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[Support] binhex - MinecraftServer

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11 minutes ago, binhex said:

the image will get auto updated once my trigger script kicks in and detects a new version of minecraft, so you will see a new image land probably in the next 30 mins or so, its fully automated.


This is fantastic to hear, much less work for me!  I suppose my kids are a bit impatient. :)


What do you think of a config flag to let the end-user control when the .jar is updated? The Valheim container does it quite well, but I'm not sure of the logistics regarding the posting of the Minecraft .jar.


It looks like the posted URL is likely dynamic and it may be a pain to scrape the downloads page with confidence.



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11 minutes ago, TheBrian said:

This is fantastic to hear, much less work for me!  I suppose my kids are a bit impatient.

i get this, and i got the same problem 🙂


11 minutes ago, TheBrian said:

What do you think of a config flag to let the end-user control when the .jar is updated?

hmm i'd rather not do this, it makes support more tricky as i dont know what version people are running, and its fraught with issues around possible partial downloads and web scraping issues, so i would prefer to keep it as is, yes the wait is a bit of pain i know but the image will be dropping literally within the next hour tops, bribe em with sweets perhaps 🙂

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7 hours ago, binhex said:

i get this, and i got the same problem 🙂


hmm i'd rather not do this, it makes support more tricky as i dont know what version people are running, and its fraught with issues around possible partial downloads and web scraping issues, so i would prefer to keep it as is, yes the wait is a bit of pain i know but the image will be dropping literally within the next hour tops, bribe em with sweets perhaps 🙂


Works for me :)

Thanks for the work you put into this. 


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love containers, but I have to say, I'm old and enjoy dedicated Linux VMs--it's so much faster for getting something new up and running or even modifying an existing system, but prone to so much error.


I appreciate you keeping the main .jar in the config directory, allowing people to make persistent changes--unless you're doing some sort of evil CRC/MD5 checking and replacing anything we change. :)


People like you make containerization worth it. Nicely done, I hope you keep it up!



Edited by TheBrian
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I get an error that the java path is missing when I try to start. I tried changing it from 8 (what i starts with) to 16 but it didn't make any difference.


This is my only docker. The docker is installed on an unassigned devices disk but not sure if that matters.


Attached is a log.





I see there is a post on the top that probably covers this...


Edited by scorcho99
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Just want to post that I changed to v16 earlier, already ran and stopped the server a few times before the update came out. Once the update was out it ran with no problems and I'm back in the game now with no issue and no other actions needed, world survived. Thanks!

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48 minutes ago, scorcho99 said:

I see there is a post on the top that probably covers this...

indeed, from your log:-

'/usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk' is not a valid Java environment path

so yes recommended post 'glibc causing random errors' is def related to your issue, the easiest course of action is to upgrade to latest stable unraid.

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Thanks, I have it working now.


Is there a simple way to constrain the server to only my local network? I'm just playing around with it at this point. Perhaps its fine but I noticed the doctor was aware of the WAN IP in the status page.


Edit: Nevermind again. I think I'd have to setup my router to forward ports for this to work so nothing to do.

Edited by scorcho99
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I updated but now my webUI is saying "There is no screen to be attached matching minecraft."  I saw in a previous post binhex said he thought it was browser related.  I am getting the error in other browsers.


Edit: Solved problem by changing java version from 8 to 16.

Edited by Kirball
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On 11/19/2019 at 8:49 PM, KryptykHermit said:

I started understanding how to put this all together and wanted to throw some info out there for those that need it. 


First of all, I would recommend that if you are going to use the Vanilla version of MC (what binhex has provided)

  1. make sure the docker not running
  2. browse out to your appdata\binhex-minecraftserver\minecraft folder
  3. edit the server.properties file with notepad++ (I'm using Windows for all of this)
  4. Change the following settings if you like:
    1. difficulty=[easy|hard]
    2. gamemode=[creative|adventure|survival]
    3. force-gamemode=[true|false]
    4. level-name=world  <=== This is the folder name all your game data is saved into
    5. motd=Logon Message   <=== Message displayed when you log into the server from a MC client

Now, if you are like me, you want to use Forge or Bukkit.  In this case

  1. create a folder on your C:\ drive called "Minecraft"
  2. download the minecraft server file from HERE, and place it into C:\Minecraft (believe it's called 'minecraft_server.1.14.4.jar')
  3. double-click the file, and wait for a minute as it downloads some MC server files.
  4. When it stops, edit the EULA.txt file, and change the line inside from false to true
    1. eula=true
  5. Double-click on the minecraft_server.1.14.4.jar file again and wait for it to finish
  6. type in "/stop".  This will kill the minecraft server.
  7. Download forge for the version of MC server you just downloaded (You want the INSTALLER button in the recommended box on the site)
  8. Place this file (forge-1.14.4-28.1.0.jar) in C:\Minecraft
  9. Double click on this file.
  10. Select SERVER and change the path to C:\Minecraft
  11. Let it perform its magic
  12. Once finished, again, shut it down with "/stop"
  13. Now copy the contents of C:\Minecraft to appdata\binhex-minecraftserver\minecraft
  14. Delete the file appdata\binhex-minecraftserver\perms.txt  (this will restore the default permissions to the files you copied over)
  15. In Unraid, edit the docker and create a new variableVARIABLE.thumb.PNG.220f2e001905e6b05209825a029e494b.PNG
  16. Click SAVE and then APPLY/DONE
  17. Fire up the docker

This will use the forge jar file within the docker container, instead of the vanilla jar file.  From this point, if you want to add resource packs or mods, you can download them and install into the "mods" or "resourcepacks" folder as necessary.  These folders may need to be created.


