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On 7/19/2018 at 10:29 AM, cybrnook said:

Understand. And of course, I know how to use CA, it's a great tool. I am just suggesting that it would be a nice small enhancement if the search field was updated to also include the subsequent search.


Of course my fingers won't fall off from the extra 1 - 2 clicks. It's just something that catches me every time I use it, that I would expect it to do this already. 

It's on this weekend's maintenance release

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Can someone please point me to the latest XML template for plugins, so that I can update my mosh plugin? It's currently not even showing up in CA, I guess because it's assumed to be incompatible with the latest version of UNRAID until I indicate otherwise.

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9 minutes ago, coppit said:

Can someone please point me to the latest XML template for plugins, so that I can update my mosh plugin? It's currently not even showing up in CA, I guess because it's assumed to be incompatible with the latest version of UNRAID until I indicate otherwise.

It was marked as being incompatible with 6.5+ a while ago.   If it is compatible, there's no problem in my adjusting that

Edited by pluginCop
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Just now, dlandon said:

Somehow or another I run into these bugs.  Not really trying that hard.  Thanks for fixing so quickly.

It was actually a perfectly valid use case, and one in which I encourage CA to be used under.  Just not one I test all the time.

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22 hours ago, pluginCop said:

It was marked as being incompatible with 6.5+ a while ago.   If it is compatible, there's no problem in my adjusting that


User reports it works: https://github.com/coppit/unraid-mosh/issues/1 I installed it and it works as well. Are you the keeper of plugins?


Can someone please point me to the latest plugin documentation? My plugin files aren't part of a txz like I see others have. When it gets installed by the system, the directory is missing "other" read and execute permissions, which means that emhttp can't read the icon. I also see that the latest plugin plg's don't have "iconfile". I'd like to renovate my plugin, but don't know how.

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What would also be sweet would be in the .plg and the .xml for the repository if you can have the pluginURL's match between the two of them

<!ENTITY pluginURL   "https://github.com/coppit/unraid-mosh/raw/master/mosh.plg">

The  2nd (from the .plg) will resolve (after redirection) to the same address as the first (not subject to redirection), but CA's problem with that is that it will compare the url in the plg and the xml do determine things like if the plugin has been previously installed or not.  And using curl to follow out redirects is insanely slow.  But this has nothing to do with the max version that was applied to mosh.  Only "issue" this causes is that Mosh will never appear in the list of previously installed apps.

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Hey all, Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with the Apps tab constantly "Updating Content". I have checked logs and can see the remote connection timing out. I am just wanting to make sure this is happening to everyone and not just a routing issue I have to work on.


If this IS effecting everyone, should I just wait?



PS: Squid, you are a legend sir, you have helped me through so many issues on UnRaid since starting a few years ago. I don't think I have ever had to ask a question yet though because everyone beats me to it. Great community. 

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Hey, not sure how to gather and post diagnostics.


I have however also noticed that my docker images will not update. I click the "Update" button and it will run through the install process, but after it finishes it still has the "Update" button available. Not sure what to make of this or whether it relates. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Thanks for the reply! Since posting I have noticed a few other things.

1) Apps Tab - Stuck "Updating Content"

2) Unable to Update any Dockers - Updates as normal (successful), except the "Update Ready" remains in place.

3) Dockers don't run.. period. Tried multiple power-cycles, updates and re-installs... more on that later.

4) Unable to Re-Install Dockers after Un-Installing.


Below is posted my Diagnostics in the zip file (Anonymised).



PS: Is it possible this relates to Geo-Blocking/IP Blocking? I have recently moved to a new range.


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Okay, I will check and re-seat the cabling when I get the chance in the next couple days. If this doesn't help I will swap to different SATA Cables.


I am not convinced this would be the issue however, as I was trying to install onto cache not parity, so I am not sure why parity errors would effect that.

However, the issues I have been having with my VM's makes me think you could certainly be right.

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