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unraid-tunables-tester.sh - A New Utility to Optimize unRAID md_* Tunables

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3 minutes ago, Pauven said:


Technically, UTT is not [yet] a plugin, just a script.  There is no plugin installation logic to run automatically at boot.  While I have thought about turning UTT into a plugin, I'm not there yet.


What's the path to store the file in RAM?

I had forgotten that but the basic logic still applies :)   Anything not under /mnt or /boot is only in RAM and will not survive a reboot.   For a transient work file I would suggest just create it anywhere convenient under /tmp as the traditional home on Linux for temporary files.

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5 hours ago, itimpi said:

I had forgotten that but the basic logic still applies :)   Anything not under /mnt or /boot is only in RAM and will not survive a reboot.   For a transient work file I would suggest just create it anywhere convenient under /tmp as the traditional home on Linux for temporary files.

Well technically not 'anything under' /mnt, anything at exactly /mnt is more correct given that's where all your permanent storage also resides....

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20 hours ago, Pauven said:

Done.  Thanks for the suggestion and guidance.

You can also trap unexpected exits and remove that sentinel file in most cases by placing a line like this immediately following the creation of the file:

trap "rm -f $temp_file" 0

Certain exits will not be caught by this (kill -9 for example, immediately terminates a process with no regard to any open handles or cleanup code)


To explain, the first argument of trap (in quotes) is executed any time the signal to the right is received. 0 is EXIT. Any time SIGTERM, SIGINT etc are fired, you can catch those as well, but eventually all of those lead to EXIT also being called. So if you just need to do something before the script exits, this is sufficient. If there are additional things like wanting to print which signal is received to a log you can do that as well. You can also use this to call a cleanup function, where you could stop any running parity checks, delete the sentinel file, etc.

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2 hours ago, Xaero said:

You can also trap unexpected exits and remove that sentinel file in most cases by placing a line like this immediately following the creation of the file:

trap "rm -f $temp_file" 0

Certain exits will not be caught by this (kill -9 for example, immediately terminates a process with no regard to any open handles or cleanup code)


Very cool! I did not know this was possible.  I was curious if it would handle early termination by CTRL+C, and a quick Google search later I found the answer was yes.  Here's the sample I found:

# trap ctrl-c and call ctrl_c()
trap ctrl_c INT

function ctrl_c() {
        echo "** Trapped CTRL-C"


I will definitely be adding a trap initiated cleanup routine.


And from what I gather, I wouldn't have to place the trap line immediately following the creation of a file, I could place it earlier in the code, and then make my cleanup routine smart enough to only do what is necessary.


Thanks for sharing!



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1 hour ago, Pauven said:

The trap routine is working, thanks again!


I did find that I had to add the exit command to the end of my cleanup routine, otherwise the trap executed the command then returned back to executing the script where it left off.

I believe that behavior is normal. One thing to avoid is trapping and then causing a loop by using the same signal as the trap is catching. You can unset the trap in the cleanup routine if you run into this problem. A clever bit of *nix-fu to make scripts more like actual runtime applications.


Also, yes - placing it after a command is not necessary as long as you are intelligent in the cleanup routine. The one-liner for example would break if the file had not yet been created and then the script was exited. Obviously conditionals inside a cleanup function make quick work of these small problems.

Edited by Xaero
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Progress update.


With the first of August approaching, I knew I wanted to see the impact of my new tunable tester results.  Yesterday my monthly parity check completed in record time - well, a record by about 3 seconds. 


Of course, my system was already tuned from a few years ago, so I wasn't expecting any miracles.  What's noteworthy about the result below is that my new settings consume 23 MB less than my previous settings (600 MB previously, 577 MB with the new settings).  So the new version of UTT is producing very usable results, at least on my system.


I'm still tweaking the new options a bit.  In the last beta a few years ago, I tested nr_requests first before tuning the other variables, and found that lower nr_requests values improve performance when other settings are bad, but also prevent reaching maximum speeds when the other settings are tuned.  For this new version, I moved the nr_requests test to the end, after all the other settings are already tuned, and find that testing lower nr_requests values only hurts my performance as I expected.  I'm thinking I need to keep the nr_requests test in there, as it might help some users, but make it optional as it takes a lot of time to run and for many systems like mine it is a pure waste of time.


