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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Nextcloud

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14 hours ago, blaine07 said:

Oh wow, this is a big deal. I don’t see a tag for 27 that I’m on… I’m just on “latest”m


I am dumb:


Thanks for sharing the link.  


I wish there was a heads up or warning before this happened.  I appreciate the update being automatic with the container now, but I was caught off guard with my installation upgrading by itself.  I usually hold off until all my apps have been properly upgraded to support the latest version before diving in.  Now I have 3 apps that are disabled because my installation jumped ahead.  Again, my fault for making everything auto-update nightly, but now I will turn that off for nextcloud since it requires special attention when upgrading.

Link to comment
7 minutes ago, avinyc said:

Thanks for sharing the link.  


I wish there was a heads up or warning before this happened.  I appreciate the update being automatic with the container now, but I was caught off guard with my installation upgrading by itself.  I usually hold off until all my apps have been properly upgraded to support the latest version before diving in.  Now I have 3 apps that are disabled because my installation jumped ahead.  Again, my fault for making everything auto-update nightly, but now I will turn that off for nextcloud since it requires special attention when upgrading.

LSIO tries pretty hard to notify about important changes:


https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud#versions (every repo has a section like this)

https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud/releases/tag/27.0.0-ls252 (every release has notes like this, and on GitHub you can subscribe to email notifications when releases happen)

https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/ (if there's any big or breaking changes we usually post a notification to our info site with more detailed instructions like this post, the info site also has an RSS feed and posts also are sent to a dedicated notification channel in our discord)


Auto update is definitely not the safest thing to be doing, but we understand how common it is and try to mitigate as much as we can. Nextcloud was a special case, because prior to this update the installation files were stored on your /config volume and mostly untouched by the container without manually running the occ command to upgrade. This however lead to the container dependencies like PHP updating over time with new releases of the container, and the installed version of nextcloud not being updated, and sometimes the installed (outdated) version of nextcloud would not be compatible with the current dependencies in the image. To solve this, we've build the application itself into the container and cherry picked only the files and folders that need to be persistent to remain in the /config volume. In the future, updating the container should automatically update nextcloud itself, along with any dependencies like PHP.


All that being said, LSIO does still recommend pinning a specific version tag such as lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.0 and applying updates manually by simply changing the version at the end. A proper backup and recovery plan is also important.

  • Like 1
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1 hour ago, iXNyNe said:

LSIO tries pretty hard to notify about important changes:


https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud#versions (every repo has a section like this)

https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud/releases/tag/27.0.0-ls252 (every release has notes like this, and on GitHub you can subscribe to email notifications when releases happen)

https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/ (if there's any big or breaking changes we usually post a notification to our info site with more detailed instructions like this post, the info site also has an RSS feed and posts also are sent to a dedicated notification channel in our discord)


Auto update is definitely not the safest thing to be doing, but we understand how common it is and try to mitigate as much as we can. Nextcloud was a special case, because prior to this update the installation files were stored on your /config volume and mostly untouched by the container without manually running the occ command to upgrade. This however lead to the container dependencies like PHP updating over time with new releases of the container, and the installed version of nextcloud not being updated, and sometimes the installed (outdated) version of nextcloud would not be compatible with the current dependencies in the image. To solve this, we've build the application itself into the container and cherry picked only the files and folders that need to be persistent to remain in the /config volume. In the future, updating the container should automatically update nextcloud itself, along with any dependencies like PHP.


All that being said, LSIO does still recommend pinning a specific version tag such as lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.0 and applying updates manually by simply changing the version at the end. A proper backup and recovery plan is also important.

Understood, and I do understand the risks with auto-updating, but it wasn't a problem until it became one for me:)  I will follow this advice and use a specific version tag moving forward.


And I also understand there was a way to discover this change if I was properly monitoring the right places, this is a learning experience for me since I didn't even know there was a discord channel as well.  I'm glad this change is happening, and no matter what LSIO could have done, someone like me would have missed it anyway.  I'm just glad it was nothing serious to my server setup.  Thank you for the time responding, have a good day!


