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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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44 minutes ago, EchoMike said:

Need help getting the new Ark (ASA) running. I run on an Intel Xeon CPU E5-2699 v4 with 128BG of RAM. Everything installs fine, but it crashes as soon as it starts to run. From what I've read in the forum, it may be a CPU issue? 

I don't know, what CPU do you have?

Can you see if you find a log in the directory for asa in your appdata folder?

Double check if your folder mounts and that the folder where the files are located is configured to stay on that disk/pool.

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@ich777 i would like to propose some changes to the ASA beta container/template.

The serveradmin password could be tailing the "?cmd-additions" (GAME_PARAMS) because everything that follows the "?ServerAdminPassword=BlahBlah" will be used as the server admin password. its beyond me how they didnt fix that yet.


wine64 ArkAscendedServer.exe ${MAP}?listen?SessionName="${SERVER_NAME}"?ServerPassword="${SRV_PWD}"${GAME_PARAMS}?ServerAdminPassword="${SRV_ADMIN_PWD}" ${GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA} &

about the template, the default "?MaxPlayer=20" could be changed in "-WinLiveMaxPlayers=20" (GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA) since thats the current argument for it.

I reckon a mention for the changes somewhere would be good too. Its probably confusing for people why things dont work "out of the box" as expected

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4 hours ago, Mainfrezzer said:

The serveradmin password could be tailing the "?cmd-additions" (GAME_PARAMS) because everything that follows the "?ServerAdminPassword=BlahBlah" will be used as the server admin password. its beyond me how they didnt fix that yet.

Lol, devs these days... :D


This was actually on my to-do-list but I haven't found time to research this issue, thank you for pointing out that the move from ${GAME_PARAMS} would fix that. :)


4 hours ago, Mainfrezzer said:

I reckon a mention for the changes somewhere would be good too. Its probably confusing for people why things dont work "out of the box" as expected

Sadly there is no way of doing that but I think they will come here if they find that it's not working (btw, they could remove that and change it in the config, right?).


I've already changed the CA App template and pushed the update to the Docker container.


Thanks again.

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Hello there !


First i would like to thank you for your work, it's amazing and i'll be sure to use it well :).


Now on to my issue : I'm trying to setup a terraria server, it works well except Terraria Server is v1.4.3.6 while my game is v1.4.4.9 which obviously leads to a refusal from the server when i try logging in.


Tried deleting the content of the serverfiles directory then rebuild but nothing changed. Also tried removing container completly and rebuilding, but got the same result.


I'm using docker-compose on a debian selft hosted server, here is my docker-compose.yml :


 terraria: # Serveur Terraria
    <<: *common-keys-apps # See EXTENSION FIELDS at the top
    image: ich777/terrariaserver:latest
    container_name: terraria_serveur_1
        ipv4_address: X.X.X.X
      - "7777:7777"
      - "9012:8080"
      - $DOCKERDIR/conteneur/terraria:/serverdata/serverfiles
      - 'UID=1000'
      - 'GID=1000'
      - 'GAME_PARAMS=-config serverconfig.txt'


Thank you in advance for your help 

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2 hours ago, Regg said:

Now on to my issue : I'm trying to setup a terraria server, it works well except Terraria Server is v1.4.3.6 while my game is v1.4.4.9 which obviously leads to a refusal from the server when i try logging in.

Add this environment variable to you compose file:


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Hello again, this time with a question about the Projet Zomboid container :


I'm not sure i understand everything about the ports. 


  zomboid: # Serveur Projet Zomboid
    image: ich777/steamcmd:projectzomboid
    container_name: zomboid_serveur_1
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "13700:13700/udp"
      - "13701-13720:13701-13720"
      - "13000:13000"
      - $DOCKERDIR/conteneur/zomboid:/serverdata/serverfiles
      - $DOCKERDIR/conteneur/steamcmd:/serverdata/steamcmd
      - 'UID=1000'                                      # User ID Container
      - 'GID=1000'                                      # Group ID Container
      - 'GAME_PORT=13000'
      - 'VALIDATE=false'                                # Vérifie l'intégrité des fichiers du serveur
      - 'GAME_ID=380870'                                # ID du jeu à installer
      - 'ADMIN_PWD=password'							# Mot de passe pour devenir Admin en jeu


As you can see from my docker compose file, i changed every ports, that's because i want it to be as clear as possible in the port forwarding i have to conf in my router due to the fact i only own the first 16k or so ports of my public IP.


I understand the third one, which default to 27015 in your docker image, is for RCON, as indicated in the conf file your container generate on creation.


The first one, which default to 16261/udp, is the port i give my friends so they can join the server ?


