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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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Just now, Waneng said:

And I just tried to remove the whole docker and delete all the appdata files, start with default configuration with only server name change, and the server still doesn't respond.

I can try that later today but you have to give me a few hours.

Have you yet tried to connect via IP and connect with the LAN IP from your server in game?

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4 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Can you please share a screenshot from your Docker template within Unraid?

Do you use /mnt/user/... or /mnt/cache/... in the template for the game files. If you are using /mnt/cache/... just make sure that the share stays on the cache and is not moved to the Array in the Share settings.


Please open a container terminal (while the container is running) and execute:

tail -n 10 /opt/scripts/start-server.sh
ls -la ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/

and post the output here.



Here is the second, not sure exactly what you mean by Docker template, so here is my guess:


root@55b023e8d122:/# tail -n 10 /opt/scripts/start-server.sh
if [ -f ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Test ]; then
  cd ${SERVER_DIR}
  ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Test Pal -nocore ${GAME_PARAMS} ${GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA}
elif [ -f ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Shipping ]; then
  cd ${SERVER_DIR}
  ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Shipping Pal -nocore ${GAME_PARAMS} ${GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA}
  echo "---Something went wrong, can't find the executable, putting container into sleep mode!---"
  sleep infinity
firoot@55b023e8d122:/ls -la ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/x/
ls: cannot access '/serverdata/serverfiles/Pal/Binaries/Linux/': No such file or directory


Screenshot 2024-04-04 01.49.55.png

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30 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Thanks for the report.

Please update the container itself and it will work again. :)

I appreciate you! Sorry its been a year, been a bit financially unstable. I have two jobs now, so I can finally donate to try to thank you for making the game servers you do-specially Palworld! I get paid on WED, so I will see to it that I get you something at that time. Sorry its taken so long! Thanks again for all you do.

Might I ask why you make all these, also? You don't really benefit from it, and I doubt you play -all- these games, either. 

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2 minutes ago, zanth said:
firoot@55b023e8d122:/ls -la ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/x/

Please issue the correct command again:

ls -la ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/



Are you sure that you appdata share is set to stay on the Cache drive in the Share settings?

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3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I can try that later today but you have to give me a few hours.

Have you yet tried to connect via IP and connect with the LAN IP from your server in game?

Thank you for that, but I am not sure what you are asking.

When I host a Unraid server, it failed to respond either I use WAN or LAN (in game it required put in the WAN Ip and LAN is optional).

When I host in game, I did just invite them through steam after I whitelist them.

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3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Please issue the correct command again:

ls -la ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/



Are you sure that you appdata share is set to stay on the Cache drive in the Share settings?

root@55b023e8d122:/# ls -la ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/
ls: cannot access '/serverdata/serverfiles/Pal/Binaries/Linux/': No such file or directory


   No, I'm not sure, but the server worked this morning just fine for remote logins. Not sure why it'd change now after working for well over a month. Can I change it to user rather than cache in the template if it did happen to move it randomly now of all times?


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1 minute ago, StabbyMeowkins said:

I appreciate you!

Does it work now for you?


2 minutes ago, StabbyMeowkins said:

Sorry its been a year, been a bit financially unstable.

No worries at all, hard times currently for everyone...


3 minutes ago, StabbyMeowkins said:

Might I ask why you make all these, also? You don't really benefit from it, and I doubt you play -all- these games, either.

Good question, it all started because I was missing Game Servers on Unraid and I needed a dedicated server for CounterStrike: Source and that was basically where the journey began.

Mostly I did them for fun and to kill a bit of spare time but nowadays with almost 200 containers in the CA App it is really hard to maintain them all.

...and no I don't benefit much and even haven't got barely time to play any games because of support requests.

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Just now, zanth said:

No, I'm not sure, but the server worked this morning just fine for remote logins. Not sure why it'd change now after working for well over a month. Can I change it to user rather than cache in the template if it did happen to move it randomly now of all times?

Please change the path in the Docker template for the game files to /mnt/user/appdata/... and see if it is working afterwards.


Seems like the container even can't find the path for your data. Really not sure why it was working that long if the files where moved to the Array.

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7 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Please change the path in the Docker template for the game files to /mnt/user/appdata/... and see if it is working afterwards.


Seems like the container even can't find the path for your data. Really not sure why it was working that long if the files where moved to the Array.


Well, its not working, but its doing something different now. It's now looping starting the server, gives a bunch of yellow text, then starts over. 


