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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Nextcloud

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10 minutes ago, Ahmed said:

I just noticed i can't run an update using the updater.phar anymore.


docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "updater.phar": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown


anyone else having this issue? im on v27

docker exec -it nextcloud occ -V
Nextcloud 27.0.0




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 My instance is prompting today to update to Nextcloud 27.0.1 - the correct answer is I just want to wait for container to be updated to update it? My container is locked to "lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.0" but I do NOT see a 27.0.1 container release so I just wait and I do NOT upgrade in Nextcloud itself? 

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24 minutes ago, blaine07 said:

 My instance is prompting today to update to Nextcloud 27.0.1 - the correct answer is I just want to wait for container to be updated to update it? My container is locked to "lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.0" but I do NOT see a 27.0.1 container release so I just wait and I do NOT upgrade in Nextcloud itself? 

You are correct. Wait for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.1 to be available or switch to lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:latest and let auto update handle it (although we do recommend pinning the specific version and manually updating rather than relying on auto updates).


Simply updating the image will update nextcloud itself. No manual commands should be necessary.

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37 minutes ago, iXNyNe said:

You are correct. Wait for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.1 to be available or switch to lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:latest and let auto update handle it (although we do recommend pinning the specific version and manually updating rather than relying on auto updates).


Simply updating the image will update nextcloud itself. No manual commands should be necessary.

And I just got the github email - thank YOU


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1 hour ago, iXNyNe said:

You are correct. Wait for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.1 to be available or switch to lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:latest and let auto update handle it (although we do recommend pinning the specific version and manually updating rather than relying on auto updates).


Simply updating the image will update nextcloud itself. No manual commands should be necessary.

Could you please fix the first post in this thread with all this updated information? I did what I could, but the whole post really needs to be redone.


If that's not possible, please write a clean post in this thread with all the pertinent information and I'll pin it as a recommended post. I'm trying to get this new way of dealing with this container in front of everyone who is posting and asking the same questions over and over.

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2 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Could you please fix the first post in this thread with all this updated information? I did what I could, but the whole post really needs to be redone.


If that's not possible, please write a clean post in this thread with all the pertinent information and I'll pin it as a recommended post. I'm trying to get this new way of dealing with this container in front of everyone who is posting and asking the same questions over and over.

I'll chat with the rest of the team about updating the first post. I believe one of the other members has the credentials for the account that can edit it.

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6 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

You are correct. Wait for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.1 to be available or switch to lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:latest and let auto update handle it (although we do recommend pinning the specific version and manually updating rather than relying on auto updates).


Simply updating the image will update nextcloud itself. No manual commands should be necessary.

In the admin page, also noticed the updating to 27.0.1. Clicked on the 'Open Updater' button, and it gave me 404 page not found error. Is it the expected behavior?

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8 minutes ago, sansei said:

In the admin page, also noticed the updating to 27.0.1. Clicked on the 'Open Updater' button, and it gave me 404 page not found error. Is it the expected behavior?

The built in updater in the web UI is no longer supported when using our docker image (I believe the official image from nextcloud also doesn't support it).


The correct way to update nextcloud is to update the container image.

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12 minutes ago, iXNyNe said:

The built in updater in the web UI is no longer supported when using our docker image (I believe the official image from nextcloud also doesn't support it).


The correct way to update nextcloud is to update the container image.

Thank you for the clarification!

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You are correct. Wait for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.1 to be available or switch to lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:latest and let auto update handle it (although we do recommend pinning the specific version and manually updating rather than relying on auto updates).
Simply updating the image will update nextcloud itself. No manual commands should be necessary.

Updated from > 27.0.1 by changing container tag and waiting for update to “finish.”

When I was done I was presented with this:

The fix was to run this command:

docker exec -it NEXTCLOUD-CONTAINER-NAME occ db:add-missing-indices

Does this/can this/should this be baked into upgrade script(s) on startup of container with new tag post upgrade process?

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1 hour ago, blaine07 said:

Updated from > 27.0.1 by changing container tag and waiting for update to “finish.”

When I was done I was presented with this:

The fix was to run this command:

docker exec -it NEXTCLOUD-CONTAINER-NAME occ db:add-missing-indices

Does this/can this/should this be baked into upgrade script(s) on startup of container with new tag post upgrade process?


It could be baked in, but nextcloud's official image doesn't do it, and our general stance is we don't want to in case it's destructive. this should be done manually after backing up your database and appdata. That being said I haven't had any issues with doing it, but that doesn't mean nobody ever has.

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On 7/5/2023 at 3:38 PM, iXNyNe said:

updater.phar has been removed from the latest releases. The update process has been built into the container image, so updating the container will perform the update to nextcloud itself going forward.


If you are currently running the latest image without issues, then you don't need to take any action. If you have updated to the latest image and nextcloud is not working this post has all the info you should need https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/ and if you follow all of that and still have issues you can post here with your container logs, nextcloud log file (in the/data volume), nginx log (in the /config/logs volume), /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php file, and a screenshot of your nextcloud admin status page and I'll be able to help.



That's awesome!

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Anyone using Traefik as reverse proxy in front of their docker instance?  I was running 27.0.0 and it worked fine,  after upgrade to 27.0.1 Nextcloud does not display things correctly.


As you screenshot above, I have 11 folders, but it only showing one.  Pressing home icon will show all the files, but I'm not able to scroll.  
I've tried clear browser cache, remove all the apps with no luck.  I suspect its something within traefik is doing this, because everything display normally if I connect to the container directly.


Anyone have a solution or suggestions?



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Count me in the group that learned the hard way that you can't update the Nextcloud docker directly from the Unraid GUI.  I was on a pretty old version ( and have spent hours trying to figure out how to correctly upgrade (or rollback to the previous working version). 


