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Guide: How To Use Rclone To Mount Cloud Drives And Play Files


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@mestep, what plugin are you using (beta or non-beta)?

 I recently installed rclone to my unraid build. I had previously been using rclone in Ubuntu/windows without issue.


I experienced the same issue you described (over this weekend). Mounts and reads fine however, during very high load (plex-scan) the mount would become unresponsive. Directories still available but if I entered an end directory it would freeze my terminal. Only solution was a hard-reset. No real issues noted logs, no excessive cpu use, and plenty of memory still available. 


I believe the issue I was experiencing was caused by the rclone-beta pluggin and the version it pulled (see link discussed issue):



When combing my logs I also getting this "failed to get starttokenpage" error. 


Although a fix has been pushed (1.49.5) - I still seemed to experience the issue on the newest rclone-beta plugin build.

After uninstalling rclone-beta and installing the rclone (non-beta) plugin, I am no longer having issues. Under drive load the mount stays responsive and behaves as expected. 



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20 minutes ago, watchmeexplode5 said:

@mestep, what plugin are you using (beta or non-beta)?

 I recently installed rclone to my unraid build. I had previously been using rclone in Ubuntu/windows without issue.


I experienced the same issue you described (over this weekend). Mounts and reads fine however, during very high load (plex-scan) the mount would become unresponsive. Directories still available but if I entered an end directory it would freeze my terminal. Only solution was a hard-reset. No real issues noted logs, no excessive cpu use, and plenty of memory still available. 


I believe the issue I was experiencing was caused by the rclone-beta pluggin and the version it pulled (see link discussed issue):



When combing my logs I also getting this "failed to get starttokenpage" error. 


Although a fix has been pushed (1.49.5) - I still seemed to experience the issue on the newest rclone-beta plugin build.

After uninstalling rclone-beta and installing the rclone (non-beta) plugin, I am no longer having issues. Under drive load the mount stays responsive and behaves as expected. 



I recommend everyone updates as I've been having a few problems with radarr which updating rclone to 1.49.5 seems to have fixed

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@DZMM Just to clarify, I am running 1.49.5 via the rclone plugin (Not the rclone beta plugin). No issues and mount seems stable (24+ hrs and no drops/errors).


The issue described above occurred on the rclone beta build (not sure the version but if I recall it was 1.49.5-XXXXX-beta) 

If anybody is having issues it might be worth a shot to uninstall the rclone-beta and install the rclone stable (1.49.5)


And thank you DZMM for putting the scripts together, they made the install/setup experience a breeze.  

Edited by watchmeexplode5
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22 hours ago, DZMM said:

I recommend everyone updates as I've been having a few problems with radarr which updating rclone to 1.49.5 seems to have fixed

If we are still using the beta how would we go abouts updating? Backup the config and scripts and uninstall the beta plugin and install the regular?

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1 hour ago, Jetracer said:

If we are still using the beta how would we go abouts updating? Backup the config and scripts and uninstall the beta plugin and install the regular?

Backup your rclone config to be safe, but you should be able to just uninstall the beta plugin and install the normal one

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I have this version !

Waseh - 2019.06.24 

Just now, nuhll said:

Which exactly i should use?



Repository:Waseh's plugin Repository  Author Profile

Categories:Backup, Cloud, Tools:Utilities, Plugins

Added to CA:August 25, 2018

Date Updated:June 24, 2019

Current Version:2019.06.24




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36 minutes ago, nuhll said:

Which exactly i should use?



Repository:Waseh's plugin Repository  Author Profile

Categories:Backup, Cloud, Tools:Utilities, Plugins

Added to CA:August 25, 2018

Date Updated:June 24, 2019

Current Version:2019.06.24



To be clear - that's the latest version of the Plugin.  When the plugin is installed it downloads the latest version of rclone i.e. to ensure you are on the latest version of rclone you have to uninstall and then reinstall the plugin.

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Fantastic script(s) btw.
The syncing works great.
I'm a little confused on how I should be setting up Radarr/Sonarr and rTorrent though.
Plex works wonders. No issues there.

Should Radarr/Sonarr have the monitor Path (set within the UI when adding a new item to monitor) set to /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/{movies or tv} or should this be looking at the path that rTorrent is downloading from (ie. /mnt/user/storage/torrents)?
Should rTorrent be downloading directly into /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/ or should it download locally (/mnt/user/storage/torrents/) and then AutoMove to the google_vfs folder or is Radarr/Sonarr meant to do the moving? if the latter, should Radarr/Sonarr use hard linking or copy and how does this affect seeding? Also, should rTorrent use auto unpack for or does Sonarr/Radarr handle that themselves?

