

Rest assured, I have "fixed" the issue. Both your and linuxserver's dockers work for hardware acceleration and transcoding on my GTX 1660 paired with a Ryzen 1600AF. (for a data point)


A reboot of my entire unraid server seemed to have put things into place. Thank you for all your help though! I will do my best to pass along my findings to others.

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I found some weird issue with Jellyfin, i can play all the files very well, with and without transcode. However whenever i restart the container, i can't play any files anymore. 


If i delete the container and the image and pull back new image , I can play all files with no issue but If I restart again the container, i'll have same issue.


Below is a weird log , some issue with permission ? i have no clue. 


2021-03-21 01:50:39,758 DEBG 'jellyfin' stdout output:
[01:50:39] [ERR] [24] Jellyfin.Server.Middleware.ExceptionMiddleware: Error processing request. URL POST /Sessions/Playing/Stopped.
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/transcode/plugins/community.applications.plg' is denied.
---> Syst
2021-03-21 01:50:39,758 DEBG 'jellyfin' stdout output:
em.IO.IOException: Permission denied

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1 hour ago, fahmietalife said:

However whenever i restart the container, i can't play any files anymore.

I can't reproduce this on my Main machine (transcoding over the Intel iGPU) and also not on my DevMachine (Nvidia NVENC).

The container restarts fine and I can play files with or without transcoding again,  I can also stop the container and start it again and I even can press the shutdown button in Jellyfin itself wait for it to come back online and play with or without transcoding.


1 hour ago, fahmietalife said:

Below is a weird log , some issue with permission ?

From where is this log? From the syslog or the log from Jellyfin?


1 hour ago, fahmietalife said:

Access to the path '/transcode/plugins/community.applications.plg' is denied.

I think a path or something is miss configured in your template or in Jellyfin is this possible?

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2 hours ago, fahmietalife said:

No i have all the mapping as per intended except for transcode folder i map it at /tmp .


You have to have something misconfigured because the path /transcode/plugins/community.applications.plg simply doesn't make sense. Please post your docker run command or a screenshot of your mappings.


Looking inside my running Jellyfin container I see no /transcode directory. Transcoding it done to the /config/transcodes directory where /config is mapped to external path /mnt/user/appdata/Jellyfin. I assume your aim is to transcode to the RAM-based /tmp directory but haven't got it quite right?


So, in the Jellyfin Server Settings, under Playback - Transcoding you must have set a custom Transcode path of /transcode and added a custom mapping for the container (/transcode <--> /tmp) and that how it's seeing the plugins subfolder and the totally unrelated community.apps.plg file. Try setting the mapping as (/transcode <--> /tmp/transcode) instead.


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7 hours ago, John_M said:

So, in the Jellyfin Server Settings, under Playback - Transcoding you must have set a custom Transcode path of /transcode and added a custom mapping for the container (/transcode <--> /tmp) and that how it's seeing the plugins subfolder and the totally unrelated community.apps.plg file. Try setting the mapping as (/transcode <--> /tmp/transcode) instead.


thanks for your advise mate, you manage to fix my problem. Tested play and hardware transcoding / direct play, restart the cointaner few time, no issue at all.



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1 hour ago, fahmietalife said:

thanks for your advise mate, you manage to fix my problem. Tested play and hardware transcoding / direct play, restart the cointaner few time, no issue at all.


I'm glad it worked for you. I think Jellyfin was just trying to clear out unwanted files from its transcoding workspace and couldn't because of the permissions of the files in the top level /tmp directory. It's usually very good at tidying up after itself but with the /tmp directory you have to respect the files of other users and there's a sticky permissions bit to enforce that. The safest solution is simply to create a new subfolder that it can use as it wishes and that's what you now have.


  • Thanks 1
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9 hours ago, ich777 said:

Sorry was a little to early in the morning... :D


Thanks man. Unfortunately for me, I tried to change the config from bridge to proxynet and it errored when trying to pull the file, saying it was in use. So I tried to stop it, and got a server exception error, so I tried to remove it and its totally corrupted my docker image (I'm guessing - it won't start even after a reboot!)



I grabbed these from my appdata folder - can you see anything I can do to fix it/any  cause? Or do I delete it all and start again?




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2 minutes ago, folic86 said:

its totally corrupted my docker image

Are you sure that the image is now corrupt?


3 minutes ago, folic86 said:

I grabbed these from my appdata folder - can you see anything I can do to fix it/any  cause? Or do I delete it all and start again?

At the first look, I don't see anythin suspicious.

If you are using the docker.img I would strongly recommend to switsching over to a directory/folder.


6 minutes ago, folic86 said:

I tried to change the config from bridge to proxynet and it errored when trying to pull the file, saying it was in use

The image was in use or the port on your proxynet?


Can you post a screenshot from your template from Jellyfin?

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40 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Are you sure that the image is now corrupt?


At the first look, I don't see anythin suspicious.

If you are using the docker.img I would strongly recommend to switsching over to a directory/folder.


The image was in use or the port on your proxynet?


Can you post a screenshot from your template from Jellyfin?

The image I think - it had an mnt/var path if I remember right.


Unfortunately, I can't as "Docker Service failed to start." which I will have a look at when I wake up in a few hours....but that is bad, right?

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44 minutes ago, folic86 said:

The image I think

From what I see in your diagnostics, yes: '/mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img'


44 minutes ago, folic86 said:

Unfortunately, I can't as "Docker Service failed to start." which I will have a look at when I wake up in a few hours....but that is bad, right?

Try to restart the server once and see if the Docker service comes back online.


If not, stop the Docker service, then click on 'Delete Image' and click 'Apply' (this will only delete the Docker containers but not your settings) and after that creat a new image, but I would recommend that you use the 'Directory' option and give it it's own path (the Directory option actually saves space because it doesn't creates a image it creates a directory where all the files are instead like in a .img file).


After that try to start the Docker service again and go to the Docker page, you should see an empty page, click on 'Add Container' and then on the drop down where it says 'Select a template' (there are all your templates in the section [ User Templates ] with all your settings in).

Simply create one by one and you should be up and running again.

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10 hours ago, ich777 said:

From what I see in your diagnostics, yes: '/mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img'


Try to restart the server once and see if the Docker service comes back online.


If not, stop the Docker service, then click on 'Delete Image' and click 'Apply' (this will only delete the Docker containers but not your settings) and after that creat a new image, but I would recommend that you use the 'Directory' option and give it it's own path (the Directory option actually saves space because it doesn't creates a image it creates a directory where all the files are instead like in a .img file).


After that try to start the Docker service again and go to the Docker page, you should see an empty page, click on 'Add Container' and then on the drop down where it says 'Select a template' (there are all your templates in the section [ User Templates ] with all your settings in).

Simply create one by one and you should be up and running again.

Phew, a second restart seems to have fixed it. 


I think my cache had filled up so it was not happy about anything I was trying to do

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good morning all


I changed my configuration I went to a Ryzen 5 3600 on an MSI X470 motherboard for the garphic card I exchanged my HD4850 on a PC to recover an HD 7870


Could you tell me what selection I should make to install Jellyfin-AMD-Intel-Nvidia again?


Thank you in advance for your help


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9 hours ago, pzen said:

Good morning all


I changed my configuration I went to a Ryzen 5 3600 on an MSI X470 motherboard for the garphic card I exchanged my HD4850 on a PC to recover an HD 7870


Could you tell me what selection I should make to install Jellyfin-AMD-Intel-Nvidia again?


Thank you in advance for your help


Only select the path /dev/dri

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  • 3 weeks later...
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