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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Nextcloud

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I'm talking about the security warnings.


Currently I'm using The Letsencrypt Proxy for all of my services and because of that issue sot sure anymore if it's

a) secure


b) suitable for my needs because I'm new to configuring nginx and not really understanding the configurations already done to this.

- are they necessary

- are they maybe not necessary but nice (safe) to have

- are they maybe intelligent to remove...


but wait... wrong thread for Letsencrypt Docker ?!

... never mind



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Hi everyone, I'm not sure if someone here can help me with this situation. I have my unRAID server with nextcloud running behind a VPN server with ability to port forward and the OpenVPN running on a ASUS Merlin router. I can easily access my Nextcloud server externally outside the home via a DDNS through my VPN provider. I am trying to figure out a way to have a single web address to be able to access it both remotely as well as when at home on the same network behind the VPN. Any idea how I can achieve this??


thank you!

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27 minutes ago, blahblah0385 said:

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if someone here can help me with this situation. I have my unRAID server with nextcloud running behind a VPN server with ability to port forward and the OpenVPN running on a ASUS Merlin router. I can easily access my Nextcloud server externally outside the home via a DDNS through my VPN provider. I am trying to figure out a way to have a single web address to be able to access it both remotely as well as when at home on the same network behind the VPN. Any idea how I can achieve this??


thank you!

I believe you will need to enable the NAT loopback or reflection settings in your router, if that's not possible, different router or router software. Alternatively you could set the internal IP to your domain in the hosts file if it's a single machine that's always inside the network.

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Everything is ok, but when someone downloads file thru shared link then download speed is going zero after 1gb or even completely stops.

wget error


HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content



Letsencrypt nginx shows in error log



*3262 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading upstream, client: xx.xx.xx.1xx, server: xxxx.tld,

Using letsencrypt nginx docker proxy and nextcloud.


nginx configs



Edited by ufo56
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5 hours ago, jonathanm said:

I believe you will need to enable the NAT loopback or reflection settings in your router, if that's not possible, different router or router software. Alternatively you could set the internal IP to your domain in the hosts file if it's a single machine that's always inside the network.


 I have "Merlin" NAT loopback enabled in the router under the Firewall setting. I went to the appdata\nextcloud\www\nextcloud\config\config.php and changed 'overwrite.cli.url' from the internal IP 192.168.1.xx to the external https://IP:port. is that what you meant? didn't seem to solve the problem. 

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I am trying to add existing shares into the Nextcloud system. I believe I have installed Nextcloud correctly but when I go to add external storage I do not see what to fill in on this places.  


I have basically 2 shares in my Unraid, Media, and Home Media, that I want Nextcloud to point to. I don't want to start moving my existing files to a new Nextcloud folder. I just want to open Nextcloud and see my files. Maybe I can't do this with this software but I am really sure I can. I want to use Nextcloud as a personal small scale Google Photo's.

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3 minutes ago, billium28 said:

I am trying to add existing shares into the Nextcloud system. I believe I have installed Nextcloud correctly but when I go to add external storage I do not see what to fill in on this places.  


I have basically 2 shares in my Unraid, Media, and Home Media, that I want Nextcloud to point to. I don't want to start moving my existing files to a new Nextcloud folder. I just want to open Nextcloud and see my files. Maybe I can't do this with this software but I am really sure I can. I want to use Nextcloud as a personal small scale Google Photo's.

Check out the attached picture. This is done under the Nexcloud Docker. Hit edit and click Add another path at the bottom. Follow the picture below. Then enable External Storage in Nextcloud and add "Local" storage. Under Folder Name you name it anything like "Media" and under Configuration type /Media. It should turn green.

Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 10.10.20 PM.png

Edited by blahblah0385
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3 minutes ago, blahblah0385 said:

Check out the attached picture. This is done under the Nexcloud Docker. Hit edit and click Add another path at the bottom. Follow the picture below. Then enable External Storage in Nextcloud and add "Local" storage. Under Folder Name you name it anything like "Media" and under Configuration type /Media. It should turn green.



I am posting this to show both tries, my best guess and yours.


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2 minutes ago, blahblah0385 said:

Try not to use spaces under Configuration

Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 10.18.12 PM.png


Oh crap I think it worked! I figured it was a symantics type issue. I tried the no space thing and it wasn't working and then I restarted Nextcloud to see what would happen and bingo. Thank you.

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11 hours ago, CHBMB said:

Here's a guide to setting up Nextcloud on it's own subdomain.


Still trying to iron out some issues with a subdirectory setup.  However the above method is the way recommended by Nextcloud themselves (On a dedicated subdomain) for security reasons.

thank you very much great guide, between your guide and another one i got everything setup now, i only have one problem and hope that you can help me, what is the right way to change the upload size on nextcloud


thanks in advanced and what amazing guide you did

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I've been getting some Gateway Timeout errors on the NextCloud clients.  Looks like this happens whenever someone tries to add a new folder with lots of files, but I think eventually it syncs up anyway.  I'd still like to fix this error though. From searching through the various error logs, I think it comes down to this:


[10-May-2017 08:03:11] WARNING: [pool www] server reached pm.max_children setting (5), consider raising it


So I'm thinking to raise the pm.max_children setting to 10 ( or more? ).  There's a /nextcloud/config/php folder, so I assume php configs go in there, but there's no existing files there.  Can I just add a config file?  Is this the right place? What should the file name be?


Thanks in advance!  I'm loving this unRAID + NextCloud setup.

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13 minutes ago, billium28 said:

When I log into Nextcloud my Chrome browser states connection cannot be verified. I have the https: crossed out and it says Not Secure. What do I set to get it to secure? I understand it is related to my security certificates.

What url are you using to access it? If it's a private non internet routable address, that's normal. If it's the fully qualified domain name that you have a certificate issued, then you indeed have a certificate problem.

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35 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

What url are you using to access it? If it's a private non internet routable address, that's normal. If it's the fully qualified domain name that you have a certificate issued, then you indeed have a certificate problem.



I was thinking because it is just the internal IP address there was no danger but wanted to be sure.

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I'm having a little problem, but I'm not sure if it is triggered by the container or Next Cloud itself.

I mounted a share (Media) with read and write privileges to the Next Cloud Docker, and bindet it into Next Cloud as Local storage over the External Storage option, granting my own (admin) user Joscha Read and write access.

When I'm adding content e.g. folders or files to that share, the permissons for that folders and files are set to drwxr_xr_x / rwxr_xr_x, owner Nobody, so that only the user Nobody could make changes to those folders and files.

The UnRaid user (joscha) cannot write anyting into that folder or make changes to that file. Deleting them is no problem.


Any ideas how to change that behavior?

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How do you change the max execution time for Nextcloud?

I see this on the server info page:


Version: 7.1.4

Memory Limit: 1.0 GB

Max Execution Time: 3600

Upload max size: 10.0 GB


I tried updating this in the .user.ini file but it doesn't do anything. Any ideas?

The max execution time and input time need to be increased for large file uploads, especially when people have slow upload speeds.





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48 minutes ago, mata7 said:

sorry man i honestly dont know where i define virtual host for https, i start doing this last week fallow a guide, is that file inside the letsencrypt folder?


thanks for you help

have you a link to a guide you followed?

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