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[Support] binhex - Sonarr

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On 4/30/2024 at 8:51 AM, binhex said:

Make sure all containers are up to date, go to unraid web ui/docker and click on 'check for updates' then apply all updates.

Yes all the dockers, plugin and unraid itself are completely up to date,  my confusion was with the tagged part of your statement.  I am now guessing if a docker gets old it gets tagged dated?  None the less I am up to date.


Just in case this gets unsolved is there a way i can take my sonarr settings and database to another sonarr docker as i have tried the linux server upload and it seems to be working fine.  Sorry, its been sometime now since my original post in general support and i am getting antsy as i am way behind on content.  Thank You!


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Posted (edited)

I'm so friggin' lost and confused right now... lol

I had everything working great for almost a year, then I needed to move some older shows to my secondary (external) array.  When I did, Sonarr (obviously) couldn't find those shows any more, and flagged them as missing.  So I thought I was clever, and added an extra path to the container, pointing to the external share, then added that path as a root path.  Well, during all that, I somehow broke something, and not only are my archived shows still showing up as missing, but now none of my *arrs work anymore, nor does SABnzb or qBT!  I went back through the mappings and container settings, but I just can't figure out what I've done wrong.  I know my structure isn't set up ideally, but at this point I think it would be a nightmare to set up "right" (ie using DATA as the "base" for all the shares), so I can't really use TRaSH's guide to help.

I've tried all sorts of different combinations, but they all either throw errors, or fail to import downloads, or both.

My current hot mess shows the following....


What else would you need to see to rescuse me?SABnzb.thumb.jpg.4d7fa02c15b3caaf096bab0fab4bc803.jpg

What else might you need to see/know in order to rescue me from myself? lol

One of the oddest things is that when downloads complete, they just...vanish.  I have searched all over, and I can't figure out where they're going.  Neither can Sonarr. :)

Edited by Elmojo
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6 hours ago, Elmojo said:

I'm so friggin' lost and confused right now... lol

I had everything working great for almost a year, then I needed to move some older shows to my secondary (external) array.  When I did, Sonarr (obviously) couldn't find those shows any more, and flagged them as missing.  So I thought I was clever, and added an extra path to the container, pointing to the external share, then added that path as a root path.  Well, during all that, I somehow broke something, and not only are my archived shows still showing up as missing, but now none of my *arrs work anymore, nor does SABnzb or qBT!  I went back through the mappings and container settings, but I just can't figure out what I've done wrong.  I know my structure isn't set up ideally, but at this point I think it would be a nightmare to set up "right" (ie using DATA as the "base" for all the shares), so I can't really use TRaSH's guide to help.

I've tried all sorts of different combinations, but they all either throw errors, or fail to import downloads, or both.

My current hot mess shows the following....


What else would you need to see to rescuse me?

What else might you need to see/know in order to rescue me from myself? lol

One of the oddest things is that when downloads complete, they just...vanish.  I have searched all over, and I can't figure out where they're going.  Neither can Sonarr. :)

Start by edit the configuration template for Sonarr, and change the container path name /downloads to /data.


Radarr, sabnzbd and qbittorrent all have:

/data <--> /mnt/user/downloads/


Sonarr need to have that mapping as well.


And for the vanished downloads I think you need to change the Completed Download Folder in SABnzb from /downloads to /data.

You have downloads set to /data in qBT so downloads in qBT should be found in /mnt/user/downloads.

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7 hours ago, Elmojo said:

I'm so friggin' lost and confused right now... lol

I had everything working great for almost a year, then I needed to move some older shows to my secondary (external) array.  When I did, Sonarr (obviously) couldn't find those shows any more, and flagged them as missing.  So I thought I was clever, and added an extra path to the container, pointing to the external share, then added that path as a root path.  Well, during all that, I somehow broke something, and not only are my archived shows still showing up as missing, but now none of my *arrs work anymore, nor does SABnzb or qBT!  I went back through the mappings and container settings, but I just can't figure out what I've done wrong.  I know my structure isn't set up ideally, but at this point I think it would be a nightmare to set up "right" (ie using DATA as the "base" for all the shares), so I can't really use TRaSH's guide to help.

