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44 minutes ago, comet424 said:

i have 5 unraid servers

i dont want to be using   ID_RSA for all 5  

i want 

Tower =   tower.pub

Backupserver = backupserver.pub

What? What did you put where?


I also don't get it do you want to backup from or to luckyBackup?


What public keys did you put where?

What private keys did you use?


Can you please start with only one server first and try to get it working?


47 minutes ago, comet424 said:

problem is   its not working ..    

I can only tell you that it is working just fine and flawlessly on my instance (I run Backup on a foreign server that connects to my server and backups up everything.


Answer the following questions:

  1. Do you want to backup to the server where luckyBackup is running or do you want to backup form luckyBackup to another Unraid server?
  2. Can you post a screenshot from the task where I can see which private key you've used?
  3. Have you restarted sshd on the foreign server after putting the public key to the autorized_hosts file?


51 minutes ago, comet424 said:

plus my 1 article  you can see the Luckybackup glitchy screen displays too asking for a password when it shouldnt need one.. and then    icons over top of ok cancel buttons

Then don't use it if you are not fine with it.

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sorry my dislexia   i try my best to explain but for me it sounds fine...


never said i didnt wanna use the lucky backup i just saying there is a glitch u cant click  Ok and cancel    cuz the icons are sitting over top it...  u gotta click all around it to get it to work


 i using 2  Servers to start

Tower   =   tower.pub      <===  but you cant use  tower.pub  you cant use any word other the"id_rsa.pub"  it absoultely not work

Tower ( is the Main Server

Mitchflix ( = First Backupserver is Server  you backup too..


the private key is    tower   the public key is tower.pub


i trying to test  Lucky backup   so i can  transfer   for testing

/mnt/user/documents/bell    folder    to   Mitchflix  folder    /mnt/user/dowonloads


in the end i  want





server5.pub  as all 5   plus a rasperry pi  need to talk to each other


ssh keys  used to work 2 unraid versions ago but now seems it doesnt



first i start

# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /root/.ssh/tower
Created directory '/root/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/tower
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/tower.pub
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:prhjhfZAGhAcT7V7Gjo/3zxjU9cnjp7wDSfXye6a9II root@5a21f856198c
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 3072]----+
|oo....           |
|..o   .          |
| . . .           |
|  . . .          |
|   + + .S     .  |
|  . =.=o   . .ooo|
|   +.=.   o =+o+o|
|    =o. o= EoO=  |
|   ..oo..o+.+o=+ |
# ls /root/.ssh
tower  tower.pub
# scp /root/.ssh/tower.pub
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:oEGNuV3hDSqyFBqKN725eHCJfx9zND6Dv2deeI46v74.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
tower.pub                                                                                   100%  571     6.1KB/s   00:00    
# ^C


now i exit and restart


then i logged into the backupserver #1

root@MitchFlix:~# cat /root/.ssh/tower.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
root@MitchFlix:~# ^C

then i did the steps to not make it crash

then i did the remote and the private key

then i get the errors   you see which is very hard to click cancel and get to that Abort button




so i dunno what i doing wrong


and if i do it from scratch  with the   id_rsa     it will not allow me either  get the same errors  in the log screen shot..


and thats why i tried to do the getting   ssh [email protected]  to work  and found if you do any ssh-keygen  other then default id_rsa     it forces me to have a password..


unless i doing something wrong


hopefully this all helps











Edited by comet424
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14 minutes ago, comet424 said:

cuz the icons are sitting over top it...  u gotta click all around it to get it to work

Or press Enter or ESC.


15 minutes ago, comet424 said:

Tower   =   tower.pub      <===  but you cant use  tower.pub  you cant use any word other the"id_rsa.pub"  it absoultely not work

I don't understand that, you have to put the public key in the file "authorized_keys" on the foreign server.


16 minutes ago, comet424 said:

the private key is    tower   the public key is tower.pub

Then you have to copy over the private key file to the container and specify the private key there.


17 minutes ago, comet424 said:

ssh keys  used to work 2 unraid versions ago but now seems it doesnt

It works just fine, I connect to my server from many different machines and it is working just fine. But I would rather recommend to use the public and private key file that luckyBackup generates on the first start.

Do you actually run luckyBackup as root or not? If you are not running the container as root that can't work.


If you use the files generated by luckyBackup I would recommend that you use the files that are located in /luckybackup/.ssh/ rather then from the root directory (I would also recommend to do that because the files are as said generated on the first start from luckyBackup).