Edited by avinyc
  • Like 1
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17 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

This is expected. Please read https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/


tldr; no more manual updates

Wonderful. I was given no notice of this, and I updated the image today not realising that it would now update my Docker to v27.

After updating the Docker, I checked the logs for any changes to sample.confs and that some had changed in Swag and NextCloud. So I updated them, and restarted both. Nextcloud was then in Maintenance mode, and i didn't know why. I disabled maintenance mode, and now on the Admin page it says the following (and that I am now on v27, which I didn't choose to upgrade to):


Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in the documentation ↗. (List of invalid files… / Rescan…)


Files are:

Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

- serverinfo
		- l10n/ug.json
		- l10n/lo.js
		- l10n/ug.js
		- l10n/bs.json
		- l10n/cy_GB.js
		- l10n/ta.js
		- l10n/cy_GB.json
		- l10n/bs.js
		- l10n/fo.json
		- l10n/ta.json
		- l10n/lo.json
		- l10n/fo.js
		- l10n/kn.js
		- l10n/kn.json
- encryption
		- templates/mail.php
		- templates/altmail.php
- files_trashbin
		- lib/Sabre/PropfindPlugin.php
- photos
		- js/photos-vendors-node_modules_nextcloud_sharing_dist_index_js-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_A-0d7f22.js
		- js/photos-vendors-node_modules_nextcloud_sharing_dist_index_js-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_A-0d7f22.js.map
		- js/photos-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_PackageVariant_vue-node_modules_vue-material-design-ic-36962a.js.map
		- js/photos-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_PackageVariant_vue-node_modules_vue-material-design-ic-2ca5cc.js.map
		- js/photos-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_PackageVariant_vue-node_modules_vue-material-design-ic-2ca5cc.js
		- js/photos-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_PackageVariant_vue-node_modules_vue-material-design-ic-2a64fd.js
		- js/photos-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_PackageVariant_vue-node_modules_vue-material-design-ic-36962a.js
		- js/photos-node_modules_nextcloud_sharing_dist_index_js-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_AccountGr-e8a447.js
		- js/photos-node_modules_nextcloud_sharing_dist_index_js-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_AccountGr-e8a447.js.map
		- js/photos-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_PackageVariant_vue-node_modules_vue-material-design-ic-2a64fd.js.map
		- l10n/si.json
		- l10n/ps.json
		- l10n/ur_PK.js
		- l10n/si.js
		- l10n/ur_PK.json
		- l10n/tk.json
		- l10n/ps.js
		- l10n/tk.js
		- lib/Listener/NodeDeletedListener.php
		- lib/Listener/GroupDeletedListener.php
		- lib/Listener/GroupUserRemovedListener.php
- files_pdfviewer
		- js/files_pdfviewer-workersrc.js.LICENSE.txt

Raw output
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            [EXTRA_FILE] => Array
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                            [expected] => 
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                            [expected] => 
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                    [l10n/cy_GB.js] => Array
                            [expected] => 
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                            [expected] => 
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                            [expected] => 
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                            [expected] => 
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                    [l10n/fo.json] => Array
                            [expected] => 
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                    [l10n/ta.json] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => a4ffe199ab37f97d8576b9efd5c6d4371a670e8b1d9a868b5886839f7302cd6f747ffe24e1d9422cd0eaa5d4575f12a4ce4b2af9b235326ac898e9d2dda83664

                    [l10n/lo.json] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => a3676f0f1633a84ac9ddd1e51f96110d8f2aaac47ad387e3418e644403fa53c9b69e1d38707d335aea2f7b23eb2e43fa9f70aa770819e305b2500354426151eb

                    [l10n/fo.js] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => d9a38ad17bd79a0f71fe482f21fa3bd869d5f7d27cfd0f0c95c07086494d380b6ad48212efae88740d88135d91dc64dfce8addb7a1b5a90234d3b2041429ec1c

                    [l10n/kn.js] => Array
                            [expected] => 
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                    [l10n/kn.json] => Array
                            [expected] => 
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    [encryption] => Array
            [EXTRA_FILE] => Array
                    [templates/mail.php] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => c8244a5bd79b8881c556e926c359ca3976f706b484b9c5703f8e99608e3ea08129203b31ef2494914c8edb96f89bda1e9919460bcda5f993690c263de6ef4ac0

