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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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1 hour ago, Perdan said:

If the first server's docker is running, the second server shows up in the list, but I am unable to connect.  Is there a hidden port setting somewhere that I am missing?

That sounds like a some kind of misconfiguration.


1 hour ago, Perdan said:


Something seems very wrong here, you usually choose a source port and then forward that port to the destination or at least a port range...


1 hour ago, Perdan said:

I've not had this issue with Ark Survival Evolved in the past, but there seems to be fewer port options in the ASA docker?

Yes, because this dedicated server works differently and you can specify the port here:


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40 minutes ago, ich777 said:

That sounds like a some kind of misconfiguration.


Something seems very wrong here, you usually choose a source port and then forward that port to the destination or at least a port range...


It looks like this in a different view:



40 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Yes, because this dedicated server works differently and you can specify the port here:


In the default setup, the UDP port and that port are the same.  When I created the 2nd server, I updated that value to 7779 and deleted the UDP port, created a new Port setting as 7779.  Still end up on the same server somehow.

I saw a post where someone said they manually added the Port=7779 in their gameusersettings file, I tried that as well without success.



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16 minutes ago, Perdan said:

It looks like this in a different view:

But why do you specify such a big port range? This is not necessary... You only need one port for one server so to speak 7777 for your first server and 7779 for your second one.


Are you also really sure that you want to expose the port on both WAN connections? This is maybe also an issues since you are advertising the dedicated server on two different public IPs.

Are you also really sure that you are connecting to the correct server? Do you use two different server names?

If this is a cluster I can't help much because this is a pretty complicated setup that I'm not familiar with.

It could also be possible that the Team behind Ark only allows one server for one IP (this was the case initially).

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

But why do you specify such a big port range? This is not necessary... You only need one port for one server so to speak 7777 for your first server and 7779 for your second one.


Are you also really sure that you want to expose the port on both WAN connections? This is maybe also an issues since you are advertising the dedicated server on two different public IPs.

Are you also really sure that you are connecting to the correct server? Do you use two different server names?

If this is a cluster I can't help much because this is a pretty complicated setup that I'm not familiar with.

It could also be possible that the Team behind Ark only allows one server for one IP (this was the case initially).


Basically just reused the same ports I used to use for Ark Survival Evolved where I had them running as a cluster.  So there were, 8 servers?  It was many.  I have changed to different ranges for the second server, but it keeps kicking over to the first server.  Even if they are different maps.


WAN2 is not active.  Only 1 public IP is available.




These are the 2 servers.  The Island server is the 2nd server at this point.  If I connect to that one, I end up on the ScorchedEarth server.  ScorchedEarth goes to ScorchedEarth.


Island Server



Scorched Earth Server


I did redownload the docker and installed it a second time, instead of creating it from a template.  That did not work either.


I'm not trying to make these cluster.  Just wanted to test some new settings on a different instance of the server.  I was curious about a hidden port setting somewhere, because the 2nd server (the 7779 one) is never really there.  It only connects to the first server when the first server is running.  If I turn off server 1, server 2 shows up in the server list, but it doesn't connect.  It is behaving like the docker didn't assign the port correctly?  




for testing purposes, I changed the port forwarding rules.  Connecting to the Island server on 7779 still put me on the Scorched Earth server on 7777.

Edited by Perdan
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36 minutes ago, Perdan said:

for testing purposes, I changed the port forwarding rules.  Connecting to the Island server on 7779 still put me on the Scorched Earth server on 7777.

Ah I completely forget about that, please look at that post:



Seems like something is broken, stop the container, edit the file and put the port in the mentioned file.

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57 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Ah I completely forget about that, please look at that post:



Seems like something is broken, stop the container, edit the file and put the port in the mentioned file.


Gave it a try, no luck.


I basically tried to create an ASA server on any port other than 7777 and was unable to.  I'll give it a try another day.


Appreciate the advice and all that you do!

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Hi, loving the Sven Coop server I've got running using this but rcon seems to be straight up refusing to work. I've set rcon_password in svencoop/svencoop/servers/server.cfg but when I log into the server (with the sv_password which I also set there) and try to use rcon after setting the same rcon_password CVAR in the source console, I get "Bad rcon_password. No password set for this server.". Can anyone help?



Also, unrelated, playing any Half-Life maps seems to be broken for me as the NPCs don't want to cooperate with players. For instance Barney won't let you out of the tram at the beginning of the game, or through the door once you have your HEV suit. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

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I installed the Valheim server using macvlan custom eth0: ( , but unlike my other docker containers on custom et0, this one doesn't show anything, is there anything that needs to happen before IP is shown ? 




