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[Plugin] CA Appdata Backup / Restore - Deprecated


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What you could do is give the source of appdata a b.s. folder name (ie: /Chode) and some scratch share on the array for a destination. In advanced options, set every container to stay running. Then it'll just backup the flash 


I do see however that the plugin has an issue with 6.6.3 where the dropdowns for selection are not showing the text unless you hover over them (some styling issue with dynamix), so you've got to type it in.

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  • 4 months later...

Last week I tried to manually delete some old backups from my array and although I am not 100% sure this cause my unRAID system to become unresponsive.


I also changed the options for this plugin to clean up old backups and when the backup ran earlier this morning it appears that my system is again unresponsive.  I got a message that the backup completed at 4:49 am.  At 5:01am I got a message that one of my VMs went down and I can't access my array nor can I access the web UI.  (I am now at work until 6:30pm EDT and don't have access to do anything until then.)


I thought I remembered reading that at times when you are deleting backups in can cause problems with your system.  Is that still the case?


Any advice on how to fix this?

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15 minutes ago, wayner said:

I thought I remembered reading that at times when you are deleting backups in can cause problems with your system.  Is that still the case?


Any advice on how to fix this?

If you could give us a link to what you were reading we might be able to judge whether that was reliable information. And with nothing more to go on than you have given us it is very uncertain whether this plugin is involved or something else is going on. You might try troubleshooting the problem yourself by eliminating this plugin and see if it continues to happen.


Also see the Need Help? sticky for some ideas on how you can get us more information:



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8 minutes ago, wayner said:

Here is a post from joenitro on Aug 21, 2017 that seems to describe the exact same issue.  Unfortunately there isn't much of a resolution suggested.


There are also posts  just prior to this with similar issues.

Just reviewed this and many pages after that before I realized.


This thread is for the deprecated V1 plugin. Is that the version you are still running? If so, uninstall it and install the V2 plugin from the Apps page.


You can always go directly to the correct support thread for any plugin from its listing on the Apps page.

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Just now, wayner said:

Thanks, I will check and see but I may have to first do a power cycle on the server to get it back to life, or at least a reboot command at the CLI.  I can ssh into the server but the web UI is unresponsive.

If you read the Need Help sticky I linked earlier it explains how to use the command line to get information useful in troubleshooting. And it would also be pretty simple to just take a look in /boot/config/plugins and see how old your plugins are.

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Just wanted to say thanks again for this Plugin. I'm having an issue with a SSD drive and did a quick backup from the questionable SSD to a Portable Drive and restore to the Known Good SSD and I'm off and running in less than an hour. 


I'm sure I've thank'd you in the past, but hey just wanted to thank you again. Lol



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9 hours ago, trurl said:

Here is a command to list your plugins from the command line if you're interested:

ls -lah /boot/config/plugins


So when I do that I see a ca.backup directory dated Nov 1 2017.  Does that mean it is the old one?  And what is the least risky way to bring my system back to life?  Doing a reboot command in the ssh session?  

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1 hour ago, kizer said:



Just wanted to say thanks again for this Plugin. I'm having an issue with a SSD drive and did a quick backup from the questionable SSD to a Portable Drive and restore to the Known Good SSD and I'm off and running in less than an hour. 


I'm sure I've thank'd you in the past, but hey just wanted to thank you again. Lol



Hey, not a problem.  Thank-you :) 🍻

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Just to clarify, here is the plugin that was installed.

A Backup / Restore Appdata

Part of the CA family, CA Backup / Restore Appdata will either manually or on a schedule, automatically backup your docker appdata for easy restoring in case of a cache drive failure

Andrew Zawadzki 2017.10.28 up-to-date

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29 minutes ago, wayner said:

Just to clarify, here is the plugin that was installed.

A Backup / Restore Appdata

Part of the CA family, CA Backup / Restore Appdata will either manually or on a schedule, automatically backup your docker appdata for easy restoring in case of a cache drive failure

Andrew Zawadzki 2017.10.28 up-to-date

As mentioned, this is the deprecated plugin thread. You should remove that one and get the new one from the Apps page. It's current version is 2019.03.09


Do you have other plugins that need updating? What version of Unraid are you on?

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I am a bit out of date on 6.4.1.  One on my primary uses for unRAID is to act as a SageTV server so I have to ensure that the DVB edition is updated and works properly with SageTV.


How do I know what other plugins are out of date.  I do update the plugins but that wouldn't have helped in this instance.  For all of my other plugins, other than unRAID DVB edition, the plugin version is from 2019 with the exception of Dynamix System Statistics from 2018.08.29a.  When I try to update it it wants me to be on version 6.7.0rc1.  


Out of curiousity - how would I ever know that this Backup plugin was deprecated?  Shouldn't it say that in the release notes, as in "No longer supported, move to version 2 of this plugin".


If I try to delete the backups again is it still going to hang my server?  Am I stuck with those files until I get rid of the drives that the files are on?

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40 minutes ago, wayner said:

Out of curiousity - how would I ever know that this Backup plugin was deprecated?  Shouldn't it say that in the release notes, as in "No longer supported, move to version 2 of this plugin".

Fix Common Problems plugin would have let you know.  But, beyond that the original version does work (for most users).  Deleting of the backup sets and creating new ones and locking up the server for some users is why it got deprecated.


I would just delete the .plg from the config/plugins folder on the flash drive, reboot, then plug away at deleting the folders within the backup one at a time

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  • 1 month later...

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