/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 123:    76 Segmentation fault      ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Test Pal -nocore ${GAME_PARAMS} ${GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA}

Session terminated, killing shell...kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:877][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 4610 bytes ('/serverdata/serverfiles/Pal/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Pal-pid-76-EB7DF2A245204565A278A4DFDC5A37BA/Diagnostics.txt')
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:878][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 13877 bytes ('/serverdata/serverfiles/Pal/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Pal-pid-76-EB7DF2A245204565A278A4DFDC5A37BA/CrashContext.runtime-xml')
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:879][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 152 bytes ('/serverdata/serverfiles/Pal/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Pal-pid-76-EB7DF2A245204565A278A4DFDC5A37BA/CrashReportClient.ini')
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit: Using libcurl 7.83.1
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:  - built for Linux
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:  - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1n
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:  - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.12
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:  - other features:
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_SSL
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_LIBZ
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_IPV6
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:893][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:894][  0]LogInit:  CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:894][  0]LogInit:  - bVerifyPeer = false  - Libcurl will NOT verify peer certificate
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:894][  0]LogInit:  - bUseHttpProxy = false  - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:894][  0]LogInit:  - bDontReuseConnections = false  - Libcurl will reuse connections
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:894][  0]LogInit:  - MaxHostConnections = 16  - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:894][  0]LogInit:  - LocalHostAddr = Default
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:894][  0]LogInit:  - BufferSize = 65536
[2024.04.04-07.08.55:894][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Sending HTTP request: https://o1291919.ingest.sentry.io/api/6513339/unreal/4a1a3921f51f4975b4cf8dd19022cb20/?AppID=CrashReporter&AppVersion=5.1.1-0%2B%2B%2BUE5%2BRelease-5.1&AppEnvironment=Release&UploadType=crashreports&UserID=-00000063%7C%7C
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:108][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: OnProcessRequestComplete(), State=SendingFiles bSucceeded=1
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:108][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: State change from SendingFiles to SendingFiles
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:108][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: All uploads done
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:108][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: State change from SendingFiles to Finished
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:916][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Final state (Receiver) = Finished
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:916][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Final state (Receiver) = Unknown UploadState value
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:916][  0]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: CrashReportClientApp RequestExit)
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:916][  0]LogExit: Preparing to exit.
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:919][  0]LogExit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:919][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module HTTP (12)
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:928][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SSL (11)
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:929][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CrashDebugHelper (8)
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:929][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CoreUObject (6)
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:929][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PakFile (4)
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:929][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module RSA (3)
[2024.04.04-07.08.56:933][  0]LogExit: Exiting.
Shutdown handler: initalize.
Disabling core dumps.
dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[2024.04.04-07.08.53:858][  0]Error: CDO Constructor (PPSkyCreator): Failed to find Texture2D'/Game/PPSkyCreator/Textures/Icons/T_PPSkyCreator_BillboardIcon'

[2024.04.04-07.08.53:858][  0]Error: CDO Constructor (PPSkyCreator): Failed to find Texture2D'/Game/PPSkyCreator/Textures/SkySphere/TC_PPSC_StarMap_4K'

[2024.04.04-07.08.53:858][  0]Error: CDO Constructor (PPSkyCreator): Failed to find Texture2D'/Game/PPSkyCreator/Textures/Occlusion/RT_PPSC_WorldHeightmap'

[2024.04.04-07.08.53:858][  0]Error: CDO Constructor (PPSkyCreator): Failed to find Texture2D'/Game/PPSkyCreator/Textures/WeatherMaterialFX/RT_PPSC_RainRipples_Normal'

[2024.04.04-07.08.53:859][  0]Error: CDO Constructor (PPSkyCreator): Failed to find Texture2D'/Game/PPSkyCreator/Textures/WeatherFX/RT_PPSC_LightningParameters'


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Just now, zanth said:

Well, its not working, but its doing something different now. It's now looping starting the server, gives a bunch of yellow text, then starts over. 

That's caused because a corrupt save game most likely because it was basically using two different paths and the mover was moving files that should belong on the cache.


Have you yet checked to what your appdata share is set where the files should belong and if they are moved to the Array?

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2 minutes ago, ich777 said:

That's caused because a corrupt save game most likely because it was basically using two different paths and the mover was moving files that should belong on the cache.


Have you yet checked to what your appdata share is set where the files should belong and if they are moved to the Array?


Not sure where you check that, is it here?

Screenshot 2024-04-04 02.15.14.png

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1 minute ago, zanth said:

Not sure where you check that, is it here?




As you can see your primary storage is set to Cache and the Secondary to Array and most importantly your Mover action is set to Cache -> Array, this means that the Mover tries to move all files from the Cache to the Array that are not in use and that will cause issues.

I recommend that you leave the appdata always on the Cache since it usually holds all your data for your containers and you want fast and snappy responses.


If you now want to move the data from the Array back to the Cache, you now have to set Mover action to Array -> Cache and invoke the Mover afterwards (I recommend Stopping all containers so that the Mover is actually able to move all the files back to the Cache) and wait for it to finish. After that you can set the Secondary storage to None to ensure that the files will stay on the Cache and the Move is not invoked at all.