                    [templates/altmail.php] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => b42b51938dcfa614c798e004bb381cb024509cfd3e519caa2e42684ef8c95575e2e7235152b3545eae013497fe1784ef8f22557e79839d6554a13d96c2f8eab5



    [files_trashbin] => Array
            [EXTRA_FILE] => Array
                    [lib/Sabre/PropfindPlugin.php] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => 601e9c68d9d2e1bf8a04558b4c1bbd7cb85b159edce9ba2f61d8676d5fab75116cc0d486ce874cff0d8b2db9fc01e0b679275928714baa452fa34ad239621836



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            [EXTRA_FILE] => Array
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                            [expected] => 
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                            [expected] => 
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                            [expected] => 
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                    [js/photos-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_PackageVariant_vue-node_modules_vue-material-design-ic-2a64fd.js.map] => Array
                            [expected] => 
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                    [l10n/si.json] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => b7a0710e4579b66534b671725022c14a34817beae841550665268cbf82d15af7f1bab12bdeca47419c6e5124d4aaf5e6217b017d88f899cec7d6fe26436f7406

                    [l10n/ps.json] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => d90e82d5f0f1d7881f294b8adff11d70b5ec59a88242fe289311a3cdfb2c655cd8c1e444b35a6731c1b750097ac50d6e122524f92859d02ec5cbbbeb7c031f01

                    [l10n/ur_PK.js] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => 0144e305861c6351b3ccc47e940f32070c90618fc915f817412babad05fae38aa7383f9afec726b66734ad5a1d9ab4974d8289be73dfef205926a0028da123f2

                    [l10n/si.js] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => aca57ab4ff948a399d41cf889a2e231f0c9f866b4ebbf1ea548157fb7288659e2729e69b99c0f6d5846af1b28e808c9a6df30db3fd2856afb25dce2a778976b5

                    [l10n/ur_PK.json] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => e0e54b9dbd4fddf94096b99cf12309b7a623a7b8ec7afca767c44ad6edccfe3521438260668a18c34565353794163ed2d433a45ae0b5a2960aa1efb66cc016b0

                    [l10n/tk.json] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => 9477cdee70f42fbf7a6e9772c5593f1bd9e9593f97a7717642845359579a435cd500d95b910ea0d34afa366a6b15835a34f86a60d3fe643402f1daab8f9c3f6d

                    [l10n/ps.js] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => e3c8bbc66df0a1acb84a09370d82decd198b1962653b008c18fdf20d906d00b4535144e1ce66a381573165754f1a500929eefd8e5e0ebf7b2af9351e64dab441

                    [l10n/tk.js] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => 594fdae47e9fca04dc224735ca1a9c625de6cf839320548b3699b4021d40c19c762d7067d6176002f4872be9f2907b8f3d93020706a6311d9d42d823c9f475c4

                    [lib/Listener/NodeDeletedListener.php] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => dd0d2a74eab07fbdfd62e11ea299e0a84c07e3f4cf2334847959bbf57de326e3ae2a7284b2f167dcdc07674857f71e52cb73d24fc21bcf1425385d07b1d79e60

                    [lib/Listener/GroupDeletedListener.php] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => 8606c79d02cb48e472e8b5ed353e0441135d95f285879c80a5367ba9d3654cdcc3743f661bd49ad58b6d863739fcb9eb2f8648cc32a6ec52c51f280f260e75a2

                    [lib/Listener/GroupUserRemovedListener.php] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => fa0e4de16f0b792a8fe92834e093166ad0acd5aa1c5747cb0854a0ef06bd49fb65045df15f6853437c3be8ccdf5227330178758785e4650acc399c7fc7184136



    [files_pdfviewer] => Array
            [EXTRA_FILE] => Array
                    [js/files_pdfviewer-workersrc.js.LICENSE.txt] => Array
                            [expected] => 
                            [current] => 33d76141aff0e634ceebc005e0d160862ead5c92bb9ddfa007ff68a2f7c33c1499afaa22b95c4d9d7e4fabeaef5d44aea76d196889f7b672e405e011b675c030





I have no idea how to restore my backups (or if they'll even work), and I have no idea how to replace those borked files.

