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[Support] MariaDB Official

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Ok I have this setup.


Then I went to the Unraid terminal and put in the below with my root password.


docker exec -it MariaDB-Official mariadb -u root -p'your_root_password' returns...


ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)



****The above is fixed with for now just using a simple password.


I am also now trying to use Adminer to connect to this db but keep getting.....


Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Everyone. 

I have a slight issues. 
Yesterday we had some very heavy rain and heavy lighting. (Lighting hit a Lamp pole on the streets and forced that voltage back into the grid)
And our UPS batteries exploded and tripped the circuit breaker of mains power and the UPS circuit breaker.

We where busy with a importing data into the docker container when this happed.
Im trying to-do a data recovery because this is what the log files sales.

2023-01-20 23:09:04 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to read 16384 bytes at 70368744161280 outside the bounds of the file: ./ibdata1
2023-01-20 23:09:04 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to read 16384 bytes at 70368744161280 outside the bounds of the file: ./ibdata1
2023-01-20 23:09:04 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to read 16384 bytes at 70368744161280 outside the bounds of the file: ./ibdata1
2023-01-20 23:09:04 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Page [page id: space=0, page number=370571] log sequence number 685813904476 is in the future! Current system log sequence number 432631856.
2023-01-20 23:09:04 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt or you may have copied the InnoDB tablespace but not the InnoDB log files. Please refer to https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/innodb-recovery-modes/ for information about forcing recovery.

2023-01-20 23:09:04 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to read 16384 bytes at 70368744161280 outside the bounds of the file: ./ibdata1

The ib_lofile0 might be corrput, is there a way to rebuild the ib_lofile0 or ignore it to do a database dump.


Edited by Miko
Missed a bracket
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9 minutes ago, mgutt said:

It's always a bad sign if the error message is not found on many websites:




That's the problem I'm currently facing. 
I cant find any documents relating to this error.


11 minutes ago, mgutt said:

I would try it here:



Will give it a shot. 

Is there maybe a way i can force it into recovery mode. 
That is the other part I'm currently struggling with. 
or run the

innodb_force_recovery = 4

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Hi guys, I have been using Mariadb for two years for my nextcloud.  Everything has been working fine and stable all that time since setup. I know Nextcloud was updated (or was at least over a week ago when I last checked).  However, I have just noticed today, that all of the sudden, my Nextcloud stopped working. Except for updating the various dockers, I haven't done anything to my unraid.

My setup is mariadb with duckdns and nextcloud which is rooted through a reverse proxy swag.  I do think I am having some issues with swag when people want to upload/download files over 2Gb in size.


When I was troubleshooting this, I went into the logs of mariadb and found a notice "An upgrade is required on your databases. Stop any services that are accessing databases        #
#          in this container, and then run the command          #
#                                                               #
#             mariadb-upgrade -u root -p<PASSWORD> 


So I stopped the services listed above and went into the console and typed the command, logged in with my password and I saw that it was working. But I am still getting the same error in the logs, that I have to upgrade (docker is up-to-date for all dockers I am using).

In the console, I get the following message : This installation of MariaDB is already upgraded to 10.6.10-MariaDB.
There is no need to run mysql_upgrade again for 10.6.10-MariaDB.
You can use --force if you still want to run mysql_upgrade


So I went in again and used --force at the end, but that doesn't lead me further and I keep getting the same log error that I have to upgrade.  Not sure if it has anything to do with Nextcloud not working, but it's somewhere to start at least.


The error I am getting is "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"

Any help will be greatly appreciated for sure as this is a bit of a nightmare.  I really don't want to loose the Nextcloud that I have painstakingly built up over the years.

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3 hours ago, DrBobke said:

all of the sudden, my Nextcloud stopped working

Ok, it's rare, but something like this can happen if something crashes etc. This leads me to the question: Where is your backup?


3 hours ago, DrBobke said:

So I stopped the services listed above and went into the console and typed the command,

Ok, you are having a problem with a software and the best idea you had was you force an update 🤨


Did you create a backup before doing this step?


3 hours ago, DrBobke said:



3 hours ago, DrBobke said:

docker is up-to-date for all dockers I am using).

