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VirtualBox Plugin for unRAID v5 and v6


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No worries ijuarez, that's why we have the forum - for collaboration and helping each other out. Dont forget to set your preferences for VM image storage - default location is on the thumb drive.


Wil do, thanks... i really want to put my vm's on my cache instead of the array. i don't care if they get lost in a failure event. your thoughts?

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The cache is where i put mine as well - but virtualbox running VM's on top of unraid (Windows OS's) was kind of slow though, but still functional, worked great for the linux distros though, any of the other small os, at least until i upgrade my server or reorganize/virturalize my setup. Lately have been toying around with the PXE boot server addon for unraid to PXE boot laptops and other pcs without hard drives that will boot off of an image stored by unraid. grumpy setup a nice guide here if interested....



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The cache is where i put mine as well - but virtualbox running VM's on top of unraid (Windows OS's) was kind of slow though, but still functional, worked great for the linux distros though, any of the other small os, at least until i upgrade my server or reorganize/virturalize my setup. Lately have been toying around with the PXE boot server addon for unraid to PXE boot laptops and other pcs without hard drives that will boot off of an image stored by unraid. grumpy setup a nice guide here if interested....




Yeah really nice feature, i being using that on my mac's

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No worries ijuarez, that's why we have the forum - for collaboration and helping each other out. Dont forget to set your preferences for VM image storage - default location is on the thumb drive.


Wil do, thanks... i really want to put my vm's on my cache instead of the array. i don't care if they get lost in a failure event. your thoughts?


Of course the easy way to avoid loss in a cache failure event ... periodic snapshots copied to the array.

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No worries ijuarez, that's why we have the forum - for collaboration and helping each other out. Dont forget to set your preferences for VM image storage - default location is on the thumb drive.


Wil do, thanks... i really want to put my vm's on my cache instead of the array. i don't care if they get lost in a failure event. your thoughts?


very true


Of course the easy way to avoid loss in a cache failure event ... periodic snapshots copied to the array.

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No worries ijuarez, that's why we have the forum - for collaboration and helping each other out. Dont forget to set your preferences for VM image storage - default location is on the thumb drive.


Wil do, thanks... i really want to put my vm's on my cache instead of the array. i don't care if they get lost in a failure event. your thoughts?


Of course the easy way to avoid loss in a cache failure event ... periodic snapshots copied to the array.

How do you do that?

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Stupid question but what are you all using for a webserver now?

Dynamix has replaced SimpleFeatures and it has a webserver for unRAID v5.


have installed the dynamix webgui but now I cannot see sab or sickbeard plugins, but they are running how do I find them?


used installplg


just started a reboot about 2 minutes ago


did you reboot?

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Stupid question but what are you all using for a webserver now?

Dynamix has replaced SimpleFeatures and it has a webserver for unRAID v5.


have installed the dynamix webgui but now I cannot see sab or sickbeard plugins, but they are running how do I find them?


used installplg


just started a reboot about 2 minutes ago


did you reboot?


that was too easy, thanks

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Stupid question but what are you all using for a webserver now?

Dynamix has replaced SimpleFeatures and it has a webserver for unRAID v5.


no problem i did the same thing  ;)


have installed the dynamix webgui but now I cannot see sab or sickbeard plugins, but they are running how do I find them?


used installplg


just started a reboot about 2 minutes ago


did you reboot?


that was too easy, thanks

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Yes, my webserver is only cache. Google phpvirtualbox and download 4.3.4 then unzip it to the folder you have designated as your web root.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


ok, can only find phpvirtualbox 4.3.2.


Still cannot seem to get virtualbox up and running. vboxwebserv is up but for some reason I cannot get it to connect. Anyone help my with the config.php please?

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Post your configuration also look for nacat78 post and pictures they will help a ton



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


cool ok will check that out. Below is my config.php.


My unraid server has the ip of I seem to get a screen now with a couple of bars across it but not writing on it what so ever.





* phpVirtualBox example configuration.

* @version $Id: config.php-example 452 2012-10-17 12:22:12Z [email protected] $


* rename to config.php and edit as needed.



class phpVBoxConfig {


/* Username / Password for system user that runs VirtualBox */

var $username = 'vbox';

var $password = 'pass';


/* SOAP URL of vboxwebsrv (not phpVirtualBox's URL) */

var $location = '';


/* Default language. See languages folder for more language options.

* Can also be changed in File -> Preferences -> Language in

* phpVirtualBox.


var $language = 'en';


/* Set the standard VRDE Port Number / Range, e.g. 1010-1020 or 1027 */

var $vrdeports = '9000-9100';




* Not-so-common options / tweaking




// Multiple servers example config. Uncomment (remove /* and */) to use.

// Add ALL the servers you want to use. Even if you have the server set

// above. The default server will be the first one in the list.


var $servers = array(


                'name' => 'London',

                'username' => 'user',

                'password' => 'pass',

                'location' => '',

                'authMaster' => true // Use this server for authentication



                'name' => 'New York',

                'username' => 'user2',

                'password' => 'pass2',

                'location' => ''





// Disable authentication

var $noAuth = true;


// Host / ip to use for console connections

var $consoleHost = '’;


// Disable "preview" box

#var $noPreview = true;


// Default preview box update interval in seconds

#var $previewUpdateInterval = 30;


// Preview box pixel width

#var $previewWidth = 180;


// Max number of progress operations to keep in list

var $maxProgressList = 5;


// Change default preview aspect ratio to 1.

