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(Support) Aptalca's docker templates

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aptalca: I was doing some tests on the server and noticed duckdns hasn't been updating my domain for a while. I checked the ID and restarted the docker to make sure and am unable to ping krone6.duckdns.org from my phone off of Vrizon's service. I don't see much I can actually do to troubleshoot and am wondering if there's some tips you can give me to figure this out.



P.S. Here's the log file as of today


Retrieving subdomain and token from the environment variables

Fixing permissions

Dec 31 21:22:22 7576eb174b9b syslog-ng[33]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

Dec 31 21:25:01 7576eb174b9b /USR/SBIN/CRON[41]: (root) CMD (/root/duckdns/duck.sh >/config/duck.log 2>&1)


In your configuration folder there is a file called duck.log what does that file say?


This is all I get. By the way why does the conf file say duck.new.conf? It used to just say duck.conf

Your IP was updated at Fri Jan 1 01:10:07 EST 2016

If the log says that, then duckdns should have updated your ip. You can confirm that by going to duckdns.org and logging into your account. It will tell you what ip they have for you and you can compare it to your ip. You must be having another issue with connecting to your server.


Perhaps the app or the port you are connecting to is not responding. Or maybe your router is blocking the request.


Regarding the new conf, that is just a file the docker auto creates. I changed things a while back, where you no longer have to edit files manually. Now you can enter your domain and api key in the container settings during first install and it saves them in that new conf file.


If you don't enter them in the settings, it will fall back to the old method and will look for the duck.conf file which requires manual editing. If you updated your container from the older version, you might not have seen those options in the edit page because unraid doesn't update the xmls unless you reinstall from scratch.

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Hi, i would like to make a request regarding your JDownloader docker:


I've read in this thread, that it is possible to change the umask of the docker container:



The Problem i have is, i want to move or rename or handle files after they are downloaded with another user via smb share. This is forbidden, as i am not user "nobody".

Do you know, if there is a setting to tell jDownloader to actually use another umask while extracting files.


Sorry, I just saw this.


The problem is not really the umask, but the fact that jdownloader sets the permissions as read only for the group.


In unraid, the files are supposed to belong to nobody:users and all smb users also belong to the same users group. As long as the files have write permission for the group, all smb users should be able to modify them.


The issue with JDownloader is that it gives write permission to only the main user, and not the group. That's why smb users cannot move or delete.


I just realized this and I'm looking into it.


Haha, I'm an idiot.


The problem was the umask. I was under the impression that Hurricane's baseimage set the umask and that jdownloader was ignoring it. Turns out the baseimage never sets the umask. I just pushed a new version with the correct umask so all downloaded files should conform to the unraid standard with full rw access for all.


Make sure you update in the gui after you update the docker container because the container will install an 8 month old version.

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Hi aptalca,


I have got Zoneminder up and running on my unraid with out a problem, i have 3 IPCC-B15N-w wireless IP CAMs and im trying to configure them. After changing the settings all i can get is a video window with the date and time and the rest is a blue screen. I have come to the following 2 conclusions, 1. i dont know what im doing and im configuring it in correctly or that the Camera isnt supported by Zoneminder.

Thanks in advance



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Hi aptalca,


I have got Zoneminder up and running on my unraid with out a problem, i have 3 IPCC-B15N-w wireless IP CAMs and im trying to configure them. After changing the settings all i can get is a video window with the date and time and the rest is a blue screen. I have come to the following 2 conclusions, 1. i dont know what im doing and im configuring it in correctly or that the Camera isnt supported by Zoneminder.

Thanks in advance




I've never used that program before though you can check hardware compatibility here: https://wiki.zoneminder.com/Hardware_Compatibility_List

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Hi aptalca,


I have got Zoneminder up and running on my unraid with out a problem, i have 3 IPCC-B15N-w wireless IP CAMs and im trying to configure them. After changing the settings all i can get is a video window with the date and time and the rest is a blue screen. I have come to the following 2 conclusions, 1. i dont know what im doing and im configuring it in correctly or that the Camera isnt supported by Zoneminder.

Thanks in advance



I'm afraid I can't be of much help when it comes to specific camera setups in zm. Google searches or zoneminder forums are your best bet.

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Hey, working on setting up PlexRequest but can't get it to start working.


Here's the log.


Updating repository
HEAD is now at 481cc3d Handle servers without shared users when checking login credentials
Already up-to-date.
Using the master branch
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
This project is already at Meteor 1.2.1, the latest release.
Updating repository
HEAD is now at 481cc3d Handle servers without shared users when checking login credentials
Already up-to-date.
Using the master branch
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
This project is already at Meteor 1.2.1, the latest release.

