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[support] dlandon - Zoneminder 1.36

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6 hours ago, Darqfallen said:

Anyone having memory issues with this docker. I've tracked it down and for some reason this docker maxes out my servers ram and causes everything to eventually fail. It brings down the whole server to the point where an unclean reboot is all I can do.


Why do you think Zoneminder is using up all the memory?  Post diagnostics.

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I had the same issue with my various zone minder dockers.

Unraid docker engine doesn’t handle memory management terribly well, which is what I put it down to

Have seen migrated my 15 cameras off to BlueIris on an UnRaid Windows VM

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Why do you think Zoneminder is using up all the memory?  Post diagnostics.

Would love to but as I can barely logon through the console when this happens it’s impossible to take a diagnostic. The only thing I can say is that if I don’t have zone minder docker running uptime for my server is measured in months, with ZM running its measure in days.

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I back up appdata every night which means my dockers are all stopped. For some reason this Zoneminder docker won't stop or let me remove it. I've deleted the docker image and redone everything multiple times without success. I used a new template that was put into CA, but it only worked for about a week before the issue came back.


Nothing in the zoneminder logs tells me anything is necessarily wrong, but the docker is pretty much dead unless I start over...again.

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On 5/3/2018 at 3:49 PM, PanteraGSTK said:

I back up appdata every night which means my dockers are all stopped. For some reason this Zoneminder docker won't stop or let me remove it. I've deleted the docker image and redone everything multiple times without success. I used a new template that was put into CA, but it only worked for about a week before the issue came back.


Nothing in the zoneminder logs tells me anything is necessarily wrong, but the docker is pretty much dead unless I start over...again.

You might have a memory issue.  Try setting the shared memory lower.

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I have just upgraded the Docker to version 1.0 of the zmNinja Event Notification Server.  There is now a configuration file to set the event server parameters.  The file is appdata/Zoneminder/zmeventnotification.ini.  Make your changes and then restart the Docker for the changes to take effect.

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On 4/16/2017 at 4:11 AM, dlandon said:

PTZ Control Scripts: If you have a PTZ camera that has a custom script, put it in the '/appdata/control' folder and whenever the Zoneminder docker is started, it will copy the script to the '/usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control' folder in the docker image


Does this mean I have to create a new directory in the appdata directory or is it a typo? My custom scripts don't seem to be copying from '/appdata/Zoneminder/control'

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9 minutes ago, Darqfallen said:


Does this mean I have to create a new directory in the appdata directory or is it a typo? My custom scripts don't seem to be copying from '/appdata/Zoneminder/control'

Typo.  Directory is '/appdata/Zoneminder/control/'.  It is created by the Docker when it is first run.


Go into the Docker and verify the scripts are at '/usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control/' .

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41 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Works fine for me.

Going through the log this is what is happening for me.


{"log":"/etc/my_init.d/40_firstrun.sh: line 56: [: too many arguments\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2018-05-13T22:04:30.061886935Z"}

Which is this line 

       if [ -f /config/control/* ]; then

of this part of the script 

# Create Control folder if it doesn't exist and copy files into image
if [ ! -d /config/control ]; then
        echo "Creating control folder in config folder"
        mkdir /config/control
        if [ -f /config/control/* ]; then
                echo "Copy /config/control scripts to /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control"
                chown root:root /config/control/*
				chmod 644 /config/control/*
                cp /config/control/* /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control 2>/dev/null

And I don't know enough bash scripting to fix it.

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2 minutes ago, Darqfallen said:

Going through the log this is what is happening for me.


{"log":"/etc/my_init.d/40_firstrun.sh: line 56: [: too many arguments\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2018-05-13T22:04:30.061886935Z"}

Which is this line 

       if [ -f /config/control/* ]; then

of this part of the script 

# Create Control folder if it doesn't exist and copy files into image
if [ ! -d /config/control ]; then
        echo "Creating control folder in config folder"
        mkdir /config/control
        if [ -f /config/control/* ]; then
                echo "Copy /config/control scripts to /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control"
                chown root:root /config/control/*
				chmod 644 /config/control/*
                cp /config/control/* /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control 2>/dev/null

And I don't know enough bash scripting to fix it.

I just found that it is because you have multiple files and I don't handle that correctly.  I'm working on a fix right now.

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Just now, Darqfallen said:

Awesome, I hope I helped.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It would have helped if you would have shown the log entry on your first post.  I just guessed that you might have had more than one script file and ran a quick test.

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It would have helped if you would have shown the log entry on your first post.  I just guessed that you might have had more than one script file and ran a quick test.

I don’t do this enough to remember all the commands so every time I have to try to debug something I have to relearn almost everything.

It would be nice to have an option to generate a debug/diagnostic file from the docker menu.

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