And the range, does it have to be following the previous port ? I could not find anything in the Conf files on how it works so i assume it takes the server port and add +1 for each player online ?


Also i saw port 8766 and 8767 in the configuration file of the server, do i redirect those from my router ? I believe i don't need to since they are not forwarded between the host and the container.


Thank you in advance for your help :)

Edited by Regg
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48 minutes ago, Regg said:

Yes i know but as i said in my message for various reasons I have to use different ports.

Oh sorry, I didn't read through the whole message.


You actually have to change the ports inside your config from the game itself too if you haven't done that already.


The PZWiki has a guide for that over here, actually this is the line which is important for you:


Edit the "SERVERNAME.ini" file in the 2nd Steam Instance to reflect these ports under the UDP Port settings).

So to speak the ports in the .ini file have to reflect the ports that you specify in your template as container and host port.


1 hour ago, Regg said:

And the range, does it have to be following the previous port ?



1 hour ago, Regg said:

I could not find anything in the Conf files on how it works so i assume it takes the server port and add +1 for each player online ?

No, this was the case before version 41.77, mentioned here.


1 hour ago, Regg said:

Also i saw port 8766 and 8767 in the configuration file of the server, do i redirect those from my router ? I believe i don't need to since they are not forwarded between the host and the container.

This port is not needed anymore.


Sorry, I also just saw that my documentation on the GitHub page was also outdated (just updated that), you just need:

16261-16262 UDP

27015 TCP (optional)

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On 11/18/2023 at 7:40 AM, ich777 said:

I can give you a hint:


(the file is located in the main directory for Valheim in your server)

Thanks a lot for your work. One more thing, when i wanna add second server for another map do i get correctly that i need to download another instance of valheim server and then remove the ports 2456:2458 and add a new one (also the game port change)? I will send some € for coffee 😉.

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9 minutes ago, techgeeksvk said:

One more thing, when i wanna add second server for another map do i get correctly that i need to download another instance of valheim server and then remove the ports 2456:2458 and add a new one (also the game port change)?

Please see the first recommended post on top of this thread. :)

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Hi ! Firstly, thank you for your amazing work !!!


I'm here because I'm trying to create a Satisfactory dedicated server, but I'm stuck in a loop...

I tried my best to find if anyone had the same issue on the thread before, but I didn't really found any clear solution...


Does theses logs remind you of any easy solution?


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16 minutes ago, Lucien HERVE said:

I tried my best to find if anyone had the same issue on the thread before, but I didn't really found any clear solution...

Please remove your Steam credentials from the container template, these are only necessary when they are NOT in the show more settings section and marked with a red asterisk in my templates.

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1 minute ago, Lucien HERVE said:

Thanks for this quick reply ! I've tried removing my steam credentials but it hasn't change anything... (sadly)

This is not the complete template.


Where did you remove the credentials? Why is Validate installation on, please remove true.


Delete the container and the directory for the container in your appdata directory and start over, without steam credentials.

I would also recommend that you specify the real path instead of the FUSE file path (/mnt/user/...) to the directory where the game files are and make sure that the appdata directory stays on the cache and is not moved over to the Array.

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2 minutes ago, Lucien HERVE said:

What's FUSE file path ?  What should I put ?

Please remove the template alongside with the satisfactory directory which lives in your appdata, after that pull a fresh copy from the CA App and change nothing and wait for the download to finish, this should do the job just fine.

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7 hours ago, Lucien HERVE said:

I did as you said but the docker keeps restarting every 50 seconds...

In what system do you try to run the game?

Do you have any logs from the new installation?


It is possible that your IP got banned from Steam because you‘ve entered Steam credentials.

You have to wait a few hours to get unbanned.

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Thank you for your reply (again)!

I think the problem might be the CPU I'm using. I tried to make a commit of the crashed docker and run the server manually, but it kept telling me "Invalid instructions" as if my CPU had not the required set of instructions (initially I thought of SSE2, but my CPU is actually compatible with it)

Here are the specs of my system :

CPU : AMD Opteron™ 6128 @ 2000 MHz
RAM : 24 GiB DDR3 Single-bit ECC

Unraid Version : 6.12.5
Docker image size : 50Go
I'm running an array of 2 disks (2*300Go) and 1 parity drive (1*160Go)

any idea ?

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3 minutes ago, Lucien HERVE said:

CPU : AMD Opteron™ 6128 @ 2000 MHz

Yes, this CPU isn't supported anymore because it's not capable of AVX IIRC or some other instruction set which is needed for the game to run.


Someone else already reported the same with a similar CPU who also was not able to run the container (but I can not find the post).

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