I've tried all sorts of different combinations, but they all either throw errors, or fail to import downloads, or both.

My current hot mess shows the following....


What else would you need to see to rescuse me?SABnzb.thumb.jpg.4d7fa02c15b3caaf096bab0fab4bc803.jpg

What else might you need to see/know in order to rescue me from myself? lol

One of the oddest things is that when downloads complete, they just...vanish.  I have searched all over, and I can't figure out where they're going.  Neither can Sonarr. :)

See Q4, get this sorted first:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/unraid.md

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17 hours ago, Hogwind said:

Radarr, sabnzbd and qbittorrent all have:

/data <--> /mnt/user/downloads/


Sonarr need to have that mapping as well.

Sorry, I don't follow.  I have no folder on my host system called "/data", to my knowledge.  I know that's the preferred root structure, but as I mentioned, I set mine up before having the benefit of TRaSH's guides or any of the other tutorials that advocate that structure.  At this point, it would be a huge issue to switch over, I think.

17 hours ago, binhex said:

If I'm reading correctly, this is saying basically the same as @Hogwind, right? The problem is, I don't see an option to set some of the parameters the way they're shown in all the examples and guides I read, including Q4.  For example, it says...

Host path is set to:- /mnt/cache/appdata/data/completed
Container path is set to:- /data

Host path is set to:- /mnt/cache/appdata/data/completed
Container path is set to:- /data

My Sab and Sonarr look very different.  My host path isn't "cache/appdata" at all. 

For Sonarr, the template doesn't even ask for a /data location, it asks for "Path: /downloads:", which in my case is /mnt/user/downloads/

For Sab it's asking for "Container Path: /data/", and this one I've also always had as /mnt/user/downloads/

I realize I (obviously) have something wrong, I just can't seem to wrap my head around what it is, or why everything is suddenly broken, when it's all been working perfectly up until I tried to add that 2nd path into Sonarr.

If someone is willing to do a little handholding here, and take into account that I struggle with understanding of mappings and paths, then I'd be very grateful. :)

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5 hours ago, Elmojo said:

For Sonarr, the template doesn't even ask for a /data location, it asks for "Path: /downloads:", which in my case is /mnt/user/downloads/

👆 That is what you need to change. Open the Sonarr template and edit that path so that the "Container Path" is /data.


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7 hours ago, Elmojo said:

My Sab and Sonarr look very different.  My host path isn't "cache/appdata" at all. 

For Sonarr, the template doesn't even ask for a /data location, it asks for "Path: /downloads:", which in my case is /mnt/user/downloads/

They were EXAMPLES, if your host path is something else then use that, same for container path.


Do as Hogwind suggests, you might as well fix up Jackett, same issue, change container path to /data (currently set to /downloads) or remove it (not required for jackett.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Hogwind said:

👆 That is what you need to change. Open the Sonarr template and edit that path so that the "Container Path" is /data.


This is where I get lost. My template just doesn't look like that. :/

Mine is like this:Sonarr_template.thumb.JPG.8434516b92b579ddc70450d6c9df3268.JPG

I don't see what else mine could be, other than what I currently have, which is not working.


EDIT: I've gone back through all my *arrs and downloaders, and they all use /mnt/user/downloads. It seems I'm being consistent with the path, which is the main thing, right?  I told you I struggled... lol

Edited by Elmojo
added info
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10 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

And do they also all use /downloads for the container path as well? This would also be required.

Would this be specified in the template or within the WebUI of the app itself?

If in the template, then see the last screenshot above and tell me if that looks correct for the example of Sonarr.  Those are the only options I have.  If you mean within the webUI, then I'm not really sure where that needs to be set, sorry.

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3 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

Would this be specified in the template or within the WebUI of the app itself?

