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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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2 hours ago, dan15711111 said:
Ok so updating the Plugin did nothing.  But transferring over the json from the link you provided worked!  I wonder if it will stay working or fail soon?!  Anyway I owe you a beer!  You are shiz! Thank you so much!

The file will keep it working forever you'll know if the downloads are working if under statistics the last updated time changes from that of the file (Dec 9 @ 7pm - at the time of writing)

Sent via telekinesis

Edited by Squid
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On 8/28/2018 at 4:36 PM, Barafu said:

Congrats! You are banned in Russia. tools.linuxserver.io refuses to open without proxy. 


On 5/26/2016 at 7:29 AM, tr0910 said:

Hey Squid, do you know that your Community Applications doesn't work in China.


It won't populate the list.  Keeps searching and finding nothing.


Google is blocked in China.  Is that possibly what is wrong?

If you guys are still having problems with this, look up a couple of posts https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/?page=95&tab=comments#comment-703666


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Only real change on this release is that there is now a backup application feed server running (thank you @limetech @eschultz @jonp

In the event that the primary server cannot be reached, the feed will download instead from the secondary server, and failing that a USB stored feed (if present - ask for details) will be utilized instead. 


Oh yeah, happy ho-ho. 


Edited by Squid
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Curious why I am getting this error?  I am in Japan.




plugin: updating: community.applications.plg

Cleaning Up Old Versions

plugin: downloading: https://raw.github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/archive/community.applications-2018.12.22-x86_64-1.txz ... failed (Generic error)
plugin: wget: https://raw.github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/archive/community.applications-2018.12.22-x86_64-1.txz download failure (Generic error)

Edited by nerbonne
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root@Tower:~# ping -c 3 github.com
PING github.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from lb-192-30-255-113-sea.github.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=136 ms
64 bytes from lb-192-30-255-113-sea.github.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=135 ms
64 bytes from lb-192-30-255-113-sea.github.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=50 time=133 ms

--- github.com ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 133.419/135.239/136.578/1.333 ms




Dynamix active streams also fails to update today with the following error:



plugin: updating: dynamix.active.streams.plg
plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1

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Dec 16 01:42:58 Tower kernel: FAT-fs (sda): error, fat_free_clusters: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF
Dec 16 01:42:58 Tower kernel: FAT-fs (sda): Filesystem has been set read-only

Powerdown, toss the flash drive into a baremetal box and run the filesystem checks on it.

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Quick comment if you're having CA add in a container from the "wild" (docker hub searches).  A few weeks ago the repository pages on dockerHub underwent a subtle (to the user), but drastic change (to CA).  This change now makes it impossible for CA to automatically scrape the dockerHub page for the dockerfile for it to convert to a template for CA.  The change at dockerHub was probably because some programmer got bored and decided to annoy me.


I've experimented with various ways to work around this (things like opening an iframe to the page, and having the user copy / paste the dockerfile, etc), but they all wind up being very awkward for the user.  The one approach which I think will work I am not comfortable having CA implement, as it would involve within the Apps tab having it silently execute all of the scripts and code present within the dockerHub page.  (Not a very good idea, security wise)


Net result is that going forward all CA conversions from dockerHub will result in basically a blank template being generated and you will have to manually add to the template any applicable volume and path mappings along with the environment variables.


Note that this only affects dockerHub searches.  Any template present in CA will always be populated correctly. 


For template maintainers, this change at dockerHub also means that the pop-ups on their templates will no longer have the "Base OS" entry.  If you wish to have the Base OS populated on the popup, add in <BaseImage> to the template.

Edited by Squid
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Looks like the thumb drive was going bad.  I plugged it into my Win 10 box, repaired it, but it still had issues when I booted it.  So i backed up the config directory and made a new thumb, restored the config directory and re-downloaded my license key.  Plugins update now.  Thanks so much for your support.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I added this plugin repo to my install 6.6.6 and now the GUI is broken from a browser  "this site can't be reached" and the console outputs 


Tower login: /etc/rc.d/rc.docker: line 30 /boot/config/docker.cfg: Input/output error

/etc/rc.d/rc.libvirt: line 16: /boot/config/domain.cfg: Input/output error


Any ideas aside from reinstall unRAID onto the USB?

Edited by dajinn
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I recently moved my server from Mexico to the US and am having some issues with CA. I get the "Download of appfeed failed" error.  I never had that before.  New ISP and new router...  I am running Unraid 6.4.0.


Actually my problem started with Binhex deluge not working when using my vpn (worked in Mexico).  It worked without the VPN  and after much troubleshooting, I decided to try to delete and reload the app.  So, I deleted the app and went to re-install and that is when I discovered CA not working.


I set my DNS address to and with no success in solving the problem.  I have rebooted my modem and router.  


Thanks in advance for your help!

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1 minute ago, icemounty said:

Having issues trying to download openvpn as in community applications.  There is no download button, just a donate button.  Ive update the community applications plugin to 2019.01.24 and it says its up to date.


Is there a little red note at the top of all the screens saying "docker isn't enabled?"

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That traffic is all normal traffic by unRaid (and the preclear plugin if you have it installed)

41 minutes ago, plasmite said:

I recently have been having a similar issue

What else has change recently?


42 minutes ago, plasmite said:

This repeats until it times out.

What do you mean by "times out".  Do you get the "CA requires internet access blah blah blah" message show up?

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