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[Support] binhex - MinecraftServer

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Im trying to get a already exsiting world i have running on spigot over to this docker as i am trying to migrate everything from windows and windows vm to a unraid docker and have heard many good things from this docker and enjoy the easeability from everything I see. Anyways how would i be able to import the player/world/nether/the_end files over into this docker?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hopefully you Minecraft server vets can help or give me ideas to check. I installed this docker on my unRAID server about a month ago. It has been a fun game for the whole family! Just playing standard stock vanilla MC and have gotten myself, wife, and 2 kids all playing together! When we started it was good, but it has gotten pretty badly laggy the past week or two.


We have spread and expanded pretty far and done a decent amount of landscaping (creating paths/tunnels between bases and such) on the server. From the original spawn point, we've built bases 3000+ away (according to F3 coordinates) in various directions and connected them via paths, tunnels, and some with rails. Now it has gotten to the point, especially when there are multiple people on, where if we mine a block it takes a couple seconds or more to "pop" and give us the resource. Riding on our railways has gotten REALLY slow and glitchy. Walking, swimming, boating, and especially riding a horse has gotten bad. If you go any distance it gets to the point where it stops loading the world and takes forever to load the next section. Like we'll ride a horse or row a boat somewhere and you go a short distance and then have to wait 10-15 seconds to load the next chunk of land, go a little, wait for it to load, etc etc. It takes FOREVER now to get between points any distance apart. Basically anything more than walking speed and you have to keep pausing and wait for loading. 


If I go to the web UI I see a bunch of these messages - "[16:52:21] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 35616ms or 712 ticks behind". Even with no one on, I see similar messages! (Though usually not quite that high when no one on, it is still there and starts immediately as soon as I boot up the server.)


I've tried moving the appdata/config files around. I started with it in my main appdata area which is on my cache SSD drive. I have the appdata share set to cache only, so it should be only on the SSD and not moving stuff to the array disks. My other dockers are on there as well of course. Now that we are having problems I've tried moving it to another SSD which is where my two VMs live and is an unassigned drive. Then I tried moving it to another unassigned drive that had nothing else on it, though that one was a standard spinning disk. Neither helped and for now I've moved it back to my main appdata for now.


I've increased my starting heap size/memory to 1024M and max memory to 4096M and now even 6144M. Neither seemed to have helped as well.


We were originally playing via WiFi, but I've wired both mine and my wife's systems to see if it would be better, but still seems the same even with just us on. Being that it is a server on our local network, I thought I wouldn't run into these kind of lag problems, so it has been pretty frustrating.


Not sure what else I can tweak to help this out, but my wife is getting so frustrated she is thinking of quitting playing, so I hope I can figure something out! The WAF is dropping rapidly!


I know this isn't a Minecraft support forum, but since this is unRAID I was wondering if there's anything specifically with that that people have seen that may be causing it or tweak/tips they have for running on unRAID. My specs are in my sig. It is a dual Xeon system from 5 years or so ago I think, so I think should be more than powerful enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, dkerlee said:

I'm trying (again) to get this puppy going. I'm having issues with file paths. I have several servers that are running inside Crafty Controller Docker.


This world I want to get going is called "goats" and is a 1.17 world :)

Server name: goats

Server Path: /config/crafty/servers/goats

Server Jar: ../paper-1.17.1-257.jar

Java Path: /usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk/bin/java


I want the world files to be in



But this one creates /config/crafty/servers/goats/goats/region/XX.mca's


Also: the server.properties, I'd like that to be in a subfolder, /config/crafty/servers/goats, rather than /config/crafty/servers


One other odd problem I'm having: when I go to the Server Config, on the right block, it says "The server will be launched using this string:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk/bin/java -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -jar /config/crafty/servers/goats/../paper-1.17.1-257.jar nogui"

When I hit Run, on the previous page, it doesn't do anything, just hangs there. But when I run the Terminal from the Docker, I can paste in the long command, and it works great.


I think this has to do with my lack of understanding the paths here.


thanks in advance!


Wrong topic, this is for binhex-minecraftserver not binhex-crafty. Try your luck in here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My kid is asking to downgrade the Minecraft server to 1.8.9 for some reason. I tried to replace the minecraft_server.jar file in the installed docker by a new one which is supposed to have the 1.8.9 server (https://mcversions.net/download/1.8.9) but it still loads the server as 1.17.1.

1. Is a downgrade possible with this docker image?

2. If so, how do I do that?


Thank you

Edited by rcalecomte
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/27/2021 at 5:46 PM, deusxanime said:

Hopefully you Minecraft server vets can help or give me ideas to check. I installed this docker on my unRAID server about a month ago. It has been a fun game for the whole family! Just playing standard stock vanilla MC and have gotten myself, wife, and 2 kids all playing together! When we started it was good, but it has gotten pretty badly laggy the past week or two.