Changes to your project's package version selections from updating package

aldeed:autoform upgraded from 5.7.1 to 5.8.1
aldeed:collection2 upgraded from 2.5.0 to 2.8.0
aldeed:collection2-core added, version 1.0.0
aldeed:schema-deny added, version 1.0.1
aldeed:schema-index added, version 1.0.1
aldeed:simple-schema upgraded from 1.3.3 to 1.5.3
aslagle:reactive-table upgraded from 0.8.18 to 0.8.23
fortawesome:fontawesome upgraded from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0
lokenx:sonarrwrapper upgraded from 0.0.4 to 0.0.7
mdg:validation-error added, version 0.2.0
momentjs:moment upgraded from 2.10.6 to 2.11.1
raix:eventemitter added, version 0.1.3
softwarerero:accounts-t9n upgraded from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7
useraccounts:bootstrap upgraded from 1.12.4 to 1.13.1
useraccounts:core upgraded from 1.12.4 to 1.13.1

The following top-level dependencies were not updated to the very latest
version available:
* iron:core 1.0.8 (1.0.11 is available)
* iron:router 1.0.10 (1.0.12 is available)
* twbs:bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha (4.0.0-alpha2 is available)

Newer versions of the following indirect dependencies are available:
* iron:controller 1.0.8 (1.0.12 is available)
* iron:dynamic-template 1.0.8 (1.0.12 is available)
* iron:layout 1.0.8 (1.0.12 is available)
* iron:location 1.0.9 (1.0.11 is available)
* iron:middleware-stack 1.0.10 (1.0.11 is available)
* iron:url 1.0.9 (1.0.11 is available)
* mdg:validation-error 0.2.0 (0.3.0 is available)
* softwarerero:accounts-t9n 1.1.7 (1.2.0 is available)
To update one or more of these packages, pass their names to `meteor update`.
Jan 14 13:07:05 33f26a473f85 syslog-ng[70]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
Unexpected mongo exit code 14. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 14. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 14. Restarting.
Can't start Mongo server.
Unspecified unrecoverable error. Exit was not clean


Any advice?




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Let me guess, you are using a user share for the config folder.


Don't use /mnt/user/blah instead use /mnt/cache/blah (if it's a cache only share)


If you don't have a cache drive, use a location like /mnt/disk1/blah


Yes, I've got an appdata usershare that is sitting as 'cache only' that houses my plex/couchpotato/sonarr/nzbget/plexply.  Would running plexrequest on just cache change anything?


Thanks for the prompt response!

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Let me guess, you are using a user share for the config folder.


Don't use /mnt/user/blah instead use /mnt/cache/blah (if it's a cache only share)


If you don't have a cache drive, use a location like /mnt/disk1/blah


Yes, I've got an appdata usershare that is sitting as 'cache only' that houses my plex/couchpotato/sonarr/nzbget/plexply.  Would running plexrequest on just cache change anything?


Thanks for the prompt response!

The share is cache only so both addresses really point to the same folder. It's just that for some strange unknown reason, some docker containers don't work when they try to use the user share address.


Select /mnt/cache/appdata as the location and it should work

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Hi all,

First post here so be gentle.

Running Zoneminder V1.28.1 on UNRAID 6

I have a few Dockers such as Plex, Sonarr and Sabnzb running well already, but this one has thrown me a bit

I have a Hikvision 2032 camera, which I can use the following URL to successfully watch a video stream over my network through VLC:

rtsp://username:password@IP address:554//Streaming/Channels/1


But when I enter the same into Zoneminder and then view the Live Preview..I get a blank white screen, but at the bottom it shows the correct FPS reading, which is 25


General settings

Name -    1

Source Type  - FFMPEG

Function -    Monitor

Enabled  - YES

Linked Monitors -    1

Maximum FPS -    25.00

Alarm Maximum FPS - 

Reference Image Blend - 6.25% Indoor 

Alarm Reference Image Blend  - 6.25% 

Triggers -    None available




Source settings

Source Path  -  rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554//Streaming/Channels/1

Remote Method  - RTP/RTSP

Options (?) -   

Target Colorspace  - 24 bit colours

Capture Width (pixels)  - 1920

Capture Height (pixels) - 1080

Preserve Aspect Ratio  - OFF

Orientation  - Normal

Deinterlacing  - Disabled


I’ve also done the below, as recommended in the Docker container thread ;

Tips and Setup Instructions:

This container includes mysql, no need for a separate mysql/mariadb container

All settings and library files are stored outside of the container and they are preserved when this docker is updated or re-installed (change the variable "/path/to/config" in the run command to a location of your choice)

This container includes avconv (ffmpeg variant) and cambozola but they need to be enabled in the settings. In the WebUI, click on Options in the top right corner and go to the Images tab

Click on the box next to OPT_Cambozola to enable

Click on the box next OPT_FFMPEG to enable ffmpeg

Enter the following for ffmpeg path: /usr/bin/avconv

Enter the following for ffmpeg "output" options: -r 30 -vcodec libx264 -threads 2 -b 2000k -minrate 800k -maxrate 5000k (you can change these options to your liking)

Next to ffmpeg_formats, add mp4 (you can also add a star after mp4 and remove the star after avi to make mp4 the default format)

Hit save

Now you should be able to add your cams and record in mp4 x264 format

Here's a copy of my recent log entries when I have the Live View open:



Then it repeats in this pattern.