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:


As you can see your primary storage is set to Cache and the Secondary to Array and most importantly your Mover action is set to Cache -> Array, this means that the Mover tries to move all files from the Cache to the Array that are not in use and that will cause issues.

I recommend that you leave the appdata always on the Cache since it usually holds all your data for your containers and you want fast and snappy responses.


If you now want to move the data from the Array back to the Cache, you now have to set Mover action to Array -> Cache and invoke the Mover afterwards (I recommend Stopping all containers so that the Mover is actually able to move all the files back to the Cache) and wait for it to finish. After that you can set the Secondary storage to None to ensure that the files will stay on the Cache and the Move is not invoked at all.


Ok, I have made that change, and manually started the mover. I trust I should change my container template to cache on both

items, rather than user?

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6 minutes ago, zanth said:

Ok, I have made that change, and manually started the mover. I trust I should change my container template to cache on both

items, rather than user?

It is well enough to leave the game files path at /mnt/cache/... since some games have issues with the FUSE file path /mnt/user/...

You can leave the SteamCMD path as is since it will work no matter to what you set it.

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

It is well enough to leave the game files path at /mnt/cache/... since some games have issues with the FUSE file path /mnt/user/...

You can leave the SteamCMD path as is since it will work no matter to what you set it.


Gotcha. games files reset to /mnt/cache, mover running. WIll wait for it to finish and hope for the best! Thank you very much for your time, I greatly do appreciate it.

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1 minute ago, zanth said:

Gotcha. games files reset to /mnt/cache, mover running. WIll wait for it to finish and hope for the best! Thank you very much for your time, I greatly do appreciate it.

Hope it is working for you after that change, if not and you experiencing the same error as above the savegame might be corrupt and there is not much I can do about that but you can always try to restore a backup <- but since it was configured wrong it could be that the Backups are also corrupt.

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9 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Hope it is working for you after that change, if not and you experiencing the same error as above the savegame might be corrupt and there is not much I can do about that but you can always try to restore a backup <- but since it was configured wrong it could be that the Backups are also corrupt.


Mover is still at it, guess it had a bunch to move. But if it is still corrupted, how might I go about attempting to restore backup saves? I'm not the most linux savvy person.

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1 minute ago, zanth said:

But if it is still corrupted, how might I go about attempting to restore backup saves?

You an do that over SMB, simply share the appdata directory and go to the palworld folder in there and there you will see a folder called Backups where all your backups are stored, you can then restore them in the Pal directory (please keep track of the folder structure and only replace move files when the container is actually stopped!).

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

You an do that over SMB, simply share the appdata directory and go to the palworld folder in there and there you will see a folder called Backups where all your backups are stored, you can then restore them in the Pal directory (please keep track of the folder structure and only replace move files when the container is actually stopped!).


Ah, ok, easy enough then, thank you!

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Unfortunately there were no files in the Backups folder, and I am still getting the last errors. Got some more ideas to try tomorrow tho. Thanks agin for your help, and for getting me on the right track again!

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4 minutes ago, zanth said:

Unfortunately there were no files in the Backups folder, and I am still getting the last errors. Got some more ideas to try tomorrow tho. Thanks agin for your help, and for getting me on the right track again!

Delete the Saved folder in the Pal directory this should fix the issue, unfortunately your savegame is lost after you do that.

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On 1/19/2024 at 11:15 AM, pewecat said:

Hi, trying to set up palworld but keep getting this:



I can see the game exe in my folder though, and if I enter the container it can see them there too.


The relevant line of code in start-server.sh is


Am I supposed to have a /Pal/Binaries/Linux? I am on Linux. I have only /Pal/Binaries/Win64


edit: Ok I figured out *why* - "@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType" = "windows" is in the docker logs. But *why* is the code doing that?


edit 2: pushed a fix to your github. your install command was set to asa which apparantly is ark, rather than palworld.


Hello, I'm getting this exact issue happening to me after the current update sent 4/4/2024. What was the exact fix you had used for this?

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5 minutes ago, lurkinturtle said:


Hello, I'm getting this exact issue happening to me after the current update sent 4/4/2024. What was the exact fix you had used for this?

Please read this post:


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9 hours ago, ich777 said:

Can you please share a screenshot from your Docker template within Unraid?

Do you use /mnt/user/... or /mnt/cache/... in the template for the game files. If you are using /mnt/cache/... just make sure that the share stays on the cache and is not moved to the Array in the Share settings.


Please open a container terminal (while the container is running) and execute:

tail -n 10 /opt/scripts/start-server.sh
ls -la ${SERVER_DIR}/Pal/Binaries/Linux/

and post the output here.


I am getting the error "cant find executable, putting container to sleep" here is my output to the commands above: image.thumb.png.f2c2ab61cbbe1a84f73cef04a79bbeaf.png

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