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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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2 hours ago, ich777 said:

What is the patcher for?

from what I have looked up it's a preloader. but it's irrelevant now because I removed it to see if it would still start up and it did. But I'm not sure if the mods are being recognized and executed so I only have one part of this fixed so far, starting up with bepinex enabled. I'll keep digging

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15 minutes ago, Wadzwigidy said:

from what I have looked up it's a preloader. but it's irrelevant now because I removed it to see if it would still start up and it did. But I'm not sure if the mods are being recognized and executed so I only have one part of this fixed so far, starting up with bepinex enabled. I'll keep digging

Then something was most likely wrong with your configuration and that prevented the container from starting with BepInEx.

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4 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Then something was most likely wrong with your configuration and that prevented the container from starting with BepInEx.

I mean it was a straight brand new container, I backed up my save files and deleted everything and started over fresh, so if anything is wrong with the container then it's whoever setup the default configuration. I'm literally only trying to figure out why the server don't run with BepInEx installed. Currently it's it default state, if you enter 'true' for the ENABLE BEPINEX parameter, the server will just loop, never actually starting. 

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Just now, Wadzwigidy said:

I mean it was a straight brand new container, I backed up my save files and deleted everything and started over fresh, so if anything is wrong with the container then it's whoever setup the default configuration. I'm literally only trying to figure out why the server don't run with BepInEx installed. Currently it's it default state, if you enter 'true' for the ENABLE BEPINEX parameter, the server will just loop, never actually starting. 

https://github.com/TrueOsiris/docker-vrising/issues/45 seems it's still in the work any how

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6 minutes ago, ich777 said:

As said, I maybe will remove BepInEx in the future from my Docker container since it causes only trouble for V-Rising.

copy that, probably the easiest route honestly. Don't get me wrong it's a nice idea to be able to set a value to true and it download the necessary files and boom. But with this game it just isn't that easy anymore, plus they keep updating it so much it's just easier to make it just the game server files and people can add bepinex to the container if they want, when there is a more stable release.

with that said I do appreciate all you do. Thank you

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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

First of all I don't own the game and second please read this post:


Would it be possible to write up a guide on how others can setup their own steamcmd docker apps based on what you have done?

I'm reading the post you link, but I'm not sure about the steps to say clone what you've done with conanexiles to make a soulmask docker. 


Any assistance or guidance would be great!  Even if it's just links to other docs in the order you should set them up.


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For example:

Soulmask Dedicated Game ID is: 3017310


When I attempt a deploy with conanexiles app changing the Game ID, the docker downloads the game files, but then has the error:

---Something went wrong can't find folder 'ConanSandbox'


How would we go about fixing that or creating an app to have that set right for Soulmask? 

Just interested in learning. I'll keep reading and hopefully get this setup.

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44 minutes ago, gep said:

Would it be possible to write up a guide on how others can setup their own steamcmd docker apps based on what you have done?

Not a comprehensive guide.


27 minutes ago, gep said:

How would we go about fixing that or creating an app to have that set right for Soulmask? 

Basically this is what I would do:

  1. Fork my repository
  2. Create a new branch in the for for Soulmask
  3. Modify the startup script so that it works for Soulmask
  4. Build the container
  5. Test if everything is working
  6. Push it to Github and DockerHub
  7. Publish a template it in the CA App


The comprehensive answer is much more complicated because you need a development environment, something where you can build/publish containers to, have a basic understanding how containers are working, knowledge in bash scripting and automating things, basic understanding how Docker works, basic understanding how the CA App works, understand that not every application is working with WINE (at least not fully),...


Hope that helps.


I really can't help with Soulmask because I firstly don't own it and don't know how it works.

You should look into game servers which are available and how I built/created them.

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I figured out my previous things thanks to your help! I really appreciated your help and I must ask for your help again:

Crypto API failed certificate check, error flags 0x00010008 for '/jurisdictionC=US/jurisdictionST=Washington/businessCategory=Private Organization/serialNumber=602 290 773/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Bellevue/O=Valve Corp/CN=store.steampInternal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than the maximum lifespan of 4 frames old - this is not allowed and likely a leak

To Debug, run app with -diag-job-temp-memory-leak-validation cmd line argument. This will output the callstacks of the leaked allocations.


Curl error 60: Cert verify failed. Certificate is not correctly signed by a trusted CA. UnityTls error code: 7

ialNumber=602 290 773/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Bellevue/O=Valve Corp/CN=store.steampowered.com'

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37 minutes ago, SunlightPlatinum said:

I figured out my previous things thanks to your help! I really appreciated your help and I must ask for your help again

About what game are we talking about?


Please include the full log output if possible.

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On 5/30/2024 at 12:06 PM, ich777 said:

As said, I maybe will remove BepInEx in the future from my Docker container since it causes only trouble for V-Rising.

When do you think you'll get around to updating it to remove that from the container. Obviously no rush I was just wondering

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8 hours ago, ich777 said:

About what game are we talking about?


Please include the full log output if possible.

I added a cache pool to my rig, and it seems that it never moved these files to the cache as I did not have a secondary storage set. I deleted everything save the save-data file, reinstalled your docker and then moved the data back and it works. Thanks again for enabling so much of the community!

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7 hours ago, Wadzwigidy said:

When do you think you'll get around to updating it to remove that from the container.

Haven‘t yet got time to test and see what‘s causing that.

Is it crucial to remove it ASAP?

Is disabling not wirking for you?

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Got the arma3 server installed, but I can't figure out how to get mods to work. I know that this requires some work, but I can't find details on the work involved. I don't know where to put the mods, nor how to activate them, other than typing the name of the mods in the game parameters. Any help would be appreciated.

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8 hours ago, Deadly_Ferret said:

other than typing the name of the mods in the game parameters.

Sorry but modding and installing mods is up to the user and you can find more information on how to do that on Linux on the Bohemia Forums (please note on Linux mods are case sensitive).


Can't help with that.

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I'm hosting a project zomboid server


Had an internet outage last night and once things came back I was getting lag and glitches so I restarted the docker


Now it starts for 15ish seconds and then throws this error and reboots


Has anyone run into anything like this before?




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1 minute ago, maereax said:

Now it starts for 15ish seconds and then throws this error and reboots

Seems that it's save game related, maybe the dedicated server was in the process of saving while you had the outage which destroyed the save game.

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