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Parity check running when starting array every time

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As the title says whenever I stop or start the array (have not tested with shutdown / restarting machine) my unraid starts a parity check.  Currently I do have the scheduler turned on and it is set to run every 3 months.  The last check was completed with no errors.


I am running unraid 6.6.6 not sure how to start diagnosing this.

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I would suggest that you stop the array, wait two minutes and restart the array.  Then get a Diagnostics File as soon as the array has restarted and the parity check is running.    Tools   >>>   Diagnostics     This should be all be done in less than fifteen minutes.  (This will make it easy to find the time period when you did all of this in the log files.)   We need the complete Diagnostics file and not just the log files!  

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Likely you have flash corruption or flash has disconnected, and that is preventing the start/stopped status from being written to flash. So every time you reboot it is doing a parity check due to unclean shutdown. That is, of course, assuming you are actually doing a clean shutdown and not just shutting it off.


Diagnostics will give us a better idea.

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OK, read it again and it seems you are not actually rebooting, just starting the array.


If Unraid thinks parity is invalid it is always going to do a parity sync when you start the array, so maybe that is what is happening.


In addition to Diagnostics post a screenshot of Main - Array Devices and Main - Array Operations.

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1 hour ago, jonathanm said:

Attach it to your post.

Yes, I have taken to spelling it out like this so we don't get links (sometimes to unknown filesharing sites) or lots of separate files from the zip or an attachment by unexpected edits of the first post:


Please go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post.


I also asked for this:

23 hours ago, trurl said:

post a screenshot of Main - Array Devices and Main - Array Operations.


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Hello all!  After a little digging and checking to confirm flash drive was not the issue I went ahead and rolled back to 6.6.5 and it appears to have fixed the problem.  Figured this might be the easiest test and it seems to have fixed the problem.  Not too sure what caused the issue in 6.6.6 does not seem to be an issue for anybody else so probably is my setup.


Sorry about not posting screenshot / attaching diag will do next time. I have included them in this post.


Edited by kernelpaniced
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  • 1 year later...



I seem to have the same issue here. I stopped my array to make a change and started the array back up and a parity check began. I recently just ran a parity check yesterday and it decided to do it again. It did find 5 errors in yesterdays check. I was going to do it again due to the fact that it found the 5 errors. But UnRaid did it for me. Just not sure if this is a bug or for my protection. I have attached the diagnostics to this post for your help on the matter. I did just transfer all my components into a new home. Had a couple of issues on the reboot but I thought I did a pretty good move. I am currently running 6.8.0.


Thanks in advance for your help and input on this.


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9 hours ago, acozad1 said:

I stopped my array to make a change and started the array back up

What exactly do you mean by "stopped" here? The usual meaning would be using the Stop button on Main - Array Operation. And "started" would usually mean using the Start button on that page.


But according to your syslog, the parity check for unclean shutdown happens right after booting up.

Jan  1 12:09:30 Extraodinary kernel: Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/bzimage initrd=/bzroot
Jan  1 12:10:25 Extraodinary emhttpd: unclean shutdown detected
Jan  1 12:10:43 Extraodinary kernel: mdcmd (47): check nocorrect
Jan  1 12:10:43 Extraodinary kernel: md: recovery thread: check P ...
Jan  1 13:27:44 Extraodinary kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=1574961048
Jan  1 13:27:44 Extraodinary kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=1574961056
Jan  1 13:27:44 Extraodinary kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=1574961064
Jan  1 13:27:44 Extraodinary kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=1574961072
Jan  1 13:27:44 Extraodinary kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=1574961080
Jan  2 17:44:46 Extraodinary kernel: md: sync done. time=106443sec
Jan  2 17:44:46 Extraodinary kernel: md: recovery thread: exit status: 0

This was a non-correcting parity check and it detected parity errors, so you need to run a correcting parity check to get those corrected. The only acceptable number of parity errors is exactly zero.


So when you said "stopped" did you actually mean you powered your server off with the power button instead of using the webUI to shutdown?

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13 minutes ago, trurl said:

So when you said "stopped" did you actually mean you powered your server off with the power button instead of using the webUI to shutdown?

Note that a quick push (~ one second) should cause a normal shutdown.   Pushing the power button for a longer period (say, five seconds) will force a shutdown which will be unclean.  Pushing the reset button (if the case and MB support one) will probably cause an unclean shutdown.

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So what I mean by stopping the array, by stopping the array from the Main menu and by pushing the button to stop the array. That's what used to stop the array and than pushed the same button to start the array again. When I did that it started the parity check without me having the system do this (it did this on its own). So it has seven hours left until its finished this parity check and has found 5 errors. I have the box checked to fix errors during the parity check. I check that box when I first started with UnRaid and have left it checked. Also that box was checked the first time it did the parity check. I hope this information helps.


Thank you all for the help on this. I really appreciate it.

Edited by acozad1
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14 hours ago, acozad1 said:

I have the box checked to fix errors during the parity check.

I think the unclean shutdown parity check is always non-correcting regardless of that box. So you will have to complete a correcting parity check to get the parity errors fixed.


In any case, it seems an unclean shutdown is at the root of the complaint. And link to the FAQ already posted.

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So I restarted UnRaid from the main menu. Everything came back up. I have started the parity check. By making sure that the box was checked to repair. It has found 5 errors again, hoping that this time it will repair itself from the unclean shutdowns due to the transferring from the old case to its new home. I will update you once I have completed the parity check and have ran another one to insure that it did repair itself.


Thank you again for all your help and input to solve this.

Edited by acozad1
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  • 1 year later...

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