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VirtualBox Plugin for unRAID v5 and v6


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For me it's not the whole unraid webpage thats get stalled. Its only VirtualBox plugins config page. If I click on settings and then on your plugin again, it runs just fine. Its a minor problem, for me as I use phpvirtualbox to start the vms.


Regarding phpvirtualbox. I think you maybe should include a button that downloads and installs it. This will help many users to get started, as it is neaded to add virtual machines, anyways.



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wow! simply wow!


Successfully installing and running vb on unraid was by far the hardest task when I first started using vb and now there is this! AMAZING and a huge THANK YOU!


I can not wait to give this a go, but I will. I am too bloody terrified of fighting with vb again but will definitally keep an eye on this project... or maybe set up a test server... been meaning to do that anyways.


Thanks again!


p.s. )(*!&@#(*!@ LOVE UNRAID! w00t

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Ok, silly question.


My current vb install took a crap on me (dumb @$$ me pulled the plug on the server by mistake) and I am fixing on upgrading to r12 and trying out this plugin.


Is there any pointers on what I would need to do to disable/remove my previous vb? Looking at the screens closely, this plugin configures the go script for me? (which is SUPER sexy)


In my head (and mind you I am not at home to look at the fs for reference) I need to remove previous entries in go script and move all vb files an folders to a backup dir on my cache?


I'm such a dork... I really am looking forward to trying this plugin out. It took me every bit of two weeks working on it nights and weekends to get vb set up right and running. It did not help that I was very wet behind the ears with unRaid, but still. This is going to be great.


Thanks again for making this bud.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I recently had a power outage. When my UnRAID server came back up all was fine... except for VirtualBox.


It looks like the extensions won't install for some reason. I have deleted the installation folder and re-installed the plugin but there is no change...


This is the output from when I try to manually install the extension.


root@Tower:/boot/config/plugins/virtualbox# VBoxManage extpack install --replace Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.2.10.vbox-extpack

VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the VirtualBox object!

VBoxManage: error: Start tag expected, '<' not found.

VBoxManage: error: Location: '/root/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml', line 1 (0), column 1.

VBoxManage: error: /home/vbox/tinderbox/4.2-lnx32-rel/src/VBox/Main/src-server/VirtualBoxImpl.cpp[525] (nsresult VirtualBox::init())

VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component VirtualBox, interface IVirtualBox

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Can you give me a a little more info on how to use the lighttpd package in unmenu. I installed it but I don't know what to do now.


Full disclosure I use SF and not lighttpd


With that being said, looks like basic config info can be found here:




The most important aspect though is to password protect (strongest pass phrase you can remember) this if you open it to the internet (which you should NOT do unless you are very familiar and comfortable with network security)... IP's from China will try to break in.


[edit] One more thing, you probably can not run with traditional ports for this. by default unraid already uses 80 and unmenue 8080 so keep that in mind when picking a port

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Has anyone else had issues with VirtualBox causing their entire unRAID server to lock up? I've been trying to install Debian in a VBox VM. It works fine until it gets to the part where it formats the disk. Then the Debian installer just hangs. Server load on the host unRAID server just keeps rising, and even trying to kill -9 the VBox process leaves it stuck as "defunct".

I can't even stop the array, just hangs at "Sync filesystems". I assume VBox is still stuck trying to write to a disk, and that's stopping everything else from working?


These seem to be the 2 files stuck open by VirtualBox.

root@Tower:~# lsof /dev/md2


VBoxSVC  5413 root    3w  REG    9,2    1454 34697 /mnt/disk2/VM/vbox/VBoxSVC.log

vboxwebsr 5616 root    3w  REG    9,2  2732867 28420 /mnt/disk2/VM/vbox/vboxwebsrv.log


The only way I've found to fix this is to do a hard reset of the server, which I really don't like to do because it requires a full parity check afterwards.


I've never had any other issues with my unRAID server, so I don't know if this a VirtualBox specific issue? Or a unRAID bug? I'm on 5.0-rc12a

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW  :)

Only a question before installing: does it work with an atom?  ;D

I have the same motherboard and I want to use Virtualbox to install pfsense on my server. Do you think that it is a bit "much" for the D525?


I have Windows 7 running as a virtual machine on an ATOM D510 (I allocated for it 1 processor and 768MB memory).

It is working nicely.

Although it depends what you are running on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Theone your plugin works perfectly  :)

Only one question: do I have to install the guest additions? I ask this only because I virtualized a copy of FreeBSD and I can see usb drives only when I uncheck the "Enable USB 2.0 (ECHI) controller" option. So I was wandering if this is a freebsd problem or not.


PS: the error is the following: USB_ERR_TIMEOUT, disabling port ecc... if I disable USB2 I can use it correctly.


Thank you  :)

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Theone your plugin works perfectly  :)

Only one question: do I have to install the guest additions? I ask this only because I virtualized a copy of FreeBSD and I can see usb drives only when I uncheck the "Enable USB 2.0 (ECHI) controller" option. So I was wandering if this is a freebsd problem or not.


PS: the error is the following: USB_ERR_TIMEOUT, disabling port ecc... if I disable USB2 I can use it correctly.


Thank you  :)


I use the Guest Additions. It adds some functionality: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.html


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Installed your plugin with easy but couldn't get it to work because of the needed web server, what ever I tried I just couldn't get SF web server to run, had to edit the plg to get it to install sqlite.


Have you ever thought of changing your plugin so that it installs the needed web server and bits?


I ended up getting feed up with out and just removed it along with the non functional web server.


I'll be the first to admit I very new to unraid, but it shouldnt be this hard to get it going, I installed latest transmission, serviio and my ups without problems.


Anyway keep up the great work , hope to try again some day.

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Installed your plugin with easy but couldn't get it to work because of the needed web server, what ever I tried I just couldn't get SF web server to run, had to edit the plg to get it to install sqlite.


Have you ever thought of changing your plugin so that it installs the needed web server and bits?


I ended up getting feed up with out and just removed it along with the non functional web server.


I'll be the first to admit I very new to unraid, but it shouldnt be this hard to get it going, I installed latest transmission, serviio and my ups without problems.


Anyway keep up the great work , hope to try again some day.


What do you sqlite for? You seem to have a non standard request.

Post your SF Web Server issues on the specific thread:





I will not incorporate the Web Server installation into my plugin and don't think it is wise to do so.


You can install a different web server on another PC just to access the virtualbox WEBUI.


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Got the web server up and running and got the plug-in installed and updated for VirtualBox .


Now getting the following when i log into phpvirtualbox

Exception Object
    [message:protected] => PHP does not have the SOAP extension enabled.
    [string:Exception:private] => 
    [code:protected] => 32
    [file:protected] => /mnt/cache/.apps/web/www/lib/ajax.php
    [line:protected] => 128
    [trace:Exception:private] => Array

    [previous:Exception:private] => 


What have I missed I know its something stupid and how do i fix it lol?

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Hi All


I have been messing around with this for ages and thought it might be easier to post. Seems to have the SF webserver installed and Virtualbox installed but dont have the guest additions (not sure if I need at this point).


As you can see in the attached screenshot, I can get to the phpvirtualbox folder but there is nothing there. Can anyone let me know what I am doing wrong please?


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