// http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspect_ratio_%28image%29#Previous_and_presently_used_aspect_ratios

#var $previewAspectRatio = 1.6;


// Enable custom VM icons

#var $enableCustomIcons = true;



Exclusively use phpVirtualBox's groups configuration rather than VirtualBox groups.

This has the following effects:


*) Group changes made in phpVirtualBox will not be reflected in VirtualBox programs such as

VirtualBox and VBoxManage

*) Group changes will not affect which folder a VM is placed in

*) You can rename groups that contain running VMs and move / copy running VMs to groups


#var $phpVboxGroups = true;




Allow to prompt deletion hard disk files on removal from Virtual Media Manager.

If this is not set, files are always kept. If this is set, you will be PROMPTED

to decide whether or not you would like to delete the hard disk file(s) when you

remove a hard disk from virtual media manager. You may still choose not to delete

the file when prompted.


var $deleteOnRemove = true;



* File / Folder browser settings



// Restrict file types

var $browserRestrictFiles = array('.iso','.vdi','.vmdk','.img','.bin','.vhd','.hdd','.ovf','.ova','.xml','.vbox','.cdr','.dmg','.ima','.dsk','.vfd');


// Restrict locations / folders

#var $browserRestrictFolders = array('D:\\','C:\\Users\\Ian'); // Or something like array('/home/vbox','/var/ISOs')


// Force use of local, web server based file browser instead of going through vboxwebsrv

#var $browserLocal = true;


// Disable file / folder browser.

#var $browserDisable = true;


// Disable Windows drive detection

#var $noWindowsDriveList = true;


// Just list all drives from C:\ - Z:\ without checking if they exist or not.

// This may be required on older Windows systems with more than one drive.

#var $forceWindowsAllDriveList = true;



* Misc




* Auto-refresh interval in seconds for VirtualBox host memory usage information.

* Any value below 3 will be ignored.


var $hostMemInfoRefreshInterval = 5;


/* Show % of free host memory instead of % used */

#var $hostMemInfoShowFreePct = true;



* VM Memory warnings.


* If $vmMemoryStartLimitWarn is enabled, each time a VM is started through

* phpVirtualBox, it will check that the available host memory is greater than

* the base and video memory of the VM + 50MB (a little bit of overhead). If it

* is not, a confirmation dialog will be presented to confirm that you want to

* start the VM.


* If $vmMemoryOffset is set (and $vmMemoryStartLimitWarn), $vmMemoryOffset

* megabytes is subtracted from the available host memory before the check is

* performed by $vmMemoryStartLimitWarn logic. For instance it may be a good

* idea to always have VM memory requirements + 100MB free. 100 is the default.


#var $vmMemoryStartLimitWarn = true;

#var $vmMemoryOffset = 100;




* Display guest additions version of a running VM on its Details tab


#var $enableGuestAdditionsVersionDisplay = true;


/* Disable any of phpVirtualBox's main tabs */

#var $disableTabVMSnapshots = true; // Snapshots tab

#var $disableTabVMConsole = true; // Console tab


/* Screen resolutions for console tab */

var $consoleResolutions = array('640x480','800x600','1024x768','1280x720','1440x900');


/* Console tab keyboard layout. Currently Oracle's RDP client only supports EN and DE. */

var $consoleKeyboardLayout = 'EN';


/* Max number of network cards per VM. Do not set above VirtualBox's limit (typically 8) or below 1 */

var $nicMax = 4;


/* Enable advanced configuration items (normally hidden in the VirtualBox GUI)

* Note that some of these items may not be translated to languages other than English.


#var $enableAdvancedConfig = true;


/* Enable startup / shutdown configuration.

* This only works in linux and you must add the vboxinit file to

* your startup scripts list.


#var $startStopConfig = true;


// Authentication library.

var $authLib = 'Builtin';


// VM ownership

#var $enforceVMOwnership = true;


// Per-user VM quota

#var $vmQuotaPerUser = 2;



// Allow VDE network configuration. This must be supported by the underlying VirtualBox installation!

// If you do not know what VDE networking is - you do not need it, it is probably not supported by your

// VirtualBox installation and will cause errors if enabled.

#var $enableVDE = true;


// Disable setting SATA controllers port count to the max port number found when saving VMs.

#var $disableSataPortCount = true;


/* Enable Parallel Port configuration - EXPERIMENTAL

LPT support may or may not work for you.

!!! VirtualBox LPT support only works in Linux. !!!


#var $enableLPTConfig = true;


/* Enable HardDisk IgnoreFlush configuration. This controls the "ExtraData" setting

* in "VBoxInternal/Devices/[controller type]/0/LUN#[x]/Config/IgnoreFlush". See

* Responding to guest IDE/SATA flush requests at:

* http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch12.html#idp12757424


#var $enableHDFlushConfig = true;










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You also need to modify the php.ini.cfg to allow SOAP.so. I don't have the screen shot but if you google it you'll find it. Also I'm not sure on the Mac but notepad ++ is a good editor to use



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks for that, allowed SOAP.so and still the same screen as above. Restarted vbox and the webserver same issue. Driving me insane, anything else you can think of?

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