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ControlR (Android/iOS app for unRAID)

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Ok, if you now go to Settings, you should have 4.0.4 installed.


If that's the case, I'd ask you to please report back whenever you upgrade to 6.5.1 stable.


I stopped supporting RCs, because there used to be some sensible changes between RCs, not sure if this has changed recently.


Whenever a new stable is released, I update the app as early as possible,  if it's actually affected.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A quick note ...


I've had an issue with my workstation, so I'm recreating my development environment.


With regards to GDPR, the app uses Fabric (https://get.fabric.io/) Answers and Crashlytics modules, whose Privacy and Security policies are described here:


iOS https://docs.fabric.io/android/fabric/data-privacy.html 

Android https://docs.fabric.io/apple/fabric/data-privacy.html


(they're the same)


The current version of the app uses the following SDK versions for Fabric (core framework), Answers (app events) and Crashlytics (app crashes):


- iOS

Fabric 1.7.5 (changelog: https://docs.fabric.io/apple/changelog.html#fabric)

Answers 1.3.6 (changelog: https://docs.fabric.io/apple/changelog.html#answers)

Crashlytics 3.10.1 (changelog: https://docs.fabric.io/apple/changelog.html#crashlytics)


- Android

Fabric 1.4.2 (changelog: https://docs.fabric.io/android/changelog.html#fabric)

Answers 1.4.1 (changelog: https://docs.fabric.io/android/changelog.html#answers)

Crashlytics 2.9.1 (changelog: https://docs.fabric.io/android/changelog.html#crashlytics)


I've never used Twitter's Mobile App Conversion Tracking by Answers and the app doesn't use Fabric's Beta Module.


The device data collected by the app via Answers (anonymized by a sha512 hash of the device's id) is:


- id ( b952bbd2023142e04f32c538ed7... ) *can't visualize the full hash

- manufacturer (Apple / samsung / etc.)

- model ( iPhone 8 / Pixel 2 XL / etc )

- device_id ( iPhone8,1 / msm8989 / etc )

- system_name ( iOS / Android  / etc )

- system_version ( 11.3.1 / 8.0.0  / etc )

- bundle_id ( io.jbrodriguez.controlr )

- app_version ( / / etc )

- device_locale ( en-US / de-DE / etc )

- device_country ( US / GB / etc )


These are the closest to personal data, but as mentioned before they're anonymized and help a lot with crash reports and general usage metrics.


Other events, such as docker action, spin, power, etc, are also anonymously tracked and these really help in specific usage metrics.


I'll update the app's privacy policy when I publish the new release, reflecting this.


For the time being, if you're not ok with this info, please uninstall or do not purchase.


I'll be looking into opt-in/opt-out behavior in a not so distant release.



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On 4/23/2018 at 11:29 PM, wgstarks said:

After updating to 6.5.1 all my dockers show as stopped (they aren’t). Clicking start has no effect.


All my Dockers show as stopped, but I can click start in ControlR and they will actually start in UnRaid but always show as stopped in ControlR using iOS.


@jbrodriguez Happy to provide any logs or info you want to help try and sort this.  I'm using 6.5.2 of UnRaid and I have the ControlR plugin installed. 


I have ControlR for Android as well and that works fine ?

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hi binky, definitely a head scratcher ...


6.5.2 should work fine in either iOS or Android.


A couple of questions:

- Is your ssl set to auto or yes ?

- Do you have any system wide adblocker in iOS ?

- If you're on ssl auto/yes, have you added the server via the secure switch on the app ?


Let me know , to further troubleshoot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

v4.1.0 is available on App Store / Play Store !


This is a maintenance release to update internal libraries that improve user privacy.


Specifically, this updates Fabric modules Crashlytics and Answers to their latest versions, which are GDPR ready.


I've updated the app's privacy policy and the app's website as well.


For the time being, I won't be adding opt-in/opt-out settings, instead purchase/usage of the app will be interpreted as consent to the privacy policy.


If you don't accept the privacy policy, please don't purchase or uninstall the app.


As per usual, feedback will be welcome.

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Hi, just bought the app and installed the companion plugin. I'm trying to connect via a vpn connection. I can access unraid just fine using safari but nothing happens in the app. No error messages or anything. 
Tried on port 80 and 443. 

Tried with and without https check. 

tried with IP and the custom unraid dns. 

Edited by GilbN
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1 hour ago, jbrodriguez said:

Hi, I'm assuming your server is on https.


Could you try 

hostname: ip address

port: 443

secure: checked


Please try that from both outside (openvpn) and inside your lan, just to troubleshoot.


Also, could you send me /boot/logs/controlr.log (it's the plugin log) ?


Will try when I get home. Thanks. Tried ip,443,secure checked didn't work.

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1 hour ago, jbrodriguez said:


Ok. Your unRAID webgui runs on port 443 right ?


Yes, correct. Just tried to connect using the home network. Cant connect, and discover didn't work. 

Tried on port 80 and 443 with and without secure checked. 


Tried with SSL/TLS on Auto and Yes. 

Tried to turn of SSL. 