I went to the console and installed net-tools and it seems the IP is valid


root@f282f8f29240:/# ifconfig
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        ether 02:42:c0:a8:32:12  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 6671  bytes 10280494 (9.8 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 1842  bytes 215092 (210.0 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0


The reason I need custom et0: is because I am behind CGNAT and use Wireguard to port forward to IP:Port I have this kind of setup working correctly with Plex, so I was going to use the same kind of method with Valheim server.


Edit: So I it looks like Valheim Server is indeed running and I can connect to it from Steam from another PC in Lan, and I also transferred my World Data files to it and it loads fine. But it's a bit odd that the IP/Port does not show up in the docker dashboard.


The real issue is that I can't see the Valheim Server from the outside, https://portchecker.co/ also fails to see the ports being open (works on Plex), I have made sure for my VPN to allow those ports (2456-2458) to be forwarded and the router is configured correctly to listen on wgclient to forward those ports to the Valheim docker IP. But I feel like something is off in the docker container when used with Custom eth0: because when I go the docker allocations I see this:



Valheim      eth0  ???? <-- for ports    


Edited by Houmi
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On 4/3/2024 at 2:05 AM, ich777 said:

Can you please clarify that a bit more?

According to the documentation (which is not very clear) you have to user ?Port=7779

I really can't. Just changed stuff around until it worked and that was what I changed.


Edit: I moved it from "Game Parameters:" with "?Port=7779" to "Extra Game Parameters:" with "-Port=7779" and everything started working and both servers were running separately.


Keeping it in Game Parameters with the "?" showed the server with the correct name, but any attempts to connect would just connect to the original server at 7777.

Edited by Ewok
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9 hours ago, maketheshot said:

Hi, loving the Sven Coop server I've got running using this but rcon seems to be straight up refusing to work. I've set rcon_password in svencoop/svencoop/servers/server.cfg but when I log into the server (with the sv_password which I also set there) and try to use rcon after setting the same rcon_password CVAR in the source console, I get "Bad rcon_password. No password set for this server.". Can anyone help?

How do you try to connect, which port have you set?


9 hours ago, maketheshot said:

Also, unrelated, playing any Half-Life maps seems to be broken for me as the NPCs don't want to cooperate with players. For instance Barney won't let you out of the tram at the beginning of the game, or through the door once you have your HEV suit. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

This is a really game specific question and I think you have to look that up or at least ask on the SvenCoop Forums over here or here.

This should not be related to the container itself.

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9 hours ago, Houmi said:

this one doesn't show anything, is there anything that needs to happen before IP is shown ?

No, this is just a display thing and because I don't expose any ports in the Dockerfile but that won't prevent the container from working.


You will get the same on other container too where they don't expose ports, I'm also not a huge fan of exposing ports because it will always show a wrong port if you change the port in the game config and use eth0 or br0.


9 hours ago, Houmi said:

The real issue is that I can't see the Valheim Server from the outside, https://portchecker.co/ also fails to see the ports being open (works on Plex)

Yes, because this is a game server and this is nothing like Plex (this was already discussed multiple times in this thread).

Reason behind this is that such port check sites will only check for http/https and can't check if a port for a game server is open because game servers use their own proprietary protocol <- not http/https and game servers won't answer to such sites.


9 hours ago, Houmi said:

But I feel like something is off in the docker container when used with Custom eth0: because when I go the docker allocations I see this

Please forget about that, that doesn't matter at all, the container is running and is exposing the ports just fine.


Are you sure that your NAT Reflection is working properly? Have you yet tried to connect from outside your LAN, I had many users where NAT Reflection was not working properly and they simply couldn't see their server from their own network.

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I can connect from LAN np, it's from the outside. Since I am behind CGNAT I can't do a regular port forwarding like others so I go through a tunnel via wireguard and do port forwarding myself.


I did a wireguard trace between my home PC and NAS during a Valheim connection and I do see udp connections on 2456 , but I also see another udp connection 64319 which I didn't know Valheim uses.


What do you mean game servers use their own proprietary protocol, what is there besides udp/tcp ? 


Anyways I found another udp port scanner from outside and 2456,2457 are open so it's probably something else I need to look for.


Edited by Houmi
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For whatever reason the container wasn't being routed through the vpn (when I checked via curl ifconfig.io) but after restart it did. It looks like it's working now and as you suggested the display has nothing to do with ports being exposed. Thanks for your work on this docker container!

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10 minutes ago, Houmi said:

Since I am behind CGNAT I can't do a regular port forwarding like others so I go through a tunnel via wireguard and do port forwarding myself.

Correct, that was what I was understanding from your previous post.


13 minutes ago, Houmi said:

but I also see another udp connection 64319 which I didn't know Valheim uses.

These are usually ports which are used when a client is connected and is usually outbound, is the port 64319 outbound? <- It can also be the case that this is the master server which is pulling information from your server (Name, Players,...)

Again, this is not like http/https traffic.


