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[unRAID 6 beta14+] Unassigned Devices [former Auto Mount USB]

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Happy to report that with latest update (.11a)  your plugin executes my script to export a share under NFS. Thanks.


My USB disk formatted NTFS will mount but not execute the script.


Please PM me your /var/log/unassigned.devices.log file.

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Just for reference, that seems to be a good case:

Fri Jun 12 12:49:35 CDT 2015: Drive found with the following attributes: serial='WD_Elements_10B8_575841314131353253354850-0:0', serial_short='575841314131353253354850', device='/dev/sdg1', part='1', label='Elements', fstype='ntfs', target='', size='2000364240896', used='0', avail='2000364240896', mountpoint='/mnt/disks/wd2t', owner='user', automount='1', shared='1'
Fri Jun 12 12:49:35 CDT 2015: Adding disk  ...
Fri Jun 12 12:49:35 CDT 2015: Mounting drive with command: mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdg1' '/mnt/disks/wd2t'
Fri Jun 12 12:49:44 CDT 2015: Successfully mounted '/dev/sdg1' on '/mnt/disks/wd2t'
Fri Jun 12 12:49:44 CDT 2015: Defining share 'wd2t' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/wd2t.conf' .
Fri Jun 12 12:49:44 CDT 2015: Adding share wd2t to /boot/config/smb-extra.conf
Fri Jun 12 12:49:44 CDT 2015: Reloading Samba configuration.
Fri Jun 12 12:49:44 CDT 2015: Directory '/mnt/disks/wd2t' shared successfully.
Fri Jun 12 12:49:44 CDT 2015: Running command '/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/wd2t.sh' with action 'ADD'.
Fri Jun 12 12:49:44 CDT 2015: Disk Elements shared successfully

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Happy to report that with latest update (.11a)  your plugin executes my script to export a share under NFS. Thanks.


My USB disk formatted NTFS will mount but not execute the script.


Please PM me your /var/log/unassigned.devices.log file.


The log shows that everything worked as it should.  Let me work with it some more.  I think I just found a script error.


I hadn't tried this drive script until the latest version.  I had another USB disk that I worked with on RC5 and it worked fine.


EDIT: OK. Subtle script problem kept the script from running.

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gfjardim, could you take a look at this post of mine and let us know if there is anything that can be done to improve this?




This is top priority.

I see there was an update for this. I would like to test it but I am in the middle of a 4TB preclear. Does anyone know what would happen if I updated this plugin while the preclear is running?


Sorry for the late response. The preclear instance will continue to run.

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I have a USB Disk that I back up some of my unraid files to for off-site storage.  What I do is plug in the USB Drive and walk away until the backup is complete.  I then want to just remove the USB Drive when the backup is complete.  I don't want to have to go to the webgui to unmount the drive.


This is my script:

## Available variables: 
# AVAIL      : available space
# USED       : used space
# SIZE       : partition size
# SERIAL     : disk serial number
# ACTION     : if mounting, ADD; if unmounting, REMOVE
# MOUNTPOINT : where the partition is mounted
# FSTYPE     : partition filesystem
# LABEL      : partition label
# DEVICE     : partition device, e.g /dev/sda1
# OWNER      : "udev" if executed by UDEV, otherwise "user"

case $ACTION in
  'ADD' )
# Beep that the device is plugged in.
beep  -l 200 -f 600 -n -l 200 -f 800
sleep 2

if [ $OWNER = "udev" ]

	beep  -l 100 -f 2000 -n -l 150 -f 3000
	beep  -l 100 -f 2000 -n -l 150 -f 3000	

// Doing my stuff
	logger Synching... -t$PROG_NAME

	beep  -l 100 -f 2000 -n -l 150 -f 3000
	beep  -l 100 -f 2000 -n -l 150 -f 3000
	beep  -r 5 -l 100 -f 2000

	sleep 2
	/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_umount $DEVICE

  'REMOVE' )
# Beep that the device is unmounted.
beep  -l 200 -f 800 -n -l 200 -f 600


The idea is that the device is unmounted after the work is complete.  I had to insert the "sync" before the unmount to be sure all writes to the disk are completed before unmounting the disk or I would get some errors.


Should the "sync" be part of the built in unmount procedure to prevent problems by unmounting too soon after writing?

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gfjardim, could you take a look at this post of mine and let us know if there is anything that can be done to improve this?




With the most recent version, mount/unmount scripts run in the background, but this can cause some race conditions. I'm inclined to revert this. You can always run your commands  in the background, tho, e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4511704/shell-script-run-a-block-of-code-in-the-background-without-defining-a-new-funct


I think I might be seeing a race condition here

Didn't forget you. I have to think how to debug this first.

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gfjardim, could you take a look at this post of mine and let us know if there is anything that can be done to improve this?




