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Roon docker, unRaid Roon support, "steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver"

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Current Roon Server support thread is now here:




==== DEPRECIATED ==============

please refer to above linked thread for support moving forward.

Info below may be helpful for legacy or specific setups. 




================ To find the roon docker ================

APPS tab on the top

Search for "roonserver", it'll pop right up





================ Install setup Roon docker ================

Now install the Docker via Apps.


All defaults should be fine. The pre-filled in fields are pretty self explanatory. I left depreciated (lingo for old and dated) details below. 


As of Roon 2.0, they've added remote listening, yay! It's called Roon ARC, and requires a few extra steps.


Edit the default Docker Template to Add Port/Path/Variable


    Config Type: Port (drop down)

    Name: Roon ARC

    Host Port: 55000

    Default Value 55000

    Connection Type: TCP (drop down)

    Description: Roon ARC




The finished docker template should look something like this:




You will also have to forward ports on your router to get it to fully work with ARC. Check out this post over there:



and also portforward.com for steps specific to your router.


Once you get that done, and it's hunky-dory, Roon > Settings > ARC should look like this:






I didn't specify a port. I installed the Desktop version of Roon on my Windows 10 machine: https://roonlabs.com/downloads.html, just the Roon for Windows, not the Roon Server. When you run the software, it will detect a Roon Core on your server; use that.



I had to put in a credit card ("Don't worry! Your card won't be charged the $199 until 14 days is up!" riiiight), and sign up for the free 14 day account. I pointed the software to my audio collection, and it's plugging away.



================ DEPRECIATED ================



================ Get it working on yer phone ================

Install the bitchin' Wireguard VPN, howto blog. You may have to wrestle with some ports, and some duckdns action, but it ain't that bad: and is outside the scope of THIS thread.


Perform the first run of the app at home which will do initial discovery. Once your phone identified the Roon server the first time, you should be able good to go for remote vpn access. This same process worked for my laptop.


(I wonder about a work computer.... if there's a way to force discovery on a computer that has never been at home... ? If anyone knows, let me know and I'll update this thread! dk 2/2021)












Network type: Host
Console Shell Command: Shell
Privileged: On




Add these Paths:


Config type: Path
Name: Container Path: /app
Container Path: /app
Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata
Access Mode: Read/Write


Config type: Path
Name: Container Path: /data
Container Path: /data
Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata
Access Mode: Read/Write

Config type: Path
Name: Container Path: /music
Container Path: /music
Host Path: /mnt/user/audio/music   (***for me, this is my location of music***)
Access Mode: Read/Write


Config type: Path
Name: Container Path: /backup
Container Path: /backup
Host Path: /mnt/user/backup/roon/
Access Mode: Read/Write



thanks to @mikela

for these settings



Old VPN info: The most promising post I've found so far




hello folks, I wanted to make a post before I start diving into the technicalities of getting this done. From what I've seen on a few other threads, people have started a VM just to run the Roon server. I'm not opposed to doing that, but if there was a straight up docker, wouldn't that be better or less overhead or easier to configure? Anyone else have any luck with running a Roon server out of an existing unRaid box?


I already have a Plex server that's solid and will serve up direct stream FLAC files, but the interface and experience leaves a lot to be desired. (we'l see about $500 worth of desire...)




This Roon docker does not come up via the unRaid Applications search, updated 3/2019



thread from 2016



another docker last updated 2016





Edited by dkerlee
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OK, I was able to install the docker listed above and it shows it in the docker tab as "started".  However, it doesn't seem to have installed the actual Roon Server from what I can tell.  Is it necessary to download the Linux based Roon Server (Easy Install Script) from their site and place it somewhere in my shares?

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On 9/30/2019 at 7:29 PM, itimpi said:

If you want any roon related dockers to show up under the Apps tab then you have to have enabled the option to search dockerhub under the settings.   Once you have done that plenty show up but what the difference is I have no idea :( 

Did enable it, still no roon...? Or do we need to restart apps?

*edit* oh wait there is a tiny blue link you have to click that searches dockerhub... you would expect that it will search automatically when you enable the settings... at least i would.

Edited by jowi
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59 minutes ago, jowi said:

Did enable it, still no roon...? Or do we need to restart apps?

*edit* oh wait there is a tiny blue link you have to click that searches dockerhub... you would expect that it will search automatically when you enable the settings... at least i would.

I think that is deliberate so that the normal Unraid containers do not get buried amongst all the others.


having said that I do not see why you have to even enable that option in the settings.

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4 hours ago, itimpi said:

I think that is deliberate so that the normal Unraid containers do not get buried amongst all the others.

Correct.  To give precedence to an app that already has a template created for it.

4 hours ago, itimpi said:

having said that I do not see why you have to even enable that option in the settings.

Because I don't want (nor do I think the forum as a whole wants) to be continually helping people with how to interpret the docker run command in the documentation for any given random container (if it even has any docs).  Just simplifies everyone's work around here.

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I realized that even though it says the docker is started that there was no volume or port mappings.  It is in "bridge" mode.  I now understand that I must volume map to the app.  I assume that one does that by selecting "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device".  Are there updated instructions somewhere for this?  At the Github site: https://github.com/steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver it shows VOLUME [ "/ app" , "/ data" , "/ music" , "/ backup" ].  Is this what I should put in "Container Path"?  What about name?




I mapped "/app" and "/data" to the appdata share from the pull down menu and "/music" to my music share.

Assuming I am on the right path here, for "/backup" is it OK to map it to my ISO share even though it is "secure"?  I left name blank.  I am now seeing that Roon files are in the appdata share.  However there is no port shown.

Edited by mikela
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I am using Roon Remote on my iPad to access the core which is now up and running on my unRaid server.  I had to set privileged to on and change network from bridged to host.  This is my first docker, so I'm am not completely confident in the mapping I did above but everything seems to be working now.  I read somewhere that it is best to remap "backup" someplace other than appdata.   Is it OK to map it to my ISO share even though it is "secure"?  Will it write to it?

Edited by mikela
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, jowi said:

Nothing? I can't find any usefull info myself



@jowi2000 the other post above, @mikeladid put path mappings. I bet the port is just another variable in there that you specify.


Also, @Squidposted up there they (I assume the community of active super users, (thank you very much for your freely given hard work and advice!)) don't want to help all users with all dockersq that don't already have a pre-configured docker template. Which is exactly what we're trying to figure out here!


Of someone gets around to a working configuration before I do, great. But one of these days, I'll get to it. And I'll post detailed instructions, screen shots, the whole kitten caboodle as an EDIT on the original post. 


Until then, I've been suffering through Plex flac playback. Which is mediocre, but paid for. 


Oo what about putting in a request for a docker with the Linux.io docker dudes? If we go through proper channels, and a few users show interest, perhaps one of then would template it up for us. Done. 


Edited by dkerlee
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