A good mod to verify that your server is working is FastLeafDecay-Mod-1.14.4.jar. You can find it HERE.  Chop a tree down and it should dissolve a lot quicker than normal.  I would also recommend adding one or two mods at a time and testing.


Let me know if you'd like more details on the above.

Is this still the best way to get mods? I specifically want to install the mod pack Valhelsia 3

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Sorry to pester


I have the JAVA_VERSION: variable set to 16


However, when I start up the docker after the most recent update, I notice this in supervisord.log


JAVA_VERSION not defined,(via -e JAVA_VERSION), defaulting to '8'


I'm currently getting a connection refused message in the minecraft app. I wonder if this is why.

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4 hours ago, mikesp18 said:

Sorry to pester


I have the JAVA_VERSION: variable set to 16


However, when I start up the docker after the most recent update, I notice this in supervisord.log


JAVA_VERSION not defined,(via -e JAVA_VERSION), defaulting to '8'


I'm currently getting a connection refused message in the minecraft app. I wonder if this is why.

i would suspect you havent created the variable correctly, please edit container and then click on edit for the variable and screenshot it and post it here.

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Your template has only a portion of keys comparing to mine. (also have Host Port 1 & 2 above these, couldn't fit in a single screenshot)


Maybe you should remove (but keep the appdata) this docker image and reinstall it, just a thought.


Also like @binhex mentioned the important part of a variable is the "Key" name, you can set "Name" the same thing if you like, it is only for labeling (left part of the screenshot).

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One more question.  In the past, I've used the Minecraft Server console via putty with the following command as per the documentation faqs. However, now I get an error message. It was making it difficult to work out a previous problem. How can I correct this?



docker exec -u nobody -it binhex-minecraftserver /usr/bin/minecraftd console


The result:


root@Grond:~# docker exec -u nobody -it binhex-minecraftserver /usr/bin/minecraftd console
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: exec: "/usr/bin/minecraftd": stat /usr/bin/minecraftd: no such file or directory: unknown


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/21/2021 at 7:18 AM, SpaceInvaderOne said:

here is a guide for setting up Binhex's minecraft container

In addition to what I say in this video

It actually isn't necessary to use an SRV record to have the connection as minecraft will by default try port 25565 by default. But using an SRV I think is still a good idea especially if you want to use a 'non standard' port for minecraft. Then when using a non standard port you dont have to set the port in the minecraft client. I think it is better not to use the common port for the minecraft server and use an unknown port as this potentially is more secure.

Also if you only want people you know to be able to access the server then edit the server properties config file and change whitelist to true. Restart container then Adding and removing players to the accesslist

1. Open webui on the container to see the console.

2. In the console, you will need to type “whitelist add playername”. For example, “whitelist add spaceinvaderone”.

3. After you type this command, you will see a message stating “player added to whitelist”.

4. to remove type “whitelist remove playername”

Does the non standard port for the container need to match the SRV record port on cloudflare? 

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I just downloaded the docker and tried to run it. Just like someone above i get the "'/usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk' is not a valid Java environment path" error in the log file. Since changing the "JAVA_VERSION" to 16 did nothing I tried to find the file under "/usr/lib/jvm/'. Thats when I notices that the "binhex-minecraftserver" folder is basicly empty. There are only 2 files. perms.txt and supervisord.log. In the past i already used this docker and it worked fine without any hassle. Is there anything obvious that i can try?

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8 hours ago, Kinji said:

I just downloaded the docker and tried to run it. Just like someone above i get the "'/usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk' is not a valid Java environment path" error in the log file. Since changing the "JAVA_VERSION" to 16 did nothing I tried to find the file under "/usr/lib/jvm/'. Thats when I notices that the "binhex-minecraftserver" folder is basicly empty. There are only 2 files. perms.txt and supervisord.log. In the past i already used this docker and it worked fine without any hassle. Is there anything obvious that i can try?

I updated my server to 6.9.2 and now i at least get the docker to install and start. But that doesn't mean it works. I still cant join the server and the WebUi still doesn't work. There aren't any new files in the docker folder either. Here is a screenshot of the log i think looks useful.unknown.png

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I updated my server to 6.9.2 and now i at least get the docker to install and start. But that doesn't mean it works. I still cant join the server and the WebUi still doesn't work. There aren't any new files in the docker folder either. Here is a screenshot of the log i think looks useful.unknown.png
This looks like a permissions issue, delete file /config/perms txt then restart the container

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, binhex said:

This looks like a permissions issue, delete file /config/perms txt then restart the container

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

I will test that as soon as i can. For me personally there is another problem atm. I installed a 1tb cache and for no reason unraid decided to move 1tb of data from the dumb storage to the cache. Now all my dockers have problems with r/w. I think this is related to my problem. As soon as that is dealt with iam coming back to minecraft.

Edited by Kinji
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5 hours ago, Kinji said:

I will test that as soon as i can. For me personally there is another problem atm. I installed a 1tb cache and for no reason unraid decided to move 1tb of data from the dumb storage to the cache. Now all my dockers have problems with r/w. I think this is related to my problem. As soon as that is dealt with iam coming back to minecraft.

So in the end my cache problem was the real problem. I misinterpret the cache setting "prefer" without looking up what it actually does (0 points for me...). After waiting half a day to move all 1tb and disabling cache for everything where i don't want it the docker finally worked without problem. Since my cache was at 100% it caused some weird issue were dockers failed all r/w attempts. Disabling cache for everything did not help. The docker somehow still tried to use the cache or data that was on the cache.

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