We have spread and expanded pretty far and done a decent amount of landscaping (creating paths/tunnels between bases and such) on the server. From the original spawn point, we've built bases 3000+ away (according to F3 coordinates) in various directions and connected them via paths, tunnels, and some with rails. Now it has gotten to the point, especially when there are multiple people on, where if we mine a block it takes a couple seconds or more to "pop" and give us the resource. Riding on our railways has gotten REALLY slow and glitchy. Walking, swimming, boating, and especially riding a horse has gotten bad. If you go any distance it gets to the point where it stops loading the world and takes forever to load the next section. Like we'll ride a horse or row a boat somewhere and you go a short distance and then have to wait 10-15 seconds to load the next chunk of land, go a little, wait for it to load, etc etc. It takes FOREVER now to get between points any distance apart. Basically anything more than walking speed and you have to keep pausing and wait for loading. 


If I go to the web UI I see a bunch of these messages - "[16:52:21] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 35616ms or 712 ticks behind". Even with no one on, I see similar messages! (Though usually not quite that high when no one on, it is still there and starts immediately as soon as I boot up the server.)


I've tried moving the appdata/config files around. I started with it in my main appdata area which is on my cache SSD drive. I have the appdata share set to cache only, so it should be only on the SSD and not moving stuff to the array disks. My other dockers are on there as well of course. Now that we are having problems I've tried moving it to another SSD which is where my two VMs live and is an unassigned drive. Then I tried moving it to another unassigned drive that had nothing else on it, though that one was a standard spinning disk. Neither helped and for now I've moved it back to my main appdata for now.


I've increased my starting heap size/memory to 1024M and max memory to 4096M and now even 6144M. Neither seemed to have helped as well.


We were originally playing via WiFi, but I've wired both mine and my wife's systems to see if it would be better, but still seems the same even with just us on. Being that it is a server on our local network, I thought I wouldn't run into these kind of lag problems, so it has been pretty frustrating.


Not sure what else I can tweak to help this out, but my wife is getting so frustrated she is thinking of quitting playing, so I hope I can figure something out! The WAF is dropping rapidly!


I know this isn't a Minecraft support forum, but since this is unRAID I was wondering if there's anything specifically with that that people have seen that may be causing it or tweak/tips they have for running on unRAID. My specs are in my sig. It is a dual Xeon system from 5 years or so ago I think, so I think should be more than powerful enough.


Just following up to say I think I partially found the issue. We built our base area near world spawn (since that is where we started) and all the animals we had bred were causing issues. There were way too many of them and since vanilla always keep the spawn area loaded, it was causing lag. We killed off almost all of them, just leaving a few of each, and it improved some. There still might be too much other stuff in spawn causing issues, but at least that helped a ton. 


Been doing more reading to see how else I can tweak it and I see there are much more performance optimized servers you can run - Bukkit, Spigot, Paper, etc. Can we run those on this container? Would it just be replacing the vanilla server.jar file with one for Spigot and setting the custom jar path? (stop/start/restart in between of course) 


If we can and do run a different server jar, how does this container handle updates? If a new minecraft version came out, does it auto-download and overwrite the server jar, or do we have to do that manually? Just thinking if it auto-updates how that would affect running a custom server jar too, probably would want to disable auto-update in that case so it doesn't mess stuff up.

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20 hours ago, deusxanime said:

Can we run those on this container? Would it just be replacing the vanilla server.jar file with one for Spigot and setting the custom jar path? (stop/start/restart in between of course) 

pretty much thats it, yes, i would advise calling the jar file something other than the vanilla jar though, this then prevents any possible overwrite.


20 hours ago, deusxanime said:

If we can and do run a different server jar, how does this container handle updates? If a new minecraft version came out, does it auto-download and overwrite the server jar, or do we have to do that manually?


automated updates will only happen for the vanilla jar, if you run anything else then its up to you to keep it up to date by manually updating the jar file.


  • Thanks 1
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56 minutes ago, binhex said:

pretty much thats it, yes, i would advise calling the jar file something other than the vanilla jar though, this then prevents any possible overwrite.



automated updates will only happen for the vanilla jar, if you run anything else then its up to you to keep it up to date by manually updating the jar file.



OK, that is what I was thinking it might be. I see the default jar is named "minecraft_server.jar", so long as I name the spigot jar or whatever I go with something else and set the custom jar path I should be good. Then any updates only happen to the vanilla "minecraft_server.jar" when restarting the container.

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11 minutes ago, deusxanime said:


OK, that is what I was thinking it might be. I see the default jar is named "minecraft_server.jar", so long as I name the spigot jar or whatever I go with something else and set the custom jar path I should be good. Then any updates only happen to the vanilla "minecraft_server.jar" when restarting the container.

you got it.

  • Thanks 1
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Getting the following error when trying to enter WEBUI.

There is no screen to be attached matching minecraft



Any ideas?


Ok, I restartet it but I do not get much further.


Get the following

[screen is terminating]in" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 60.0), this version of the Java Runtime only re cognizes class file versions up to 52.0 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:756) at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142) at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:468) at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:74) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:369) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:363) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:362) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:418) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:352) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:351) at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(LauncherHelper.java:601)

Edited by mrvilla
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Hi there,

I have the problem on my Minecraft server that I keep having smaller lags or bugging certain things, such as some mobs running faster than they should or taking longer to die. In the WebUI I often get the message "Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running **** ms or *** ticks behind". Are there any specific solutions for how to fix this? We play there with a maximum of 4 players, and I assigned the server 6144M for JAVA_INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE and 9216M for JAVA_MAX_HEAP_SIZE, if this information helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all!  I'm getting the following error on a straight-forward install where all I've done is update the password. Any ideas?


