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[Support] ich777 - Application Dockers


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---检查 UID:1
是否与用户匹配---用户模式:UID "1" 已存在
---检查 GID:1 是否与用户匹配
------检查 noVNC 的配置---
无操作,noVNC 调整大小设置为默认值
"无操作",noVNC 质量设置为默认值
"无操作",noVNC 压缩设置为默认值

DirSyncPro------DirSyncPro 是否已启用



问一下  是哪个目录需要挂载到"/mnt/local" 是备份原始目录?还是备份目的地目录?

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21 minutes ago, NAS123 said:


I think this should mean something like this:


Which volume is mounted to this "/mnt/local", and is there any configuration details in local mode? I have not figured out which volume to mount to /mnt/local in local mode.

@JavyLiu or @lyqalex I hope I translated that correctly?


You can access your whole unRAID server from inside the container from /mnt/sourcefiles:



In local mode you have to add a dedicated path mapping to the container where you want to sync the files to because the Source Directory is Read Only.

Something like this should get you covered (in this example I mapped the path to a disk assigned in Unassigned Devices):



When you created it something like that you can add a synchronisation like:



This will synchronize the appdata folder from unRAID to the above set backup disk from Unassigned Devices.



Hope that helps.

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2 hours ago, ich777 said:




您可以从 /mnt/sourcefiles 从容器内部访问整个 unRAID 服务器:










这会将 appdata 文件夹从 unRAID 同步到上述设置的备份磁盘(未分配设备)。









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3 hours ago, ich777 said:

@JavyLiu or @lyqalex I hope I translated that correctly?

Yes, your translation engine works really well! I shall apologize for his limited information. What he wants to know is in the container DirSyncPro , when Remote Type is set as "local", there should be a mountpoint to "/mnt/local", and he doesn't know what this is and where it should be. I think he may not read the info above the option. I'll help him with the problem in Chinese.

@NAS123 local 模式需要配合插件 “Unassigned Devices Plugin” 使用。你需要使用该插件挂载一个未被挂载进入阵列池的存储设备,然后在 DirSyncPro 的容器安装界面中,手动增加一个挂载的目录,将上述的存储设备的地址挂载到 “/mnt/local” 目录中。

另外,按照你的理解,这个挂载到 /mnt/local 的目录应该是用于备份的目的地目录。


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1 hour ago, NAS123 said:


Oh, you have turned encryption through CryFS.


Then you have to create your local storage like this:


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Hello everyone,


Sorry for my English I use a translator (I am French) hoping that I am understanding and I hope to be in the right field


I encountered a difficulty setting up Prometheus and Grafana on my Unraid (I did not encounter any difficulty on a test unraid) with as information in the log


component=activeQueryTracker msg="Error opening query log file" file=/prometheus/queries.active err="open /prometheus/queries.active: permission denied"


I saw page 61 a request for help on this point but I did not find the return for the solution


Could you help me ? and if possible with screenshots? i kept unraid in english

Edited by pzen
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16 minutes ago, pzen said:

component=activeQueryTracker msg="Error opening query log file" file=/prometheus/queries.active err="open /prometheus/queries.active: permission denied"

I have no Prometheus container available in my repository, please go to the according Support Post here in the Forums for the container iteslf.


Maybe try to start over, delete the container, delete the prometheus directory that lives in your appdata folder and pull a fresh copy from the CA App.

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Ey ich777,


Thanks for developing this docker container, have been happily using it for the past few months.


However, recently hit an issue when trying to log into my google account through this container (see image below).

Anything on the docker end that we need to change? Or is this just google blocking linux browsers again?




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17 minutes ago, TimoVerbrugghe said:

Anything on the docker end that we need to change? Or is this just google blocking linux browsers again?

I think it's because the sandbox is disable because, well you don't need the sandbox in a Docker container because Docker is a sandbox and it is also using the test type flag, I think there is nothing I can do about this...


Have to investigate further but as said above I don't think I can do anything in this case... :/

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@ich777 What I dont quite get is why do i text in red when backing up, when I check the external drive, all files are fine can be opened without issue. I have external drive mounted as read write slave. So why red text which according to here http://luckybackup.sourceforge.net/manual.html#mainWindow means errors. So why display text in read is if there's an error, if there isn't an error? I have my /mnt as read only.



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1 minute ago, Goldmaster said:

but a warning or alert for what? I get nervous if I see read text for mission critical files.

Please read the last paragraph from the linked post:



In this example, the file was 1,238,099 bytes long in total, the average rate of transfer for the whole file was 146.38 kilobytes per second over the 8 seconds that it took to complete, it was the 5th transfer of a regular file during the current rsync session, and there are 169 more files for the receiver to check (to see if they are up-to-date or not) remaining out of the 396 total files in the file-list.

In an incremental recursion scan, rsync won’t know the total number of files in the file-list until it reaches the ends of the scan, but since it starts to transfer files during the scan, it will display a line with the text "ir-chk" (for incremental recursion check) instead of "to-chk" until the point that it knows the full size of the list, at which point it will switch to using "to-chk". Thus, seeing "ir-chk" lets you know that the total count of files in the file list is still going to increase (and each time it does, the count of files left to check will increase by the number of the files added to the list).


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On 1/16/2022 at 8:49 PM, ich777 said:

I have no Prometheus container available in my repository, please go to the according Support Post here in the Forums for the container iteslf.


Maybe try to start over, delete the container, delete the prometheus directory that lives in your appdata folder and pull a fresh copy from the CA App.

Thank you for the feedback .


