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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Transmission

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Honestly, I'll talk to Sparklyballs about this, but I'm not convinced we will change anything.



i'm convinced too.



no worries. i thought it would have been easy just to ignore already made folders

ill just revert back to gfjardim docker for this one only

all your other dockers are working just fine


thanks for getting back at me though. i appreciate the attention ^_^


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love this docker, it was one of my first to install. Thank you for your efforts here! I have used this app on other platforms, so it was nice to continue its use on my new server.


I have what's likely a newb question, so please forgive me in advance...how do I set up my workflow to stop seeding after a file has downloaded successfully? I'm not seeing a menu option I was anticipating in the GUI. I'm guessing I am probably just overlooking this somewhere.



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  • 2 weeks later...

OK maybe a dumb question but, Is there a way to add a vpn connection in front of this docker. I would like to be able to connect to my vpn provider before or always any download/upload. Is that possible and if so can you explain how? I have 3 spare lan connections on my server and A separate router connected to a full time vpn. So I have the ability to remote dial or dedicate a lan port if possible I just need help doing it. This is may setup.

M/B: Supermicro - X8DT3

CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz

HVM: Enabled

IOMMU: Enabled

Cache: 256 kB, 1024 kB, 12288 kB

Memory: 12288 MB (max. installable capacity 384 GB)

Network: eth0: 100Mb/s - Full Duplex

eth1: not connected

eth2: not connected

eth3: not connected

Kernel: Linux 4.1.17-unRAID x86_64

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  • 2 weeks later...

Private trackers have banned 2.90, not just for OS X but for Linux and Windows too (since they can't differentiate between the OS from what the tracker sends).


OSX has ransomeware





Any idea if we'll see an update for unRAID? I don't want to change torrent clients because of 2.90 getting banned.

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Private trackers have banned 2.90, not just for OS X but for Linux and Windows too (since they can't differentiate between the OS from what the tracker sends).


OSX has ransomeware





Any idea if we'll see an update for unRAID? I don't want to change torrent clients because of 2.90 getting banned.

The github page doesn't mention any way to specify the version like it does with Plex. This is pretty much a catastrophe for me and my seeding requirements.


According to Transmission website there is a version 2.92 available now. I tried restarting the docker hoping it would give me the latest version but no, still stuck on 2.90 which is banned. The docker log starts out looking for fastest mirror so maybe the mirror isn't up-to-date.

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Private trackers have banned 2.90, not just for OS X but for Linux and Windows too (since they can't differentiate between the OS from what the tracker sends).


OSX has ransomeware





Any idea if we'll see an update for unRAID? I don't want to change torrent clients because of 2.90 getting banned.

The github page doesn't mention any way to specify the version like it does with Plex. This is pretty much a catastrophe for me and my seeding requirements.


According to Transmission website there is a version 2.92 available now. I tried restarting the docker hoping it would give me the latest version but no, still stuck on 2.90 which is banned. The docker log starts out looking for fastest mirror so maybe the mirror isn't up-to-date.


I'm in the same boat. Keep shutting down Transmission hoping that maybe when I start it up again that it will update itself. If all else fails I'm going to switch over to Deluge.

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Looks like the other Transmission docker here would also get the latest at PPA so would have the same problem.


Just tried PhAzE plugin and for now at least it is getting 2.82. I just made another copy of the appdata for it to use, and then went into the app and set it to use the "unmapped" path to the downloads, and also did Set Location on each of the existing torrents. So I am at least back to seeding now. May wait a while before starting any new torrents and hopefully this will be resolved soon.

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2.92 is now showing up in the PPA although not sure it's been built yet as there's no date to it and the container is still pulling 2.90 but it shows some progress is being made in the right direction.


EDIT:  About 1 minute after I posted this it's showing a time on it.  Tried restarting the container but no change so I guess just got to wait for it to propogate across the mirrors....

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  • 2 weeks later...

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