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[support] Vaultwarden (formerly Bitwarden_rs)

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Hi guys 


Could use some advice and any help is appreciated. 


I followed the guide to vault warden here ibracorp using cloudflare and NPM. I can access the vaultwarden instance on both WAN and LAN. However, on the admin panel diagnostics , is still states that 


"uses a reverse proxy" as "No"


and my domain configuration is stated as: 


'No match', where the following is shown: 


Server: vaultwarden.mydomaind.com

Browser: mylanip


Think I may have screwed up the config somewhere - I am still very new to proxy and remote access in general, please go easy on me 



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What exactly is the problem? If you can access Vaultwarden via internet through NPM and Cloudflare with a valid Let's Encrypt certificate, you should be OK. Just keep in mind you need to block admin page via internet (https://vaultwarden.mydomaind.com/admin). It should only be accesible via LAN. You should insert the following code in NPM (vaultwarden proxy host) >> Advanced >> Custom Nginx Configuration

location /admin {
		return 404;


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7 hours ago, yogy said:

What exactly is the problem? If you can access Vaultwarden via internet through NPM and Cloudflare with a valid Let's Encrypt certificate, you should be OK. Just keep in mind you need to block admin page via internet (https://vaultwarden.mydomaind.com/admin). It should only be accesible via LAN. You should insert the following code in NPM (vaultwarden proxy host) >> Advanced >> Custom Nginx Configuration

location /admin {
		return 404;



Thank you. Was concerned that it was stating 'no' in the reverse proxy!


I've inserted the following line and the admin page is now inaccessible. Appreciate the advice!

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When you're accessing Vaultwarden through the tunnel you hit the intranet zone. It's like using VPN (your IP). You need to access it over the internet, safely. I'm not going to explain in detail how you can accomplish this. Go over this topic and you will find some guidance.

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anyone try the bitwarden script to backup and encrypt vault from CLI?
-bitwarden blog post 


-IThe Interactive script

#!/usr/bin/env bash
export LC_CTYPE=C
export LC_ALL=C
read -p "Bitwarden account email: " BW_ACCOUNT
read -p "Master Password (hidden): " -s BW_PASS
TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
export BW_SESSION=$(bw login $BW_ACCOUNT $BW_PASS --raw)
bw export --raw --session $BW_SESSION --format json | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -k $BW_PASS -out $ENC_OUTPUT_FILE
bw logout > /dev/null
unset BW_PASS


-The Non-Interactive script

#!/usr/bin/env bash
export LC_CTYPE=C
export LC_ALL=C
export BW_SESSION=$(bw login $BW_ACCOUNT $BW_PASS --raw)
TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
bw --raw --session $BW_SESSION export --format json | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -k $BW_PASS -out $ENC_OUTPUT_FILE
bw logout > /dev/null
unset BW_PASS


Edited by Tolete
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On 12/23/2022 at 11:53 AM, Mattti1912 said:

Hello again 


I can access the docker through the cloudflare.. But the error is that i cant make the 2fa work. 

and i get this error The error now is TOTP code .. And a ip error  IP: ...  Anyone that know how to resolve this??


thank you is probably your internal docker IP address. You can also try to restrict access in Cloudflare with Applications where you could add policies.

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12 hours ago, Sleepyme said:

I'm getting this error when trying to enable my Yubikey:

An error has occurred.

`YUBICO_CLIENT_ID` or `YUBICO_SECRET_KEY` environment variable is not set. Yubikey OTP Disabled


How do I go about enabling this?


you need to access your admin panel and turn it ON.

In the admin panel under 'Yubikey settings'. You also need to generate the environment variables





Then just log into your Vault and go to (top right) Account Settings > Security > Two-step Login > Yubikey Manage.

Edited by Tolete
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2 hours ago, Tolete said:


you need to access your admin panel and turn it ON.

In the admin panel under 'Yubikey settings'. You also need to generate the environment variables





Then just log into your Vault and go to (top right) Account Settings > Security > Two-step Login > Yubikey Manage.


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