I really don't recommend creating keys on your own and if you do so please login as the "default" user in luckybackup by typing in:

su $USER

from the container console and after that generate a key that lives if possible in the home directory from this user (/luckybackup) and use the private and public file from there. But as said above I would really recommend that you use the default ones.


18 minutes ago, comet424 said:

first i start

Is this the console from the container or from Unraid?


23 minutes ago, comet424 said:

and if i do it from scratch  with the   id_rsa     it will not allow me either  get the same errors  in the log screen shot..

If you used the default keys then simply copy the contents from the according .pub file to the "authorized_keys" file on the foreign Unraid server and restart sshd with:

/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart


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ok so

first . i had to unstainll  Luckybackup since i installed it a couple years ago and Running as root never exisited


i then ran it..


you above asked what  public key  and private key am i using


i used   tower.   as the private key.. and i use  tower.pub  as the public key


above you see i ran   the  key-gen from  the Console of Luckybackup


# ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /root/.ssh/tower Created directory '/root/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/tower Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/tower.pub

# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /root/.ssh/tower
Created directory '/root/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/tower
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/tower.pub


and i mentioned that  this is a nono

Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /root/.ssh/tower




you need to leave  it and not type anything  just hit enter  to create   /root/.ssh/id_rsa


as you see when you create  tower and tower.pub  it causes problems




i dont understand  what you mean create  keys on my own  in the past i used to use 


ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f /boot/config/ssh/tower_root
or now
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f /root/.ssh/tower_root

but this is bad   you can no longer use words other then the default   /root/.ssh/id_rsa   

as you see the problems i having



so  i mentioned i followed  it step by step

what you see is what i did



you first install the program

you choose   Console   on  Luckyback

i ran the keygen  and i changed the name from id_rsa  as i want tower  as the name for the keys


then you see i copied to the

then i exited  restarted the Luckybackup


i then did what it said set up the directories.. then save and then  go back into it to modify it

and i add the remote private key as you see and then i excute it 



i dunno what else


all i do ahead of time is


rm -r /root/.ssh  

to start from scratch


but everything you see is from the step by step article


and i not sure what a 

su $USER  




and not sure how to copy those default keys


as i cant have 5 LuckyBackups    having all  id_rsa  as the public and private key

all 5 have to communicate with each other  and having all withe the default   key  id_rsa    isnt going to work

reason i used to have







but these no longer work for a long time..  and seems only    id_rsa   is the only thing that will ever work

plus u need to do

chmod  700 /root/.ssh

chmod 640 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys


 to get things to work outside of luckybackup


reason i been getting frustrated i follow everything evne followed the guys video  at the bottom of the blog and it just doesnt let me do it without a password

u see all the errors i get




i guess you have to write it 



cp /root/.ssh/tower_root /root/.ssh/id_rsa


i guess thats the only way to get it to work?

cuz each server needs its own name  for public private key not    all be id_rsa




or do you have to generate    the id_rsa  file  then rename both  id_rsa  id_rsa.pub to tower and tower.pub


Edited by comet424
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so here i started over 

i ran it all from the Lucky Backup Console   running Default

# rm -r /root/.ssh
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Created directory '/root/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:K6x+ha1uKNcOfSf1akzGkhG1N04he/HsK/Zn5iFNeqY root@5a21f856198c
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 3072]----+
|         .o o    |
|        .  + =   |
|         .o = o  |
|        .  = o   |
|       oS+. . .. |
|     o. =o+.  +. |
|    .o+o+=. +o.= |
|  . oo=o ooo o= =|
|   +o=o  ..  E.=.|
# scp /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:oEGNuV3hDSqyFBqKN725eHCJfx9zND6Dv2deeI46v74.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
scp: /root/.ssh/: Is a directory
# ssh [email protected] mkdir -p /root/.ssh
# scp /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
id_rsa.pub                                                                                  100%  571     7.4KB/s   00:00    
# ssh [email protected]
Last failed login: Fri Feb 25 15:15:26 EST 2022 from on ssh:notty
There were 44 failed login attempts since the last successful login.
Last login: Fri Feb 25 13:39:14 2022 from
Linux 5.10.28-Unraid.
root@MitchFlix:~# cd /root/.ssh
root@MitchFlix:~/.ssh# ls
root@MitchFlix:~/.ssh# cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
root@MitchFlix:~/.ssh# ls
authorized_keys  id_rsa.pub


and it still asks me for password and i get what you seen in the past pics


i added 

root@MitchFlix:/# chmod 700 /root/.ssh
root@MitchFlix:/# chmod 640 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys


and it still wont go past the password..


thats why i was requesting a feature again..

for unraid    you create  main Key name for current server.. and then you enter all the backup servers you want it to have access to.. and you press a button and it copies the same key and imports them on to all the servers  from 1 click..  

and then youd do the same for the next server and give it a different name  not the id_rsa  and then it do its thing to all the servers you speciy you want that public key to be on



also my  is the only server that has a password on the root user...  none of my other servers have a password as i fine i have issues with windows   having a password for unraid box..