I tried manually specifying the tag and restarting in the hopes that those files would be updated, but it didn't work.

I fear I may have restarted the Docker while the update process was still happening (because I didn't know it was happening, thanks LSIO!)


EDIT: I just realised that they're "EXTRA FILES" not borked as I thought. So I'm guessing they're fine to just delete?


EDIT2: I just tried finding those files and I can't. I have no idea where they are located.


Any help is appreciated.


I also have several security related errors, but I'll deal with them later.

Edited by jademonkee
Link to comment
5 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

The major version (the first number in the version before the decimal) is all that you need to worry about. Using 

lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-25.0.4 should be fine, even if your install is 25.0.3 or 25.0.0


The key thing you missed in the tag is the prefix: version-

Looks like that's not it. Whenever I change it to anything except lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud the docker freezes and makes my unraid terminal also frozen, all cpu activity stats drop to 0% usage. All other dockers continue to work but looks like it freezes all terminals. Changing it back, does NOT unfreeze terminals and a restart is required. :( Any ideas?


*edit Don't think it's a docker app issue, created an Unraid docker support thread instead: 


Edited by profzelonka
Link to comment
3 hours ago, jademonkee said:

Wonderful. I was given no notice of this, and I updated the image today not realising that it would now update my Docker to v27.

After updating the Docker, I checked the logs for any changes to sample.confs and that some had changed in Swag and NextCloud. So I updated them, and restarted both. Nextcloud was then in Maintenance mode, and i didn't know why. I disabled maintenance mode, and now on the Admin page it says the following (and that I am now on v27, which I didn't choose to upgrade to):


Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in the documentation ↗. (List of invalid files… / Rescan…)


Files are:

Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

- serverinfo
		- l10n/ug.json
		- l10n/lo.js
		- l10n/ug.js
		- l10n/bs.json
		- l10n/cy_GB.js
		- l10n/ta.js
		- l10n/cy_GB.json
		- l10n/bs.js
		- l10n/fo.json
		- l10n/ta.json
		- l10n/lo.json
		- l10n/fo.js
		- l10n/kn.js
		- l10n/kn.json
- encryption
		- templates/mail.php
		- templates/altmail.php
- files_trashbin
		- lib/Sabre/PropfindPlugin.php
- photos
		- js/photos-vendors-node_modules_nextcloud_sharing_dist_index_js-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_A-0d7f22.js
		- js/photos-vendors-node_modules_nextcloud_sharing_dist_index_js-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_A-0d7f22.js.map
		- js/photos-node_modules_vue-material-design-icons_PackageVariant_vue-node_modules_vue-material-design-ic-36962a.js.map
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I have no idea how to restore my backups (or if they'll even work), and I have no idea how to replace those borked files.

I tried manually specifying the tag and restarting in the hopes that those files would be updated, but it didn't work.

I fear I may have restarted the Docker while the update process was still happening (because I didn't know it was happening, thanks LSIO!)


EDIT: I just realised that they're "EXTRA FILES" not borked as I thought. So I'm guessing they're fine to just delete?


EDIT2: I just tried finding those files and I can't. I have no idea where they are located.


Any help is appreciated.


I also have several security related errors, but I'll deal with them later.


Hi @jademonkee I have fixed mine. Check my reply here(below)


  • Thanks 1
Link to comment
17 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

deadlocks seem like a bad thing in the logs


to recreate the container, just swap the image like i mentioned in my last post, then swap it back


also, check the container logs for anything that might need attention


the web admin status page might have a database upgrade command that needs to be run that might solve the deadlock issue, but i'm not positive. that could legitimately be a spec issue.


So, I removed all of the extra files, and am now getting:


Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

- twofactor_backupcodes
        - l10n/af.js
        - l10n/af.json


I could have gotten sloppy and deleted these files. Any way to get them back?