Here is the log

root@Nostromo:/boot/logs# nano controlr.log
  GNU nano 2.9.4                                                            controlr.log

I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 app.go:57: controlr v2.9.2-371-b91fc11-v2018.03.21 starting ...
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 core.go:73: starting service Core ...
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 core.go:269: Created ipmi sensor ...
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 core.go:287: Created apc ups ...
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 server.go:70: Starting service Server ...
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 server.go:89: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 server.go:140: Server started listening https on :2378
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 api.go:90: Api started listening https on :2382
I: 2018/06/22 08:52:27 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 app.go:89: Received signal: (terminated) ... shutting down the app now ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 api.go:105: stopped service Api ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 server.go:157: stopped service Server ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 core.go:141: stopped service Core ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 app.go:57: controlr v2.9.2-371-b91fc11-v2018.03.21 starting ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 core.go:73: starting service Core ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 core.go:269: Created ipmi sensor ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 core.go:296: No ups detected ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 server.go:70: Starting service Server ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 server.go:89: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 server.go:151: Server started listening http on :2378
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 api.go:99: Api started listening http on :2382
I: 2018/06/22 18:49:23 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:50:18 app.go:89: Received signal: (terminated) ... shutting down the app now ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:50:18 api.go:105: stopped service Api ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:50:18 server.go:157: stopped service Server ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:50:18 core.go:141: stopped service Core ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 app.go:57: controlr v2.9.2-371-b91fc11-v2018.03.21 starting ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 core.go:73: starting service Core ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 core.go:269: Created ipmi sensor ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 core.go:287: Created apc ups ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 server.go:70: Starting service Server ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 server.go:89: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 server.go:151: Server started listening http on :2378
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 api.go:99: Api started listening http on :2382
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:02 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:48 core.go:180: Getting users ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:48 core.go:182: Got 2 users
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:48 core.go:183: Getting apps ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:51:48 core.go:185: Got 64 apps
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:04 core.go:180: Getting users ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:04 core.go:182: Got 2 users
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:04 core.go:183: Getting apps ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:04 core.go:185: Got 64 apps
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:06 core.go:180: Getting users ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:06 core.go:182: Got 2 users
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:06 core.go:183: Getting apps ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:06 core.go:185: Got 64 apps
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:06 core.go:180: Getting users ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:06 core.go:182: Got 2 users
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:06 core.go:183: Getting apps ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:06 core.go:185: Got 64 apps
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:19 core.go:180: Getting users ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:19 core.go:182: Got 2 users
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:19 core.go:183: Getting apps ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:19 core.go:185: Got 64 apps
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:22 core.go:180: Getting users ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:22 core.go:182: Got 2 users
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:22 core.go:183: Getting apps ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:22 core.go:185: Got 64 apps
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:24 core.go:180: Getting users ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:24 core.go:182: Got 2 users
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:24 core.go:183: Getting apps ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:24 core.go:185: Got 64 apps
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:25 core.go:180: Getting users ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:25 core.go:182: Got 2 users
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:25 core.go:183: Getting apps ...
I: 2018/06/22 18:53:25 core.go:185: Got 64 apps


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Ok, try this next


- Go to Settings > Credits

- After the react native credits, you’ll find a debug button, hit it once (counter should read 1)

- Now try connecting manually (you should see a ‘debug initialized ‘ message at the bottom)

- It should go back to the main screen

- Go to manual add again

- It should be displaying some debug message

- Take a screenshot and send it over (pm if you prefer)


Also, by any chance, in the hostname, you're not entering the https:// prefix right ?

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2 hours ago, jbrodriguez said:

Ok, try this next


- Go to Settings > Credits

- After the react native credits, you’ll find a debug button, hit it once (counter should read 1)

- Now try connecting manually (you should see a ‘debug initialized ‘ message at the bottom)

- It should go back to the main screen

- Go to manual add again

- It should be displaying some debug message

- Take a screenshot and send it over (pm if you prefer)


Also, by any chance, in the hostname, you're not entering the https:// prefix right ?

Nope only ip, no scheme.




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Thanks GilbN !


One last test and sorry for the inconvenience ... can you add the server using the fqdn (xxxxx.unraid.net), 443, secure checked (from within your lan) ?


Please leave debug on to check the possible error.


P.S.: Also, what iOS version are you using ?

Edited by jbrodriguez
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21 minutes ago, jbrodriguez said:

Thanks GilbN !


One last test and sorry for the inconvenience ... can you add the server using the fqdn (xxxxx.unraid.net), 443, secure checked (from within your lan) ?


Please leave debug on to check the possible error.


P.S.: Also, what iOS version are you using ?

Using 11.4



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23 hours ago, GilbN said:

Hi, just bought the app and installed the companion plugin. I'm trying to connect via a vpn connection. I can access unraid just fine using safari but nothing happens in the app. No error messages or anything. 
Tried on port 80 and 443. 

Tried with and without https check. 

tried with IP and the custom unraid dns. 


I'm getting the same thing - hit the button and nothing happens. I just emailed the dev about it then realised I could just check the forums.


Out of interest what device are you using? I'm using a Galaxy S9+

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