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[Plugin] CA User Scripts

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I want to backup my nextcloud and found a good script but had to change some parts for docker.

I already figured out how to set the maintenance mode and this works fine

docker exec --tty nextcloud sudo -u $webserverUser php $nextcloudDockerFileDir/occ maintenance:mode --off


So the script works so far, but i want to improve it.

But i was not able to figure out how i could check if the maintenance mode is on or off.
I think this is because of the "--tty" but other options work less.


Last week the backup worked fine but the maintenance mode was still on.
So i want to make a check at the end to switch it off if it is still on or maybe send a message to check the maintenance mode.

So how can i check the maintenance mode from outside the docker?

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Hey all,


I'm migrating from and Ubuntu based server and I was trying to set back up one of my scripts.


It's a simple script that uses inotifywait to watch a folder and then emails (via mutt) any new pdf files to my kindle.


The inotify part works well enough but obviously mutt isn't part of unraid. Is there a command line alternative or even a simple docker container I could use to the same effect? (Short of running a linux vm lol)

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10 hours ago, cavinyagi said:

Hey all,


I'm migrating from and Ubuntu based server and I was trying to set back up one of my scripts.


It's a simple script that uses inotifywait to watch a folder and then emails (via mutt) any new pdf files to my kindle.


The inotify part works well enough but obviously mutt isn't part of unraid. Is there a command line alternative or even a simple docker container I could use to the same effect? (Short of running a linux vm lol)

If it's not already available within the NerdPack plugin, then you can ask for it to be added, or install (or build from source) a slackware package.

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4 hours ago, Squid said:

If it's not already available within the NerdPack plugin, then you can ask for it to be added, or install (or build from source) a slackware package.

Quite a newbie so didn't know about Nerdpack - although mutt (or alt) doesn't seem to be included yet. I may request as you've suggested but I'll try and install one myself first I think as why not? haha


Thanks for the help!

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My unraid box has a bit of a custom arrangement, where the GPU has 2x oversized fans - one blows on the GPU directly, and the other on the array drives and the GPU. The GPU controls one of the fans, and unraid controls the array fan.


I am trying to set up the ability to calculate and compare a required PWM value for the array drives and the GPU, and then decide which is higher and apply it to the array fan.


In my windows VM I use nvidia-smi with a timeout -t 5 loop running on a schedule to constantly update a txt file on the cache drive which unraid can read. This part seems to work ok, windows updates the txt file with the fan % value.


I have included in the array fan script (which I found on these forums) an arrangement which takes the percentage and converts it to PWM.


The issue is - it does not work with the file that is being dynamically updated by windows, but it does work with a static test file which was created by me in windows and is sitting in the exact same location!


I'm pulling my hair out on this, I can't work out why it is not working...any thoughts?


# unraid_array_fan.sh v0.4
# v0.1  First try at it.
# v0.2: Made a small change so the fan speed on low doesn't fluctuate every time the script is run.
# v0.3: It will now enable fan speed change before trying to change it. I missed 
#	it at first because pwmconfig was doing it for me while I was testing the fan.
# v0.4: Corrected temp reading to "Temperature_Celsius" as my new Seagate drive
#	was returning two numbers with just "Temperature".
# A simple script to check for the highest hard disk temperatures in an array
# or backplane and then set the fan to an apropriate speed. Fan needs to be connected
# to motherboard with pwm support, not array.
# DEPENDS ON:grep,awk,smartctl,hdparm

# Amount of drives in the array. Make sure it matches the amount you filled out below.

# unRAID drives that are in the array/backplane of the fan we need to control

# Temperatures to change fan speed at
# Any temp between OFF and HIGH will cause fan to run on low speed setting 
FAN_OFF_TEMP=47		# Anything this number and below - fan is off
FAN_HIGH_TEMP=60	# Anything this number or above - fan is high speed

# Fan speed settings. Run pwmconfig (part of the lm_sensors package) to determine 
# what numbers you want to use for your fan pwm settings. Should not need to
# change the OFF variable, only the LOW and maybe also HIGH to what you desire.
# Any real number between 0 and 255.

# Calculate size of increments.

# Fan device. Depends on your system. pwmconfig can help with finding this out. 
# pwm1 is usually the cpu fan. You can "cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/fan1_input"
# or fan2_input and so on to see the current rpm of the fan. If 0 then fan is off or 
# there is no fan connected or motherboard can't read rpm of fan.



GPU1=$(cat /mnt/cache/windows10scratch/w10system/nvidiafan/gpufan.txt)
#echo $GPU1
#if [[ "$GPU1" == "" ]]; then
#    GPU1=1
#elif [[ "$GPU1" == 0 ]]; then
#    GPU1=1

GPU1=$((GPU1 + 1))
GPUFAN=$(($((GPU1 * 255)) / 100))

echo "GPU1 is "$GPU1

echo "GPUFAN is "$GPUFAN

# Program variables - do not modify

# while loop to get the highest temperature of active drives. 
# If all are spun down then high temp will be set to 0.
while [ "$CURRENT_DRIVE" -le "$NUM_OF_DRIVES" ]
 SLEEPING=`hdparm -C ${HD[$CURRENT_DRIVE]} | grep -c standby`
 if [ "$SLEEPING" == "0" ]; then
   CURRENT_TEMP=`smartctl -d ata -A ${HD[$CURRENT_DRIVE]} | grep -m 1 -i Temperature_Celsius | awk '{print $10}'`
   if [ "$HIGHEST_TEMP" -le "$CURRENT_TEMP" ]; then
echo "Highest temp is: "$HIGHEST_TEMP

