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[Support] binhex - Tvheadend


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Hello Forum.... I hope noobs are welcomed here.


Just recently bought an HDHR Extend TV Tuner to use with an OTA antenna and I've setup binhex - Tvheadend on my server as back end for DVR support.  Things seem to work fairly well but there are a few issues on my end that i wanted to ask about.


1.  I'm having issues when trying to stream two channels concurrently from the same signal frequency (195.028MHz), but only when using TVHeadend front end clients.

  •       The HDHR tuner has it's own PVR back-end, but can they both operate on my network at the same time without issue??  I cannot replicate this problem when using HDHR front-ends to stream multiple channels from the same frequency but i don't want to use HDHR Clients.

2.  I tried this version of TVHeadend because I read somewhere in this post or in the forums that COMSKIP was included in this version.  If it is, can you point me to the instructions on  how to get it going?  Simply selecting the Skip Commercials box in the Recording File Options is not working for me.


3.  What's the best way to set up an EPG Grabber that is rich with Icons and descriptions?  Should grabbers be installed on front-end or back-end clients?  I keep seeing the word "Picons" but don't know what they are entirely.


I'm very new to this PVR stuff but trying my best ..so any assistance would be appreciated.  And by the way...  what a wonderful APP.  I donated to the overall project, but if i can buy binhex a beer too, just post the link. 


Edited by cpthook
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11 hours ago, cpthook said:

TVHeadend front end clients.


what client are you using exactly?, are we talking tvheadend client for kodi?, or tvheadend webui "watch tv" link? have you tried using VLC to connect to tvheadend?.


11 hours ago, cpthook said:

I tried this version of TVHeadend because I read somewhere in this post or in the forums that COMSKIP was included i


Im afraid this docker image does not currently include comskip (something im going to look into in the future), i think the LSIO image may include comskip


12 hours ago, cpthook said:

What's the best way to set up an EPG Grabber that is rich with Icons and descriptions?  Should grabbers be installed on front-end or back-end clients? 


im not sure for HDHR devices, it depends on what channels your pulling in, but for freeview channels i manually downloaded the channel logos and put them in the right place, this then allows the frontend tvheadend client to pick them up and use them, for rich metadata such as descriptions etc, this is all done for me via OTA EPG Grabber, but again this might differ for you if your receiving satellite etc


12 hours ago, cpthook said:

but if i can buy binhex a beer too, just post the link. 


sure you can :-), first post in this thread, donate link.

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what client are you using exactly?, are we talking tvheadend client for kodi?, or tvheadend webui "watch tv" link? have you tried using VLC to connect to tvheadend?.


Yes...  both the Kodi client and "Watchtv" will not allow concurrent streams from the same frequency.  I will try VLC, I assume this is a Kodi add-on


Im afraid this docker image does not currently include comskip (something im going to look into in the future), i think the LSIO image may include comskip


OK good deal but are there any alternatives that can be used with TVHeadend?


im not sure for HDHR devices, it depends on what channels your pulling in, but for freeview channels i manually downloaded the channel logos and put them in the right place,


I am using both of the OTA grabber modules.  Ok...  so port a folder share to the Docker manually in edit mode, e.g., /logos, and then enter /logos in the "channel icon path"  then TVHeadend will scan the folder for logos/ icons?  OR is there more to it?


sure you can :-), first post in this thread, donate link.



Edited by cpthook
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12 minutes ago, cpthook said:

I will try VLC, I assume this is a Kodi add-on


no VLC is a traditional application, http://www.videolan.org/vlc/


20 minutes ago, cpthook said:

OK good deal but are there any alternatives that can be used with TVHeadend?


not that i know of, no.


29 minutes ago, cpthook said:

Ok...  so port a share to the Docker manually in edit mode, e.g., /logos, and then enter /logos in the "channel icon path"?  OR is there more to it?


So logos can either be stored on the frontend and configured using the tvheadend client, or you can store them on the backend, or even specify a url and pull them down, i have gone for the store on frontend but the choice is yours, a good source of picons:-




Thanks for the beer money!