Also, I changed the nextcloud version as directed, and then back to regular repository. The Nextcloud crashes constantly, requiring a manual restart. 



Link to comment
4 hours ago, levster said:


So, I removed all of the extra files, and am now getting:


Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

- twofactor_backupcodes
        - l10n/af.js
        - l10n/af.json


I could have gotten sloppy and deleted these files. Any way to get them back?



Also, I changed the nextcloud version as directed, and then back to regular repository. The Nextcloud crashes constantly, requiring a manual restart. 



from the unraid terminal run

docker exec nextcloud touch /config/www/nextcloud/config/needs_migration

or if you terminal directly into the container, just

touch /config/www/nextcloud/config/needs_migration

then restart the container

That should force the init to reinstall the default files.

Link to comment

A more permanent fix for the integrity check issue is in the works now. I'll update once it's released. Until then, it shouldn't cause any functional issues to ignore the integrity check error. For anyone who's nextcloud instance isn't working otherwise, again I'll try to reply here quickly, but you may get quicker support in the LSIO discord (where there's other team members available as well).

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 2
Link to comment
1 hour ago, iXNyNe said:

A more permanent fix for the integrity check issue is in the works now. I'll update once it's released. Until then, it shouldn't cause any functional issues to ignore the integrity check error. For anyone who's nextcloud instance isn't working otherwise, again I'll try to reply here quickly, but you may get quicker support in the LSIO discord (where there's other team members available as well).

Thank you very much for all your help. You're actually very responsive, something that is truly appreciated. 


However, my installation seems to be corrupt beyond repair now. At least by me. It seems to freeze up every time I restart the container, after about 2 minutes. I have no clue where to even begin.


PS. I reverted to a backup version, and reinstalled the default files as per the recommendations. For the last 15 minutes the installation seems to be stable.

Edited by levster
Link to comment
1 hour ago, levster said:

Thank you very much for all your help. You're actually very responsive, something that is truly appreciated. 


However, my installation seems to be corrupt beyond repair now. At least by me. It seems to freeze up every time I restart the container, after about 2 minutes. I have no clue where to even begin.


PS. I reverted to a backup version, and reinstalled the default files as per the recommendations. For the last 15 minutes the installation seems to be stable.

can you post your container logs?

Link to comment
11 hours ago, HHUBS said:


Hi @jademonkee I have fixed mine. Check my reply here(below)


Thanks for the tip.

I didn't know where to find the files until you showed me the command that suggested they were apps (I didn't think to look in the apps folder).

So I've now deleted all the files marked as "Extra" and fingers crossed that everything will continue to work.

Now I just have to fix the HTTP header errors...

Link to comment



I updated the container through the Docker Unraid section and now it is not running and this is shown:

This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with PHP>=8.2.
You are currently running 8.2.7.


Now docker.img has rolled back through the backup

Do I understand correctly that now it is impossible to update automatically and you need to wait for some fixed version ?

Link to comment
46 minutes ago, Thulsa Doom said:



I updated the container through the Docker Unraid section and now it is not running and this is shown:

This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with PHP>=8.2.
You are currently running 8.2.7.


Now docker.img has rolled back through the backup

Do I understand correctly that now it is impossible to update automatically and you need to wait for some fixed version ?

Follow the instructions here to get your nextcloud running https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/


Once that's done, if you prefer automatic updates, the post mentions using the image without a tag. Then anytime you update the docker container it should update nextcloud (no more manual command updates).


If you prefer manual updates, pin a tag for the current version and change the tag when you want to update.

Link to comment
13 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

A more permanent fix for the integrity check issue is in the works now. I'll update once it's released. Until then, it shouldn't cause any functional issues to ignore the integrity check error. For anyone who's nextcloud instance isn't working otherwise, again I'll try to reply here quickly, but you may get quicker support in the LSIO discord (where there's other team members available as well).

Thank you so much for your input on this. 

Link to comment
5 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

That's the correct log.


At the bottom it mentions two nginx config files you need to update (the samples in the folder with those files are the updated version). If you didn't customize those files yourself you can delete them and restart the container and they will be recreated.

Sounds great! I'll update and get back. Thank you!

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