I've also still got to work out some of the report formatting.  Pass 3 actually tests 18 different values for md_sync_thresh, but the report is only showing 3 of them (the three "thresh" columns, while the three rows are showing different nr_requests values).  I probably just need to rotate the output so that the rows show different thresh values instead of trying to fit 41 columns of data.


Also noteworthy in my report below is that both tests of md_sync_window=3072 + md_sync_thresh=3008 (Pass 1 Test 4, Pass 2 Test 25) both returned exactly 139.6 MB/s.  This is incredibly consistent.  This was running 5 minute tests for each combo of values.  If I make the nr_requests optional, this would be about an 8 hour duration to complete all the tests.





                  Unraid 6.x Tunables Tester v4.0b5 by Pauven

        Tunables Report produced Sun Jul 28 22:07:21 EDT 2019

                         Run on server: Tower

                  Normal Automatic Parity Sync Test

Current Values:  md_num_stripes=6784, md_sync_window=3392, md_sync_thresh=3328
                 Global nr_requests=128
                 Disk Specific nr_requests Values:
                    sdg=128, sdh=128, sdi=128, sdj=128, sdk=128, sdl=128, 
                    sdm=128, sdn=128, sdo=128, sdp=128, sdq=128, sdr=128, 
                    sds=128, sdt=128, sdu=128, sdv=128, sdw=128, sdb=128, 
                    sdc=128, sdd=128, sde=128, sdf=128, 

--- INITIAL BASELINE TEST OF CURRENT VALUES (1 Sample Point @ 5min Duration)---
Tst | RAM | stri |  win | req | thresh |  MB/s
  1 | 600 | 6784 | 3392 | 128 |  3328  | 139.5 

 --- TEST PASS 1 (60 Min - 12 Sample Points @ 5min Duration) ---
Tst | RAM | stri |  win | req | thresh |  MB/s | thresh |  MB/s | thresh |  MB/s
  1 |  67 |  768 |  384 | 128 |   376  |  41.4 |   320  | 135.4 |   192  | 135.1
  2 | 135 | 1536 |  768 | 128 |   760  |  59.7 |   704  | 136.5 |   384  | 135.9
  3 | 271 | 3072 | 1536 | 128 |  1528  |  85.2 |  1472  | 137.8 |   768  | 129.2
  4 | 543 | 6144 | 3072 | 128 |  3064  | 115.9 |  3008  | 139.6 |  1536  | 138.2

 --- TEST PASS 1_HIGH (15 Min - 3 Sample Points @ 5min Duration)---
Tst | RAM | stri |  win | req | thresh |  MB/s | thresh |  MB/s | thresh |  MB/s
  1 |1086 |12288 | 6144 | 128 |  6136  | 134.8 |  6080  | 139.6 |  3072  | 139.6

 --- TEST PASS 1_VERYHIGH (15 Min - 3 Sample Points @ 5min Duration)---
Tst | RAM | stri |  win | req | thresh |  MB/s | thresh |  MB/s | thresh |  MB/s
  1 |1630 |18432 | 9216 | 128 |  9208  | 134.0 |  9152  | 130.5 |  4608  | 130.5
 --- Using fastest result of window=3072 & thresh=window-64 for Pass 2 ---