If in the template, then see the last screenshot above and tell me if that looks correct for the example of Sonarr.  Those are the only options I have.  If you mean within the webUI, then I'm not really sure where that needs to be set, sorry.

It’s in the template. In the one you posted it’s /mnt/user/downloads/ but you have only posted a screenshot of one template. You’ll need to check all of them and be sure they are all an exact match.

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2 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

It’s in the template. In the one you posted it’s /mnt/user/downloads/ but you have only posted a screenshot of one template. You’ll need to check all of them and be sure they are all an exact match.

I think I did, but I'll check again.  It's confusing, since they don't all use the same nomenclature for the templates.

23 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

And do they also all use /downloads for the container path as well? This would also be required.

So where does this come in?  Where would I use the "/downloads" path instead of the full "mnt/user/downloads/"?

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Good day everyone, 

Just noticed this morning I can't access Webui for the docker. Just get a "this site can't be reached", I did auto-update all my dockets a couple of days ago and nothing else since then. (everything was working before the updates) 

when I check docker logs it just has a repeating "/config/config.xml:1.1: Document is empty"
My simple logic says that's likely an issue. How did this likely happen and how can I roll this back?

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Posted (edited)

Hello, I am having a strange bug connecting Sonarr to binhex-qbittorrentvpn. I have successfully done so with Radarr, so I can confidently say that my qbittorrent instance is accessible. Each service is spun up inside of separate docker containers on the same docker network (verified with `docker network inspect`)


I provide the IP for the qbittorrent instance in the "Add Download Client" web UI for Sonarr and encounter the following "Unable to connect" error message when testing the connection. And as stated, Radarr is perfectly happy with the provided IP and port. I have restarted the Sonarr container with no resolution.




Thanks in advance.


Edit: Proceeded with the Radarr setup and was able to interface with Prowlarr and torrent a file with no issue. Sonarr is still broken; cannot find Prowlarr on my network either.


Edit: Removed docker container, deleted directory in appdata. Reinstalled, works. 

Edited by cg5280
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31 minutes ago, mctavish01 said:

Good day everyone, 

Just noticed this morning I can't access Webui for the docker. Just get a "this site can't be reached", I did auto-update all my dockets a couple of days ago and nothing else since then. (everything was working before the updates) 

when I check docker logs it just has a repeating "/config/config.xml:1.1: Document is empty"
My simple logic says that's likely an issue. How did this likely happen and how can I roll this back?

Hey everyone, managed to google something from 10 years ago. Looks like deleting the config file and restarting the docket fixed it.
disregard original issue :)

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Elmojo said:

where does this come in?  Where would I use the "/downloads" path instead of the full "mnt/user/downloads/"?

The host uses the host path /mnt/user/doenloads/. The app in the container is basically sealed in a bubble. It can only see the container paths that you configure. In this case it is /downloads or /data. In your case qbittorrent is telling Radarr (for example) that it has downloaded a torrent to /data/blah/blah/ and Radarr doesn’t have a path that matches that so it can’t find it.


According to your screenshot Radarr, sabnzb and qbittorrent are all using /data. The rest are using /downloads. You’ll need to pick one or the other if you want them to work together.

Edited by wgstarks
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3 hours ago, Elmojo said:

This is where I get lost. My template just doesn't look like that. :/

Mine is like this:Sonarr_template.thumb.JPG.8434516b92b579ddc70450d6c9df3268.JPG

I don't see what else mine could be, other than what I currently have, which is not working.


EDIT: I've gone back through all my *arrs and downloaders, and they all use /mnt/user/downloads. It seems I'm being consistent with the path, which is the main thing, right?  I told you I struggled... lol

Click the EDIT and change the Container Path: /downloads to /data



So it looks like this:


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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Hogwind said:

Click the EDIT and change the Container Path: /downloads to /data

Well DANG!  In all the time I've been using unraid and dockers, I don't think I've ever clicked the [EDIT] buttons. *facepalm*

Changing those to /data and editing my SABnzb webUI settings to match fixed all the errors, but now I have nested duplicate download folders within my mnt/user/download directory.  This isn't a huge deal, but it's odd.