If a container is up to date, then the included software is up to date, too. That's how containers work. So if you get a message in the logs which asks for an Update, then this is maybe a bug which needs to be reported, but NEVER a user needs to to something!


3 hours ago, DrBobke said:

The error I am getting is "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"

Any help will be greatly appreciated for sure as this is a bit of a nightmare

This is displayed by Nextcloud? What is inside the MariaDB logs regarding the login tries? No error? Did you try to connect to the database through Adminer? Are your networks correctly setup so Nextcloud is technically able to reach the MariaDB container? Which networks are you using? Please post screenshots if possible.

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50 minutes ago, mgutt said:

Ok, it's rare, but something like this can happen if something crashes etc. This leads me to the question: Where is your backup?


I should have backup on all stuff up and running, but can't seem to find the one with docker info...

I do have appdatabackup, flashdrivebackup and libvirt backup.  Is it somewhere in there perhaps?


52 minutes ago, mgutt said:

Ok, you are having a problem with a software and the best idea you had was you force an update 🤨


Did you create a backup before doing this step?

Well, if it states that I need to do an update, then I usually do, as it seems it is trying to tell me something? Since it was installed, but I couldn't see it in the log, and I noticed a section that I could force the update, then yes, I forced the update.  If it doesn't work like it should and it is telling me to do so, I thought it would be a good idea, yes!

If that isn't good, then maybe the creator shouldn't put those kinds of messages in?


I did not do a manual backup of that no (I hadn't even thought about it, I was just trying to fix no one getting on Nextcloud).


55 minutes ago, mgutt said:

If a container is up to date, then the included software is up to date, too. That's how containers work. So if you get a message in the logs which asks for an Update, then this is maybe a bug which needs to be reported, but NEVER a user needs to to something!


Well, strange that I get a message that I need to update.  Moreover, I have always kept all my dockers up to date, only to find out a couple of months ago that I then also had to update nextcloud from in my settings in nextcloud itself.  I wrongfully assumed that everything would be updated.  So I went from version 21. something I think, to 25.something.  It is all very confusing for users that have a pretty strong computer background, but defenitly not an expert in this kind of stuff...


58 minutes ago, mgutt said:

This is displayed by Nextcloud? What is inside the MariaDB logs regarding the login tries? No error? Did you try to connect to the database through Adminer? Are your networks correctly setup so Nextcloud is technically able to reach the MariaDB container? Which networks are you using? Please post screenshots if possible.

When I go on my personal Nextcloud (https://smitscloud.duckdns.org/), I get the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Inside the MariaDB, there is no logs about login tries, nor for the faulty login tries I did before I figured out which password I had used for that... I don't have the Adminer-thing, I setup everything using Spaceinvader one's youtube tutorial.

My networks were working fine for years, sharing with a lot of people different kind of files, but mostly photo and video files...


Webpage :


MariaDB Log


MariaDB settings:


Nextcloud Log:


Nextcloud Settings:


duckdns Log


Duckdns settings : 



And then I have swag too, but not sure if that is neccessary to share here?

Swag log seems interesting though?



Please let me know if I need to delete any 'sensitive' information in case this could be used to gain access by others...?


If you need any other screenshots, please let me know!

Thank you in advance for your help, it is very much appreciated!



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10 minutes ago, DrBobke said:


Ok fine. This contains your mariadb files (restore needs attention as it replaces ALL Container files, which isn't maybe your target)


12 minutes ago, DrBobke said:

If that isn't good, then maybe the creator shouldn't put those kinds of messages in?

Correct. I think this is a bug and should be reported.


14 minutes ago, DrBobke said:

a couple of months ago that I then also had to update nextcloud from in my settings in nextcloud itself.

The official container updates automatically.


16 minutes ago, DrBobke said:

MariaDB Log

You are wrong here. This thread is for the official Maria db container, but you are using linuxservers custom version.

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20 minutes ago, mgutt said:

Ok fine. This contains your mariadb files (restore needs attention as it replaces ALL Container files, which isn't maybe your target)


Euhm okay? How do you suggest I do that? Or is there a guide somewhere I can follow? To be honest, if I need to rebuild everything from scratch with all files, shares and people involved, I'll probably ditch the whole unraid server...