 --- TEST PASS 2 (4.1 Hrs - 49 Sample Points @ 5min Duration) ---
Tst | RAM | stri |  win | req | thresh |  MB/s 
  1 | 271 | 3072 | 1536 | 128 |  1472  | 135.7
  2 | 283 | 3200 | 1600 | 128 |  1536  | 135.1
  3 | 294 | 3328 | 1664 | 128 |  1600  | 137.6
  4 | 305 | 3456 | 1728 | 128 |  1664  | 138.3
  5 | 317 | 3584 | 1792 | 128 |  1728  | 138.4
  6 | 328 | 3712 | 1856 | 128 |  1792  | 138.2
  7 | 339 | 3840 | 1920 | 128 |  1856  | 138.4
  8 | 350 | 3968 | 1984 | 128 |  1920  | 138.6
  9 | 362 | 4096 | 2048 | 128 |  1984  | 138.6
 10 | 373 | 4224 | 2112 | 128 |  2048  | 138.9
 11 | 384 | 4352 | 2176 | 128 |  2112  | 138.9
 12 | 396 | 4480 | 2240 | 128 |  2176  | 133.8
 13 | 407 | 4608 | 2304 | 128 |  2240  | 137.7
 14 | 418 | 4736 | 2368 | 128 |  2304  | 139.1
 15 | 430 | 4864 | 2432 | 128 |  2368  | 139.1
 16 | 441 | 4992 | 2496 | 128 |  2432  | 139.2
 17 | 452 | 5120 | 2560 | 128 |  2496  | 139.0
 18 | 464 | 5248 | 2624 | 128 |  2560  | 139.2
 19 | 475 | 5376 | 2688 | 128 |  2624  | 139.4
 20 | 486 | 5504 | 2752 | 128 |  2688  | 139.4
 21 | 498 | 5632 | 2816 | 128 |  2752  | 139.5
 22 | 509 | 5760 | 2880 | 128 |  2816  | 139.6
 23 | 520 | 5888 | 2944 | 128 |  2880  | 135.3
 24 | 532 | 6016 | 3008 | 128 |  2944  | 138.7
 25 | 543 | 6144 | 3072 | 128 |  3008  | 139.6
 26 | 554 | 6272 | 3136 | 128 |  3072  | 139.6
 27 | 566 | 6400 | 3200 | 128 |  3136  | 139.6
 28 | 577 | 6528 | 3264 | 128 |  3200  | 139.7
 29 | 588 | 6656 | 3328 | 128 |  3264  | 139.5
 30 | 600 | 6784 | 3392 | 128 |  3328  | 139.6
 31 | 611 | 6912 | 3456 | 128 |  3392  | 139.5
 32 | 622 | 7040 | 3520 | 128 |  3456  | 139.6
 33 | 634 | 7168 | 3584 | 128 |  3520  | 139.7
 34 | 645 | 7296 | 3648 | 128 |  3584  | 135.4
 35 | 656 | 7424 | 3712 | 128 |  3648  | 138.7
 36 | 668 | 7552 | 3776 | 128 |  3712  | 139.6
 37 | 679 | 7680 | 3840 | 128 |  3776  | 139.5
 38 | 690 | 7808 | 3904 | 128 |  3840  | 139.7
 39 | 701 | 7936 | 3968 | 128 |  3904  | 139.6
 40 | 713 | 8064 | 4032 | 128 |  3968  | 139.3
 41 | 724 | 8192 | 4096 | 128 |  4032  | 139.6
 42 | 735 | 8320 | 4160 | 128 |  4096  | 139.6
 43 | 747 | 8448 | 4224 | 128 |  4160  | 139.6
 44 | 758 | 8576 | 4288 | 128 |  4224  | 139.7
 45 | 769 | 8704 | 4352 | 128 |  4288  | 136.5
 46 | 781 | 8832 | 4416 | 128 |  4352  | 139.6
 47 | 792 | 8960 | 4480 | 128 |  4416  | 139.6
 48 | 803 | 9088 | 4544 | 128 |  4480  | 139.6
 49 | 815 | 9216 | 4608 | 128 |  4544  | 139.6
 --- Using fastest result of md_sync_window=3264 for Pass 3 ---

 --- TEST PASS 3 (4.5 Hrs - 54 Sample Points @ 5min Duration) ---
Tst | RAM | stri |  win | req | thresh |  MB/s | thresh |  MB/s | thresh |  MB/s
  1 | 577 | 6528 | 3264 | 128 |  3263  | 128.0 |  3260  | 132.4 |  3256  | 133.0
  2 | 577 | 6528 | 3264 |  16 |  3263  | 138.2 |  3260  | 138.7 |  3256  | 138.8
  3 | 577 | 6528 | 3264 |   8 |  3263  | 137.3 |  3260  | 137.0 |  3256  | 135.1

The results below do NOT include the Baseline test of current values.