Anyway, on to step two....

The shows that I've moved to my external drive....

I added that path to the Sonarr container, and added that path to the root in the WebUI.

What else do I need to do to get it to see them?  They all show up as "missing episodes" right now.


EDIT: So I think I figured out how to get the archived shows to show up correctly in Sonarr, but it's super tedious. I'm hoping one of you gurus has a better way. 

Basically, I go to the show, click edit, change the path to the archived path, save it, then refresh the show.  That makes all the episodes show up correctly, but I really hope I won't have to do that for every show that I've moved, since that would take forever. lol

Edited by Elmojo
added "solution"
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18 hours ago, Elmojo said:

Well DANG!  In all the time I've been using unraid and dockers, I don't think I've ever clicked the [EDIT] buttons. *facepalm*

Changing those to /data and editing my SABnzb webUI settings to match fixed all the errors, but now I have nested duplicate download folders within my mnt/user/download directory.  This isn't a huge deal, but it's odd.


Anyway, on to step two....

The shows that I've moved to my external drive....

I added that path to the Sonarr container, and added that path to the root in the WebUI.

What else do I need to do to get it to see them?  They all show up as "missing episodes" right now.


EDIT: So I think I figured out how to get the archived shows to show up correctly in Sonarr, but it's super tedious. I'm hoping one of you gurus has a better way. 

Basically, I go to the show, click edit, change the path to the archived path, save it, then refresh the show.  That makes all the episodes show up correctly, but I really hope I won't have to do that for every show that I've moved, since that would take forever. lol

In Sonarr go to Series -> Library Import, and add /TV-Archived.

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After updating to v4 all of arr's keep rebuilding the container every 3 seconds. I can not view the logs as it automatically closes the log each time the container is rebuilt. If I stop the containers, then restart them, it will work for a few hours but then goes back to constantly rebuilding them. Also noticed it changes the cotainer ID on each rebuildimage.thumb.png.0aa6d759dffd363bcbbdc780a9bb60cb.png

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On 5/6/2024 at 12:35 PM, Hogwind said:

In Sonarr go to Series -> Library Import, and add /TV-Archived.

Yeah, I already added the archive folder to my Root Folders list.  It's not picking them up. 

I did discover that you can edit the paths of multiple shows at once by going to Series, choosing "select series" at the top, selecting all the series that need to be updated (moved), then at the bottom, choose [edit]. On the popup dialog, there's an option to select a new root folder.  This has helped a lot, but it's still manual, and means I have to remember which shows I've moved to the archive, and go move them manually in Sonarr.  Not a huge deal, but extra steps, and I'm all about the steamlining. lol

It's funny that Plex, being as finicky as it is about some things, seems to pick this change up with no problems, while Sonarr really struggles.  Oh well, at least everything is mostly working again now.  Thanks so much to everyone who got me back on my feet, so to speak! :D

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On 5/5/2024 at 5:42 PM, Getting Goin said:

Anybody have any advice or help for my above issues of sonarr not starting which has a log error listed below? 


Error: could not find config file /etc/supervisor.conf
For help, use /usr/bin/supervisord -h

I am not sure what is going on with your setup but this issue is unique to you, so let's try forcing an update for starters and go from there:-

  1. toggle 'basic view' to 'advanced view' (top right in unraid/docker web ui)
  2. click on 'force update' for each container, this should result in a forced pull down of the latest image
  3. check troublesome container.
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On 5/6/2024 at 4:16 PM, Itsaulgoodman said:

After updating to v4 all of arr's keep rebuilding the container every 3 seconds. I can not view the logs as it automatically closes the log each time the container is rebuilt. If I stop the containers, then restart them, it will work for a few hours but then goes back to constantly rebuilding them. Also noticed it changes the cotainer ID on each rebuildimage.thumb.png.0aa6d759dffd363bcbbdc780a9bb60cb.png

Did you find a fix for this? Mine seems to be in a loop as well. 

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