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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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7 hours ago, dlandon said:

Another option is to mount the disk in UD and share it SMB, then access it with SMB on the Mac.  I'm not a Mac user, so I can't tell you how to do that, but there are some on the forum that will probably know how.


All the guides I've read mention the need to mount that SMB share after login, which may work for a stationary iMac, but not for a Macbook that is on different networks all the time...


8 hours ago, dlandon said:

The SSD would work fine if it is large enough for your needs and setting the share to cache would move the files to the array each night.  You will have to  keep an eye on the parity during a backup though.  Time machine may do writes on the array files when it does a backup so the parity would spin up again for each backup.  This is why I suggested a cache only share.


I hadn't thought of that, it will of course not only add a few files, but also alter existing ones... 


7 hours ago, wgstarks said:

I think that this won’t work with Time Machine. Would work with Carbon Copy Cloner though. IMO CCC is a better backup utility anyway.


TBH, my usage case for TM is as a last resort system restore kinda thing. I've never used it to restore some random file I deleted, but only twice to restore my Macbook fully (in 4 years). For that usage I believe the network restore part from MacOS recovery to be more reliable.


But, I will look into CCC and other options that do not rely on AFP.


=> I appreciate all your input!




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1 minute ago, Sayuuk said:

my usage case for TM is as a last resort system restore kinda thing. I've never used it to restore some random file I deleted, but only twice to restore my Macbook fully (in 4 years). For that usage I believe the network restore part from MacOS recovery to be more reliable.

Just to be sure, you realize that network TM backups are not bootable right? You can use them to restore data files but not system files. For that you need to backup to direct attached storage.

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3 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

Just to be sure, you realize that network TM backups are not bootable right? You can use them to restore data files but not system files. For that you need to backup to direct attached storage.


I... seem to remember doing a full restore from recovery from my old Synology...??


Actually, you know what, that may be BS.

I think the last time I used it was when switching Macbooks, and a USB-HDD may have been involved...


In that case this whole discussion is pointless ;-)

Thanks for pointing that out to me

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having some issues with the unassigned devices plugin and wonder if someone can help. the plugin installs fine but on the Main page in the Unassigned Devices section all I see is a spinning "Please wait, retrieving information..." It is just stuck in this state. My syslog spits out:

Feb  4 12:42:53 Tower nginx: 2018/02/04 12:42:53 [error] 4720#4720: *1183 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net", referrer: "https://091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net/Main"


Feb  4 12:46:37 Tower nginx: 2018/02/04 12:46:37 [error] 4720#4720: *1183 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net", referrer: "https://091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net/Main"


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5 hours ago, 1dirtypanda said:

having some issues with the unassigned devices plugin and wonder if someone can help. the plugin installs fine but on the Main page in the Unassigned Devices section all I see is a spinning "Please wait, retrieving information..." It is just stuck in this state. My syslog spits out:

Feb  4 12:42:53 Tower nginx: 2018/02/04 12:42:53 [error] 4720#4720: *1183 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net", referrer: "https://091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net/Main"


Feb  4 12:46:37 Tower nginx: 2018/02/04 12:46:37 [error] 4720#4720: *1183 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net", referrer: "https://091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net/Main"


Post your diagnostics.  Without it I can't help you.

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I am testing some scenarios with UAD and came across two questions I could not find a definitive answer to.


Is it only possible to create a single partition in UAD on a hard drive?

It is not possible for the drives outside of the array to spin down? Would unmounting help?


Many thanks!


EDIT: Ok the USB drive seems to have spun down. :)

Edited by Seige
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9 hours ago, Seige said:

Is it only possible to create a single partition in UAD on a hard drive?

Yes, but you can partition a disk on another computer and UD will accept it and format the individual partitions.


9 hours ago, Seige said:

It is not possible for the drives outside of the array to spin down?

Disks will spin down.

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So I have the Unraid server as part of an active directory, I created a XFS mount on a unassigned device and have share enabled. I am trying to access it over the network, I see the rest of my shares that are part of the array, but the unassigned device.....what em I missing?