The Fastest settings tested give a peak speed of 139.7 MB/s
     md_sync_window: 3264          md_num_stripes: 6528
     md_sync_thresh: 3232             nr_requests: 128
This will consume 577 MB (23 MB less than your current utilization of 600 MB)

The Thriftiest settings (95% of Fastest) give a peak speed of 135.4 MB/s
     md_sync_window: 384          md_num_stripes: 768
     md_sync_thresh: 320             nr_requests: 128
This will consume 67 MB (533 MB less than your current utilization of 600 MB)

The Recommended settings (99% of Fastest) give a peak speed of 138.4 MB/s
     md_sync_window: 1792          md_num_stripes: 3584
     md_sync_thresh: 1728             nr_requests: 128
This will consume 317 MB (283 MB less than your current utilization of 600 MB)

NOTE: Adding additional drives will increase memory consumption.

In unRAID, go to Settings > Disk Settings to set your chosen parameter values.

Completed: 11 Hrs 19 Min 3 Sec.

NOTE: Use the smallest set of values that produce good results. Larger values
      increase server memory use, and may cause stability issues with unRAID,
      especially if you have any add-ons or plug-ins installed.

System Info:  Tower
              unRAID version 6.6.6
                   nr_requests=128 (Global Setting)
              CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Eight-Core Processor
              RAM: 64GiB System Memory

Outputting free low memory information...

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:       65906560     1740348    63225564      848372      940648    62745464
Low:       65906560     2680996    63225564
High:             0           0           0
Swap:             0           0           0

SCSI Host Controllers and Connected Drives

[0] scsi0	usb-storage -	
[0:0:0:0]	flash		sda	4.00GB	Patriot Memory

[1] scsi1	ahci -	

[2] scsi2	ahci -	

[3] scsi3	ahci -	

[4] scsi4	ahci -	

[5] scsi5	ahci -	

[6] scsi6	ahci -	

[7] scsi7	ahci -	

[8] scsi8	ahci -	

[9] scsi9	ahci -	

[10] scsi10	ahci -	

[11] scsi11	ahci -	

[12] scsi12	mvsas -	HighPoint Technologies, Inc.
[12:0:0:0]	disk17		sdb	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[12:0:1:0]	disk18		sdc	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[12:0:2:0]	disk19		sdd	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68E
[12:0:3:0]	disk20		sde	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68E
[12:0:4:0]	parity2		sdf	8.00TB	HGST HUH728080AL
[12:0:5:0]	parity		sdg	8.00TB	HGST HUH728080AL

[13] scsi13	mvsas -	HighPoint Technologies, Inc.
[13:0:0:0]	disk1		sdh	8.00TB	HGST HUH728080AL
[13:0:1:0]	disk2		sdi	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[13:0:2:0]	disk3		sdj	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68E
[13:0:3:0]	disk4		sdk	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[13:0:4:0]	disk5		sdl	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[13:0:5:0]	disk6		sdm	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[13:0:6:0]	disk7		sdn	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[13:0:7:0]	disk8		sdo	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A

[14] scsi14	mvsas -	HighPoint Technologies, Inc.
[14:0:0:0]	disk9		sdp	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[14:0:1:0]	disk10		sdq	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[14:0:2:0]	disk11		sdr	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[14:0:3:0]	disk12		sds	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[14:0:4:0]	disk13		sdt	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68A
[14:0:5:0]	disk14		sdu	3.00TB	WDC WD30EFRX-68E
[14:0:6:0]	disk15		sdv	4.00TB	ST4000VN000-1H41
[14:0:7:0]	disk16		sdw	4.00TB	ST4000VN000-1H41

                      *** END OF REPORT ***



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I'm very close to releasing UTT v4 for Unraid 6.x.  I've got one final feature I'd like to add, and need some help.


If the Mover kicks in during a test, it will obviously slow down any currently running parity check speed tests, and adversely affect the results.


I'd like to show a warning to users to run Mover first, before running any tests.  But I only want to show this warning if Mover has work to do.  Otherwise, I want to skip the warning if there's nothing to Move.


How do I check if Mover has work to do?

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I'd hate to do it in bash.  But a php script (eg) would be easy.