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2 minutes ago, comet424 said:

so here i started over 

i ran it all from the Lucky Backup Console   running Default

So you are basically saying you didn't read my above comment... :D


Where is the line where you did:

su $USER

Why did you again put it in /root and not in /luckybackup?


3 minutes ago, comet424 said:

i added 

What did you add the corresponding key from the .pub file?


6 minutes ago, comet424 said:

and it still wont go past the password..

Have you restarted sshd on the foreign host, so to speak "MitchFlix" with the command form above?


5 minutes ago, comet424 said:

thats why i was requesting a feature again..

for unraid    you create  main Key name for current server.. and then you enter all the backup servers you want it to have access to.. and you press a button and it copies the same key and imports them on to all the servers  from 1 click..  

That will basically work but from a security perspective this is a nightmare and is not recommended by anyone...

Always authorize each host with it's own public key.

Anyways, if you want to do it like that you can basically share for example the first private key from a luckyBackup instance across all backup servers and all servers will authenticate as the ones you want.


This feature works 100% in Unraid because I use it on a daily basis (except for the one difference that I use for each foreign host that connects to my server a different public and private key), otherwise the Nvidia Driver, ZFS or many other things wouldn't be built for newer Unraid versions or I wouldn't be able to build containers...

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so default  when i said was 

 I Hit Enter on

Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 

i didnt type in  /root/.ssh/id_rsa


i not sure what you mean  /luckybackup

there is not such directory it this article



its  /root/.ssh



 and i never did su $USER

i mentioned i dont even know what your talking about with that and what it does



i did run 

/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart    

but did no help

what does it exactly do  ?



and not sure when you say its a nightmare and security persepection


so i want 

Main server  to give   4 or 50 unraids if i had its public key

i want then 4 other unraids  to give there public keys to the main server


so basiclly

Main server  would have its Private key and 49 public keys

and 49 Backup servers all have  49   public keys  cuz they need to talk to each other 


thats what i was meaning for that ..  so they all can talk to each other   


as before 2 upgrades   i had 5 Unraids they all  had each others public keys and a couple Raspberry Pi keys   so they all could run backups  as they all backuped the Flash drive and the Appdatas  to all the Servers


this way  1 Servers   Appdata/Flash/Docker was backed up to at least 4 other servers  for redunacy  so then if i had 50 servers  then 49 servers would have Appdata/Flash/Docker  of that one server  for reducancy


not that big i just use 50 as a big number



i gonna try reboots  and see if it will change.. i didnt reboot backup server as it was doing stuff


and is there an easy way.. i wanted  Root password    but as soon as i do that  Windows will not let me into the smb shares...



but gonna try a reboot.. as i just frustrated  ya...  when in doubt reboot i guess



i appreciate the help so far...  lets hope  a reboot fixes it

Edited by comet424
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4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

so default  when i said was 

Do you run it as root?


4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

what does it exactly do  ?

Restart the sshd service.


5 minutes ago, comet424 said:

i want then 4 other unraids  to give there public keys to the main server

As said from a security perspective not the best thing in the world.


7 minutes ago, comet424 said:

and is there an easy way.. i wanted  Root password    but as soon as i do that  Windows will not let me into the smb shares...

Because you need user passwords, you can't log into shares via SMB with the root user.