By giving permission to access the folder I was able to finalize the installation


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Switching from resilio-sync to luckybackup and 99.9% of my source data already exists at the destination, same folder structure and everything I'm just having luckybackup do a "proper" versioned backup which it what I wanted, not a constant syncing. Anyway it seems when I check the snapshots , I'm seeing purple source data does not exist at the snapshot and well, it appears to be everything in purple I guess so that means the snapshot dosent contain any of the data that's existing, thinking it was all created after the snapshot? I've run plenty of tests and its moving new files or modified files over but I'm concerned the snapshot is disregarding all files that haven't changed, because they existed at the destination prior to luckybackups installation. Is there anything I can do for it to scan and recognize these files?


edit 1:

Well after playing around with it some more I think versioning is broken. Not sure what mistake I could have made? I did a backup, deleted a file on the source, did the backup again and verified the file was gone on the destination and when I tried to restore both versions neither version of the history restored the file. 



so upon further digging - > when i delete files off the source its putting them into the luckbackup-snapshots folder as i believe its supposed to, the problem is that when i delete the files off the source then do another backup, the files are removed from the destination as they should be. but if i go back to the prior snapshot to do a restore, it fails to restore the deleted files. 


unless im misunderstanding the core mechanic of how this is supposed to work? 

Edited by rav007
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Im getting the following error when running OpenVPN-Client:


Error: ipv4: FIB table does not exist.


Im also getting the following warnings:

2022-01-19 19:40:43 WARNING: 'link-mtu' is used inconsistently, local='link-mtu 1582', remote='link-mtu 1569'
2022-01-19 19:40:43 WARNING: 'tun-mtu' is used inconsistently, local='tun-mtu 1532', remote='tun-mtu 1500'
2022-01-19 19:40:43 WARNING: 'comp-lzo' is present in local config but missing in remote config, local='comp-lzo'
2022-01-19 19:40:43 WARNING: 'auth' is used inconsistently, local='auth [null-digest]', remote='auth SHA256'
2022-01-19 19:40:43 WARNING: 'keysize' is used inconsistently, local='keysize 256', remote='keysize 128'

2022-01-19 19:40:44 WARNING: You have specified redirect-gateway and redirect-private at the same time (or the same option multiple times). This is not well supported and may lead to unexpected results

2022-01-19 19:40:44 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this


How can I resolve these?

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2 hours ago, Pmarszal said:

Error: ipv4: FIB table does not exist.

This is a bug in a linbrary on Debian and can be ignored.


2 hours ago, Pmarszal said:

How can I resolve these?

These are all warnings and will not harm your connection in any way.

But most of these issues are caused feom your vpn.ovpn file, I would go through your vpn.ovpn file and see if you can resolve those issues.

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7 hours ago, rav007 said:

unless im misunderstanding the core mechanic of how this is supposed to work? 

I've now tried the following:

  1. Set up a source folder with 3 files in it called "1", "2", "3" and also set up a empty destination folder
  2. Set up a task in luckyBackup and set the "Snapshots to keep" to 5 (just in case)
  3. Run the first sync, all 3 files are synced properly
  4. Delete file "2" from the source
  5. Ran another sync, file "2" is now also deleted from the destination
  6. Restarted the container (just in case)
  7. Opened "Manage Backup" and selected the first sync, clicked on "Restore" and restored it to a third directory
  8. All three files "1", "2" and "3" are now in the 3rd directory
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12 hours ago, ich777 said:

I've now tried the following:

  1. Set up a source folder with 3 files in it called "1", "2", "3" and also set up a empty destination folder
  2. Set up a task in luckyBackup and set the "Snapshots to keep" to 5 (just in case)
  3. Run the first sync, all 3 files are synced properly
  4. Delete file "2" from the source
  5. Ran another sync, file "2" is now also deleted from the destination
  6. Restarted the container (just in case)
  7. Opened "Manage Backup" and selected the first sync, clicked on "Restore" and restored it to a third directory
  8. All three files "1", "2" and "3" are now in the 3rd directory

Is it necessary to restore it to a 3rd directory? Is there a way to just restore the missing files/older file versions to the source directory... As that's how I'm used to versioning working. I'd really hate to have to restore 20tb of data to a 3rd new directory to get just a few missing files or an older version of an existing file or is there a way to select specific files to restore?


Also is the calculate difference function not something to really on? Everything is the magenta color, source data does not exist at the snapshot. Which as I'm understanding means the snapshot isn't aware of the source data? 


I appreciate your help in me understanding this software, I like to have a firm grasp on my backup solutions and make sure I'm doing my part correct as well! :)



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I kind of hate that I can't search through this thread, someone probably asked this already.

I'm planning to mirror the local Backups (Veeam mostly) for my family  off-site (backUps from location A to B and vice versa)  but I didnt want to script myself, and I found LuckyBackup.  Site A is Unraid Site B is a Synology NAS, connected via VPN. Possibly gonna add a third location where only an ext. USB Drive on a Router that provides it as samba share exists. (Might enable the router to handle rsync at some point though).

Is there any way to limit the bandwith LuckyBackUp is using while doing its job? I know rsync can do it, but I couldnt find an option in LuckyBackup.
Alternatively is there a clever way to split the job up in junks so it can run for a few hours each night and complete the full job during the week?

Under Advanced -> Command Options -> User defined (Need to doubleclick to open)
I could add 


 (KByte/s ~ 60% of 11 MBit/s available there) 

Another question:
I hit "minimize to tray" in noVNC... and now I can't get it back XD what do I do?


Edited by wambo
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