11 minutes ago, Houmi said:

What do you mean game servers use their own proprietary protocol, what is there besides udp/tcp ? 

I meant that this traffic is not http/https traffic, this is it's own traffic with it's own encryption, so to speak such sites that check for open ports can't detect that the port is open because they are only checking if the ports are answering a http/https request and game servers simply won't answer and therefore the port checking site will display the port as closed.



May I ask if there are already other game servers running on your machine and if they are working?

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No other game servers, I just have your docker for Valheim + Plex going through Wireguard. Thanks for the 64319 port explanation, figured it might be something Steam related. Yes, it was outbound. I think Valheim connections were via TLS v1.2, though I may be mistaken.


I really didn't want to bring in Wireshark to check on this, I do enough of that at work, but when I saw it was working in Lan, I knew something wasn't exposed correctly. Thanks again for your hard work on Unraid, I think I use another container you made as well (the NVidia driver one which is very helpful for Plex hw transcoding)


But yeah the server seems to work and my friends can access it from the EU.


Can this docker container be used for other Steam games like "V Rising" for example ?

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10 hours ago, ich777 said:

How do you try to connect, which port have you set?


This is a really game specific question and I think you have to look that up or at least ask on the SvenCoop Forums over here or here.

This should not be related to the container itself.

I'm opening the console while in-game in Sven Coop and entering 'rcon_password <password>' (no quotes), then 'rcon say something' (for example), then I get the error message. I'm setting the sv_password and rcon_password in the same file in servers/server.cfg.


I have tried using rcon with the rcon_address and rcon_port cvars left default as well as manually setting them to the server's IP and port, this being 27015 for source games. I've only tried this in Sven Coop from the developer console while connected to the server.


Also thank you for the links; it makes sense that the second is a game-specific problem so I'll try post there.

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1 hour ago, Houmi said:

But yeah the server seems to work and my friends can access it from the EU.

Glad to hear.... :)


1 hour ago, Houmi said:

Can this docker container be used for other Steam games like "V Rising" for example ?

Sure, I already have a container for V-Rising (search for "v rising" <- with a space) :


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52 minutes ago, maketheshot said:

I'm opening the console while in-game in Sven Coop and entering 'rcon_password <password>' (no quotes), then 'rcon say something' (for example), then I get the error message. I'm setting the sv_password and rcon_password in the same file in servers/server.cfg.

I'm also not sure if I can do anything about that since this sounds also like a game issue...

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Am 27.04.2024 um 07:48 Uhr sagte ich777:

Entschuldigung, ich habe deinen Beitrag völlig übersehen...


Ich habe es jetzt ausprobiert und es scheint ein Problem zu geben. Leider habe ich dieses Spiel auf Anfrage gemacht und ich besitze das Spiel nicht, daher kann ich wirklich nicht testen, was falsch ist ... :/


Tut mir leid, dass ich schlechte Nachrichten habe, aber ich werde den Container ablehnen, da es für mich wirklich schwierig ist, Fehler zu beheben, ohne das Spiel zu besitzen.

OK, thank you anyway

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Having issues with Ark Survival Ascended keeps restarting. Below is the last I see in the logs before it crashes and restarts. I have done a couple uninstalls and reinstalls and it now comes up with a dreaded 0x602 error (also below). Has anyone found out the problem and possible fixes?


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9 hours ago, AlaskaBvR said:

Below is the last I see in the logs before it crashes and restarts.

Was it running before or does it this since the first start?

Can you share a screenshot from the Docker template please?

To what path is the gamefiles set in the template? If you are using /mnt/cache/... make sure that the files are actually stay on the Cache and are not being moved to another Pool/Array.


9 hours ago, AlaskaBvR said:

0x602 error

This usually indicates a network error of some sort but this error is pretty random.

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3 hours ago, ich777 said:

Was it running before or does it this since the first start?

Can you share a screenshot from the Docker template please?

To what path is the gamefiles set in the template? If you are using /mnt/cache/... make sure that the files are actually stay on the Cache and are not being moved to another Pool/Array.

I never actually got into the server. I saw that it was showing up in my game lists then went to edit config files settings. The appdata files are cache only (1tb gen4 nvme). After I finished the editing the config files I restarted the container and that's when I tried playing on it. After it was bootloop so I deleted the container and files. Reinstalling it led to that.


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13 minutes ago, AlaskaBvR said:

After I finished the editing the config files I restarted the container and that's when I tried playing on it.

Please always stop the container, then edit the files and after that start the container.


14 minutes ago, AlaskaBvR said:

I never actually got into the server.

On what hardware do you run the container?

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I had another question for you -- when I used to run the Valheim dedicated server on a PC, it used to print a bunch of logs on stdout / cmd prompt where I ran the server. On the Docker logs, the logs are minimal. Is there a way to turn up the verbosity ? Thanks!

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