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yes i run it as root but thats not what i said.. as default

default is   = /root/.ssh/id_rsa          <the file >

i said ia changed it   /root/.ssh/tower_root     <the file>    and thats when there is issues


i hoping a reboot will fix it..


i was running the older version of the template..    and mentioned above i had to uninstall  Luckybackup and reinstall it to set run as root to true



so if its not the best security perspective... then how do you make  all the computers tallk to each other like a Mesh.  that every single compuiter has access to each other    how do you make that a not a security nightmare?

because isnt a mesh better then relying on 1 computer if the 1 computer goes down  there is no replication done



well if i give root a password...  i cant use  smb shares  as root

if i create a couple users  as well..   i cant access smb shares... it will not accept the user and password i created...




mitchflix (backupserver 1)   it didnt work still keeps asking for a password in luckybackup

gonna reboot the main Unraid Server... its been up for 30 days so hopefully its just glitched



i guess i just used to simple  dump to the server  and not worry about security perspectives  its just me..  just copy and copy to 5 other computers for reduncacy


so i have 5 servers with all the same files  so if 1 or 2 get ruined by water or fire.. and a 3rd one has server  failure then 2 other servers are running fine...


but i guess in business world  its a nightmare...


hoping a reboot fixes things.. i really appreciate the help.. as its frustrating  when you dont know whats going on.. but ur used to dealing with windows ....



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1 minute ago, comet424 said:

yes i run it as root but thats not what i said.. as default

So you run it with this in the template:



1 minute ago, comet424 said:

i said ia changed it   /root/.ssh/tower_root     <the file>    and thats when there is issues

This is also working just fine.


2 minutes ago, comet424 said:

so if its not the best security perspective... then how do you make  all the computers tallk to each other like a Mesh. 

If you want to do it like that you have to use something like Wireguard and not SSH, SSH is more for direct server connections between two computers.

But keep in mind that you can have with a setup with Wireguard other issues, if one server gets infected by ransomware, basically all other servers will be affected too.


I would rather recommend that you connect from the backup server to that server that you want to do a backup from.


3 minutes ago, comet424 said:

mitchflix (backupserver 1)   it didnt work still keeps asking for a password in luckybackup

Sorry but then something is misconfigured...


If I configure it like this:


even with a self generated key like in your case, copy over the public key to another Unraid server and start the sync I have no issues at all.

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waiting for main server to reboot..  it takes forever to shut down and then power back up


but ya i have that template  the run as root now.. as earlier template didnt offer that    i had to uninstall luckybackup  then reinstall it to get the new template.. and then i set it to run as root


ya today nothing was working for me unless the pub key was called  id_rsa.pub   it would only allow  ssh in without a password.. if i made a new one called tower.pub   i had to constantly  add password.. so thats why i been frustrated all day.. hoping now   after rebooting main server  and the one backup   that might solve it but i couldnt reboot all day as it was busy  doing other copying and moving from windows


so i dont use wireguard.. i use   openvpn through  Pfsense..  so  pfsense does site to site to the remote location   of the other pfsense and then i can just acccess directly  the  from my 192.168.0.x network.. and thats how i been running rsync  command line but i wanted to use  lucky backup its more graphical display and just be easier 


so how do you stop randsomware?     is that what the snapshots on a freenas is for?  so u can go back to a previous backup"?



so  do you mean put the luckybackup  on the backupservers.. and then copy from the main server..  or how you do that?    as ya i dont wnat that if all the computers get randsomware


or do u mean dont have  ssh at boot up    only allow it in the luckybackup.......  but ya id like to protect my network from  randosom ware


so 3 of my unraid servers are at Home 2 in the home  1 in my shop on property... and 2  are at my sisters house  and and its connected  via  openvpn  through pfsense... and whatever her files gets updated  i was having transfer over to my servers..  but i just got also tired of doing the rsync  command line    drop down boxes is easier for me.


but if i can maximize my security id like to learn that too...

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3 minutes ago, comet424 said:

id_rsa.pub   it would only allow  ssh in without a password.. if i made a new one called tower.pub   i had to constantly  add password.. so thats why i been frustrated all day.. hoping now

You know that you can simply rename the existing files that the container creates...


4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

openvpn through  Pfsense.. 

I would strongly recommend that you use Wireguard, more performant than OpenVPN and I also run it on my OPNsense box.


4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

so how do you stop randsomware?     is that what the snapshots on a freenas is for?  so u can go back to a previous backup"?

There is no 100% protection against ransomware, that's why you have multiple backups, but don't run multiple backups at once, run it a day after another or every 10 days, sure you loose data but if I loose data from the last 10 days is better than using data from the last couple years, I think you get what I mean.


6 minutes ago, comet424 said:

so  do you mean put the luckybackup  on the backupservers.. and then copy from the main server..  or how you do that?

Exactly, in my case my backup server runs luckyBackup and connects to my main server and backups everything.


7 minutes ago, comet424 said:

or do u mean dont have  ssh at boot up    only allow it in the luckybackup

By default you can't conntect to the SSH session from luckyBackup.


