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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Unifi

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On 6/27/2018 at 4:10 PM, CHBMB said:

Until it hits the Xenial repo nothing will change, and anyone after this that asks will get ignored.

I think it's fair to say that most of the ls.io members patience is tried by the constant debating of this container and updates, labelling etc.

On 11/27/2016 at 11:19 AM, Squid said:

lsio pumps out updates to the images every Friday which contain the latest versions of the apps, and the system is completely automated, so even if the app itself isn't updated the docker image still shows an update available.

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1 minute ago, jonathanm said:



If that info was in the OP I'd get it.  But to expect every poster to read through 28 pages of posts before asking a question is pretty absurd.


Is there a link that shows the xenial repo?  I always thought once it hits the download page (which is usually a week after it gets posted to the forums) that it's widely available.

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1 minute ago, IamSpartacus said:

I'm probably just going to move my own sites to my cloud VPS controller that I run for clients to eliminate the lead time.

I am curious as to why you need this update so badly. In my personal experience, the access points run great on even months old software, and I've more than once had to spend time troubleshooting when an update broke things.


Is there a security hole? New features that can't wait? I'm simply curious what the rush to update is all about, I've never seen any reason for the urgency. What am I missing out on?

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6 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

I am curious as to why you need this update so badly. In my personal experience, the access points run great on even months old software, and I've more than once had to spend time troubleshooting when an update broke things.


Is there a security hole? New features that can't wait? I'm simply curious what the rush to update is all about, I've never seen any reason for the urgency. What am I missing out on?


I use my own home (and parents connected via VPN) network to run the latest stable (or as LS.io calls it, unstable) version to test out new features and bug fixes before I roll them out to my client networks.  So consider it my test lab in a sense.

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3 minutes ago, IamSpartacus said:


I use my own home (and parents connected via VPN) network to run the latest stable (or as LS.io calls it, unstable) version to test out new features and bug fixes before I roll them out to my client networks.  So consider it my test lab in a sense.

Ah. I see.


So, you want ls.io to help you test by releasing the software to a large audience ASAP?

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1 minute ago, jonathanm said:

Ah. I see.


So, you want ls.io to help you test by releasing the software to a large audience ASAP?


No.  I think LS.io's model of keeping the LTS as the standard with the unstable tag is fine.  I just didn't know about the Friday update model they have.  5.6.39 LTS and 5.8.24 stable has been in the official repo since Monday night so I was just curious when it would be updated. 

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2 hours ago, IamSpartacus said:

LS.io team on vaca?  :P


we're not at your beck and call 


unstable branch is now 5.8 (give 20 minutes approx from time of this post to build) 


1 hour ago, IamSpartacus said:


I use my own home (and parents connected via VPN) network to run the latest stable (or as LS.io calls it, unstable) version to test out new features and bug fixes before I roll them out to my client networks.  So consider it my test lab in a sense.


it was called unstable because it was, it broke for every member of our team that tried it and there were many pages of people with the same issues on their forum and it took 2 weeks before any official reply

in fact 5.7x was so "stable" that ubiquiti abandoned it completely 


whilst they make great hardware their software is less so

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3 hours ago, IamSpartacus said:

LS.io team on vaca?  :P


No, I was at work, you know, doing the sort of thing that keeps a roof over my head, food on the table, stuff like that.  Sad to say but it pays a lot better than this voluntary stuff.


And I'm going away for the weekend too, so I'm doing nothing on ls.io over the weekend.  I'd call it unpaid leave, but that only works if it was paid in the first place.

Edited by CHBMB
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Just now, wgstarks said:

But not nearly as fun, right.?


It has it's moments and it's a sad fact that some of the people I see in my day job, are actually less demanding than some people I interact with in ls.io.

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Just now, CHBMB said:


It has it's moments and it's a sad fact that some of the people I see in my day job, are actually less demanding than some people I interact with in ls.io.


but at least you will "probably" never get anywhere close to lsio user's prostates 


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3 minutes ago, IamSpartacus said:

Oh man, I really struck a nerve with that playful jab. 