20 minutes ago, mgutt said:

Correct. I think this is a bug and should be reported.


Is there a way how I can do that? Through support of the docker?


20 minutes ago, mgutt said:

The official container updates automatically.


As Spaceinvader One is using Linux server repository, I did the same to keep everything the same and not to get errors...

Too bad that the official one does everything automagically...

20 minutes ago, mgutt said:

You are wrong here. This thread is for the official Maria db container, but you are using linuxservers custom version.

Damn, that is bad, is there a way to change that somehow, but still retain all files and stuff I have/had on Nextcloud?

I did have some issues with up- and download of files of around 2GB and larger, but I think that is due to swag.  I was thinking about switching over to Nginx, but luckily I didn't, as I would "know" that is what was causing the error...


If there is any way you could provide some steps I can do to bring my nextcloud back to the living, that would be awesome.

Thanks again for your help.


Just forgot to add - when I try to locally go into my Nextcloud "unraidIP:444", I get


Not sure why I am getting this error, nor why it is nginx, as I am using swag?
Edited by DrBobke
added info
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On 1/25/2023 at 9:30 AM, DrBobke said:

Anyone that can chime in on this? Would like to get it sorted as soon as possible... 

I figured it out, its not an issue with MariaDB at all. The issue is with SWAG.

1. Stop SWAG docker (dont know if this is required, but seems like a good practice to do?)

2. Go in to appdata/swag/nginx
3. Rename the nginx.conf like for example add .old (so you still have it, just in case)

4. Rename the nginx.conf.sample to just nginx.conf

5. Start SWAG docker
6. Profit.


EDIT: Found this thread after the fact right now: 


Edited by Mihle
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On 1/29/2023 at 12:25 PM, Mihle said:

I figured it out, its not an issue with MariaDB at all. The issue is with SWAG.

1. Stop SWAG docker (dont know if this is required, but seems like a good practice to do?)

2. Go in to appdata/swag/nginx
3. Rename the nginx.conf like for example add .old (so you still have it, just in case)

4. Rename the nginx.conf.sample to just nginx.conf

5. Start SWAG docker
6. Profit.


EDIT: Found this thread after the fact right now: 



On 1/29/2023 at 12:25 PM, Mihle said:

I figured it out, its not an issue with MariaDB at all. The issue is with SWAG.

1. Stop SWAG docker (dont know if this is required, but seems like a good practice to do?)

2. Go in to appdata/swag/nginx
3. Rename the nginx.conf like for example add .old (so you still have it, just in case)

4. Rename the nginx.conf.sample to just nginx.conf

5. Start SWAG docker
6. Profit.


EDIT: Found this thread after the fact right now: 


Thanks a lot for posting it here! I did as you suggested, but that didn't work. I then read the thread about the broken reverse proxy and changed the SSL too, which worked like a charm! Thanks a lot! Nextcloud is up and running again!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

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On 1/23/2023 at 1:51 PM, mgutt said:

The official container updates automatically.

I am not 100% sure this is correct for the nextcloud containers.  Official or custom, the containers will update in unraid, but I have not heard of any of them upgrading a nextcloud version automatically.  The only way to do that is to manually run the updater from within nextcloud.


This extra step occurs with some other containers due to their configuration.  I also run plex, and you need to restart the container to run the upgrade process for that one.  If there is a container that handled updates and upgrades without user intervention, that would be news to me.

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I have a general best practices question.  Are there any issues to consider when running multiple DBs in one MariaDB container? 


I originally setup MariaDB to be used with Nextcloud.  I then created another DB to use with my HomeAssistant VM.  Both have been working great.  I'm about to add another DB for SuiteCRM to the same MariaDB docker instance. 


Is it best/better practice to have multiple MariaDB dockers for this scenario or should there not be any real issues doing this?  There will only be 2 users with SuiteCRM. There are currently only 2 Nextcloud users too.

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On 2/6/2023 at 1:44 PM, kimocal said:

Is it best/better practice to have multiple MariaDB dockers for this scenario or should there not be any real issues doing this?

Since the containers will share common base resources, there is no space penalty for running multiple instances of the same container, and it allows you to do maintenance and other tasks individually.