8 minutes ago, comet424 said:

so 3 of my unraid servers are at Home 2 in the home  1 in my shop on property... and 2  are at my sisters house  and and its connected  via  openvpn  through pfsense... and whatever her files gets updated  i was having transfer over to my servers..  but i just got also tired of doing the rsync  command line    drop down boxes is easier for me.

You can always configure a schedule, but don't forget to click the console mode button if you set a schedule in luckyBackup.

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ya i did try renaming the id_rsa 2 files  to like tower.    and still didnt work


rebooted both servers  but still asking for password.. so what i gonna do must be a conflict 

i gonna delete the /root/.ssh  folders on all the servers..

gonna delete the /flash/config/ssh   folders too   and then do a reboot...   this way it should boot up with 0 conflict and i can start fresh.. i really dont know why i have so much problems the systems logs never say anything 


so i can do that change the updates what i was always doing is updating  onec a night or once a week but they all did it all the same time.. but i could  do it... i know i have rsyncs that are supposed to run every 30 days  and delete any files that have changed ...  i really dont know if that feature i wrote works lol



so what does the wireguard do the openvpn cant do...   it took me forever  to learn openvpn and the pfsense.. i wish i had learned it  when it first came out or even the opnsense....  back in 90s  it was  Wingate or Sygate and that was a headache enough to share internet and be your router...


so gonna do a reboot after i delete all the folders and then re run the keygen  hoping it will work.. cuz  its getting frustrating  i follow it.. but wish unraid would say   this file is conflicing with this program and may cause it to not work..


we not at Star Trek erra yet lol...  


but i defently do that put  the backup servers to do it


is it ok to also do    Main Server  to run the backup  but the backup server is sleeping.. power it up    run luckybackup and then power the backup server off...    i not sure how to do that 



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ok its working finally 


so after  


rm -r /root/.ssh 

rm -r /boot/config/ssh


on both servers


and on main server luckybackup console 

rm -r /root/.ssh


i then rebooted the 2 servers for testing purposes 2 times  repeating the above just to make sure 



the folder ssh  got recreated.. on both servers with the same files  are they important?


i recreated tower.pub  that worked for the first time now.. 


but it wont transfer the files


what still drives me crazy  is file names...  on the  i have a "downloads" folder  but in the luckybackup i did it as "Downloads"  and i couldnt find the files through windows shares.. then i ran krusader    i seen  i had


Downloads   folders..  so never seem to get used to that.. so easilly able to make mistakes


im so used to windows.. up to 2.5 yrs ago or so i was still using  Windows 2003 2011 WHS (Windows Home Server)

as i scraped using Linux back in 2000 when i was fed up with Redhat and the pain to just mount a CD Rom Drive.. to use it..  


but these files in the ssh folder on the flash what are they   i didnt have them before but now i do...   but least the luckybackup working so i practicing the file copy...  the gui is less headache then command line




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8 hours ago, comet424 said:

so what does the wireguard do the openvpn cant do...

More performant and it is integrated in the Kernel and not that system hungry.


6 hours ago, comet424 said:

ok its working finally 

Glad to hear that it is working now.


6 hours ago, comet424 said:

the folder ssh  got recreated.. on both servers with the same files  are they important?

Yes, they are needed for SSH, please leave them where they are, luckyBackup also creates these files in the container itself.


6 hours ago, comet424 said:

what still drives me crazy  is file names...  on the  i have a "downloads" folder  but in the luckybackup i did it as "Downloads"  and i couldnt find the files through windows shares.. then i ran krusader    i seen  i had

This is maybe a misconfiguration from SAMBA or in luckyBackup.


6 hours ago, comet424 said:

im so used to windows.. up to 2.5 yrs ago or so i was still using  Windows 2003 2011 WHS (Windows Home Server)

as i scraped using Linux back in 2000 when i was fed up with Redhat and the pain to just mount a CD Rom Drive.. to use it..  

Linux has a lot more evolved in the last years and is really mature and TBH it is in most cases easier to set up than Windows at least for such niche cases.