# Calculate new fan values based on highest drive temperature
  if [[ $HIGHEST_TEMP -le $FAN_OFF_TEMP ]]; then
    if [[ $HIGHEST_TEMP -ge $FAN_HIGH_TEMP ]]; then

# Adjust fan to GPU output, if GPU is higher set GPU PWM to adjusted output
  if [[ $ADJUSTED_FAN_SPEED -le $GPUFAN ]]; then

#echo "Adjusted output is "$ADJUSTED_FAN_SPEED
echo "Adjusted output is "$ADJUSTED_OUTPUT

# Implemenent fan speed change if neeeded
  # Enable speed change on this fan if not already
  if [ "$ARRAY_FAN" != "1" ]; then
  echo 1 > "${ARRAY_FAN}_enable"
  # set fan to new value`
  echo "Setting pwm to: "$ADJUSTED_FAN_SPEED


Output with the "test.txt" file - works as intended:

Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/Case fan control/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
GPU1 is 51
GPUFAN is 130
Highest temp is: 39
Adjusted output is 130
Setting pwm to: 130


Output with the dynamic "gpufan.txt" file - fails to read gpufan.txt...

Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/Case fan control/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script

Highest temp is: 39
Adjusted output is OFF
Setting pwm to: 55


Edited by mishmash-
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I'm having trouble running a script that backs up my VMs.  For some reason, the log buttons are not available, and the script doesn't seem to run according to the CRON schedule I set in the GUI.




I also tried using a number 1-7 instead of the three letter day name.  I have other scripts running in the middle of the night for backing up shares that are working fine.  My only though is that this script is significantly more complicated then the others, but I'm not sure why that would matter.  If I run the script manually it works fine.


Any ideas?

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5 minutes ago, TBKU said:

I'm having trouble running a script that backs up my VMs.  For some reason, the log buttons are not available, and the script doesn't seem to run according to the CRON schedule I set in the GUI.




I also tried using a number 1-7 instead of the three letter day name.  I have other scripts running in the middle of the night for backing up shares that are working fine.  My only though is that this script is significantly more complicated then the others, but I'm not sure why that would matter.  If I run the script manually it works fine.


Any ideas?

Try getting rid of the spaces

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Sorry.  Didn't look closely enough.  It's the WED that's causing it to never run.  Change it to be 3


I tried it previous with 0 4 * * 1 and it never ran. I've changed it to 30 9 * * 3 and it seems to have kicked off correctly at 9:30 - still running.  I did change the name to all lowercase with no spaces, as suggested. 

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On 5/12/2021 at 12:34 PM, tjb_altf4 said:

Are there any issues with overlapping jobs when scheduling?  i.e. ~4hr jobs run every hour


On 5/12/2021 at 8:52 PM, Squid said:



OK this seems to be fine when using the drop down schedules (scheduled Hourly), but as soon I use a custom cron schedule the script won't restart until after the running script finishes.

Is this a bug to be resolved, or is there a work around I need to use?


Currently wanting to run the script every 30 min with:

*/30 * * * *


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I ran user scripts for over a year now but it suddenly disappeared from the settings tab.

I removed it via the plugins tab and reinstalled it via CA but get the following message:

plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/user.scripts/master/plugins/user.scripts.plg
plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/user.scripts/master/plugins/user.scripts.plg
plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/user.scripts/master/plugins/user.scripts.plg ... done

| Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/user.scripts-2021.03.10-x86_64-1.txz

Verifying package user.scripts-2021.03.10-x86_64-1.txz.
Unable to install /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/user.scripts-2021.03.10-x86_64-1.txz: tar archive is corrupt (tar returned error code 2)

user.scripts has been installed.
Copyright 2016-2020, Andrew Zawadzki
Version: 2021.03.10

Corrupt image.. How can i install it again?

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My linuxfu is lacking...i wrote a script to start and stop a bunch of docker containers in a specific order.  When it's finished i would like it to close the pop up window. 

I tried exit and end to no avail.  I don't even know what that pop up window is called to Google it. 


What command should i use? 

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17 minutes ago, Jayg37 said:

My linuxfu is lacking...i wrote a script to start and stop a bunch of docker containers in a specific order.  When it's finished i would like it to close the pop up window. 

I tried exit and end to no avail.  I don't even know what that pop up window is called to Google it. 


What command should i use? 

There is no command supported to close that window

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Is there some way to run scripts delayed after startup of array? My Issue is that I run my router in a VM, and my script is reliant on having an internet connection. so if I could delay the script execution to 3 minutes after the start of the array the issue would disappear.

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11 minutes ago, Nischi said:



Is there some way to run scripts delayed after startup of array? My Issue is that I run my router in a VM, and my script is reliant on having an internet connection. so if I could delay the script execution to 3 minutes after the start of the array the issue would disappear.

I can't remember off the top of my head, but I posted a script somewhere on this forum that checks if the gateway IP is responding before continuing with the script. My use case was starting a different VM AFTER my pfSense VM comes online.

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