In pseudo code, parse all of the .cfg files within /boot/shares, look for any shares which are set to use cache yes and file(s) exist on the cache drive, and use cache prefer and file(s) exist on the array.

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I'm very close to releasing UTT v4 for Unraid 6.x.  I've got one final feature I'd like to add, and need some help.
If the Mover kicks in during a test, it will obviously slow down any currently running parity check speed tests, and adversely affect the results.
I'd like to show a warning to users to run Mover first, before running any tests.  But I only want to show this warning if Mover has work to do.  Otherwise, I want to skip the warning if there's nothing to Move.
How do I check if Mover has work to do?

Can you just run a find command for all files and folders on the cache disk directly?
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42 minutes ago, tmchow said:

Can you just run a find command for all files and folders on the cache disk directly?

That just tells you what is on cache. It doesn't tell you whether or not any of it would be moved to the array; i.e, files from cache-only or cache-prefer user shares would not be moved from cache. And it doesn't tell you if any files would be moved from the array to cache; i.e, files from cache-prefer user shares.


1 hour ago, Pauven said:

If the Mover kicks in during a test, it will obviously slow down any currently running parity check speed tests, and adversely affect the results.

Another approach would be to disable mover for the duration of the test.

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31 minutes ago, trurl said:

Another approach would be to disable mover for the duration of the test.


That sounds relatively easy.  Anyone know how?



1 hour ago, Squid said:

In pseudo code, parse all of the .cfg files within /boot/shares, look for any shares which are set to use cache yes and file(s) exist on the cache drive, and use cache prefer and file(s) exist on the array.


For the "use cache prefer" and files exist on the array, I think this is dependent upon available space on the cache drive, right?  So it might look like there is work to be done, but no files would move if there was insufficient cache drive space.


This approach sounds more challenging in general, lot's of variables to consider.

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9 minutes ago, Squid said:

Mover technically can't be disabled.  But a workaround is to rename /usr/local/sbin/mover to something else for the duration of the tests.

Actually you would have to replace mover with a different script

exit 0

So that if / when cron decides to execute the mover script, the non-existant script doesn't trigger an email to root.  (Or get really fancy and have the different script send a notification that mover isn't running because UTT is running)

Edited by Squid
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8 minutes ago, Squid said:

Mover technically can't be disabled.  But a workaround is to rename /usr/local/sbin/mover to something else for the duration of the tests. 

On second thought, I think trying to disable Mover is crossing a line I don't want to cross.  I simply want to warn users that they should run Mover first.  I'll play around with your original suggestion, and see if I can make the warning smart enough to only show if there might be work to do. 


Otherwise, I can default to showing the warning to all users.

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On second thought, I think trying to disable Mover is crossing a line I don't want to cross.  I simply want to warn users that they should run Mover first.  I'll play around with your original suggestion, and see if I can make the warning smart enough to only show if there might be work to do. 
Otherwise, I can default to showing the warning to all users.

I think this is a better plan than disabling mover. I could see how this could get hairy later, Eg. In event of a bug where the original mover script is not replaced
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13 minutes ago, Pauven said:

Otherwise, I can default to showing the warning to all users.

What you should really do is advise the user to also stop all running VMs and docker containers, and not access the array at all since all of this can (and will) negatively impact the tests

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1 minute ago, Squid said:

What you should really do is advise the user to also stop all running VMs and docker containers, and not access the array at all since all of this can (and will) negatively impact the tests

I've already included this advisory.  But it occurred to me recently that someone might forget that the Mover is scheduled to run overnight when they start up a 20+ hour test, so I want to warn about Mover too.

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2 hours ago, Squid said:

In pseudo code, parse all of the .cfg files within /boot/shares, look for any shares which are set to use cache yes and file(s) exist on the cache drive, and use cache prefer and file(s) exist on the array.


Finding if any shares with shareUseCache=yes and data on the cache drive was easy.


But I'm having trouble with an efficient way to check if data exists in the array for shareUseCache=prefer.  How do I tell if something is in the array but not the cache?


EDIT:  Do I look at /mnt/user0 ?

Edited by Pauven
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