With the most recent version, mount/unmount scripts run in the background, but this can cause some race conditions. I'm inclined to revert this. You can always run your commands  in the background, tho, e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4511704/shell-script-run-a-block-of-code-in-the-background-without-defining-a-new-funct


I think I might be seeing a race condition here

Didn't forget you. I have to think how to debug this first.

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PS: Since unRAID v6.0-rc1, it's safe to use a disk managed by this plugin to store VM's and Docker images.


Example script for those who mount disks used by Docker and/or VMs:


## Available variables: 
# AVAIL      : available space
# USED       : used space
# SIZE       : partition size
# SERIAL     : disk serial number
# ACTION     : if mounting, ADD; if unmounting, REMOVE
# MOUNTPOINT : where the partition is mounted
# FSTYPE     : partition filesystem
# LABEL      : partition label
# DEVICE     : partition device, e.g /dev/sda1
# OWNER      : "udev" if executed by UDEV, otherwise "user"

case $ACTION in
  'ADD' )
    // do your stuff here
  'REMOVE' )
    // do your stuff here


This doesn't seem to work for me.  My docker drive/partition (/mnt/docker) mounts as expected, but the 'Docker' tab tells me: "No Docker Containers Installed".


If I then go to Settings->Docker and disable/re-enable Docker, my five containers start up.


What am I missing?


Is this likely due to the race condition?  Is there a work-around?  I've reverted to mounting my docker drive in the go script for now.

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PS: Since unRAID v6.0-rc1, it's safe to use a disk managed by this plugin to store VM's and Docker images.


Example script for those who mount disks used by Docker and/or VMs:


## Available variables: 
# AVAIL      : available space
# USED       : used space
# SIZE       : partition size
# SERIAL     : disk serial number
# ACTION     : if mounting, ADD; if unmounting, REMOVE
# MOUNTPOINT : where the partition is mounted
# FSTYPE     : partition filesystem
# LABEL      : partition label
# DEVICE     : partition device, e.g /dev/sda1
# OWNER      : "udev" if executed by UDEV, otherwise "user"

case $ACTION in
  'ADD' )
    // do your stuff here
  'REMOVE' )
    // do your stuff here


This doesn't seem to work for me.  My docker drive/partition (/mnt/docker) mounts as expected, but the 'Docker' tab tells me: "No Docker Containers Installed".


If I then go to Settings->Docker and disable/re-enable Docker, my five containers start up.


What am I missing?


Is this likely due to the race condition?  Is there a work-around?  I've reverted to mounting my docker drive in the go script for now.

I will revert this later today.

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I have a Windows 8.1 VM that I am passing a USB mouse, keyboard, and printer through to the VM.  I am seeing udev hot-plug events in the VM log.  I am wondering if these hot-plug events aren't coming from unassigned devices.  If they are, maybe they should be filtered out and not "hot-plugged" if they are being passed to a VM.


2015-06-13 20:29:15.483+0000: starting up libvirt version: 1.2.15, qemu version: 2.3.0
Domain id=2 is tainted: high-privileges
Domain id=2 is tainted: host-cpu
char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial0)
qemu: terminating on signal 15 from pid 5991
2015-06-13 20:30:01.977+0000: shutting down
2015-06-13 20:30:35.537+0000: starting up libvirt version: 1.2.15, qemu version: 2.3.0
Domain id=4 is tainted: high-privileges
Domain id=4 is tainted: host-cpu
char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial0)
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change

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When I click the "Rescan Disks" button on the webgui, I get the following log entries:


Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11511]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11538] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11504]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11543] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11505]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11570] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11557]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11564] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11509]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11569] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11514]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11571] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)

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I have a Windows 8.1 VM that I am passing a USB mouse, keyboard, and printer through to the VM.  I am seeing udev hot-plug events in the VM log.  I am wondering if these hot-plug events aren't coming from unassigned devices.  If they are, maybe they should be filtered out and not "hot-plugged" if they are being passed to a VM.


2015-06-13 20:29:15.483+0000: starting up libvirt version: 1.2.15, qemu version: 2.3.0
Domain id=2 is tainted: high-privileges
Domain id=2 is tainted: host-cpu
char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial0)
qemu: terminating on signal 15 from pid 5991
2015-06-13 20:30:01.977+0000: shutting down
2015-06-13 20:30:35.537+0000: starting up libvirt version: 1.2.15, qemu version: 2.3.0
Domain id=4 is tainted: high-privileges
Domain id=4 is tainted: host-cpu
char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial0)
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change


This is unrelated to this plugin.


When I click the "Rescan Disks" button on the webgui, I get the following log entries:


Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11511]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11538] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11504]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11543] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11505]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11570] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11557]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11564] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11509]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11569] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11514]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11571] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)


I failed to debug this, but it appear to be working despite the error message.