2021-10-25 17:47:09.564895 [info] Host is running unRAID
2021-10-25 17:47:09.596997 [info] System information Linux 51019470b360 5.10.21-Unraid #1 SMP Sun Mar 7 13:39:02 PST 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2021-10-25 17:47:09.632608 [info] OS_ARCH defined as 'x86-64'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.667295 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.706257 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.756848 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.795455 [info] Permissions already set for '/config'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.828133 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2021-10-25 17:47:09.864766 [info] CREATE_BACKUP_HOURS defined as '12'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.899524 [info] PURGE_BACKUP_DAYS defined as '14'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.931686 [info] ENABLE_WEBUI_CONSOLE defined as 'yes'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.962455 [info] ENABLE_WEBUI_AUTH defined as 'yes'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.994619 [info] WEBUI_USER defined as 'admin'
2021-10-25 17:47:10.027664 [info] WEBUI_PASS defined as 'FiddleSticks'
2021-10-25 17:47:10.060924 [info] WEBUI_CONSOLE_TITLE defined as 'Minecraft Java'
2021-10-25 17:47:10.098688 [info] CUSTOM_JAR_PATH defined as '/config/minecraft/minecraft_server.jar'
error: failed to initialize alpm library:
(root: /, dbpath: /var/lib/pacman/)
could not find or read directory


Thank you!

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10 hours ago, Robert Johnson said:

Hey all!  I'm getting the following error on a straight-forward install where all I've done is update the password. Any ideas?


2021-10-25 17:47:09.564895 [info] Host is running unRAID
2021-10-25 17:47:09.596997 [info] System information Linux 51019470b360 5.10.21-Unraid #1 SMP Sun Mar 7 13:39:02 PST 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2021-10-25 17:47:09.632608 [info] OS_ARCH defined as 'x86-64'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.667295 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.706257 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.756848 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.795455 [info] Permissions already set for '/config'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.828133 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2021-10-25 17:47:09.864766 [info] CREATE_BACKUP_HOURS defined as '12'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.899524 [info] PURGE_BACKUP_DAYS defined as '14'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.931686 [info] ENABLE_WEBUI_CONSOLE defined as 'yes'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.962455 [info] ENABLE_WEBUI_AUTH defined as 'yes'
2021-10-25 17:47:09.994619 [info] WEBUI_USER defined as 'admin'
2021-10-25 17:47:10.027664 [info] WEBUI_PASS defined as 'FiddleSticks'
2021-10-25 17:47:10.060924 [info] WEBUI_CONSOLE_TITLE defined as 'Minecraft Java'
2021-10-25 17:47:10.098688 [info] CUSTOM_JAR_PATH defined as '/config/minecraft/minecraft_server.jar'
error: failed to initialize alpm library:
(root: /, dbpath: /var/lib/pacman/)
could not find or read directory


Thank you!

i suspect you are running an earlier version of unraid, you need to be running unraid 6.9.2 or later due to a runc issue.

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35 minutes ago, binhex said:


Followed this and I am getting an error. Are you able direct me the correct path?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class java.net.URLClassLoader (jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader and java.net.URLClassLoader are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap') at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.<init>(FMLRelauncher.java:60) at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.instance(FMLRelauncher.java:52) at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.handleServerRelaunch(FMLRelauncher.java:45) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.main(MinecraftServer.java:1367

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1 minute ago, getxhipfiredx said:

Should the custom jar path look something like "/config/minecraft/Hexxt.jar

yes, what version of java does this jar require?, you might need to set it using 'JAVA_VERSION' valid values are 8, 11 or latest (currently 16)

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11 minutes ago, binhex said:

yes, what version of java does this jar require?, you might need to set it using 'JAVA_VERSION' valid values are 8, 11 or latest (currently 16)

I am trying to use a mod that is based on 1.5.2, on the wiki it says the min is java 5. Ive tried 8: "Screen is terminating" 11 and 16 both give the above listed error.

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Hi all, after an update of my cache drive and reinstall of the container, the former World is no more loaded. I checked the mappings to appdata, all fine. Within the appdata folder there are several backups. How can i restore the last one? The minecraftd option doesn't work for me. Any help is very appreciated, tahnks.

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Hi all, after an update of my cache drive and reinstall of the container, the former World is no more loaded. I checked the mappings to appdata, all fine. Within the appdata folder there are several backups. How can i restore the last one? The minecraftd option doesn't work for me. Any help is very appreciated, tahnks.
It should be as simple as copying one of the world backups and pasting it into the world's folder where Minecraft looks for worlds

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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8 hours ago, Uno said:

Thank you, i managed to install the old world, but there are no buildings, no inventory, etc. Any idea in which file i could recover this stuff?


i dont know enough about minecraft to answer this sorry, you are probably best asking this on a minecraft support forum, im sure somebody would be able to guide you there.

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