These are my port settings on the camera….


HTTP Port  - 80

RTSP Port  - 554

HTTPS Port  - 443

Server Port - 8988


Apologies if this isn't the right place to post, if it isn't, can you please point me in the right direction?

Any help would be greatly appreciated guys...i’m stumped.



edit1: When I do a search on my zoneminder folder for "ffmpeg" it comes up with no files, does that mean I do not have the ffmpeg file and no wonder it's saying the directory is incorrect? I thought this was built into the container?

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Hi all,

First post here so be gentle.

Running Zoneminder V1.28.1 on UNRAID 6

I have a few Dockers such as Plex, Sonarr and Sabnzb running well already, but this one has thrown me a bit

I have a Hikvision 2032 camera, which I can use the following URL to successfully watch a video stream over my network through VLC:

rtsp://username[emoji14]assword@IP address:554//Streaming/Channels/1


But when I enter the same into Zoneminder and then view the Live Preview..I get a blank white screen, but at the bottom it shows the correct FPS reading, which is 25


General settings

Name -    1

Source Type  - FFMPEG

Function -    Monitor

Enabled  - YES

Linked Monitors -    1

Maximum FPS -    25.00

Alarm Maximum FPS - 

Reference Image Blend - 6.25% Indoor 

Alarm Reference Image Blend  - 6.25% 

Triggers -    None available




Source settings

Source Path  -  rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554//Streaming/Channels/1

Remote Method  - RTP/RTSP

Options (?) -   

Target Colorspace  - 24 bit colours

Capture Width (pixels)  - 1920

Capture Height (pixels) - 1080

Preserve Aspect Ratio  - OFF

Orientation  - Normal

Deinterlacing  - Disabled


I’ve also done the below, as recommended in the Docker container thread ;

Tips and Setup Instructions:

This container includes mysql, no need for a separate mysql/mariadb container

All settings and library files are stored outside of the container and they are preserved when this docker is updated or re-installed (change the variable "/path/to/config" in the run command to a location of your choice)

This container includes avconv (ffmpeg variant) and cambozola but they need to be enabled in the settings. In the WebUI, click on Options in the top right corner and go to the Images tab

Click on the box next to OPT_Cambozola to enable

Click on the box next OPT_FFMPEG to enable ffmpeg

Enter the following for ffmpeg path: /usr/bin/avconv

Enter the following for ffmpeg "output" options: -r 30 -vcodec libx264 -threads 2 -b 2000k -minrate 800k -maxrate 5000k (you can change these options to your liking)

Next to ffmpeg_formats, add mp4 (you can also add a star after mp4 and remove the star after avi to make mp4 the default format)

Hit save

Now you should be able to add your cams and record in mp4 x264 format

Here's a copy of my recent log entries when I have the Live View open:



Then it repeats in this pattern.


These are my port settings on the camera….


HTTP Port  - 80

RTSP Port  - 554

HTTPS Port  - 443

Server Port - 8988


Apologies if this isn't the right place to post, if it isn't, can you please point me in the right direction?

Any help would be greatly appreciated guys...i’m stumped.



edit1: When I do a search on my zoneminder folder for "ffmpeg" it comes up with no files, does that mean I do not have the ffmpeg file and no wonder it's saying the directory is incorrect? I thought this was built into the container?

Sorry I can't be of help with camera setup. Zoneminder forums is your best bet.



A Google search for your camera revealed this thread though and there are more: https://forums.zoneminder.com/viewtopic.php?t=23416


Good luck

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Techplay : I have the hikvision DS-2CD2112-I models.I have attached the settings for mine.


Aptalca :Thanks for the advice.

I have attached the mappings changes I did because of my small cache drive and the mover shifting everything to the array.I had to adjust the FPS to 2 as I was running out of space constantly.

I did the zoneminder simlinks for /events/sound/images and had to map it accordingly on host.(attachment)




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A Google search for your camera revealed this thread though and there are more: https://forums.zoneminder.com/viewtopic.php?t=23416

Sorry I can't be of help with camera setup. Zoneminder forums is your best bet.