I tried following this guide:  https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/


I currently have installed repo:  linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.12


I tried running the "docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar" command but it seems to be stuck at Step #3 (creating a backup) and nothing I do seems to release it or restart it.  I can't see my GUI nor access Nextcloud from internal or external (SWAG) links.  I end up getting a 404 error (maybe I need to edit my SWAG confs???).


I have a config.php file (located here: \\UNRAID\appdata\nextcloud\www\nextcloud\config ) but not a version.php - so I can't really tell if I'm even updating the php correctly. 


The only error I seem to have in my log file is "s6-applyuidgid: fatal: unable to exec php7: No such file or directory"


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 

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9 hours ago, perfect said:

Count me in the group that learned the hard way that you can't update the Nextcloud docker directly from the Unraid GUI.  I was on a pretty old version ( and have spent hours trying to figure out how to correctly upgrade (or rollback to the previous working version). 


I tried following this guide:  https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/


I currently have installed repo:  linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.12


I tried running the "docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar" command but it seems to be stuck at Step #3 (creating a backup) and nothing I do seems to release it or restart it.  I can't see my GUI nor access Nextcloud from internal or external (SWAG) links.  I end up getting a 404 error (maybe I need to edit my SWAG confs???).


I have a config.php file (located here: \\UNRAID\appdata\nextcloud\www\nextcloud\config ) but not a version.php - so I can't really tell if I'm even updating the php correctly. 


The only error I seem to have in my log file is "s6-applyuidgid: fatal: unable to exec php7: No such file or directory"


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 

The "fatal: unable to exec php7" error is from cron and can be ignored for now.


I would continue running the image for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-24.0.12 and delete /config/www/nextcloud/www/index.php and restart the container. Then delete /data/updater-<randomstring>/.step and run "docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar"

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8 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

The "fatal: unable to exec php7" error is from cron and can be ignored for now.


I would continue running the image for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-24.0.12 and delete /config/www/nextcloud/www/index.php and restart the container. Then delete /data/updater-<randomstring>/.step and run "docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar"

Thanks for the tip on how to delete .step file (I had to use Krusader to delete it since I didn't have permissions via Windows sharing).


I was able to update the docker container all the way to v25.0.9... but I am still not able to access the GUI from either the internal IP or external (SWAG) link...



(do I need now set the nextcloud container to the latest version - instead of 21.0.3-ls143)?



Both my internal IP (x.x.x.x:443) and my external address (via SWAG) keep giving me this 404 error:


Edited by perfect
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22 minutes ago, perfect said:

Thanks for the tip on how to delete .step file (I had to use Krusader to delete it since I didn't have permissions via Windows sharing).


I was able to update the docker container all the way to v25.0.9... but I am still not able to access the GUI from either the internal IP or external (SWAG) link...



(do I need now set the nextcloud container to the latest version - instead of 21.0.3-ls143)?



Both my internal IP (x.x.x.x:443) and my external address (via SWAG) keep giving me this 404 error:


Switch to the image for 26.x and try running the updater 

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12 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

Switch to the image for 26.x and try running the updater 

Thanks much for the support - I did that and continued updating all the way to the "latest" version.  Now it works again!


Is there a way to "pin" this version so that it doesn't update [with the docker "update all" command]?

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2 hours ago, perfect said:

Thanks much for the support - I did that and continued updating all the way to the "latest" version.  Now it works again!


Is there a way to "pin" this version so that it doesn't update [with the docker "update all" command]?

The current latest image should be lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.1
If you set your image to that it should stay pinned until you change it. You can track when new versions are released by subscribing to release notifications at https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud
Note that we do sometimes update the version tags, so there may at times be updates available even if you pin the version, but it would be for things like OS dependencies, and not for nextcloud itself.

If you want to pin to exactly how things are running right now and not get updates for underlying things like OS or package dependencies you can use lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:27.0.1-ls259
That tag matches exactly with the release names from https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud/releases and will be static builds we do not update/replace over time (you would have to change the tag to a new tag to get an update).

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On 7/17/2023 at 8:09 PM, iXNyNe said:

I didn't go that far back in the version history to list an image for 20.x, but I think it works up to PHP 7.4.




Basically from this post, follow the instructions as if you were currently running 22.x


On 7/17/2023 at 8:09 PM, iXNyNe said:

I didn't go that far back in the version history to list an image for 20.x, but I think it works up to PHP 7.4.




Basically from this post, follow the instructions as if you were currently running 22.x

I am using "linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.6-ls205" image. But my nextcloud version is currently   ''. I think it should be version 24.x according to your description as in "https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/" I think there is something wrong with my image. I've tried to delete the image and redownoload it from the repository. But the result is the same.


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5 minutes ago, Bradley_ryuu said:


I am using "linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.6-ls205" image. But my nextcloud version is currently   ''. I think it should be version 24.x according to your description as in "https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/" I think there is something wrong with my image. I've tried to delete the image and redownoload it from the repository. But the result is the same.


Hopefully @iXNyNe will jump in and correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume you need to change the tag to an older version,  then run the updater.phar command in the container console repeating the upgrade action until you get "current" with that image, then you can use later images to automatically update the nextcloud application version.


This is described in detail in the info article you linked.

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35 minutes ago, Bradley_ryuu said:


I am using "linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.6-ls205" image. But my nextcloud version is currently   ''. I think it should be version 24.x according to your description as in "https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/" I think there is something wrong with my image. I've tried to delete the image and redownoload it from the repository. But the result is the same.


Prior to 27.x our image required you to manually update nextcloud. You should be able to run the updater.phar command listed in the article without changing your image to get updated. You may need to run it multiple times until it says there are no available updates. Once you get to that point, check which version you are on and follow along the article. If you have any issues, post logs here.

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