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Roon docker, unRaid Roon support, "steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver"

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Is roon running bit perfect with the purple star, meaning no DSP?


"purportedly lossless via Apple Music ALAC". 

I guess you say "purportedly" because like me, you are skeptical and cautious about streaming claims of large music providers.  If your flac is 14MB, and Apples alac is 5MB, maybe it is from lower rez.  Are they both 16/44?


"VON reports 32MB " is maybe including transmission overhead, like re-sending missed packets.  What is VON?

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@xrqpthat was a typo VON=VPN


yeah, my lossless file was WAY longer than the Apple lossless file. Perhaps it was that there was a different sample rate, and both are still lossless. 

Roon from work is def not designed with that in mind. I’m super happy it works, but listening to music uses as much bandwidth as watching 1080p movies non stop! Vs Apple Music Lossless IS designed to stream. I’m just happy there aren’t nearly as many flaming hoops one has to jump through to make it work while at work, away from home. 

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not sure why your template has that icon url (perhaps you're re-using your own previous version of the template?), but the current container template uses the following icon url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xthursdayx/docker-templates/master/xthursdayx/images/roon-icon.png
You can just update the icon url in your template and that should fix things.

Edited by xthursdayx
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58 minutes ago, DigitalLF said:

Anyone here got Roon working on iPhone when the host is at home connected with WireGuard? (or even OpenVPN)

Yes I have. It worked on my iPhone, gobbles the heck out of data - not just the size of the flac file, but about 3-4x’s more. 


Edited by dkerlee
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  • 3 weeks later...

How to handle Roon updates if the Roon core is on Unraid NAS in a docker.  Trying to refresh my memory on this:


Is it correct that:

  1. We should only upgrade the Roon core via Unraid's docker page?
  2. We should NOT update the Roon core via Roon app nagging to update?   
  3. If you updated the core from the Roon app, it does not work, but it does not harm anything?

When the Roon app gives a nag to update, it gives a choice of "update all" or "view details" or "x" to close the nag.  I clicked view details then it showed that it is my Unraid Tower that it wants to update.  Here is screenshot:


I think one time i clicked it to "update all", but nothing happened to the core.  So it seems the core update fails, but maybe there is no harm done to the core. 

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Thanks for replies.  I will try updating the core and all, from the nag next time, and pay attention if it works. 


I think for most programs we should only update dockers from the unraid docker tab, but the Roon core docker is unusual, so I guess it does not apply.

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It's not really that the Roon docker image is unusual, just that some docker images are designed in such a way that each release of the image is pinned to a specific version of containerized program, whereas for the Roon docker image this is not the case.  As others have said, updating your CORE via Roon running on another system (PC, Mac, or Linux {via Wine}) works perfectly at this point.

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I have started getting this error on the roonserver docker in the log.



System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (104): Connection reset by peer
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


I do not know if they are related but every once in a while (few hours/day) roon will stutter play for a minute or so and then just start playing again or I advance to the next song and it will start again.


Any help appreciated, not sure what to do or try.


Background:  running roon for like 6 months no problem then in the last month or so this has started happening, I am on Qobuz and have a library.  Network is pfsense router, gigabit internet connection, all devices with cat 6a.



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It looks like that is the me opening and closing Roon on my PC, LOL. 


But i still have the problem of it seems like every 50 minutes i have a stutter stop then it starts again on its own.  I will keep investigating,  This never happened before and now I have to figure it out.  Maybe someone else has the answer or where to look.  We will see.  If I ever figure it out I will post here for the next person that has this issue.



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17 hours ago, Snorf said:

It looks like that is the me opening and closing Roon on my PC, LOL. 


But i still have the problem of it seems like every 50 minutes i have a stutter stop then it starts again on its own.  I will keep investigating,  This never happened before and now I have to figure it out.  Maybe someone else has the answer or where to look.  We will see.  If I ever figure it out I will post here for the next person that has this issue.




I noticed the same stuttering you describe a few times, the last was in the weekend. It was during a 96khz Qobuz track and at the time I put it down to an internet streaming related issue. Have never had an issue playing back music from my local library (44.1 - 192khz).



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Well that did not fix the stuttering problem but no more messages in the log.  The stuttering is really weird sometimes it will happen like clock work every 50 minutes for 3 times, then nothing for a whole day.


If I ever figure it out I will post something.

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@xthursdayx (hoping you can shed some light on this as the logged error below is greek to me 😁)


I'm running into an issue where my Roon sw on my Windows 10 Pro endpoints will randomly lock up when attempting to browse music (generally happens when Roon has been open on my laptop or desktop PC and the window is minimized for a few minutes - a song comes on I like so I will bring the Roon window to the foreground to tag, add it to a playlist, or just browse it and that's where the lockup occurs). The Roon endpoint sw will freeze while music continues to stream, but the window will either refresh on its own with whatever is playing (has whatever song info was on at the time when I minimized the window), or the app closes and I'm required to reopen it). This is fairly recent behavior as it started happening a few months ago. Up to that point, I've had Roon running without issue for a while now (1.5+ years now as a docker on UNRAID). Reinstalling the Roon sw on my laptop and desktop didn't resolve the issue. Anyone experience this? I did notice this in my log file for the Roon docker below (seems to coincide when the lockup occurs), but don't know what it means.

"at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)"

Edited by realdiel
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Since I couldn't find support from Roon on my issue above, (they wouldn't touch it without me moving off of this docker which I will if I have to), I reinstalled this Docker "steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver", and still get the random lockups using Roon with the error below from the Docker log:


"at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)"


I don't know what to do at this point other than abandon the docker which I would rather not since it has been working great for well over a year.

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Had a party Friday night and was disappointed that Roon couldn't go for more than a couple of hours before playback issues occurred. Restarting the docker fixed things as usual.


Today I got a chance to have a look at things and noticed the roonserver docker was using 21GB of ram which lead me to this post that may be related: https://community.roonlabs.com/t/memory-leak-in-roon-see-staff-post/145321/88?page=5


FYI - on restarting the docker it consumes 1.4GB of ram and continues to creep up.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Should we have/start a separate thread for "Roon updating", and "Roon port conflicts w other apps"?  I am not sure it is good idea so checking what you all think.  If you say yes, I may try to copy certain posts from this thread to those threads.  But I'm too lazy/busy to promise.

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I have since moved my Roon Core from an UNRAID docker to ROCK on a NUC and am still getting these odd intermittent hang-ups with Roon sw on either of my Windows 10 machines. Could be an end point sw related issue regardless of the OS (Linux, Windows or MAC), but there's also a possible memory leak issue on the server side too that a recent update was supposed to fix with mixed results (970 build)? Just wanted to call this out as these recent intermittent hang-ups/program terminations are likely not associated with this docker.



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