I've trialed a few things (I should have kept track of what I've tried but forgot to do that) but still can't seem to get it to work. Was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction!

Sorry about the load of questions - I'm just slightly confused and Google Fu doesn't seem to be on my side with this one!


EDIT: When I'm talking about the paths, I am obviously mounting them to a different local path on the docker itself.
IE. /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/tv/ is mounted to /tv/ on Sonarr Docker Image

Edited by Kangaaa
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50 minutes ago, Kangaaa said:

Fantastic script(s) btw.
The syncing works great.
I'm a little confused on how I should be setting up Radarr/Sonarr and rTorrent though.
Plex works wonders. No issues there.

Should Radarr/Sonarr have the monitor Path (set within the UI when adding a new item to monitor) set to /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/{movies or tv} or should this be looking at the path that rTorrent is downloading from (ie. /mnt/user/storage/torrents)?
Should rTorrent be downloading directly into /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/ or should it download locally (/mnt/user/storage/torrents/) and then AutoMove to the google_vfs folder or is Radarr/Sonarr meant to do the moving? if the latter, should Radarr/Sonarr use hard linking or copy and how does this affect seeding? Also, should rTorrent use auto unpack for or does Sonarr/Radarr handle that themselves?

I've trialed a few things (I should have kept track of what I've tried but forgot to do that) but still can't seem to get it to work. Was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction!

Sorry about the load of questions - I'm just slightly confused and Google Fu doesn't seem to be on my side with this one!


EDIT: When I'm talking about the paths, I am obviously mounting them to a different local path on the docker itself.
IE. /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/tv/ is mounted to /tv/ on Sonarr Docker Image

Most of your question needs to go in a rtorrent thread, but radarr/sonarr etc should be moving/monitoring/renaming files in mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/{movies or tv} - all dockers/apps should use the unionfs mount not the rclone mount

Edited by DZMM
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6 minutes ago, DZMM said:

Most of your question needs to go in a rtorrent thread, but radarr/sonarr etc should be moving/monitoring/renaming files in mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/{movies or tv} - all dockers/apps should use the unionfs mount not the rclone mount

Ah you're right about my questions. Sorry about that!

All my containers are now pointing to the unionfs path and the sync is working!

It's all working now besides Sonarr but I realised the issue for that one so I'll create my question over to that thread.
Thanks heaps!

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17 minutes ago, DZMM said:

No idea - sorry. 


Anyone else upgraded to 6.8rc1?


10 minutes ago, BRiT said:

The 6.8-RC notes states they upgraded to FUSE-3, so maybe rclone needs to be recompiled for this new target?




2 hours ago, Squid said:

To note, this is because unRaid 6.8 has gone to fuse v3, but this is NOT an issue with unRaid, but an issue with the plugin, and your scripts and/or the plugin will ultimately have to be updated because of this


But, you can probably work around this for the time being by adding in to your "go" file (config/go on the flash drive) the following line


ln -s /usr/bin/fusermount3 /usr/bin/fusermount



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It seems there's something wrong with my cleanup script, when the script runs it just puts the files/folders that were removed back onto gdrive. I can't find any information in logs, it does not report anything wrong. I am using the cleanup script as is to the letter (copy pasted from github).



####### Check if script already running ##########

if [[ -f "/mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_cleanup" ]]; then

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Exiting as script already running."



touch /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_cleanup


####### End Check if script already running ##########

################### Clean-up UnionFS Folder #########################

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: starting unionfs cleanup."

find /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/.unionfs -name '*_HIDDEN~' | while read line; do



rm "$newPath"

rm "$line"


find "/mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/.unionfs" -mindepth 1 -type d -empty -delete

rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_cleanup




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On 10/13/2019 at 6:00 AM, nuhll said:

Ill try that.


Edit: okay i updated (but with that entry in GO file) seems to work just fine, AND SO FAST! :D Even GUI feels way faster, new login page, wow!

Latest rclone update fixes the fusermount3 issue. Unmount, Upgrade rclone and remove the GO file Symlink line, remount. 

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38 minutes ago, nuhll said:

hm. do you know how i can find out if i have the latest version? :D


edit: "rclone version" in terminal does the trick


Is that correct version?

rclone v1.49.5
- os/arch: linux/amd64
- go version: go1.12.10

No idea, my rclone version in unraid says:

‘Version 2019.10.13b

Fusermount compatibility fix for future unRaid versions


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So I have rclone setup and running...great! 

I used spaceinvador script to mount google drive as a share and i can access that share now... amazing! 

I installed emby and I tried to point the media path of to google share but I cannot see it... I see all my other shares that are physically on my unraid server but not the mounted google drive one ?!


Can anyone help me with this please? 

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