No real reason I can think of to NOT use unique database containers per app.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/25/2022 at 4:34 AM, Giorgio said:

I finally did it.

Now kodi database works on mariadb docker.


I had installed mariadb official setting:

Generate random password - yes (remember on the first run to read and save the password from the log)

Database name: kodi

Database User: kodi

Database password: set a password


after the installation I entered by mariadb console and copied all files in mariadb.conf.d to conf.d (cp not mv)

then modified the path in the link from /etc/mysql/conf.d to /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d activating advanced settings

(I had to copy the files because if i didn't the mariadb.conf.d after changing the link resulted empty, I don't know why)


from UNRAID console I edited the 50-server.cnf setting the bind address to


from mariadb console:

mysql -u root -p (entering the root random password)

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'kodi';


remember to setting up kodi with proper advancedsettings.xml 



Could you please provide detailed command line instructions for this? I am slowly pulling my hair out with this;

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I finally managed to get Kodi database working on MariaDB docker as well, but my case was different than what Giorgio reported.


It turns out that the "mistake" I made was creating a database named kodi (similar to what you would do with Nextcloud or anything else) and then created the user kodi and granted access to this. It turned out Kodi can not handle this structure, it needs to create its databases for music and videos on top level .... So as soon as I created a kodi user with top level access to the database, everything started working. Hope this helps someone else with the same problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/15/2022 at 5:30 AM, irishjd said:

Ahh... Between that and the fact that I can not log into the db from adminer with the root account, is driving me crazy. Adminer has no issues authenticating with any other db accounts, it's just the "root" account. I event tried this:


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';


but adminer still gives me this error:


Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)


It's not a huge deal as I can do admin work from the cli, but its just driving me nuts trying to figure out what the issue is. BTW, I am not a DBA, so I am probably overlooking something ;-)


I am having the same issue.  I cannot log into root in Adminer as it says "Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)"  I am actually putting server IP and not the internal. 

The weird thing is I CAN login to root via the container's command line with:

mysql -u root -p.  But I prefer GUI interface.  It seems like MariaDB is blocking access from outside ip's (


I can log into Adminer with the database that I created when I first installed the docker container app.  (I tried using cmd line to create a new database and user and granted permissions to database, but that user also gets the "Access denied for user [newuser]@'' "

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/25/2022 at 3:34 AM, Giorgio said:

I finally did it.

Now kodi database works on mariadb docker.


I had installed mariadb official setting:

Generate random password - yes (remember on the first run to read and save the password from the log)

Database name: kodi

Database User: kodi

Database password: set a password


after the installation I entered by mariadb console and copied all files in mariadb.conf.d to conf.d (cp not mv)

then modified the path in the link from /etc/mysql/conf.d to /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d activating advanced settings

(I had to copy the files because if i didn't the mariadb.conf.d after changing the link resulted empty, I don't know why)


from UNRAID console I edited the 50-server.cnf setting the bind address to


from mariadb console:

mysql -u root -p (entering the root random password)

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'kodi';


remember to setting up kodi with proper advancedsettings.xml 



I'm trying to sync my kodi install using mariadb as well, but when I attempt to copy and change the mariadb.conf.d files i do not know where it is located, or where the 50-server.cnf file location is. Could anyone assist? 

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6 minutes ago, Mrtj18 said:

when I attempt to copy and change the mariadb.conf.d

I don't think any of these steps are needed. Why should it be needed to use "GRANT"? INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, etc are default commands which are already granted. And of course the MariaDB Container is already bound with its port to the IP address?!


So what is the error message if you use the container as it meant to be?

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16 minutes ago, mgutt said:

I don't think any of these steps are needed. Why should it be needed to use "GRANT"? INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, etc are default commands which are already granted. And of course the MariaDB Container is already bound with its port to the IP address?!


So what is the error message if you use the container as it meant to be?

Mariadb is functioning correctly as it should. So I am not getting any error messages.

I was attempting to sync my kodi installs using this guide https://kodi.wiki/view/MySQL/Setting_up_MySQL i was able to create a kodi user name and grant all permissions. But I am unable to locate the file to change the listing addresses section. which maybe mariadb.conf.d and 50-server.cnf file to allow kodi to connect with mariadb

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