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ah ok  is it hard to switch from  openvpn to wireguard? i know i use nordvpn  and i read there is no wireguard for it..


ya she seems to work now ..  probably some glitch  that a reboot didnt work but a delete the folders reboot  delete folders again and a reboot seemed to fix the issue..  i know windows is like that sometimes


well i guess in unraid i set a directory  as  "downloads"  but lot of times i Capitilize things  so in Lucky  i type "Downloads"  and  darn linux is case senstive  so you can have 2 same directory  but a lower and up case letter that gets confusing..  i just like how windows doesnt care "Downloads"  "DoWnLoads" "downloads"  all be the same   so no conflicts  as i couldnt find the files   luckybackup did...  but krusader showed i had 2 directories "downloads" "Downloads"  


ya the linux seems better the unbuntu  i have tried and puppy linux..  its ok still like windows   i have tried the raspberry pi desktop..   back in 90s  didnt even have routers...  i used to use WinGate and Sygate to share internet to our lan party 7 guys  all on a 3.1k connection.. dialup..  kids these days dont know what 3.1k is like and thats if you even get those speeds sometimes 1.4 2.8k    1meg download was like 9 hours lol


and i wanna try that opensense.. see if its better then the pfsense




and whats the best way to setup my security settings for shares. and backups  as i just have everything wide open  as it was just easier  

Edited by comet424
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3 hours ago, comet424 said:

and whats the best way to setup my security settings for shares. and backups  as i just have everything wide open  as it was just easier  

Just set up shares as Private and create a few users and then you can give them read or read/write access.


Please keep in mind that if you are using Windows that you choose a different name for the SAMBA user than the Windows Account name since this can cause trouble.

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On 2/25/2022 at 12:25 AM, ich777 said:

I will look into this ASAP, please give me a few days... hope that's not to late for you...


I was not sure if you had time to look at this yet? No big deal, didn't see an update so far. No worries if you have not had time.


To refresh your memory:


On 2/24/2022 at 2:32 PM, TexasUnraid said:

Trying to setup your Debian-APT-Mirror docker but having an odd issue.


---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Adding user: debian to www-data---
The user `debian' is already a member of `www-data'.
---Setting umask to 0000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Starting cron---
---Starting apache2---
---Something went horribly wrong, can't find the mirror directory!---


I have checked things over and over, I have the folder mapped to valid paths, if I manually create files in these folders, either inside the docker or on the server side, it is visible and editable from both ends.



I also manually created the mirror dir under the data folder but didn't help. It is like it is using another folder tree entirely.


I manually started apt-mirror and it ran but started filling up my docker image but I could not figure out where the files were going. It is using all default settings in the mirror.list file for now. The download itself seemed to be working fine.


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For the PhotoPrism docker, is it possible to upload from photosync to a different folder other than the import folder? I tried mapping a new folder in docker but photosync gives me an error. 


The reason I want to to this is the phone uploads contain pictures from all folders on the phone and everything gets uploaded to PhotoPrism which we don't want. So, if I could use photosync webdav to upload to a different folder called /Phone Uploads/ then we can manually move pictures into the upload folder.

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3 hours ago, mafiakid said:

The reason I want to to this is the phone uploads contain pictures from all folders on the phone and everything gets uploaded to PhotoPrism which we don't want. So, if I could use photosync webdav to upload to a different folder called /Phone Uploads/ then we can manually move pictures into the upload folder.

If you plan to do a manual upload anyways would it maybe be a solution to mount the import folder also to your Nextcloud instance as an external source, of course if you have Nextcloud...


If you do it like this you could easily use Nextcloud for uploading files manually.

From what I know uploading photos is only possible to one directory and that is the import folder, however you can index multiple directories but that is a different thing because they are only indexed and not imported.

Maybe try to open up a Issue on the official GitHub from Photoprism here to get a answer from the developers, if it's possible to import from multiple sources please let me also know: Click

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Thanks for the reply, I ended up just using SMB for the photosync transfer. Then we can drag the personal photos into the import folder for Photoprism to do its thing. 


With WhatsApp and other media making its way to the import folder we would see other family photos on Photoprism. 


Thanks again for the reply and creating the docker container!!

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10 minutes ago, mafiakid said:

creating the docker container

I'm only the maintainer for the template for Unraid, I'm not the creator from the application itself.


10 minutes ago, mafiakid said:

Thanks for the reply, I ended up just using SMB for the photosync transfer. Then we can drag the personal photos into the import folder for Photoprism to do its thing. 


With WhatsApp and other media making its way to the import folder we would see other family photos on Photoprism. 

Do you have Nextcloud? You can mount the import folder from Photoprism from the host to the Nextcloud container and then mount it through the External Storages plugin within Nextcloud so that you can manually upload pictures to a certain folder in Nextcloud manually.

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