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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Plex Requests


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Application Name: Plex Requests

Application Site: http://plexrequests.8bits.ca/

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/plexrequests/

Github: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-plexrequests


Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread.


If you are not using Unraid (and you should be!) then please do not post here, instead head to linuxserver.io to see how to get support.

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For me, it runs, but adding my Couch ( - Unraid IP), using default 5050 port, with the API and I tried with or without the urlbase /couch.  Always errors.  For Sonnar, I added it, but if i try adding something, it always fail.


How yours is configured if it works ??

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What is the difference between Linuxserver and Isiodev?


Is there any place to request/make a wish for a docker, either here or on the linuxserver forum? Had been perfect with a onedrive docker to backup pictures and documents, since I get 1TB with office 365.

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For me, it runs, but adding my Couch ( - Unraid IP), using default 5050 port, with the API and I tried with or without the urlbase /couch.  Always errors.  For Sonnar, I added it, but if i try adding something, it always fail.


How yours is configured if it works ??


Sorry, forgot about this....  :-\


Here's how I have mine configured....





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Ok, I have this exact same config, it doesn't work for me.


Tried the Other Docker of PlexRequests.  It works, but not support the webroot like yours... so I can't use it either.  I'll try again yours to see if it works.  I saw that it wasn't updating to latest version.  Maybe it was badly installed.


** EDIT **


Strange, now it works very good! So it is all good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have this docker hosted on the web for external users to be able to make requests? I'm not well versed in these sorts of things and I'm trying to figure out how I am supposed to get this working with people outside the network.



Also, when setting up Couchpotato and Sickrage, what does the app mean when it asks me for Sub directories?

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Does anyone have this docker hosted on the web for external users to be able to make requests? I'm not well versed in these sorts of things and I'm trying to figure out how I am supposed to get this working with people outside the network.



Also, when setting up Couchpotato and Sickrage, what does the app mean when it asks me for Sub directories?


Firstly you need a domain name of some sort.  Then you need to get that domain name to point to your WAN IP (You'll need to know if it's dynamic or fixed)


Then you have two options, one is to open the port on your router and forward it to plexrequests.  You could forward port 80 on your router to port 3000 on your Unraid box, that way you wouldn't need to type the port number after your domain name.


The second option is to setup a reverse proxy which I do with Apache, but you will have to do some manual config of Apache and ideally implement SSL.  Then you use Apache as a reverse proxy to plex requests and whatever other apps you want to make available.


The subdirectories (or webroot) are a way of configuring applications to be compatible with  reverse proxy.  For example if you normally reach couchpotato on


server:5050 then going to different pages will render links like so






which screws the reverse proxy up which tries to access things from the wan which will be setup like this




then when you try to go to





it will fail so instead by adding a subdirectory you get links like so






accordingly on you lan it will be






There's a guide to setting up a reverse proxy here on linuxserver.io.  I use the ls.io Apache container but Nginx is another option.

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Movies are working fine, but trying to add TV shows gives the error "Couldn't submit request, please try again" and the log shows "Error getting TVDB ID, none found!" It says this for any show I try


I'm seeing this issue too at the moment and it was working fine previously so I can only assume it's a problem with the TVDB api.

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Movies are working fine, but trying to add TV shows gives the error "Couldn't submit request, please try again" and the log shows "Error getting TVDB ID, none found!" It says this for any show I try


So after a bit of investigating it turned out it was indeed an error with the TVDB api that was fixed in 1.7.4 asked Sparklyball to trigger an update to the container, turns out he'd already done it... Got to hand it to him sometimes, he's efficient.  ;D


Check for docker updates and update the container.  Should be good.

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