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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Why am I getting this error?


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-tvheadend' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Kiev" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '9981:9981/tcp' -p '9982:9982/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/tank/tvheadend':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-tvheadend':'/config':'rw' --device=/dev/tuner type 'binhex/arch-tvheadend' 
Unable to find image 'type:latest' locally
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for type, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed.


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21 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

Why am I getting this error?


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-tvheadend' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Kiev" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '9981:9981/tcp' -p '9982:9982/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/tank/tvheadend':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-tvheadend':'/config':'rw' --device=/dev/tuner type 'binhex/arch-tvheadend' 
Unable to find image 'type:latest' locally
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for type, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed.



You added too much in the extra parameter box. Remove type. 

Might be wise to try to get one container running instead of both ours and binhex? 

Edited by saarg
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I shut down one docker before trying the other. I'm not trying to run them both at the same time for obvious reasons. I've even tried installing both with the other one not even present on the system.


Secondly, I added absolutely nothing into that box at all. I didn't change any settings at all because there didn't seem to be any reason to and the ports it's asking to use are not being used by any other application or service. So I didn't add "type" and I'm quite sure the person above me didn't either. It's a problem with the container itself, probably a typo or something during the last update.

Edited by plantsandbinary
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2 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

I shut down one docker before trying the other. I'm not trying to run them both at the same time for obvious reasons. I've even tried installing both with the other one not even present on the system.


Secondly, I added absolutely nothing into that box at all. I didn't change any settings at all because there didn't seem to be any reason to and the ports it's asking to use are not being used by any other application or service.


You missed my point with the comment about getting one container to run. 


It seems binhex made a typo in the template. As I said earlier, remove the type in the extra parameters box (turn on advanced view if you don't see the box) and it should start. 

Also remove the rest if you are not using a dvb card. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/16/2019 at 4:09 PM, saarg said:


You missed my point with the comment about getting one container to run. 


It seems binhex made a typo in the template. As I said earlier, remove the type in the extra parameters box (turn on advanced view if you don't see the box) and it should start. 

Also remove the rest if you are not using a dvb card. 

yes, that fixes the problem.


definitely a bug in the template.

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just fyi guys, it actually isn't a typo, what i was trying to convey (and obviously failing) was that a user needs to define the 'type' of device they want to pass through, obviously i cant know what that is up front, thus the 'type'.

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16 hours ago, binhex said:

just fyi guys, it actually isn't a typo, what i was trying to convey (and obviously failing) was that a user needs to define the 'type' of device they want to pass through, obviously i cant know what that is up front, thus the 'type'.

I think you can set it to /dev/dvb as I don't know of any other devices that would be used with tvheadend. 

Except an nvidia card if you enable nvenc, but the one wouldn't use the device tag though. 

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Oh dear me!

So I am really stuck and would appreciate the help of those who know!

TVH installed....I am an IPTV user so I added the url for the channel list and scanned the muxes sucessfully :)

The problem starts when I want to use the url supplied by my provider to get the EPG working....

I have managed to enable the XMLTV grabber option and see an xmltv.sock file in /appdata/binhex-tvheadend/epggrab

I am now utterly at a loss as to how I move forward from here....

I can't see where to add the provided url to get the EPG

Much searching on the internet has left me more confused than when I started!

Is it possible that someone could help ?

Thanks for looking...happy to provide any required info!


Update: So I can download the epg data and get it into epg.xml....but I cant get it to be used by TVH...talk about feeling out of your depth!



Edited by Richie12a
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  • 2 months later...

Can anyone help me with the XMLTV EPG setup please?


I have a guide.xml file in the /data folder, and have set enabled to true in the epg config file under the grabber named xmltv.

A restart of the docker and i now have an xmltv.sock file in the epg folder. But this is as far as I have got.


I cant see anything under the epg graber config page on the web interface on how to set up the XML grabber any further (see screenshot) and under the channel editor there are no options under the epg source dropdown and manually typing XMLTV doesnt get retained after hitting save.





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