Link to comment

I have a Windows 8.1 VM that I am passing a USB mouse, keyboard, and printer through to the VM.  I am seeing udev hot-plug events in the VM log.  I am wondering if these hot-plug events aren't coming from unassigned devices.  If they are, maybe they should be filtered out and not "hot-plugged" if they are being passed to a VM.


2015-06-13 20:29:15.483+0000: starting up libvirt version: 1.2.15, qemu version: 2.3.0
Domain id=2 is tainted: high-privileges
Domain id=2 is tainted: host-cpu
char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial0)
qemu: terminating on signal 15 from pid 5991
2015-06-13 20:30:01.977+0000: shutting down
2015-06-13 20:30:35.537+0000: starting up libvirt version: 1.2.15, qemu version: 2.3.0
Domain id=4 is tainted: high-privileges
Domain id=4 is tainted: host-cpu
char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial0)
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change
libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action change


This is unrelated to this plugin.


When I click the "Rescan Disks" button on the webgui, I get the following log entries:


Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11511]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11538] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11504]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11543] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11505]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11570] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11557]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11564] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11509]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11569] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)
Jun 14 08:04:11 MediaServer udevd[11514]: '/usr/local/sbin/unassigned_reload' [11571] terminated by signal 7 (Bus error)


I failed to debug this, but it appear to be working despite the error message.


Correct.  Everything is working.

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This plugin doesn't work for me, I hit mount on an SSD, the page reloads but its not mounted. Is there a log or something I can check to see what happened?






root@DAMONSTER:~# cat /var/log/unassigned.devices.log

Mon Jun 15 9:38:09 AEST 2015:
Mon Jun 15 9:38:09 AEST 2015: Disk with serial 'Corsair_Force_3_SSD_120765020000                                                                                                                                                             08912968' auto mount is disabled, aborting.
Tue Jun 16 12:28:03 AEST 2015:
Tue Jun 16 12:28:03 AEST 2015: Disk with serial 'Corsair_Force_3_SSD_12076502000                                                                                                                                                             008912968' auto mount is disabled, aborting.
Tue Jun 16 12:28:10 AEST 2015:
Tue Jun 16 12:28:10 AEST 2015: Drive found with the following attributes: serial                                                                                                                                                             ='Corsair_Force_3_SSD_12076502000008912968', serial_short='12076502000008912968'                                                                                                                                                             , device='/dev/sdb1', part='1', label='Corsair Force 3 SSD 12076502000008912968'                                                                                                                                                             , fstype='btrfs', target='', size='60022448128', used='0', avail='60022448128',                                                                                                                                                              mountpoint='/mnt/disks/Corsair_Force_3_SSD_12076502000008912968', owner='user',                                                                                                                                                              automount='', shared='1'
Tue Jun 16 12:28:10 AEST 2015: Adding disk  ...
Tue Jun 16 12:28:10 AEST 2015: Mounting drive with command: mount -t btrfs -o au                                                                                                                                                             to,async,nodev,nosuid '/dev/sdb1' '/mnt/disks/Corsair_Force_3_SSD_12076502000008                                                                                                                                                             912968'
Tue Jun 16 12:28:10 AEST 2015: Mount of /dev/sdb1 failed. Error message: mount:                                                                                                                                                              wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

Tue Jun 16 12:28:10 AEST 2015: Disk Corsair Force 3 SSD 12076502000008912968 sha                                                                                                                                                             red successfully.
Tue Jun 16 13:00:15 AEST 2015:
Tue Jun 16 13:00:15 AEST 2015: Drive found with the following attributes: serial                                                                                                                                                             ='Corsair_Force_3_SSD_12076502000008912968', serial_short='12076502000008912968'                                                                                                                                                             , device='/dev/sdb1', part='1', label='Corsair Force 3 SSD 12076502000008912968'                                                                                                                                                             , fstype='btrfs', target='', size='60022448128', used='0', avail='60022448128',                                                                                                                                                              mountpoint='/mnt/disks/Corsair_Force_3_SSD_12076502000008912968', owner='user',                                                                                                                                                              automount='', shared='1'
Tue Jun 16 13:00:15 AEST 2015: Adding disk  ...
Tue Jun 16 13:00:15 AEST 2015: Mounting drive with command: mount -t btrfs -o au                                                                                                                                                             to,async,nodev,nosuid '/dev/sdb1' '/mnt/disks/Corsair_Force_3_SSD_12076502000008                                                                                                                                                             912968'
Tue Jun 16 13:00:16 AEST 2015: Mount of /dev/sdb1 failed. Error message: mount:                                                                                                                                                              wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

Tue Jun 16 13:00:16 AEST 2015: Disk Corsair Force 3 SSD 12076502000008912968 sha

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