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[REPO] IronicBadgers ArchVM Repo <--- deprecated 01/07/2014

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Repo URL is changing from 'unraidrepo.ktz.me' to 'repo.ktz.me/repo' TODAY ( 30/5/14 ). You'll need to edit your pacman.conf file at this time to continue receiving packages.


To fix your VM you need to edit your pacman.conf file as follows...


nano +99 /etc/pacman.conf 


Then look for the [unraid6repo] entry and edit it as such:


SigLevel = Never
Server = http://repo.ktz.me/repo


Then press Ctrl + X to save the file and quit. Run ' pacman -Syu ' to double check it all works. There may be some downtime for the next few hours whilst everything moves across but I hope to have everything working perfectly well before 6pm GMT.




Hello everyone,


So with official VM support right around the corner I figured it would be useful to have a bunch of precompiled packages for you all to install in a very simple way, to keep 'the little guy' happy. First, some basics to attend to...


What's a repository (repo)?

A repo is simply a place where the applications your Operating System downloads are stored, in a compiled format thus saving you the effort and complexity of doing so yourself. The App Store on your phone, for example, could be considered a repo.


How do I use your super awesome repo?

Firstly, your VM will need to run Arch Linux. There are several images floating around (I will release one myself when I feel the time is right).

Secondly, you'll need to tell your install where to look for my repo. You have two options, automatic or manual (for advanced users only). The file we need to modify is /etc/pacman.conf.


Option 1 - use my pre-configured pacman.conf file and replace yours with one command.

wget http://unraidrepo.ktz.me/pacman.conf -O /etc/pacman.conf 


Option 2 - add this manually

SigLevel = Never
Server = http://repo.ktz.me/repo


How do I download an app from this super awesome repo?


Use pacman, Arch's built in package manager. For example to install plexmediaserver (case sensitive) type:

pacman -S plexmediaserver


If you want to search for a package (again case sensitive):

pacman -Ss plex


Where can I find out a full list of packages?


This info, and the above is available at the repo's official home of:




If you find this useful please consider making a donation towards the hosting costs.




Hope y'all find this useful. I'll keep adding packages to it when I notice updates and such. Do feel free to suggest other packages you want here. I'll add a second post immediately after this one listing requests being noted and fulfilled. All requests must come by searching the Arch User Repository (AUR), only if the app you want is there will I compile and host it. Peace x

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All current packages and their versions as of 01/06/2014.


If you wish to run this command yourself, simply issue ' pacman -Sl archVMrepo '.


[root@ArchX ~]# pacman -Sl unraid6repo

archVMrepo air-video-server 2.4.6_beta3-7
archVMrepo archey 20130324-5
archVMrepo btsync 1.2.82-1
archVMrepo cloudprint-cups-git 1:20140112.39.g617d73d-1
archVMrepo couchpotato-git 2855.2cfff73-1 
archVMrepo crashplan 3.6.3-1
archVMrepo freenet 0.7.5-6
archVMrepo freerapid 0.9u3-1
archVMrepo grive 0.3.0-1
archVMrepo headphones-git 20130330-1
archVMrepo jdk7 7.55-1
archVMrepo jdownloader 0.3.3-1
archVMrepo logitechmediaserver 7.7.3-2
archVMrepo madsonic 5.0.3840-1
archVMrepo mediafrontpage-git 20111101-1
archVMrepo monitorix 3.5.1-2 [installed]
archVMrepo nzbdrone
archVMrepo nzbget-svn 1:0.r941-1
archVMrepo ocsync 0.91.4-2
archVMrepo perl-config-general 2.56-1 [installed]
archVMrepo plex-home-theater-git 1.1.1-1
archVMrepo plexmediaserver
archVMrepo plexmediaserver-plexpass [installed]
archVMrepo pyload 0.4.9-16
archVMrepo python2-mygpoclient 1.7-3
archVMrepo qtkeychain 0.1-3
archVMrepo sabnzbd 0.7.17-1 [installed]
archVMrepo sickbeard-git 3630.6a2e1f8-1
archVMrepo sickrage-git r809.02bf357-1
archVMrepo subsonic 4.9-1
archVMrepo utserver 30235-2
archVMrepo xen 4.4.0-3
archVMrepo xen-4.3 4.3.2-1

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Thanks, that's super useful and pretty easy to read!  I don't want to go too far off-topic (feel free to ask me to create another thread), but for the Arch install is "base" pretty much as light as you can go or is it worth digging deeper and explicitly installing fewer specific packages?  My install is base, openssh and git(required for verifying/updating headphones)


I figure when you release your Arch VM it'll be super lightweight, but I'd like to learn to do it myself.

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I was more concerned about keeping the VHD down, but for 50MB, it's not worth the hair pulling :)


Despite the intimidating "Beginners" guide to install Arch, it was pretty easy to setup a Xen compatible (VHD) VM in virtualbox on my laptop while watching the Habs game.

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Looking forward to this!..


Would Crashplan work best inside the vm (as part of the repository) or should it be on the host?


I don't know. But, if you can mount the shares from the VM via NFS or something, it should work fine. I'm just uploading an Arch VM image now, I'm sure I've missed stuff but can't think what.

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Awesome vid!! That's definitely easy enough lol. Was wondering how do we actually edit cfg files on a headless vm install, I guess that's where nano comes in! An editor on terminal.. nvr seen something like that before.


Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk



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Awesome vid!! That's definitely easy enough lol. Was wondering how do we actually edit cfg files on a headless vm install, I guess that's where nano comes in! An editor on terminal.. nvr seen something like that before.


Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


unRAID doesn't have it pre-installed but I think Tom should consider adding it - infact I'll ask him now it's much user friendly than vi.


I just put the files in the cache, run the permissions thing in unraid web UI and then edit the files in a GUI from my desktop / mac whatever.

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Thanks for the video! That helps me understand things a bit better. Started playing with Arch myself. Take a little getting used to from the other distros I'm more used to.


I wonder if the VM management could be done through the unRaid GUI? Pick your VM to load and start it up.


by the way, does anyone have any ideas on what kind of hardware will be needed for this compared to the current unRaid? Been happy with my Celeron up to this point (but I don't run a ton of plugs) so I'm wondering how much overhead Xen and the VM will add.

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Awesome vid!! That's definitely easy enough lol. Was wondering how do we actually edit cfg files on a headless vm install, I guess that's where nano comes in! An editor on terminal.. nvr seen something like that before.


Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


unRAID doesn't have it pre-installed but I think Tom should consider adding it - infact I'll ask him now it's much user friendly than vi.


I just put the files in the cache, run the permissions thing in unraid web UI and then edit the files in a GUI from my desktop / mac whatever.


Great job on the vid Badger.  Always good to put a voice with the name.


Second that on adding nano.  I tried installing it ...


wget ftp://ftp.slackware.com/pub/slackware//slackware64-14.1/slackware64/ap/nano-2.3.2-x86_64-1.txz


but there is a lib it needs ...


nano : error while loading shared libraries: libmagic.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


and I don't know enough on how to add it at this point.  Linux novice ...


And since it is that day - Go Seahawks!!!!!




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