I guess one can't inquire about updates in these support threads without coming off as demanding. 


It wasn't necessarily aimed at you to be honest.  Although the whole Unifi thing does grate a little.  I don't know what it is about this piece of software but the users of it in general are the least patient for updates of all of our containers.  And as someone who uses Unifi at home, I struggle to see why.  I must be missing something.

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4 minutes ago, CHBMB said:


It wasn't necessarily aimed at you to be honest.  Although the whole Unifi thing does grate a little.  I don't know what it is about this piece of software but the users of it in general are the least patient for updates of all of our containers.  And as someone who uses Unifi at home, I struggle to see why.  I must be missing something.


I think one reason may be what I mentioned earlier.  Lots of users who use UniFi at home also deploy them at their business(es).  I run a lot of Dockers at home on my server as a testbed before rolling stuff out for my clients.


But trust me, if I had known about the Friday release schedule I never would have inquired about the update. 

Edited by IamSpartacus
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1 minute ago, IamSpartacus said:


I think one reason may be what I mentioned earlier.  Lots of users who use UniFi at home also deploy them at their business(es).  A run a lot of Dockers at home on my server as a testbed before rolling stuff out for my clients.


But trust me, if I had known about the Friday release schedule I never would have inquired about the update. 



but surely businesses are the least likely to be using anything other than LTS 

at least any business that values stability versus "bleeding edge" 

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I get that, but still, why the rush at home or work?  I've asked people about this before in the form of "What is the feature or bugfix that is so important we should update as soon as it's released and not a second later?"  Nobody that I can recall has ever been able to give me an answer.  It honestly perplexes me.



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Just now, sparklyballs said:



but surely businesses are the least likely to be using anything other than LTS 

at least any business that values stability versus "bleeding edge" 


I'm just as interested interested in 5.6.39 LTS (as most of my clients are on 5.6.x) as I am 5.8.x.

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11 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

I get that, but still, why the rush at home or work?  I've asked people about this before in the form of "What is the feature or bugfix that is so important we should update as soon as it's released and not a second later?"  Nobody that I can recall has ever been able to give me an answer.  It honestly perplexes me.




I can't speak to other users and previous releases but I'm interested in the following changes/bug fixes in 5.6.39:


  • Fix incorrect internet traffic count for wireless clients.
  • Fix RADIUS auth and accounting on guest networks when using USG.
  • Fix a bug that could prevent admins from being able to switch sites.


I manage over 50 UniFi sites for various clients with varying degrees of asks/needs/requirements.  So the sooner I can get my hands on releases to test out features that I am (or am planning to) deploying the better.


I'm starting to realize that if I need/want to be playing with new releases on the cutting edge, I should do this on my own dime.  So today I'm going to migrate my local networks up to my cloud VPS instance.

Edited by IamSpartacus
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Nothing inherently wrong with relying on free open source stuff for your business, but yeah, relying on volunteers for something you need urgently, probably not the best of ideas. An urgent need on your part doesn't constitute urgent for me. One of the things I try and explain to people.

Again, not aimed at yourself, but one thing that has shocked me since getting involved with open source stuff is how demanding some users are, they act like they're a customer and it's our job to keep them happy, but that's not the relationship as far as I see it. Some get pretty angry and entitled as well.

Had a few in our Discord channel, but I tend to be quite swift with the response and make it pretty clear what my stance is, which is pretty intolerant nowadays.

On the whole it's enjoyable, but every so often someone will come along and make us all question why we bother. Haven't had to ban anyone yet though, although I've threatened it a couple of times unless an apology is forthcoming. :Do

If nothing else it sometimes provides an interesting glimpse into the human psyche.

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I just want to chime in here and say I'm thankful for all the containers that LS.io team manage and update. I use many of them and whenever multiple containers are available, I always choose the LSio ones. 


Take your time and don't let yourself get burned out by a demanding userbase. Even those who want things ASAP are definitely still super appreciative of all of you! 

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