I tried different file formats, forcing SMB v1 and nothing, can someone shine some light on this?

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56 minutes ago, kaine1688 said:

So I have the Unraid server as part of an active directory, I created a XFS mount on a unassigned device and have share enabled. I am trying to access it over the network, I see the rest of my shares that are part of the array, but the unassigned device.....what em I missing?


I tried different file formats, forcing SMB v1 and nothing, can someone shine some light on this?

Go back to the first post and read about the UD configuration and sharing with SMB.

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18 minutes ago, kaine1688 said:

I followed directions, did a pre-clear, destructive mode enable, did a XFS format, enabled share for drive and partition...........what em I missing still?

The partition/format of the disk has nothing to do with SMB sharing.  You need to have SMB enabled, and the UD settings for sharing set properly.  The SMB1 setting applies to remote server SMB shares.


Post your diagnostics.

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31 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Several things:

- Turn off mover logging.  Your logs are flooded and I can hardly see anything.

- I saw an attempt to share the disk with NFS, but you said you were trying to share SMB.  It looks like active directory may be the issue.


Sorry about that, turned off logging, and yes this computer is part of an active directory, all of the regular shares are visible and locked read/write privileges. I unmounted and remounted, in case that would emulate the issue. 


Is there a reason why I would see regular shares while attached to a active directory and not unassigned drives?


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2 hours ago, kaine1688 said:

Sorry about that, turned off logging,

Your logs are full of mover entries and I can't see anything else.  Turn it off, then reboot to clear it out.  Then re-mount your disk so I can see what UD logs.


2 hours ago, kaine1688 said:

Is there a reason why I would see regular shares while attached to a active directory and not unassigned drives?

Don't know.  I need to see what UD does when it tries to mount the share.

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I'm interested to know how others are using this plugin for their appdata and/or VM's to separate them from cache.  I'm looking to migrate all my docker containers (and thus appdata) from some Ubuntu Servers and want to keep their data separate from the cache pool as the performance of said cache pool really suffers during the mover process, etc.


Specifically, my array doesn't start until my encryption key is entered.  How will that affect my containers that will run/autostart on an unassigned device?

Edited by IamSpartacus
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just looking for a bit of help mapping a UD drive in windows 10. I have the drive working exactly as I would like and im just trying to map it in windows 10 for convenience. Its an external usb drive that I am using specifically for downloads. Its not the end of the world if I cant. I have included my settings. I tried \\SERVER\torrents to map it and also \\\torrants but keep getting an enter credentials pop up. 



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11 minutes ago, tazire said:

just looking for a bit of help mapping a UD drive in windows 10. I have the drive working exactly as I would like and im just trying to map it in windows 10 for convenience. Its an external usb drive that I am using specifically for downloads. Its not the end of the world if I cant. I have included my settings. I tried \\SERVER\torrents to map it and also \\\torrants but keep getting an enter credentials pop up. 

Click on Enable SMB Security? and see what the Help text says.

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I'm having a bit of a problem and this might help a lot of people!


i got a NTFS drive that i now mounted. I need to move ALL of it's content from a unassigned drive to the array. Like for example a "move content to folder X" button with progress or just a progress based on "data still left on drive" to estimate time.


is that something you would consider to make? :) Other then that thank you very much for a awesome plugin!!

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Just now, DigitalLF said:

i got a NTFS drive that i now mounted. I need to move ALL of it's content from a unassigned drive to the array. Like for example a "move content to folder X" button with progress or just a progress based on "data still left on drive" to estimate time.

You can use midnight commander (mc on the console), it will show a progress bar with ETA.

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2 minutes ago, DigitalLF said:

i got a NTFS drive that i now mounted. I need to move ALL of it's content from a unassigned drive to the array.

Yes, there are several ways to accomplish this already. Midnight Commander, Krusader docker, share the UD disk on the network and use Windows Explorer, command line.

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