Good luck







Hi mate,

Can you please comment on the question  at the bottom about FFMPEG? Your container says it contains that but when I try and find the folder that i'm pointing to as a path, it's not there? The Cambozola item is there, not the FFMPEG item, it seems this might be what it's trying to point to in my logs? Isn't that more of a docker issue rather than a Zoneminder issue? I've googled for hours with no results unfortunately..


Also had a look on the Zoneminder forums and only item under Zoneminder says "It's not a good idea to run Zoneminder on Unraid"...which is pretty unhelpful

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A Google search for your camera revealed this thread though and there are more: https://forums.zoneminder.com/viewtopic.php?t=23416

Sorry I can't be of help with camera setup. Zoneminder forums is your best bet.

Good luck







Hi mate,

Can you please comment on the question  at the bottom about FFMPEG? Your container says it contains that but when I try and find the folder that i'm pointing to as a path, it's not there? The Cambozola item is there, not the FFMPEG item, it seems this might be what it's trying to point to in my logs? Isn't that more of a docker issue rather than a Zoneminder issue? I've googled for hours with no results unfortunately..


Also had a look on the Zoneminder forums and only item under Zoneminder says "It's not a good idea to run Zoneminder on Unraid"...which is pretty unhelpful


This container uses avconv, the ffmpeg alternative present in ubuntu 14.04

It's in the docker description: https://hub.docker.com/r/aptalca/docker-zoneminder/

Follow the steps under tips and setup instructions


avconv is under /usr/bin inside the docker container, not in the config folder. You would have to exec into the container to see it.

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Greetings all.


Trying to set up plexRequests. I throw up the docker and everything installed no issue. When i try to access the webgui or webgui admin. I am not presented with the web page. its like its not open. The log says:

Updating repository

HEAD is now at 8c1dfd1 Update versions

Already up-to-date.

Using the master branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.


Any ideas?

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Hi all,


I have Zoneminder version 1.28.1 installed and working great.  I am trying to upgrade Zoneminder to version 1.29 (first version with API) so I can use the iOS app zmNinja remotely.  Through the Zoneminder console it says I am on the most current version.  I have been doing some research but cannot figure out how to update it with my limited skills.  Can anyone point me in the right direction or have any suggestions?


Thanks in advance.


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Greetings all.


Trying to set up plexRequests. I throw up the docker and everything installed no issue. When i try to access the webgui or webgui admin. I am not presented with the web page. its like its not open. The log says:

Updating repository

HEAD is now at 8c1dfd1 Update versions

Already up-to-date.

Using the master branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.


Any ideas?

How long did you wait? At start, it updates meteor and it might take a few minutes if their server is slow.

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Hi all,


I have Zoneminder version 1.28.1 installed and working great.  I am trying to upgrade Zoneminder to version 1.29 (first version with API) so I can use the iOS app zmNinja remotely.  Through the Zoneminder console it says I am on the most current version.  I have been doing some research but cannot figure out how to update it with my limited skills.  Can anyone point me in the right direction or have any suggestions?


Thanks in advance.


1.29 stable is not yet released. It is still a release candidate.


You can exec into the container and change the ppa to the master branch which will update it to the rc, but you also have to update a bunch of other things because they changed a lot between those versions.


To be honest, I wasn't successful at updating my copy but I didn't try that hard.

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I actually got it up and running. I assume their meteor server was down when I was attempting. I restarted the container this morning and it came right up.


Now that it is set up... How does one share out the request page? Since this is internal on my network. I have duckDNS installed. I assume I need a webdaemon. Have you experts seen a light one that has a walkthrough?

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I actually got it up and running. I assume their meteor server was down when I was attempting. I restarted the container this morning and it came right up.


Now that it is set up... How does one share out the request page? Since this is internal on my network. I have duckDNS installed. I assume I need a webdaemon. Have you experts seen a light one that has a walkthrough?


The simplest way is to forward a port on your router. If your container is running on port 3000, go into your router interface, and forward port 3000 to your server's IP. So when others try to connect http://yourdomain.duckdns.org:3000 they'll reach your container interface. Not sure about how secure plexrequests is, you can perhaps ask on their forums if this method is advised against or not.


Other methods (more secure) include setting up a vpn server and having your friends vpn in and access the internal container page, or setting up a reverse proxy (I have a letsencrypt nginx reverse proxy container in the repo, which you can use to set up secure connections with SSL and passwords to your containers. But both of these methods are a little tricky to set up properly.

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I am attempting to install your DuckDNS docker, when I click the create button nothing happens.  I have the config folder defined.  I am not having any issues installing other dockers.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 





Hit the advanced view button at the top right and it will reveal new settings and likely an error message. It won't let you install without entering that info under advanced view.


And make sure you read the description at the top  :P

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