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[Support] ich777 - Jellyfin AMD/Intel/Nvidia [DEPRECATED]

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2 hours ago, Econaut said:

Noticed there's an AMD AMF option for transcoding - is that usable on certain hardware?

No because this would need the amdgpu pro drivers installed and that would make the container unnecessarily bigger (about 200MB).


VAAPI is the way to go and also a little better than AMD AMF or at least equal from what I know.

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I have installed JellyFin for AMD-Intel-Nvidia and followed the same exact steps in the docker documentation and Intel quick sync will not work it will crash the video and I have to set hardware transcoding to none for it to work, I have an old i7 4770 that I owned over the years and this is now my unraid server, hardware transcoding is working on plex only but I do not want to pay for a monthly subscription, please advise on how to get quick sync working on Jellyfin for unraid

Thank you.

Edited by Shandidy
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1 hour ago, Shandidy said:

I have installed JellyFin for AMD-Intel-Nvidia and followed the same exact steps in the docker documentation and Intel quick sync will not work it will crash the video and I have to set hardware transcoding to none for it to work, I have an old i7 4770 that I owned over the years

What have you done exactly?

Have you passed through the device /dev/dri and what have you done in the settings from Jellyfin?


Can you provide a few screenshots?

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I get this error when QS is selected or VAAPI, quck sync works fine in plex though, but I want to move away from plex, Regardless of any setting combination I have tried them all under QS or VAAPI nothing worked the same exact error, when playing a video on plex I would see the IGU under load, but Jellyfin it crashes with the below error, I have used the default settings in the docker container that I have downloaded from the CA plugin repo , to add I have also Intel GPU TOP plugin installed from before to get plex HW transcode working, so all the steps should be met but I am not sure why Jellyfin HW Trascode wont work.




Edited by Shandidy
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3 hours ago, Shandidy said:

get this error when QS is selected or VAAPI, quck sync works fine in plex though, but I want to move away from plex, Regardless of any setting combination I have tried them all under QS or VAAPI nothing worked the same exact error, when playing a video on plex I would see the IGU under load, but Jellyfin it crashes with the below error, I have used the default settings in the docker container that I have downloaded from the CA plugin repo , to add I have also Intel GPU TOP plugin installed from before to get plex HW transcode working, so all the steps should be met but I am not sure why Jellyfin HW Trascode wont work.

You don't need to make the edits to the go file if you have installed the Intel GPU TOP plugin. ;)


Please keep in mind that you CPU (Haswell) maybe doesn't support all the codecs you've selected, please look here for further information: Click


Your CPU doesn't support HEVC, VC8, VC9,...


It only supports MPEG, h264 and VC1 <- decode only.


Also I would really strongly recommend to us the VA-API instead of QuickSync, they are basically the same where VA-API is an open standard where QuickSync is proprietary.

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13 minutes ago, Shandidy said:

Thank you!, I tried as well VA-API and unchecked all the unsupported codec, and ended up with the same error, I have unchecked all and left HW encoding enabled and ended up with the same error I am not sure why it works fine in plex and not here, maybe i am missing something 

I also see that you've changed the render device path, so it actually can't work...





I have it activated on my instance, with a 10th gen CPU and it works just fine.

Can you open up a unRAID terminal and give me the output from:

ls -la /dev/dri/



Please look also at this post maybe something needs to be activated in the BIOS:


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yup that was it Thank you!!! I have changed the VA-API Device to '/dev/dri/renderD128' resolved my issue, Thanks again for all your help before it was set to '/dev/dri/' as default or I changed it by accident I cant recall to be 100% but the device render path was the root cause of my issues.

Edited by Shandidy
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17 minutes ago, eagle470 said:

I'm writing to solicit paid support on getting my JF instance working with swag.

Have you followed the spaceinvader one tutorial on youtube to setup SWAG/LetsEncrypt and enabled the right proxy config?


I think you don't need me if you follow those steps.

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I;ve followed every guide, posted to here, reddit and the linuxserver forums multiple times. I've posted copies of my configs many times. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong but I cannot get this to work. 


Yes I've watched the SpaceInvaderOne video, no it did not help. 


I've attached configs and logs.


The errors you see are related to my nextcloud instance, which has it's own set of weird issues that are application specific.

error.log.2.tar jellyfin.subdomain.conf network.xml nginx.conf access.log error.log

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3 hours ago, eagle470 said:


I;ve followed every guide, posted to here, reddit and the linuxserver forums multiple times. I've posted copies of my configs many times. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong but I cannot get this to work.


 I just set this up the other day, so I may not be the most helpful but may have a few suggestions. I would double check the server_name in jellyfin.subdomain.config, do you have a subdomain jellyfin? I also have to delete the resolver.config file each time I make a change, then reboot swag to rebuild it for my changes to take affect so possibly try that. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there. Using unRaid since 3 dass and i like your Jellyfin Container. Thanks for that. :)


My Problem is, that after a Re-start of the Server and/or the Container in general my Admin Panel is gone, so the Admin privileges of my Admin-Account are gone, too. I was testing the Intel transcoding and now i am not able to Change anything. Has someone maybe some Idea? Thanks.

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5 minutes ago, Cicatrix said:

My Problem is, that after a Re-start of the Server and/or the Container in general my Admin Panel is gone, so the Admin privileges of my Admin-Account are gone, too. I was testing the Intel transcoding and now i am not able to Change anything. Has someone maybe some Idea? Thanks.

Please post a picture from your Docker template.

Have you installed a Cache drive?

Is your Video library gone too or just the Admin settings?

I'll be using the Container without a problem.

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/!\ Translated from French to English with google /!\


Hello, first of all thank you for your availability.


I'm not very good at it but your responses to other posts have helped me a lot. However I am having a problem playing 4k movies, I have an error message. I think this and due to the HEVC codec.

My processor is a Ryzen 1800x and my GPU is an R9 280x (oc). If I understood your answer to a post similar to mine correctly, my problem could possibly come from the CPU which does not decode the HECV?

But it's OK in Intel Quick Sync, but NOK in VAAPI (Cf screenshot)


I also have another problem, I am unable to modify the go file with mod variable probe radeon. I tried to change it by hand, but on every reboot I have to redo the command in the Unraid console.

I also noticed that the Radeon top statistics don't seem to move either, they have buoyed once, since they are on "3639M / 3072M VRAM 118.47%" (see screenshot) I think he has something that I did wrong, but I don't see what: / Can you help me please ? :)

EndGame 1080p Intel Quick Synch .PNG

EndGame 1080p VAAPI .PNG

Radeon top.PNG

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6 minutes ago, tmike22 said:

GPU is an R9 280x (oc). If I understood your answer to a post similar to mine correctly, my problem could possibly come from the CPU which does not decode the HECV?

Exactly the R9 280x is not able to encode h265 (HEVC) it is only capable of h264 and it will fall back to CPU encoding if no capable hardware encoder is available.

Please stick to VAAPI since this will work best in my Jellyfin container.


7 minutes ago, tmike22 said:

I also have another problem, I am unable to modify the go file with mod variable probe radeon. I tried to change it by hand, but on every reboot I have to redo the command in the Unraid console.

If you have Radeon TOP installed it should handle all for you and you don't need to modify anything.

Please issue the command:

ls -la /dev/dri

after a reboot from unRAID and post the output here.

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14 minutes ago, tmike22 said:

Thank you for your very quick response.

Then everything is working as expected and the driver is loaded for your card, otherwise it would show that the directory does not exists.


Why do you need you have to load the driver each time you boot is something not working as expected?

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